one (final)

How Min Yoongi got accidentally punched in the face

    Jimin was explaining to Jungkook about a project they had. Apparently there was going to be huge explosions. Jungkook just thought he was crazy.

    "No way, man. I don't want anything to explode in my face..." Jungkook said, furrowing his eyebrows. Jimin pouted at his friend. 

    "'s going to be AWESOME! A mini explosion. We could use like...a fish tank, a big fish tank. And  like, I don't know something. It will be awesome though!" Jimin rambled. Jungkook rolled his eyes. 

    "Whatever, I'm not going to help you with the explosion things...I'll be working on the writing part." Jungkook said. Jimin did a weird dance. Jimin was very smart when it came to science, but he had the craziest ideas. 

    "YAY FOR JUNGKOOK AGREEING WITH ME!"  He swung his fists into the air and spun around. Jungkook just sat on the bench and watched as Jimin would soon, die of embarrassment. God, he is on a roll today. Jimin continued doing weird dances moves, and coincidentally, his crush, Min Yoongi was walking by. Earphones in his ears, engulfed his phone. Jimin continued shouting happily and dancing weirdly, and then, then, his fist swung right in Min Yoongi's face. Jungkook looked shocked, but he also couldn't hold in the laughter because of Jimin. Yoongi let out a yelp. Jungkook just sat on the bench, clenching on his stomach and laughing loudly. Sure, it was rude, but he was mainly laughing at Jimin. Jimin's eyes seemed to bulge out. Jimin gulped. He went up to Yoongi, his face flushed pink.

    "Oh my god, I-I um...oh my! I'm so sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to...didn't mean to swing my fist into your face, I mean I- uh, well. Yeah! I'm so sorry, are-are you okay?" Jimin rambled, practically yelling as panic rose in him. I would much preferably punch you in the face, with my face, as we make out. Jimin thought, with a cheeky smile. Then it went back to panic mode. Yoongi groaned. He took his earphones out of his ears and stared at Jimin menacingly. Jimin gulped. 

    "Stop...stop talking so loudly." Yoongi said, groaning again. His head was pounding, and he was pretty sure his nose was bleeding. Jimin gasped as he saw blood running down Yoongi's nose. 

    "Oh god, wow! You''re not okay! Um..." Yoongi sighed heavily. 

    "Ya think so, kid?" Yoongi said, wiping the blood from his face. Jimin whimpered. This is all my fault! Jungkook stopped laughing and now looked at the two with concern. 

      "Jimin, why don't you take him to the nurses office?" Jungkook said, with a cheeky grin. Jimin looked at him, his eyes still wide and he shook his head furiously, even more flustered than before.

    "Yeah, that'd be a good idea." Yoongi said. Jimin gulped. Well, me. Jimin thought. 

    "O-okay I'll do that." Jimin stuttered. Yoongi nodded and the two boys walked to the nurses office. 

    "How do you even manage to accidentally punch someone in the face?" Yoongi grumbled. Jimin shrugged his shoulders. God, could this get anymore embarrassing!? First of all, Jimin hit someone. Second of all, the person he hit, was no other then his crush Min Yoongi.  

    "I'm really sorry!" Jimin apologized for the hundredth time throughout this quick scenario of 5 minutes. The nurse looked at the two boys with a blank face.

    "What happened? I'm not really surprised, boys are trouble makers, but explain what happened." The nurse said demandingly. She seemed done with the bull that happened at this high school. Yoongi looked at Jimin as if he were saying, "what are you waiting for? explain!" Jimin gulped and looked at the nurse. He chuckled lightly, scratching the back of his neck. She rolled her eyes. Yoongi groaned again.

    "For s sake, kid. Basically, this child punched me in the face. On accident. Which I don't know how. But yeah, that's all. There is no punishment needed." Yoongi explained cooly. CHILDISH?! Is that what he thinks of me? Jimin thought, furiously. He frowned.  The nurse nodded. 

    "Okay, let's get you fixed up. You, Park Jimin, can go to class now." The nurse said, menacingly. Jimin knew he was a bit of a trouble maker, but no matter what, he was always frightened of the nurses here. They weren't pretty noonas, they were scary old hags. Jimin nodded, a frown still on his face and walked out of the nurse's office. 

    "Hmmph. Childish. Really? Am I really childish?" Jimin questioned himself.  He walked into his math class with a frown. Taehyung waved happily at Jimin, his rectangular smile showing.

    "Jimin!" Taehyung shouted. Class hadn't started yet. Jimin was moping around to his seat. Taehyung pouted.

    "What's wrong, Jiminnie?" Taehyung asked. Jimin out his head on his desk.

    "Taehyung, am I childish?" Jimin asked, a poker face on. Taehyung shrugged.

    "I mean, I guess you are, but it's okay! I'm childish too!" Taehyung said with a laugh. Jimin pouted. Taehyung stopped laughing, and looked at Jimin with concern.

    "Jimin..." Taehyung soothed. 

    "I punched Yoongi Hyung in the face on accident because I was dancing excitedly because Jungkook agreed to my science project idea! It was sooooo embarrassing Taehyung!" Jimin spilled out. Taehyung looked at Jimin, a blank face. And then, he started laughing loudly, clapping his hands, his eyes squinted.  

    "Oh gosh, Jimin! You really are funny! I can't believe you did that! Is Yoongi okay?" Taehyung asked, after catching his breath.    Jimin nodded. This ! Jimin sighed heavily. I'm never going to be able to face Min Yoongi again! 

     A week passed since Jimin has seen Yoongi. He was moping around a lot. Jungkook and Taehyung took notice.

    "Jimin! It's probably not a big deal! And I also think you should confess already! Stop moping around, plus we need to start that project!" Jungkook scolded him. Taehyung nodded as they walked through the hallways. Taehyung gasped. 

    "Look! He's right there with his friends!" Jimin looked to where Taehyung was pointing and gulped. 

    Yoongi noticed the three underclass men staring at him and his group of friends. 

    "Aw, Yoongi look! Cute little underclass men!" Hoseok said, a wide smile on his face.  Namjoon just rolled his eyes and walked away with Jin.

    "Let's go talk to them!" Hoseok said excitedly, grabbing onto Yoongi's arm, pulling him to the underclass men. Yoongi squinted his eyes. He recoginized one of them. He blinked a few times. The underclass man had chubby cheeks, bangs that were split in the middle, and slightly tan skin. Ah, that's right. This is the child who punched me in the face on accident. Yoongi thought. Maybe I should play with him. 

    "Yo." Yoongi said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Another underclass men, with bunny like teeth, gulped, and hid behind his two friends.

    "Hi!" The other one, with lavender colored hair chirped happily. He wasn't at all intimidated by his upperclassmen. His voice was surprisingly deep too. 

    "What are you doing through your upperclassmen hallways?" Yoongi asked, intimidatingly. The chubby cheeked one gulped. He was kind of cute too, but Yoongi ignored that fact.

    "Yoongi! Stop trying to scare these cute little underclass men! We should be friends with them!" Hoseok laughed off Yoongi's intimidation. The three younger ones cheeks flushed. The other two were sort of cute, but the one with chubby cheeks was absolutely adorable. Yoongi thought, cringing. Then he remembered, the one with the chubby cheeks also accidentally punched him in the face. Yoongi heard the lavender haired one mutter, "Jimin say something." So that's what his name is. 

    "That one, with the chubby cheeks, was the one who accidentally punched me in the face." Yoongi grumbled. Jimin gasped, and a frown formed on his face. Wow, so ing cute.

    "Hey! I-I don't have chubby cheeks..." Jimin said, as he touched his cheeks, still frowning. "And that was an accident! I said sorry already!" 

    "Well, then, to repay me for accidentally punching me in the face, let me take you out sometime." Yoongi said. He couldn't believe he said that, he didn't even know where he got the confidence to, but he just did. Jimin turned an even deeper shade of red, and his two friends giggled, shoving him and muttering a, "say yes!" Jimin squeaked as his was shoved closely to Yoongi, trying to stand in place. Yoongi smirked. 

    "What do you say, kid?" Yoongi asked. Jimin frowned again.

    "I'm not a kid." He snarled, it was cute. Damn, this kid is so ing cute.

    "Okay, whatever." Yoongi shrugged.

    "But, um...o-okay." Jimin said softly. Yoongi couldn't hold back, he placed a kiss onto Jimin's chubby cheeks. 

    "See you around, kid." He whispered. The younger shivered, and his face flushed. That's the exact reaction Yoongi wanted, he walked away from the three with Hoseok, a grin on his face.

    "Geez, I didn't think you'd be so popular with the underclass men." Hoseok pouted. Yoongi shrugged, still grinning.

    Jimin was so surprised. Yoongi, his crush, asked him out! Yoongi, his crush,  talked to him! He acknowledged Jimin's presence. Jimin couldn't believe what had happened.

    "Well, now you talk to your crush, and he asked you out, we can get back to our project." Jungkook teased. 

    "I think I like that other hyung." Taehyung said, dreamily. The two boys rolled their eyes at Taehyung. Today was a good day. Jimin thought happily. 



            ~authors note~

omg wtf even was this fluff. *barfs out a glittery rainbow because of how fluffy that was* I usually write angst eeek lol! well, anyways, I hope you enjoyed that fluffiness! Please comment if you'd like(comments are appreciated though)! :D byee :3 

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Chapter 1: Ahh so cuuuute ;___;
beri_aylinxD #2
Chapter 1: no...PLS MAKE A SEQUEL !!!!
Chapter 1: XD jimin should calm his excited dance Haha but hey after all that it landed him with a date with his crush ;)
tokyotaehyung #4
I don't know how to make a sequel to this!!! But I will try! Thank you for reading. ♡
Chapter 1: more pleaseee!! xD this is so cute author nim!! ^^
TwerkYeol #6
Chapter 1: cutee ^_^
kpopbrazil #7
Chapter 1: kekeke sequel, pleeeeeeease!
You should do a sequel!!Or make it a chaptered fic!Nice one