Making Amends

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I must do this, Sehun thought to himself as he entered the familiar cafe. It was December 24th, one of the only times he was off from spying, and the biting wind had no effect on Sehun. However, it did on Luhan. When he entered the cafe, only a few minutes late, his cheeks were a rosy pink, and his scarf was bundled tightly around his neck. Sehun thought he looked too cute; his inner working began to heat up, and his artificial face turned a light blush color. He was ecstatic to see his angel again.

But Luhan was not happy at all.

"After, what, like six months you finally call me asking to see me?" Luhan fumed.

"Luhan, I'm sorry -- "

"Sure you are."

"Anyway, that's not the reason I brought you here. Please, I need to show you something."

"This better be good." grumbled Luhan and followed Sehun out of the cafe.

They walked for a few blocks east toward a small park. The place itself was quite bleak. The grass and trees were dead, there were only a few people walking, and the grey sky did not make it any better. Sehun led Luhan to a secluded gazebo close to the frozen pond. 

"Oh how cliche. So sweet. I 'forgive' you." Luhan commented sarcastically.

"Luhan please, let me just make up the time I've lost. I've been very busy these past 6 months. I didn't forget you for even second."

"What's with you? We've only seen each other a few times. This will be, what, the third? Sehun, you tried long ago, but it's obvious it didn't work out. Are you really going to do this?"

"I'll try."

"Good luck."

"Tomorrow, then. It's Christmas. Let me... let me take you on a..." Sehun blanked. What was the word? He frantically searched his databases, but they all came up with unsatisfactory results. "Outing? No... Er, a -- "

"A date? Sehun, have you never heard the word 'date?' Luhan asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"No! I have! I just -- I don't know why I couldn't come up with it."

Luhan frowned, and then nodded. "Alright. Let's try again. So what time?"

"Here at midnight."



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I know this isn't the typical story with 7k word chapters and whatnot, but I'm glad you gave it a chance and are enjoying it too. It means a lot to me.


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CrimsonFox #2
Chapter 13: So amazing!!(^◇^)Good job!
vlee_gonghyung #3
Chapter 9: Please update T T .. im waitin
Chapter 8: ...inhales. exhales. this is so- so good. i need more- more updates ;_; sobs. how do i end up here again? oh- maybe its your news feed saying you got 80 subs. then i saw this story- congratz on the record! me being the one who have interest with scifi thingy sobs. i cant wait to see how this ended. this story is good as well! you will be updating this anytime sooner, will you? ;_;
I've seen that post on my dash a few times ㅠㅠ thank you for writing this!♥
amn101 #6
Chapter 8: thanks for the fast update!♥ I know something bad is going to happen.... but I'll cling to the fluff for now...
amn101 #7
Chapter 6: Awwww Sehun is so adorable ♥ Luhan is very gentle.... I wonder what happen next. Can't wait ^^
Chapter 5: Update soon^^ ❤
amn101 #9
Chapter 5: please update soon :3
amn101 #10
Chapter 1: This is interesting! ^^