
Airport Cuddles

Working in an airport with hours for basically all the days of the week was not the career path Yoongi had envisioned when he graduated from college two years ago. As a music composition major with a passion for rapping, he had expected to be working a job somewhat associated with his field of study. But no. Here he was, twenty-three years old and working a twelve hour shift as a passenger service agent for a ing airline. Yoongi let out a huff as he took a seat behind the counter and dropped his black leather messenger bag to the side. it was currently 7:35am, a time Yoongi referred to as the crack of dawn, and travelers were beginning to trickle in through the doors of the airport. 

'Why the am I not sleeping right now?'  

Yoongi heard someone take a seat next to him, a tired sigh followed by a deep 'hey hyung'. 

'Kim ing Namjoon, that's why.'

"I hate you for forcing me into this job." Yoongi grunted, burying his head into his arms. 

Namjoon merely chuckled in response, "I'll go get us some coffee." 

"Large caffe mocha with--" 

"whip cream and one pump of vanilla, I know hyung." Namjoon called over his shoulder as he walked away. 

"Brat." Yoongi muttered fondly, a small smile curving the corners of his lips. 

The next four hours went somewhat smoothly; Yoongi encountered only three passengers with an IQ of negative two. He had clearly explained, five times mind you, that the flight did not have extra seats and therefore would have no way of accomodating a seat change. But the stupidity persisted and Yoongi spent an additional six minutes arguing with each of the three stooges, trying to explain a concept that should've been grasped in elementary school. 

Idiots aside, it was time for food. 

Yoongi stood up and stretched, running a hand through his gray dyed hair as he turned to Namjoon, "You coming with me to get lunch?" 

"Nah, I have to wait for the new kid, gotta show him around and stuff. Get me something, though?" 

"Sure, just don't throw a hissy fit when I come back." 

"That was one time!" Namjoon said indignantly, "And I specifically remember telling you montrey jack cheese, not mozzerella." 

"Yeah, okay." Yoongi mocked.

Yoongi bought himself a shrimp pad thai and a spicy tuna roll; for Namjoon he got galbi and a box of fried chicken. Yoongi was careful not to spill any of his precious food while sliding Namjoon his lunch. 

"Yah, you're buying me lunch next time, was expensive." the elder grumbled, pulling apart his chopsticks. 

"Hyung, this is--" 

"Hi! I'm Park Jimin, your new co-worker!" 

Yoongi could practically feel the enthusiasm radiating from this Jimin; he turned to face the source of the peppy voice. 

. He's so ing cute. .

And there Jimin stood, smiling wide with his eyes curved into cresents; sunshine reincarnated. The boy wasn't in uniform, clad in a pair of skinny black jeans and a black and white striped t-shirt that may have been a size too large. His dark hair was ruffled and settled right above his eyes; Yoongi has never been more grateful about being forced to take this job than he was now. 

"Min Yoongi, nice to meet you." He gave a less-than-subtle wink, smirking at the slight pink that spread over Jimin's cheeks. 

Namjoon tried to stifle his laughter and cleared his throat, "Jimin here just finished his last year of college. He's starting work tomorrow morning." 

Jimin eagerly nodded, smiling that wonderful smile again.

Yoongi was about to fire a smooth pick up line when Jungkook that little  bounds over to where the three of them are standing. 

"Jimin, you came!" 

Jungkook was probably the youngest worker in the airport; the brat was smart, skipping right over freshman year of college into sophomore year. He took online courses in order to maintain his job at the airport, Jungkook says learning in a school building makes him feel too confined and that he'd rather take classes on his own time in a more fitting environment. 

"Yah, I'm two years older than you so it's Jimin hyung--"

"I introduced you to this job opening so I think it's fair that I can call you whatever I want--" 

Namjoon decided to interfere by lightly slapping the back of Jungkook's head, "Yah, respect your elders." 

Yoongi dragged his eyes from Jimin to Jungkook and raised an eyebrow, "You two know each other?" 

"Yeah, Kookie and I live in the same apartment building, we're neighbors." Jimin replied, draping an arm around said boy's shoulders. 

"Maybe I should visit you more often, Jungkookie." Yoongi said smoothly, smirking at Jimin. 

The boy blushed again and quickly looked away. 

Score one for Min Yoongi

"Hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed, face aghast, "I'm appalled to think that you would only visit me because you're trying to hit on my precious Jiminie." The maknae sniffed as he wiped away a non-existent tear. 

"I'm not yours," Jimin mumbled, "and it's Jimin hyung." 

This was the perfect moment for Min Yoongi to swoop in with another dazzling line.

"If you're not his, you could be mine." 

He had Jimin (adorably) stuttering; the tips of his ears were red and Yoongie flashed a gummy grin. 

"For s sake Yoongi, can you not scare off our new co-worker before he actually starts working?" Namjoon found his hyung's flirting endearing, but Jimin looked like he was ready to bolt out of the airport. 

Jungkook crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at Yoongi, "Hey hey hey, if you're going to start dating my Jiminie, you're going to need my blessing first." 

"Yah, he already said he's not yours so I don't need your blessing--" 

"If you don't get my blessing you can't see him--" 

"You brat, I'm four years older than you--" 

"OKAY SEE YOU 7:35 TOMORROW JIMIN" Namjoon cut in loudly, handing the boy his uniform.

"Uh o-okay, thanks hyung!" Jimin bowed, glancing at Yoongi before turning around to leave.

Yoongi waited until Jimin had fully exited before turning his attention to Namjoon. 

"So," Yoongi casually draped an arm around the latter's shoulders, "what's it going to take for you to switch seats with the new guy?" 

Namjoon smirked, "Pay for my food and drinks for the rest of the week and you have yourself a deal." 

' you Namjoon.'



The next morning Yoongi showed up to work with an iced latte for Namjoon, three sugars as per usual. Jimin was already at his seat, cheeks puffed out as he tugged at the collar of his new uniform. 

"Namjoonie, I have your coffee." Yoongi cooed, eyes still fixated on Jimin. 

The younger hummed gratefully, taking a sip of his beloved drink. "Play nice hyung, don't get too aggressive." 

Yoongi waved him off and headed towards his desk. 

"Good morning hyung!" Jimin chirped as Yoongi settled in. 

The elder inwardly squealed at the beaming smile thrown his way. 

"You look good, babe." Yoongi replied casually, glancing at how well the shirt stretched across the boy's lean muscles. 

Jimin's eyes widened. "Babe? Wait, but we aren't--" 

He was cut off when two women stepped up to the counter, their luggage in tow. 

Yoongi turned to smile at the two clients, "Good morning and welcome to Korean Air, how may we help you?" 


It was after lunch, around 2:00p.m., when Yoongi felt it hit. He needed, neeeded, to nap right now. Not later, not when his shift was over, but right now

Yoongi rummaged through his messenger bag in search for his memory foam pillow.

He frowned when his fingers felt nothing. 

'What. Is. Happening.'

"Hyung, are you okay?" 

Jimin was looking at Yoongi in a concerned manner; the elder seemed like he was about to throw something out a window. 

"I just really need a nap right now, but I can't find my pillow." 


Jimin was further confused at the smirk that formed on Yoongi's face. 

"Can you do me a favor Chim Chim?" 

"Sure, hyung." Jimin's eyebrows furrowed. 

"Could you come sit over here?" Yoongi pat his lap, smiling at the younger innocently. 

"U-Uhm, I'm not sure this is appropriate--" 

"Pretty please?" 

Jimin could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. He glanced around to make sure there weren't passengers who needed to be checked in.

"Fine." Jimin shifted over so that he was sitting on Yoongi's lap, hands placed stiffly on his thighs. 

Yoongi sighed in content, looping his arms around the younger's waist to hold him. "Thanks babe, now I can finally nap in peace." 

Jimin was about to say something to protest his hyung's actions when he felt Yoongi's face press against his back softly. 

"I'll take you out on a date later, Chim Chim." Yoongi mumbled, his voice laced with sleep. 

Jimin hesistated before responding, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Okay, hyung. I'd like that." 



First and foremost, PLEASE DON'T ON ME GUYS. 

I'm super super SUUUPER sorry I left this story for more than a year without notice #sad #cry I HAVE A REASON THOUGH, it's probably gonna sound ty, BUT HERE IT IS: So i got really into sugamon after I started this and it was like woWOw sugamon is the best thing ever :))) and then it was like i didn't know how to start up this story again because, again, sugamon was creeping all over. I was on hiatus legit because of another ship (sugamon is so underrated guys, the hype is real) and i feel like this is literally the epitome of struggle for fanfic writers. AND THERE YOU HAVE IT, the reason for my too long break from this story. 

It's finally finished and it'd be great if you guys like it (?) and maybe comment? and subscribe? 


(Zipyo might be next. i love them so much. please ship these two with me bc zipyo fics are so rare like wtf)

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Chapter 1: woah the stereotypical roles switched between yoonmin. i approve.
Chapter 1: I would not be able to handle this Yoongi omg how did Jimin do it lol
Eriibooty #3
This is actually really cute and I want to congratulate you because this is really good!! ;;
Chapter 1: This is a nice turn-around from the usual cheeky and flirty Jimin, it's like the roles hace been reversed and Yoongi knows how to fluster him. Good job :)
It says there is a chapter but there isn't TTATT