Chapter 14 : Forever and always

Time has passed

Staying with him is all I’ve ever wanted. To be always beside him is something that I never regretted it. I don’t want to lose him, not now, tomorrow, never. I just wished that I could be with him forever.


Maybe it was just a dream after all. Reality pushing him back to realize that It’s never happen to him. Jimin not wanting him back to his life. Jimin never forgives him.

“No, Jungkook. It was all over. You already hurt me. Please don’t come near me, don’t.” Jimin pushes Jungkook as he went stumbled by his own foot.

Jungkook could only look at him, wishing that the other could understand me. He tries to step forward.

Jimin had a tears on his eyes, he tried to wipe the tears. “Please don’t. Jungkook. Don’t make it so hard for me to forget you.”

Jungkook’s mouth opens like he wanted to say something, but no voices come out from his mouth.

Jimin still trying to wipe the tears, but it keeps to stream down on his face.

As the silent wrapped up around them, with Jimin struggling to stop crying and Jungkook looking at him, wanting to explain everything and apologizing.

The situation becomes uncomfortable as none of them wanted to say anything.

Looking at Jiimin who’s calmer than before, Jungkook started to walk approaching him. “Jimin, I’m sorry, It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t..” He pauses. “I wished you can forgive me,”

Jimin shakes his head swiftly. “There’s no used of you begging forgiveness. Everything was all changed.” He says quickly. “Get out from here, Stay away from my life.” He exclaimed.

Jungkook not minding how high and firm Jimin’s voice tone. He could careless as he walks to approach him. “Jimin..”

Jimin, once again, gives up on trying to make Jungkook stay away from his life. He wanted. He wanted to hate him. Forget him. Take all of his feeling for the other away. Burn the memories he had with the other.

Jungkook takes all of his courageness to hug Jimin, brings him to his embrace, protecting him, comforting him, forget about all of his pain. He doesn’t care how hard Jimin hits him to shove him away and gets out from the embrace.

Jimin’s hand rest on Jungkook’s chest. He has lost so many energy to push the other away.


Jungkook P.O.V

“Jungkook, your wedding is being prepared. You had to prepare for your own stuff. We already pick up the best places to hold the events. The cakes and everything is all planned. It’s the time for you and Hyerin to have a fitting time on your suit.” I looked up from seeing my plate to see my father talked serious to me. I’m chocked at his words. I was so shocked.

I’ve forgotten about the arranged-marriage since I had a rough time on convincing Jimin. I don’t know that my parents prepared all of the stuff while I’m busying myself with Jimin. The truth is, I wanted to deny that I’m going to marry someone who I don’t even love.

I wanted to reject and be rebelled, but I’m too weak for even thinking about it. I said nothing, just straightforward walking to my bedroom and slammed the door. I smothered my face to the pillows and screamed behind it. I deemed the sound with the pillows. Truthfully, my life becoming so frustrating that I couldn’t handle it too well.


Jimin P.O.V.

Maybe, I was so scared that Jungkook would leave me before. But, why do I have to keep him beside me? it’s all just hurting me if I had to see him while I’m struggling to keep myself awoke of the pain. I couldn’t handle myself, so I had decided that it was the best for me to shove him away from my life before I’m leaving. I’m still going to die anyway, what is the point for maintaining him?

I was too deep in my thought, so I don’t realize when I had a blood coming out from my nose, I rushed to the bathroom and cleaned it up. Staring at the mirror, I found my face becoming paler than ever. No one has noticed that I’ve been sick, no one except for Taehyung and probably Hoseok, I’m just so glad that he doesn’t telling anyone about it, mostly Jungkook. I’ve been worried that I could cause him more frustrating. He had enough problems to be solved, I couldn’t give him something to worry about.

Drowning on my thought, I’m still not realized when my sight becoming darken and I could feel my bodies crashed on the floor. Hard and slowly, I close my eyes.


Jungkook P.O.V

I was informed that Jimin has been rushing to the hospital. I grabbed my jacket and walked down the stairs before feeling my bodies has someone clinged on it. I tilted my head to see Hyerin looking at me with her big smile. “Oppa, where do you want to go? You haven’t out from your bedroom since yesterday and when you did, you looked a bit rushed. Why?” she asks me.

I rolled my eyes and tried to shove her away from gripping my arms. She waits for my answer. “None of your business.” I said as I stomped her hands. “Oppa, I would tell Mr. and Mrs. Jung.” I heard she screamed as I walked out of the house.

Aish, seriously, out of the people, why do I have to stuck with her? Why couldn’t it be Jimin? Backing to reality, I was snapped by my mind that telling me I should be going to the hospital.

Fifteen minutes later, I arrived at the hospital and walked in. Asking the nurse, I had been informed that Jimin in emergency room, I ran for it. As I arrived at the place, I was welcomed by Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok, standing up and looking at me.

Yoongi sighs deeply as he walks toward me. “Don’t make the same mistakes, Jungkook. I won’t let you hurting him twice.” He said while walking away from me.

Taehyung shakes his head lightly, “Such a shame I couldn’t tell you anything.” He said.

I tried to process what he wanted to say, but nothing I could understand. A doctor comes out of the room and shakes his head to Taehyung. “It won’t be long.” He says, turning his head to see. “I’m never seeing you, who are you?” He asks me.

Looking surprised of the question, I answered mindlessly. “Jungkook, Jimin’s boyfriend.”

I saw as he slowly nodding his head. “Ah, you’re the jerk one.”

I saw as Taehyung and Hoseok holding out their laughters. I swallowed hard, what they had been saying about me? I glared at them while they’re grinned at me. I smiled bitterly at the doctor who I amused named Kim Seokjin, how I knew that? Oh, it’s written on his name-tag. “Yeah, I’m the one.”

Seokjin brings his hand to ruffle my hear and no surprises that my hair becoming so messy. “Don’t hurting him again, Jungkook. He looks fragile and vulnerable, even when he tried to keep showing to everyone that he was strong.”

I nodded lifelessly while fixing my hair. “Is he sick or something?” I saw as he turns his head to look at Taehyung and Taehyung shaking his head, as if he was saying, No! you can’t tell him! what’s happening here? Why is everyone keep a secret from me?

“I’m sorry, Jungkook. But I had no right on telling you this, Jimin would probably mad at him if I told you. But, you can ask him right away.” He said to me as I nodded understanding.

Opening the door, I saw him looking at the celling. He looks so pale than before. I walked toward him with no sound, intending to surprise him. “You shouldn’t be here.” I looked at him and blinked, he said it without having such a burden.

“Why couldn’t I be here?” I asked.

He was quite for a while. “You just shouldn’t be here.”

I came approaching him and sat beside him. “Jimin, you know I loved you, right?” I said while taking his hand to squeeze it slightly. I noticed that he had lost more of weight and looked so fragile, like he had energy on him. “Tell me, are you sick?”

Jimin turns his head to look at me. “Yes, I am. I am sick.” He says like if it was nothing. “I won’t have so much time to live, so what is the point to care for me. I’m dying.”

Oh, if I was him, I probably would’ve crying, such a crybaby I am. He was so strong and he wasn’t stuttered as he was explaining his condition. But no, he would live long time. I’m sure of it, right?

I don’t know what has gotten into me, I just hugged him without asking him permission. I felt that he was so weak to push me, so he lets me hugged him. “I love you, Jimin. I won’t leave you, no matter what’s going to happen.” I said while caressing his hair lovingly.

Jimin sleeps on my embrace as I fixed him to sleep on the bed. He doesn’t let me to let out of the embrace, I looked at his sleeping face. He was so cute and calm. I kissed his lips as I sang a lullaby for him, maybe he’s not sleeping yet, so I took the chances to sing at him.

Hello, you came to me
Giving me your shy scent

In my hazy dream
You were shining, dazzling

With a fluttering heart, without knowing
I went to you, step by step
And I stayed by your side

In the middle of singing, he stirs his bodies to snuggle on my chest as I keep on singing.

My heart melts at your smile
When our eyes meet
My heart pounds

Oh remember my smile in your heart
Think about it
several times a day

Oh words I want to say you to
You’re beautiful

He surely is beautiful. He has pure heart. He is so kind and caring. No one could resist him. he was just too precious for everyone, moreover for me.

Thank you for meeting me
I see you, always the same

Your thick scent that waited for me
Deeply rings in me

With this mysterious
and strong attraction
I want to spread my wings toward you

(Baekhyun – Beautiful)

I kissed his shut eyes so long. Have no clue that this time would be the last time I’ve seen him and he curled up beside me. Have no idea that this would be the last day of our memories being created. Have no intend on forgetting him or regretting every single memories I’ve made with him. Because truly, he was my first love and would be my last love. I would never forget him and keep on loving him. He always there on my heart, even though his soul already gone. I would love him, always and forever.


Because the truth is, no matter how complicated your love story is,

You’ll get through it eventually.

Because there will be no rainbow after raining.

There would be no sick after working.

Love is just a words.

The feeling you had is real.

Just believe that there’s someone going to love you,

Protect you, care for you, looking up for you.

There’s a happy ending on love story, but there would also have a sad ending on it.

Just have to try bear on it.

And remember that you would love someone you loved until the end.

Forever and always.


I’m finally finished it. Oh my god, you don’t know how happy I am to be able completed it after struggling on writing it.

I’ve literally crying because Tao has left EXO and those song by Baekhyun is reminding me of him.

Eh, please read the author’s note, okay?!


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churroseventeen #1
Chapter 1: Gosh, so sad TT TT
hedobang #3
Chapter 16: My heart is broken ㅠㅠㅠ
That was so sad but cute but sad buuuut cute ㅠㅠ
And the MV +19 is finally out! Finally ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 15: did u really done with this ff???guess this 3th ff that i read have ending of jimin died..2bcoz of sickness,1 bcoz of suicide..oh my... T.T
hedobang #5
Chapter 15: It's okay, but you worry too much about updates! (it's not like you shouldn't, but I think that you are overthinking about that, because that could be stressfull ) It's fine if you don't do it regularly, don't force you if you're not in the mood to write, we could understand if you'll take more time to do it :)
And, like I've said, complicated things are the best! Haha
Oooh yeah, exams are the worst thing in earth :c
One last thing, I thought that about myself too (that I at writing), and want to give up on (even if I only had four stories, and they all are one-shots xD) but you can't tell if you'll improve in the future if you don't try (I like to draw, I can draw, but I don't do it like I want to, I have been drawing since 2010 (well, since my childhooh but I started to draw in manga style since 2010) and sometimes I want to give up because I see others people works and the're so freaking good and mine are just ... they aren't bad actually but is not how I want them to be, BUT the thing I learned because of that is that is if you want to be good, excellent in something, you need to practice, and it might be difficult but if you really love it, then all the time spend in that it would be worth (I'm sorry for this very long comment)
But it's all up to you :)
hedobang #6
Chapter 14: This isn't the end I expected, truthfully is better (for me obviously, maybe not for everyone but I liked it)
I'm crying, it was just a little bit rushed but it is ok, because it didn't seem to forced.
Congrats for your cool story :)
Chapter 7: Omoo!! A huge love web!! Hmm.. let me recap, Taetae loves Jimin, Yoongi loves Jimin, Hoseok loves Taetae...
But! Does Jungkook love Jimin too? And does Seokjin love Taetae??
I feel really bad for poor Jiminnie!! T - T I wanna cry!!
hedobang #8
Chapter 12: Oh my god...
Oh my god
I don't know what to say xD
Can't wait (maybe a little bit xd) for next chapter :)
Chapter 8: Great chapter! But a little bit short^^'
I'm waiting for the next~ ^^
Chapter 8: Oh my! Jimin trying to leave his memory with jungkook and move on by moving to diff place but guess god have diff plan and fate brought him more closer to jungkook..great chappie but too short~ *pout*