*Chapter 4

Love has no Boundaries
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At a Cafe


"Hyung, can I order whatever I want?" Zelo tried to use aegyo to get what he wanted.

"No. you can only order two things. That goes to all of you. Understand." Everyone nodded their heads in confirmation.

"If Yongguk lets us order anything we want then we'll buy everything on the menu twice." Misung was astonished with that piece of information. She could barely finish her own simple meal let alone eat two.

Zelo pouted. It was obvious that his little trick always worked. 

The waittress came and collected their orders. Youngjae, who was sitting at the edge of the semi circular booth, began to flirt with her. 

Everyone just ignored him and started converstions with the person next to them. Misung didn't talk to anybody, since Himchan was engaged in a conversation with Zelo, who was across from him. She didn't want to talk to Youngguk. Eventually she would have to, but she wanted to postpone that as long as she could. 

"You can't ignore me forever you know." Although he was talking to her, he was looking at something on his phone.

"Yes, I can. It's not like I have to talk to you once we get married. We can live our own lives seperately." Misung really didn't know how to approach him. He was a freaking gangster for crying out loud. And not just any gangster, no of course he just can't be a regular gangster, he is the leader of the best gang in the country. How was she supposed to interact with him without angering him. 

Instead of saying something in hopes of not angering him, she stayed silent and only talked when they asked her a question. Even then, she would quickly answer their questions. The shorter and blunter to the point the sentences were, the better.

What she didn't know was that she was angering him with the way she was acting. To him it seemed like she thought of herself too mighty of a person to be conversing with them. She came off as rude rather then timid. Since she didn't look at him at all throughout the meal, she didn't see the looks he was giving her. 

Eventually the guys stopped asking her questions. They felt like she didn't want to be around them. Zelo felt sad because of it. He's always wanted a sister, and he thought he got one whenever she came along. But he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up. 

After finishing their meal, everyone piled into their respective cars and drove off. Misung climbed into the passenger seat of Yongguk's car. They were silent the entire ride. The awkwardness of the atmosphere was killing Misung but she refused to do anything about it. This wasn't her car, so she had no right turning on the radio. 

Misung didn't recognize where he was taking her to. Gathering her courage, she bravely asked him about their destination.

"I'm taking you home, obviously. What else would I be doing? Kidnapping you?" Misung wasn't happy with his sassiness at the moment. She was unfamiliar with this path and was wondering how this was going to lead to her house. 

After a few more moments of complete silence, they pulled into the driveway of a house. Misung had never seen this house before. She figured that they were going to pick something up from the person that lived here, and then be on their way to her house. 

Instead, he pulled her out of the car and began to walk towards the house. He pulled a key from his key chain and unlocked the door. 'Maybe it's his parent's house.' 

There was no one in the house. He went into the kitchen, got water, and began to boil it.

"Why are you just standing there?"

"I don't want to intrude in a house who belongs to someone I don't know."

"What are you talking about? This is your house, actually it's our house."

"This is the house that my mom told me about?"

"Yes. How did you not know that?"

"No one ever really told me. They just said that I'd live in a different house. Never said when I'd go to the house. Then again, I did just leave after they told me."

"That was because of your carelessness." Misung didn't answer him again. She wasn

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Chapter 8: please update author nim ! :)
Saabbrinaaa #2
Chapter 8: Please Update authornim
selena14 #3
Chapter 8: Welcome back thanks for updating author mom
Chapter 8: The calm before the storm., just perfect. Welcome back to writing Author-nim. Thank you for an update. I liked this chapter, although we don't see the depth of their relationship, I like how just being there is just enough for a while.
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 8: Welcome back! I KNEW things were going too well at the wedding & I just thought, no way.. Yongguk felt too secure, WHY DID YOU DRIVE OFF!?!?! -_-! Dang it! Sighs, I hope they catch her in time, another cliff hanger, haha, thank you for updating & look forward to more!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 7: I really hope you reconsider & stay with this story ^_^ I really loved it & was excited to see how it all works out! But I respect your decision. Still hoping for more :)
Chapter 7: Oh my goodness. You can't do this to us Author-nim, its been 4 months already. Please please bless us with a chapter, I'm dying
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 7: Ooh no!!! what a cliffhanger! she's going to have to say I do, but poor girl! if only she could see that Yongguk is warming up to her. I actually thought that was such a cute part w/ him following her walking down the aisle. Can't wait to see how it goes! thank you for updating!
Zelottomato #9
Chapter 4: Zelo makes aegyo but he is a gangster
Zelottomato #10
Chapter 4: Lol i think this story is funny