busy day

Hoya the flower in my heart

Sorry for not been updating  :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((   sorry  so here is a pretty long chapter



Right when the seven boys separate to their designated spots. Girls immediately rushes over, I laugh at some girls even fight each other. I didn't plan to join any of them since my ankle is injured in the last game. I can't put too much pressure on it. As slowly and quietly as I can, try to move over the bleacher without being notice. 

"Yah, Soo-min your ankle is hurting? Go to the bleacher and sit down" The coach scream across the room 

"okay" i nod, but in the inside I want to burn her so badly.

Out of nowhere, the girls start to screams. I turns around to see what happen. Sunggyu face was extremely close to mine and I couldn't feel the floor under my feet anymore. Sunggyu sweep me off my feet easily into his strong arms.

"Sunggyu what are you doing?" i ask, wrapping my arm around his shoulder afraid of falling.

"Carrying you since you walk too slow" Sunggyu gently place me down on the bleacher, then sit down next to me

"Sunggyu, aren't you too old to be in school? Not to offend you or anything" I ask, the smile on his face fade

"I have to take care of the kids" Sunggyu replied and signed like an old man

"They're old enough to take care of themselves" I point out, they're are older than me already

"You don't understand one day I will tell you okay?" Sunggyu pat my head

"Yah, Sunggyu how come you get to sit next to Soo-min but I don't" Sungyeol shout making his way over

"Well i better go before everyone come over and take a break" Sunggyu dust of his shorts

Sungyeol was about to come to me, but Sunggyu grab his collar and pull him away, I laugh at how childish they're all are. The seven returns to their spots and girls once again surrounded them all. 


“Oppa~~, I don’t know how to do this” “oppa~~~ I need help” “oppa oppa~~~~ like this?”

That was all I heard echoing in he gym. I want to punch them right in the face so bad. These b****** are giving me a head ache. My phone vibrates one new message.


From: Kevin

hey let's meet up at our usual place

To: Blackprincess


That weird he never ask to meet up at our secret place before. They brought me there once, that was thfirst time we meet and thats it. I was never allow to go there again. 

"Coach, my mom called and said that something happened at home can I leave early?" I lied, hoping none of the boy heard they know i don't live with my parents

"Okay, rest your ankle" the coach dismiss. I pull out my phone


From: Blackprincess

Pick me up at school. I hurted my ankle

To: Kevin


I sit in front of the school and wait for Kevin. *20 minutes passed*  what the heck, where is this guy? He live only five minutes away from here. I bet he's dressing up, I wouldn't be surprise if he showed up with a dress. A  screeching sound of a motorcycle can be heard around the corner. Gosh finally, Kevin stop right in front of me and toss a helmet at me.

"Why did it took you so long to get here" I put on the helmet and hop on the back seat

"I was getting ready" Kevin reply casually as if it's normal for a guy to take thirty minutes to get ready

After thirty minutes of speeding and ran every single red lights. We both finally reach our hideout. It;s an abandoned building, it located right outside of the city. It a place that no one would ever come into. It torn and can break down any minute. That's why we not worry about people coming in. 

"What took so long?" Jin-young ask right when we appear at the door

"Kevin was getting ready" i empathize the 'ready' part

"Look on the bright side that he didn't show up with a dress" Myung-ki said, I laugh and give him a high five

"Shut up before I cut you all" Kevin threatened

"Oh gosh I'm so scared" i tease knowing he can never get mad at me

"Anyways I called you guys here because..." Kevin began

"You mean text" Jin-young fix him earn a punch from Kevin 

"Remember I told you guys about Infinite?" Kevin looks around for answers

"Yes" We nodded 

"Infinite have a lot of rivals, it a matter of time before their rivals come and flip our city up-side-down.

We might get a lot of trouble too because we are part of the 'Knight Gang'.

Last time, we caught a lot of attention because we defeated the 'V gang' So we have to be extra careful from now on" 

"Um Why am I here? I'm not even part of your gang" I ask with a confuse look

"People might think you're part of our gang since you hang out with us too much" 

"I see" I nod, its good to see Kevin serious once in awhile

"And I wanted to see you" Kevin smile, I stand up and punch his stomach. Finally thought he was serious

"This is wasting my time. On second thought I'm hungry let's go eat" 

"Stop wasting money. Do you even have money left?" Jin-young pull out his wallet and give me some cash

"I will have money next month. I don't need it, but thank you" I took the money from Jin-young

"How?" Myung-ki ask as he put on his shoes

"I'm letting some people renting rooms so next month I will have money don't worry guys"

"Are the girls cute?" Kevin ask with a weird smile

"What girls?" I laugh awkwardly uh oh they will freak you, should I tell them?

"The girls that rent your rooms" All three start to corner me 

"I didn't say that they're girls" I look at the floor

"THEY'RE BOYS????? EXPLAIN NOW" i cover my ears as they screams. 

"Ouch my ears, calm down they're my classmates. They just moved here and I happens to have empty rooms"

"How many are there?" they ask in unison

"Um...two?" I lied

"We can tell that you're lying" Kevin lean in close to my face

"Um...four?" they leans in even closer "Okay seven, there are seven of them" I give in

I pushed them away and run for the door. I was running down stairs when my ankle snap, I fell to the floor grabbing my ankle close. The three finally caught up, surprise to see me on the floor and rushes over. I smile they're like my real brothers, always there when I needed them

"Urggg see what you did?" I shout groaned in pain

"help her onto my back" Jin-young bend down, Kevin help me into Jin-young's back

"Lets go eat~~~" I use aegyo none of them can say no.

Muahahhahah   I win so easily. For the rest of the night we didn't mentions about gangs at all. We joke around and eat all the things that we wanted to eat. Kevin and I bid the boys goodbye as Kevin take me home. When we arrived at my house, I hop down and toss him his helmet. Kevin just sit there and stare at my house

"Stop staring Kevin I'm not gonna let you in" I kick his leg

"Fine I will leave, but you go in first" Kevin push me toward the door

"Yes old man" I run as he start to curse at me. He hate to be call girly and old. I close to door

"Welcome home" all seven greet me. I was astonished I never heard that before

"I-I'm..back" I try to push out those words that I have never use before

"Dinner is ready" Sungyeol announce from the kitchen

"Food!!!!!" Dongwoo run past me almost knock me down the rest follow him except L

"Dinner is ready" I told L because he didn't seem to hear Sungyeol

"I don't feel like eating" He glare at me, I unconsciously take a step back

"I'm not eating today, so you can eat without worrying i will be in my room" I excuse myself

I don't know why he doesn't like me I didn't do anything to him. I hear laughter from the kitchen and smile to myself.  My house have never been this lively, I love this atmosphere. I feel like I'm actually alive i don't want to be alone anymore. Not after meeting them, and the gang.



"Wake up" a angel-like call me

"Five more minutes" I roll to my side and continue to sleep

Suddenly I felt two strong arms lift me off my bed. Normally, I would freak out, but Hoya been waking me up like this so I'm use to it. He always tells me to wake up and if I refuse he would carry me to the restroom. 

"Wash your face, breakfast is waiting" Hoya left and join the others

"Come on slow poke I'm going to eat all your food" Dongwoo shout

"NO!!!" I panic; start to do my morning routine super fast and run out to the kitchen

"Oppa have to go to work early today; give me a morning kiss" Sungyeol pout. I kick him and joint the others

"We all actually have morning shift today" Hoya said with a sad smile

This is so boring they all left to work, I have nothing to do at all. I try to watch T.V but then there nothing interesting to watch at all. I was heading to my room to do homework, but then my phone vibrate

From: Kevin

I have a job today wanna come? :) I will be there in five

To: Blackprincess




What if I say no?

From: Blackprincess




I'm here

To: Blackprincess


*Beep Beep* I look out of my window, Kevin looks up and wave. I curse under my breath that was not five minutes. I run to my room, change into a skinny jean and a black shirt. I grab my medal stick and a sword from under the bed. I put my small knifes around my belt and inside my black boots. I don't usually use my knifes, but in case emergency.



tara dani

( T-ara Ninth member Dani )


"You look hot" Kevin whistle. I smack his head

"That was not five minutes" I kick his leg

"It's not my fault you live so close to me. Stop hitting me save your energy for later" Kevin hiss

I grab the helmet and hop onto the back seat. Kevin took off extremely fast, i quickly hold onto his waist. The fight already started when we got there. Our side is winning, no fun at all. They didn't even need my help, I got to beat up five guys and that's it. The boss came out and surrender so we stop. 

"That was boring where's Myung-ki?" I saw Jin-young beating a guy earlier, my phone ring loudly. Myung-ki

"Hello?" I pick up quickly

"I need help Third Street corner" Myung-ki whisper in pain

"Kevin, Third Street corner now" I pull him toward his motorcycle

Kevin drove full speed to the location. I jump off the motorcycle before he even stop. I spot a lifeless body on the floor and five guys surrounding over the body. No doubt that's Myung-ki on the floor. He's bleeding so much, but he still seem to be conscious. The five guys still kicking Myung-ki 

"HEY, 5 on 1 isn't that too unfair?" I yell, the five guys looks up, good they don't have any weapons

"It's none of your business little girl now go home to your mama before it'd dark" They all burst out laughing

"I don't have a mother and that's my friend who you're kicking" I pull out my sword, blood still visible on it.

"Then what are you going to do about it?" The biggest man step up

"Beat the out of you" I spit at him. 

The man got mad and embarrassed in front of his friends. He charge right at me, but when he was few inches away. I see a bullet flew pass me and straight at the man's mouth. Blood spill out and he fell to the ground. 

"Thought I would help you destroy that filthy mouth" Kevin smirk and put his gun back inside his pocket

The four man decide that they wouldn't want to die like that man. They took off running toward the darkness. I step on the dead man as I make my way to Myung-ki. I slap Myung-ki shoulder lightly just to take my anger out on him. He still look okay well better than last time. Kevin took Myung-ki and I to my house since Myung-ki parents would kill him if he goes him looking like this. Kevin carried Myung-ki to my bed and put him down. 

"You can leave now I got this" I pat Kevin shoulder

"You sure?" Kevin ask to make sure

"Of course this is not the first time" I sign, Myung-ki clothes are covered in blood.

"But wait can you help me change his clothes first though?" I ask 

"Sure" Kevin began to take Myung-ki shirt off

"I will make some porridge the first aid kit is in my closet" 

Lucky that my parents doesn't live here anymore. Back then he had to climb in my window. I had to carried him that was tiring. Crap there no food in the fridge at all. I think I will go to the store nearby and buy some. I open my door

"Soo-min I'm back" Sungyeol greet standing on the porch.

"Um...welcome back" I smile before running upstairs to my room. "Kevin window now" 

Kevin quickly jump out of my window and climb down from the ladder that I always placed there. My parents always ask me why I put it there and I never told them why. More voices can be heard, why do they come home at the same time? I quickly cover Myung-ki with my blanket he seem to be cold.

"I brought porridge since today is such a cold day" Sungyeol announce. I smile he have really good timing

"FOOD!!!!" The boys attack Sungyeol, but Sungyeol move toward me

"You get to pick first" Sungyeol smile, I chose the first one, grab a spoon and retreat to my room

"Where are you going?" Hoya ask all the boys turns their head toward me.

"Um...I have a lot of homework. If I don't start I don't think I can sleep tonight" I lied

"Do you need help?" Sungjong ask with food in his mouth, Sunggyu hit him

"Don't talk with your mouth full" Sunggyu nag

"No it's okay I get it, but my teacher make us right out every single steps" I quickly proceed to my room

I sign in relief when I close the door behind me. I hope they are not suspicious of me. Myung-ki felt asleep on my bed. I wake him up to eat since it's bad to go sleep with an empty stomach. Also he need to eat before drinking medicine. 

"Troublemaker wake up" I help him sit up

"I'm not trouble maker, they're the one who started it" Myung-ki cough a bit

"What happened?" I ask, making circular motions so the porridge will cool down

"I was on my way to the job, they showed up out no where and beat me up" 

"Kevin shot one of them" I inform

"No wonder I heard a gun shot" 

"Why didn't you fight back?"

"They caught me by surprise"

"Really?" I eyed to see if he's lying. Myung-ki is a good fighter "here open your mouth"

I feed him slowly not wanting him to get burn because it still hot. When he finished the porridge, I put the bowl on my drawer. I help Myung-ki lay down. I grab another blanket from my closet and put it on top of him. Myung-ki smile before drifting off to his dreamland. With a sign I stand up with the bowl in my hand and walk outside.

"Did I ever told you guys that i dislike math?" I said with a depress voice

"No one likes math" Woohyun chuckle

*~~~~~THUD~~~~~~* I looked up at the ceiling Myung-ki what did you do?

"What was that noise?" Sunggyu ask looking around

"It came form above" Sungyeol point up and everyone looks up

"I thought I heard it outside?" I said nervously

"No, I'm sure it's from upstairs" Sunggyeol said seriously

"That's Soo-min's room" Sungjong scoot close to L

"Robber?" Woohyun guess

"Stalker?" Sunggyu join the guessing

"Monkey?" Dongwoo blurt out randomly

"Really? monkey?" Hoya smack Dongwoo head

"One way to find out" L stood up and plan to walk to my room

"It's my math book, it was close to the edge and then fell over" I jump over the table to stop L

I run up to my room and lock the door. I found Myung-ki on the floor. How can I make him disappear? I can't throw him outside my window and I can't hide him any either

"You!!!!!" I kneel to floor trying to help him up

"R--restroom" Myung-ki mumble 

"Soo-min if you don't open the door I will break it down" Sunggyu threatened

Crap, Myung-ki lay there not moving an inch. I stare back at the door, what should I do? Sunggyu going to burst through the door any minute. I sign and walk to the door and slowly unlock it. Seven of them burst in right away




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are you going to continue this?
First comment!!! Wow interesting!!! Update soon :D