I'm Ready

Always Here
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You and Sunny soon got cozy with life in LA. Every morning, you would go and tend to the garden outside, while Sunny made breakfast for the both of you. You'd then eat it on the veranda, enjoying the California weather. After breakfast, Sunny went to Teddy Riley's studio to work on the album, and you went to your temporary studio to work on your art. Your studio was in the house, in a room you fell in love with as soon as you saw it. Big windows with a view of the nature outside covered one wall, and it was tall, a perfect studio.  You both spent the day working, then when Sunny returned you'd eat dinner and spend your time together. On Thursdays, Taeyeon and Tiffany skyped you, and your parents visit every weekend, as their house is only 30 minutes away. Your life was as perfect as could be. Yet...

"Babe, do you ever feel like something's missing?" You ask one night as you and Sunny are cuddling in the living room. 
"What do you mean?" She says, rubbing your arm. 
"Well...we have everything we could ever want, but I feel like we're missing something." You say, looking up at her. 
"Is it Sogeum? Cause I miss her too." She asks, and you shake your head. 
"It's not her...It's like....I feel...lonely but not at the same time. Do you get what I mean?" You say, and she smiles. 
"I know what's missing, and yes, I'm ready." She says, and you scratch your head. 
"Ready for what? A puppy? Do we need a puppy? Or is it something else, like new plates in the kitchen? Cause I agree, those plates are really-" Your words are cut off by hers. 
"It's a baby, honey." She says, and you blush. 
"Oooooooohhhhhhhh....." You say, then your eyes go wide. "Wait, a BABY?!" 
"If you're not ready, we don't have to have one now. But I think that's what's missing." She says, running her fingers through your hair. 
"I didn't expect it so soon...but if you're ready, I'm ready." You say, cupping her cheek with your hand. She leans in and gives you a sweet kiss, and the two of you smile as you kiss. 


You visit the doctor's office next week, when Sunny has a day off. Your doctor tells you that to have a child together, you need to either get a donation, or you could try an experimental new procedure that uses both of your dna to make a child with both your genetics. You decide to do the procedure, because you want the baby to be just like the two of you. They take samples from the both of you, and tell you to come back in a few weeks.

"Now, which of you wants to carry the baby?" The doctor asks when you come back. 
"Me." You say, smiling widely. "Sunny has to keep her body looking how it is." 
"Why's that? If you don't mind me asking of course.  Are you a model or something?" He asks, and Sunny shakes her head. 
"I'm actually a pop star back in Korea." She says shyly, and you giggle, taking out your phone and showing him a video of SNSD as her blush grows. 
"Wow, that's amazing! I'll have to get your autograph one of these days." He says, chuckling. "Now, _____, we have the sample all ready to be implanted in you. If you're ready, we can do it today." 
You look over at Sunny, and your eyes meet as you both smile. 
"I'm ready." You say, and he smiles as well. 
"Alright, then follow me." He says, and Sunny kisses your hand before you leave. 


A few months later, you and Sunny are on your fourth try for a baby. The procedures haven't been working as planned, and each time you've become more

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Hello everyone! (If you’re still here haha) sorry I haven’t been updating at all in a long while, life kind of got ahead of me. I’m planning on making ends to these stories, so I don’t leave them open ended. Keep an eye out!


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Nadinevanthe #1
Chapter 30: UwU
Nadinevanthe #2
Chapter 20: Secret bathtub
Nadinevanthe #3
Chapter 9: Who’s that girl?
Nadinevanthe #4
Chapter 8: Lmaooo
Nadinevanthe #5
Chapter 1: So cuteee
Chapter 35: hohoh... getting a bit heated up here with both couples ;)
Chapter 18: You made me cry v; but that was a good one xD
Chapter 54: Please update ;_;
Chapter 54: please update soon
Breaky #10
Chapter 54: woww!! nice so nice i like this story i will wait for more uptdates kekekek;)