
Our Sound

Woohyun woke up in a hurry. He has slept in longer than he should have. What ever happened to to him enjoying waking up in the morning? Sunggyu had texted him the day before that he wanted to hang out, and with nothing particularly in mind, they decided to cook something together at Woohyun's place.


It was still hours before the lunch rush, so Woohyun was able to freely use the Meok & Sam's kitchen. Sunggyu would be on his way over by now, so he had to rush into the shower and get ready. Boohyun had gone out ingredient shopping a little while earlier, which woke Woohyun up as he closed the front door.


"I'm almost there. You better be awake." The dark haired man read out a text he received as he tugged off his shorts and hopped into the shower, discarding his phone on the ground. Oh geez. If Sunggyu found out he slept in while he woke up extra early to get there, man would he be pissed.


Woohyun was in and out of the steaming water in a flash. After toweling off his hair, he looked around the bathroom for a change of clothes. There were none. He forgot to grab fresh clothes before he charged into the shower. With an annoyed sigh, he wrapped the towel around his waist and hurriedly began to brush his teeth. Woohyun's reflection in the mirror was foggy due to the heat of the shower mixing with the cool air outside, but he could see his annoyed expression clearly. As he began to rinse his mouth, another text popped up on the lock screen of his phone.


With no time to check it, Woohyun grabbed it along with his discarded shorts and trudged outside with one hand holding up the towel. He had made it halfway across his room before the bedroom door swung open and Sunggyu barged in.


"Don't tell me you slept i-- oh my god!" The light haired man froze in his spot with his eyes glued to the Woohyun in front of him. They stayed completely still for another minute or so before the dark haired man regained his senses.


"Turn around!" He shouted, throwing his shorts at his boyfriend. Sunggyu squeaked and spun on his heels, covering his face with his hands.


"Why are you ?" His voice came as a flustered whisper. Woohyun nearly sprinted the rest of the way to the dresser.


"I took a shower, what do you think? Why didn't you say you were here?" The dark haired man said while fumbling through his drawers for suitable clothes for the day. Sunggyu made an embarrassed noise before digging through his pockets for his phone.


"I texted you that I was here. Didn't you get it?"


Woohyun pulled a grey shirt over his head and glanced at his phone. An unread message sat on his screen.


"I'm here but I don't see you. I'm coming upstairs." He read slowly. "Sorry, I must have gotten it when I was still in the bathroom getting ready." Now that he was fully dressed, he walked over to Sunggyu's stiffened figure and gave him a back hug. His muscles tensed in an instant.


"Are you still ?" He asked carefully. Woohyun laughed and pulled away, turning his boyfriend to face him. Sunggyu's eyes momentarily dropped to Woohyun's fully clothed body before sighing in relief. "Sorry, I should have knocked."


Woohyun shrugged. "It's fine. You didn't really see anything, anyway." Sunggyu blushed a bright red that reached his ears.


“Now I know you have abs." He said, turning his face away in embarrassment. Woohyun smiled at Sunggyu's cuteness.


"Well, now that I'm ready, want to go get started?" The dark haired man asked, taking Sunggyu's hand in his. The light haired man nodded and trailed behind a little as they went to the kitchen. Boohyun was still out, so they could use what was left of the ingredients from last night.


After a while of contemplating and checking what they had available, they decided to make a fruit tart. Sunggyu began looking up recipes online as Woohyun put together all the fruits they could use. Bananas, an array of apples, grapes, pears, and a lemon to use in a glaze. Once everything was in order on the counter, they began to peel and wash the fruits.


"Can we use a tomato?" Sunggyu asked suddenly, as they were washing the apples. Woohyun stared at him for a long time, face void of emotion.


"I wouldn't recommend it." He said finally, raising an eyebrow at Sunggyu. The other man pouted slightly.


"But tomatoes are fruits..."


"Would you want to eat a tomato in a fruit tart?"


"I guess not..."


Woohyun rolled his eyes but gave a chuckle. Sunggyu really was clueless to anything related to cooking. After they were finished with washing and peeling the fruits, Woohyun went to go and prep the oven while Sunggyu began to cut up some pears. When Woohyun returned to the cutting station, he nearly doubled over in laughter. The light haired man huffed in frustration and turned around.


"Why are the slices coming out so jagged?" He asked, pointing to his work on the cutting board. Woohyun walked over to him and took the large knife out of his hands.


"First off, this is a bread knife. See these serrated edges? It's for gripping to the bread. How did you even find this, anyway? I put it on a high shelf with the purpose of you not finding it in mind."


Sunggyu looked down, mortified at his own stupidity. Woohyun's smile grew as his boyfriend looked like the epitome of shame. "It's okay, I still love you." He said, placing the bread knife in the sink and exchanging it for a proper cutting knife.


The light haired man bit his lip but said nothing. Woohyun, noticing that Sunggyu was reluctant to try and cut the fruit again, pushed him to face the cutting board and wrapped his arms around his thin body. It felt like the back hug they had earlier this morning, but this time Woohyun was wielding a knife.


"Here, watch how I do it." Woohyun said, moving his hands. One hand grabbed the pear to hold it in place, while the other slowly brought down the knife in smooth . Thin strips of pear fell onto the cutting board as Woohyun progressed further until the entire thing was sliced. The heat of Sunggyu's back warmed his chest and his heart pumped faster. The light haired man smelled of vanilla, an intoxicating scent, and Woohyun buried his face into the crook of Sunggyu's neck.


"Now you try." He said, handing the knife over to Sunggyu's shaking hands. The first couple of slices came out uneven and more to the thick side, but Woohyun didn't care. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of their bodies pressed together. The rest of the morning went by like this. Sunggyu struggled to do simple tasks in the kitchen, but Woohyun was always there to help him.


"Whoa, it came out nice." Sunggyu said in awe as Woohyun removed the tart from the oven. He was sitting on the bar with two plates and forks resting in front of him. The dark haired man cut a slice and placed it on Sunggyu's plate, and then put one on his plate as well. It was still too hot to eat, but at least it smelled amazing. It was evident where Woohyun let Sunggyu try to cut the fruit, but it just made the tart look even better.


"Thank you for today. Man, I don't even know why I wanted to cook something. I've never done it before." Sunggyu smiled at Woohyun as he took a seat next to him at the bar. The dark haired man returned the smile and pat Sunggyu on the shoulder.


"You did good for your first time, then. Now you can go back home and brag to your brothers that you know what a bread knife is." He joked. Sunggyu slapped him on the arm.


Once the tart had cooled down and the lemon glaze was added, the light haired man took a picture to remember that moment forever. Little would he know at the time that the picture would end up glued to the pages of Woohyun's diary. The tart tasted like heaven. It melted in their mouths, leaving a sweet and tangy aftertaste. It was so good that even Woohyun had to agree that it was the best thing he had ever made.


After they had ate a second serving of the fruit tart, they cleaned up before Boohyun returned home. It was nice to work together with Sunggyu. Perhaps this date represented their relationship. First there was struggle putting it together, but they always had the support from the other. Then, after the struggle had passed, something sweet blossomed from all of their hard work. So of course this was the best thing Woohyun had ever made. It was because he made it with the man he loved with all of his heart.



I can't tell if this was supposed to be funny or fluffy. Either way, here it is. By the way I'm sorry for updating really fast and not giving people a chance to catch up with reading. I finished summer school and all I can do now is go on Tumblr and write.

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No giveaway, I'm sorry TT TT


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Chapter 22: Damn..the last page was jawdropping and I must say it was an amazingly beautiful ending.
You know how sometimes the final touch of finishing uplifts the taste of a dish to another level...I think this last page is the finishing ingredient that not only completed this beautiful story but also made it spellbounding.
p.s authornim please receive my woogyu♡~
Chapter 22: *cries in fluff* i tried not to laugh at this part XD it's so cute authornim!! thank you for this ~
Chapter 22: chapter 22: awwwwwww.. author nim I'm totally in love with this story...
❤❤❤ i loved how you ended it so well.. i can't help myself to smile while reading the last chapter.. thank you for this wonderful story.. i hope you continue writing and share your gift.. thank you again..
Chapter 22: I read the two stories since you started writing it. It has been years. I never thanked you before for writing these two stories so here i am, reading everything all over again. Thank you so much for creating these beautiful stories.

Btw I'm still confused about that detail of they meeting at Han river after Baekbeom left, is that woohyun from another dimension? XD
Chapter 22: It was a rollercoaster of feelings as I read this. I was so angry at the swan and I don't understand how they could forgive him. He should be roasted. Poor Woohyun was so sad. I really love the fluff. I also want someone to propose to me at 5 am. Hahaha
Chapter 22: I like the sequel!
gazoom24 #7
Chapter 22: fangirling over the last chapter *kyaaaaa* congrads you wrote something fluffy ㅋㅋㅋㅋ thank u authernim xoxo
Chapter 22: Why didn't i know this earlier T_T
You wouldn't believe me i was bitting my pillow real hard when they're in the verge of breaking up ≥﹏≤
Thank god it's just flashbacks.. And the ending is so cringe worthy lol
Drhr13 #9
Chapter 22: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
yayitsjong #10
good <3 !!