I hate him

Dear Diary
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I hate him... I hate him!!!!



Diary, am I stupid? Why... Why do I have to go?

Am I too desperate to have someone?

I know he is cute and handsome... 

And I fall to his charm

Who knew that that kid is a bad omen for me


Diary, this morning I went to the place he asked me to go.

 I thought we will have a nice date on nice weather.

I am wrong

Instead, go to the park, we went to the church


And the theme for that day is same- relationship in the eye of Jesus


After two hours of torture, my ears were red, my wrist was hurt. He grabs my wrist for two hours, prevent me from leaving

When the service is over, and his grab weakens, I tried to run away. But before I walked out of the Church, he dragged me back inside.

Damn... he is fast  ><

He then dragged me to meet with the pastor. With determination, he asked bluntly to the pastor to cure me. My ego was broken.. how dare is he!!!!! 


How come, someone who is younger than me... moreover a stranger

control my life?


The pastor, he smiled... and patted that boy's head

said, "I know you are a good boy... but you can't decide what others do..."

he then patted my head and said, "let your friend decided what he wants to do without your intervention"

Ha.... The pastor even didn't p

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who is the weird guy? I guess you can guessing it well :D


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Chapter 3: So nice! please update soon!
Chapter 6: Update soon
ryeonggunathanlixu #3
Chapter 6: Why so sort...