
Twitter Password Problems

Eunhyuk stared at his phone in disbelief. His Twitter account was hacked into, again, and now his page was filled with pictures of a woman. A woman whom he had no idea as to who she was despite what his Twitter account believed. Sighing in a mixture of frustration and exasperation he deleted the pictures and went to the settings to change his password, again. When his manager called earlier in the day to tell him about the hack, he at first believed it was a prank the band was pulling on him. He was, after all, a er for those pranks. However, when he saw the actual pictures he realized how very serious it was. After sending the appropriate apology to his fans and the person in connection to the unnecessary scandal, he called his company straight away to get it addressed at more of a serious level.

Eunhyuk was not one to easily get upset. After all being in a 13 member band with people like Heechul, Kyuhyun, and Donghae, he was used to being tested his patients level. Especially when it comes down to Donghae. This time though, he and the company were taking a more serious level of action against it. It was not some game and people were getting hurt that were not even involved.  After he was done with the appropriate tasks he made his way back to the hotel dorms that the band was staying at during their travels. When he entered the room they were all sitting on the couch watching TV. The only ones not there were Siwon and Donghae. He knew the former was out with a separate schedule but he was curious to where his best friend was. Kicking off his shoes went over to the couch and sat next to Sungmin and proceeded to steal some popcorn from his hyungs bowl. He told the others there what management was planning on doing for its involvement of legal action.

"Well maybe if your passwords weren't so easily able to figure out you wouldn’t have this problem Monkey." Heechul said on the other couch.

"Hyung, my passwords are not that easy to figure out." Eunhyuk complained in defense.

"Every password you've had either has to do about food, the band, or Donghae." The older countered. "But mainly Donghae."

"That's not true."

"The last three were about either Donghae, EunHae, or something related to your duo group. Face it, you are obsessed with the fish."

"Am not." Hyukjae continued to complain as he reddened in the face.

"Your last password was 'Fishy Nemo' the one before was a combinations of your birthdays '41041585' and before that was 'dancin'eunhae'."

"Hyung how do you know the last three of my Twitter passwords?" Hyukjae asked nervously.

"Because you are predictable."

"Because Heechul-hyung stalks all of us online." Kyuhyun added with a smirk.

"Quiet Brat." Heechul snapped as he threw popcorn at the maknae.

"Point is," Sungmin cut in before there was another food fight between Heechul and Kyuhyun, again. "Hyuk you are pretty obvious about it. Why not just tell Donghae the truth?"

"It's not that simple." Hyukjae muttered before sighing. "Hae is Hae, he doesn’t understand feelings like that past brotherly love or fan service. And besides he is straight, remember? He dated both Jessica and Yoona. So there is no chance for me."

The other members shot the dancer a more sympathetic look. He did have a point. Donghae was a 5 year old stuck in a 26 year old body. He is too playful, like a puppy. He played with all the members the same affectionate way. And he did have the time period where he dated a couple of girls inside SNSD. It really did seem like Hyukjae was stuck in a one-sided love.

"Fine, then make your passwords more complicated than." Heechul concluded.

Hyukjae nodded before getting up from the couch. Mumbling his excuse to leave he went to his bedroom and closed the door. The door watched him go before returning to the show they were watching. With the EunHae pair it was best to let them figure out their own problems and fix themselves. At least that was the advice Leeteuk gave before he enlisted. The band decided it was best to the leader on this occasion. Ten minutes after Hyukjae disappeared in his room Donghae returned to their dorms. He came bursting in like a hurricane, a distressed look on his handsome face.

"Where's Hyukkie?" He questioned right away. Proper greetings were a rarity to him when it involved the monkey.

The group pointed to Hyukjae's room and watched as Donghae took off towards it. They stared at the slammed open and closed door before going back to their show again. Yeah, it was best to let these two figure it out on their own. They again went back to their show.

"Hyukkie!" Donghae called as he banged into the dancers room. He proceeded to jump in the bed and tackle his best friend.

"Yah Donghae!" Hyukjae shouted in annoyance. "Get off, your heavy."

"Did you just call me fat?"

"Yes." He replied seriously.

"Yah! You !" Donghae cried as he proceeded to beat his best friend with a stuff animal of a monkey that a fan gave as a gift. "And here I was worried about you!"

"You're worried about me?" Hyukjae asked curiously as he defended himself against the attack. "Why?"

"Because I saw your Twitter was hacked again. And this time it was really bad."

Donghae stopped attacking him with the stuff animal and shifted off Hyukjae and took to sitting on the bed next to him. The lead dancer sighed at his comment and rose to a sitting position as well.

"Look I don’t know how it happened but I already told the managers and they are on top of it. And I had to change my password again."

"You've had to change it a lot lately, haven't you Hyukkie." Donghae commented as he began to fiddle with his hands. A habit he had when he was curious. "Are your passwords so easy to figure out?"

"Apparently." Hyukjae scoffed as he recalled the earlier conversation with the other members.

"What are they? Maybe I can help you come up with a better one!" Donghae began to bounce on the bed. He was getting excited.

"Well…" Again Hyukjae was reminded of the earlier conversation. "I don’t remember most of them now." He lied.

"Really?" Donghae asked suspiciously. "That seems counterproductive. Maybe you always use the same one every time because you think it’s a new one and are always forgetting."

"Ha, ha, maybe Hae." Hyukjae replied with a nervous laugh.

"Your acting weird." Donghae was again suspicious. He leaned in closer which caused Hyukjae to lean back. "Weirder than normal."

"Am not." Hyukjae defended himself. "And have you heard of personal space?"

"Never stopped you before." He replied calmly.

"Yes well your breath stinks." He countered as he gently pushed Donghae away from his face. "And I can come up with my own password thank you very much."

"You mean one that doesn’t involve me in any way?" Donghae asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Hyukjae sputtered in surprise.

A slow smirk crossed Donghae's face which made him look very y. It was the look he got when he was going in for the kill with a fan that always left them as a puddle of ELF goo. Hyukjae knew this fact well since he also had a hard time not falling for the look. But with it aimed at him, Hyukjae felt the familiar signs of a reddening face. He looked away for a moment before realizing Donghae's comment.

"Wait a minute! What are you talking about my passwords involving you?" He questioned nervously.

Donghae leaned close to Hyukjae again. The smirk on his face never leaving.

"Hyukkie, I know a lot of your recent passwords have to do with me. It's obvious really."


"Well because a lot of my passwords have to do with you, so it's only right that you are the same way."

"O-oh…" Hyukjae stuttered. "I guess that’s a good point…"

"So your passwords are having to do with me?" Donghae questioned with a grin.

"You said yours were about me!" He argued back flustered. He swore, if this was another one of Donghae's pranks…

"They are." The other admitted with an easy smile. "My last one was 'dancing monkeyfish'. And since no one has hacked into it for a while I guess it’s a pretty good one. Or the fans don’t believe anything interesting happens in mine."

"I would believe more on the latter. You are always up front with your post and comments that they don’t need to wonder about anything behind the scenes."

"Well you shouldn’t be so secretive then."

"So I should just post everything that I'm thinking or saying and the fans will accept it at face value and not hack me anymore."

"Why not?"

"Trust me. I doubt your idea would work." Eunhyuk replied with a sigh. He fell back onto the bed with a loud oomph. "Fans are not that easily deterred."

"So what? Why don’t we give them what they really want?"

"And what do the fans really want, oh wise one?" Eunhyuk asked sarcastically.

"For us to be real." Donghae replied in such a nonchalant voice. If it wasn’t for what Donghae was implying then the dancer would ignore it but he was basically tell Eunhyuk the one thing he wanted to be real for himself as well. He had to calm his heart because he felt like at any moment the other boot was going to fall. He was so focused on his own heart that he didn’t notice Donghae getting close until the younger spoke.

"Don’t you think we should give them what they want?" He asked practically in the dancer's ear.

"And what makes you so sure that is what I want?" Eunhyuk replied back as sarcastically as he could.

"Because I want us to be real. And I believe you feel the same way. Hence why your passwords have to do with me."

"You lie." Eunhyuk spat. "You've dated plenty of women."

"So have you." Donghae countered casually. "I can name a whole list of Noona's that hearts you have broken. And that's just within the company."

Eunhyuk glared at him. He went to stand up and leave when Donghae caught his hand.

"Look you are being difficult for something that is very easy. I like you and you like me. We would have no problems with the other members since they are okay with our casual skin ship to begin with. And the fans will be beside themselves when they learn that they were right about their precious EunHae. The one OTP that was actually true."

Eunhyuk was hesitating. It was what he always wanted. But at the same time, he didn’t want to get burned either. And Donghae was like a flame that was bright and sometimes uncontrollable. Donghae seemed to sense all of these feelings because he smiled. Tugging Eunhyuk he pulled him into his arms.

"How about I give you a password to put on your Twitter account. Let's fix that problem and then we can work on this one."

"Fine. What is your password idea."

"I love you." He said in a soft serious voice. One that as soon as Eunhyuk heard it he realized how truthful he was being.

"Yeah, okay." He agreed softly. "I will use it as well. And who knows, maybe soon I will say it to you."

"I can wait." Donghae replied with a grin.

Eunhyuk smiled back as well. He leaned close as if to kiss the other but was interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

"Yah! Have you to figured out your problem yet? We want to go eat but Sungmin refuses to go if we don’t all go together." Heechul yelled from the other side of the door.

"Sorry hyung. We will be out in a minute." Donghae called out.

"Well hurry it up Fishy. I am hungry and don’t like to be kept waiting."

They listened as Heechul's footsteps quieted down and looked at each other. Donghae stood up and held Eunhyuk to his feet.

"Come on Hyukkie. You know how he gets when he is hungry."


With a smile he slipped his hand into Donghae. Grabbing his phone from the bed he opened up his Twitter account and changed his password to 'I love you.' With a grin he showed it to Donghae who grinned back. He then slipped it into his pocket. The pair made their way out of the room to where the others were waiting. They all looked over at the pair, and then at their clasped hands. Heechul rolled his eyes but had a pleased look to them.

"I see you figured out your problems then." He said with a smirk.

"Yes hyung." Donghae replied with a grin.

"Good, now let's get going. I was kidding about being hungry."

With a look he turned and left the hotel room. The other members soon followed with a happy Donghae and Eunhyuk taking up the lead. Perhaps, in retrospect, the Twitter hack was actually a blessing for the dancer. He still felt bad about the young woman harassed in the pictures and he was sure to make it up to her once they got back to Seoul. But he also was able to make some serious headway with Donghae and that was enough for him.

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Chapter 1: This is cute... But I wonder why people like to hack others account...
Chapter 1: .i wish this was true.,
Chapter 1: i dont get why hyuk didnt want to be official with hae T^T this delulu fan really needs it lol
Chapter 1: Awww that was cute! It must be stressful for Donghae to see the hate Hyuk gets sometimes. I'm glad Hyuk has such a supportive friend. Heeee this was too precious! Thank you for this. <3
Chapter 1: Awww.. that's cute... kkk~