Louder than Words

He learned what an Avox was the next day.  

Taekwoon thought he couldn’t be disgusted any more than he already was.  He hated being wrong.  

He caught only snatches of the whispered conversation.  Taekwoon always sat apart from the “alliance” that clumped together in the training sessions, repulsed by the idea of playing nice with people he’d only have to kill later, but as he strained to listen he wished for the first time his table was closer to theirs.

“What do you think yours did to deserve that?”

“Maybe she killed someone.”

“You should get her to show you how she did it.”  Nervous laughter.

He didn’t know whether to try to tune them out, or strain to hear more.

Creepy, the muttered agreement drifted towards him.

A glimpse of shy eyes, too open and too wary all at once, flashed unbidden to his mind.  They’d crinkled at the edges when Taekwoon thanked him for his help.  “Creepy” would be the last way he’d describe it.  Then again, that was his image too, now.  Or at least his promotion team wanted it to be.  It was too much to imagine he didn’t want to be here, wanted to be home with his family and see their faces unstreaked with the tears that drowned his last memory of them, so “creepy” it was--  Silent, unnerving, the ruthless Killer from the Forests.

It had been hours before he returned to his chamber the night before.  Setting the room in order took only a few moments, but when they were done Taekwoon suddenly realized he was no longer starving for the solitude of his room.  He wasn’t sure why.  The smile the white-haired boy had given before retreating to the wall again was furtive, but friendly, and though Taekwoon could feel his presence behind him as he slumped on the couch again, he still didn’t feel watched (thousands of cold eyes blocked in a hundred bright colors, watching, staring, boring, peeling his skin back piece by piece).  Maybe it was just those few seconds of working alongside someone without the crush of their expectations on his shoulders. Maybe he’d been trying so hard to be alone, he didn’t realize how lonely he was.  

He passed the time by tearing pages from a pad of paper left on the end table and folding them into elaborate shapes.  They made a little line at the table’s edge--he was careful not to let any fall, or leave any scraps of paper on the immaculate floor.  Neither of them moved for hours.  It was...peaceful.  And when the others’ return drove him back into his room (alcohol suddenly thick in the air, strange smells on their clothes), the four walls were more stifling than ever.

A peal of laughter drifted towards him from the other table.  Taekwoon crammed the rest of his sandwich into his mouth and shoved his chair back with a screech before stalking off to destroy another punching bag.

That night, two Avoxes waited on them at dinner, a boy and a girl, both with the same short white hair swept low over their foreheads.  Neither were the one from last night.  Taekwoon watched them all the same, vague, misplaced guilt churning in his stomach all the while, and when he caught one’s eyes by chance he smiled (lips stiff, unpracticed).  She looked away, jaw tensing, and picked up another plate.

It wasn’t until nearly dawn when he saw the boy again.  He hadn’t been able to escape the party that night, and all his scowling only earned him a “yes, now look that fierce for the cameras!” before he was dragged out the door.  By the time he stumbled back into the apartment, he’d been a few camera flashes short of showing the partygoers a kind of fierce they hadn’t bargained for.  His features were set in a mask of barely-suppressed rage, which masked barely-suppressed panic.  He barely registered the white-draped figure shadowed in the hall before his door slid shut behind him.

All was quiet again when it whirred open ten minutes later.  Taekwoon stumbled back the way he came, heedless of his long limbs catching on the doorframe or knocking against the furniture, until he had flung himself face-first onto the couch.  The dark room span.  The rest was a blur; his head pounded and his stomach twisted and cramped until he found himself leaning over a bowl, grounded only by the warmth of a hand pressed against the back of his neck or smoothing his damp hair away from his face as his stomach emptied itself of god-knows-what they had served at the party that night.  No wonder they had special rooms for this sort of thing at their feasts.  He woke the next day, vowing to never eat or drink or smell anything at one of those horrible parties again, and not quite certain how he ended up back in his own bed.  The only thing he could remember was a glimpse of white hair in the thin light as his eyes drifted closed.

Taekwoon searched the faces waiting on them at breakfast until he found the one he was looking for--caught mid-glance looking back at him.  His eyes were cautious, questioning.

“I’m feeling better,” Taekwoon suddenly announced to the room at large.  The conversation stilled and everyone exchanged confused glances.  

“Well…that’s good…” said his , glancing sidelong at his mentor.  “I don’t remember you saying you were feeling ill.”  But Taekwoon was back to his usual silent self, and hid his smirk behind a stony mask.  He could practically see the wheels turning in their heads--what to do if their “fierce silent killer” image started sliding towards “quiet and occasionally spouts nonsense.”  But behind them all the Avox beamed, only for a split-second before the smile was hidden behind a fist and lips were pressed to a thin line to force back a mask of his own.   

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If all goes well I should be updating again sometime today! I'm aiming for a weekly update until the story's finished, but we'll see how that goes.


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Chapter 8: Am very happy that Taek is back and ALIVE!!! Though, it hurts that he was very heavily wounded and lost his limbs!
Chapter 1: I love this whole story even though I know nothing about the Hunger Games (I had to look up all the references lol). But the pacing, the storytelling and the characterisation are all so beautiful and consistent throughout. Definitely waiting to have the feels settle before I go -re-read it but UGH. SO GOOD. I wish there was a sequel just because I can't get enough of this AU you've created, but as the story is it stands alone fine (I'm just greedy lol).
Oh, that's a really pretty cover. That mole under Wonshik's lip, though, lol (it's really cute for some reason).
SapphireMelody #4
Chapter 7: This fic is tragically beautiful TT^TT
and not to mention that I reaaaally love Hunger Games au
I def need a sequel ><
forleo #5
Chapter 7: Yesssssss Taekwoon lives!!!!! It's heartbreaking to see how he must've been wounded so badly but I'm just glad he's alive. I enjoyed this wonsik pov!
Chapter 7: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, that was so goood!!!! Yay, Taekwoon is alive! It that his arms have been replaced...but hopefully he can still feel? And I hope so much that, like, he gets to ask if Wonshik can stay with him, or something. Like, tell the people that he wants Wonshik to be his personal Avox? and just let Wonshik live with him, but be free and stuff--oh gosh, that'd be so...!

Anyway, this fic just broke my heart in so many ways. It was hella good: the plot was paced so well, I didn't even really see any grammatical or spelling errors, and, you--you just write so freaking well. TT TT

Well, I really hope you write a sequel... but, have a great day or night! This really made my morning. ^^

ok i just had to suffer through bangtan's NEW DEPRESSING PROLOGUE THING and i hadn't stopped crying but
THIS CHEERED ME RIGHT UP mostly i'm sad about taekwoon losing u know his limbs n stuff those are v important BUT HE'S ALIVE THAT'S WHAT MATTERS

you made a simple prompt into something amazing holy HECK i'm so happy and so proud because you write so well and this is so GR8 I'M JUST SO

forleo #8
Chapter 6: Ugh thank you so much for this fic! I was wary at first of the hunger games au but I ended up loving it when I thought I wouldn't. So good! I was hoping to see some haha but it's fine without it too. I hope to see a glimpse of what happens after the games...and hopefully taek wins :)
Chapter 6: oh my god
ooooooh my god oh my god

oh myg od
i have actual tears welling up i nmy eyes and my thraot is closing up how did you turn my single ty prompt into this amazing horrifying sad tragic piece of godly work i feel like my hearts sitting in the bottom of my stomach being eaten by stomach acid

my initial thought was; taekwoon would die, that's the point right? but then now reading all this where they've had more feelings laid out i just want taekwoon to LIVE i dont want him to die now i'm actually crying

pls don't kill taekwoon
oh my god why am i crying