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“So what was your first time like?” my friend Aera asked me as she

applied her magenta Marc Jacobs lipstick onto her plump lips. We were

both in the girls’ bathroom, as always before school to make sure that

we looked perfect


Only unlike normal I didn’t care about what color she was wearing

today, all I could think about was Lawrence. I hadn’t slept properly

since getting home last week which didn’t really help my already short

attention span.


“ hurt” I told her, looking through my purse for my cell

phone since I knew that Aera would not leave me alone until she heard

all the details. There was a picture of us on there that I had taken

infront of the eiffel tower before he broke my heart.


The guy had spent the entire summer treating me to dinners, movies,

and unexpected gifts including a cute gold Pandora necklace. He’d

listen to everything I had to say and we’d spend hours laughing

together whilst I lived in the French Bubble in which he had wrapped

me in the night we’d met at a musical. At the time I thought he was a

very romantic guy and that he cared for me. Possibly maybe even the

beginning of love so I’d kept him waiting the entire time even when he

became very suggestive, until I was positive he was the one I wanted

to lose my ity too.


After taking me on his speed boat then presenting me with the necklace

and telling me how much he loved American girls and so many other

things that made me cringe now, I just knew he was right so that night

I slept with him.


How stupid had I been to trust him like that?


It had just been so easy to fall for his charm, never mind the french

accent that made everything sound y, but my naivety had caused my

heart to be broken when I woke up the next morning and Lawrence was

gone, No calls, no texts,nothing.


It wasn’t until I went to the front desk of the hotel we were staying

in, demanding answers and being told that he had left for Italy where

he went to university that morning before I’d woken up.


That had been devastating


Not to mention the emotional phone call I’d had with my mom that day.

Hearing the sound of her voice had been all it took to have me crying

down the phone to her with over three thousand miles in between us

when all I’d need was a hug.


“Then it got good right?” Aera asked, cutting into my little world of

torment as she now sprayed down the stray hairs if her almost perfect

dark brown curls. I’d spaced out and missed the rest of what she was

telling me until her manicured hand swiped across my face in a waving



“H-e-l-l-o! Earth to Yul, were you even listening to me?”

she frowned, resting a hand on her hip and tossing the hairspray back

into her bag,


I blinked at her, trying to remember what had been the last thing

she’s said to me meanwhile blinking back the tears in my eyes. I faced

away from the mirror so I wouldn’t have to look at how messy and

scruffy I looked.


Aera spotted it the moment she saw me and I’m sure she would’ve asked

me whether I’d gotten dressed in the dark if it weren’t for her

wanting the details to my summer.


“Look Aera I really don’t want to talk about it or him anymore. He’s a

jerk and I want to forget him” Well, I was trying ym best , I still

had the necklace in my purse and I’d wanted to get rid of it, I just



“Alright, no need to snap at me” she muttered haughtily, just as she

finished spritzing herself with the new Dior perfume.


I had sounded sharper than intended so I apologized, “ It’s just not

nice to talk about and I want to move on.”


Starting with the necklace


Reaching for it in my purse again to fish it out, it still sat in the

Pandora box that it had come in, I spent a few seconds looking at it.

I don’t know what made me throw it into my purse this morning but I



Aera leant over to take a peak and she gasped dramatically, “That’s so

beautiful Yul! I’ve been dropping obvious hints to my stepmom that I

want another one and I don’t think she’s getting the message.


Her sigh was exaggerated and I smiled a little, Aera could get almost

anything that she asked for from her stepmom who felt bad for taking

her father way from her mother, so she took advantage of it.


I mean, why not?


I only held onto the necklace  moment longer before extending it to my

friend, “Here, it’s for you. I want you to have it.” I wasn’t

expecting to feel the slight relief as soon as it left my hand. Her

pretty brown eyes widened just slightly before she gave me a quick

hug, “Oh Yul this is just perfect! I love you!” she said happily,

turning so I could help her fasten it on.


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GoldenV365 #1
Chapter 4: Omg I love it. Please update again soon! Authornim fighting!
GoldenV365 #2
Chapter 3: Please give me another chapter.... I can't take the suspense!