
Hoya the flower in my heart

I return to the empty house. "I'm strong enough to take care of myself". I can't stand the emptiness and i go out again. I wonder around on the empty streets, memories of my family rush inside my head. I hate everything i just want to kill myself. the fresh air and the wind seem to be trying to cheer me up. Few houses away a shadow seem to be watching me,  I thoughtlessly walk toward the dark figure. I can hear my heart beats i walk a little bit faster.

" Hey, what are you doing?" Six figures came up behind that dark figure, making seven of dark shadows.

" Let's go we have to go to school tomorrow" one of them said

the shadow that was watching me take a last look at my way then turn and leave with the others. i stood there and watch as they disappears around the corner. i wonder who he was i was so close, but because of the darkness i couldn't see his face. I went home and called some of my friends over. we have a sleep over at my house. I couldn't get the figure of the shadow out of my head, i keep on thinking how would the shadow look like? and many other stuffs. 

"Hey guys wake up it's time to go to school" i wake up the girls

"I'm hungry" Sarah yawned

"I already made breakfast for you guys, get up wash your face and let's eat"

"Really? aww thank you" 

I want to walk to school by myself, but they said since we all had a sleep over so we have to go to school together so the seven of us decided that we all walk to school together. From far away we can see that people all are crowed in front of the gate. I hate to see so many people at a time, i get dizzy. I look down to avoid looking at everyone faces. As i walking through the crowd a girl hit my face with her elbow. I lost my balance, i fall backward, I closed my eyes. After few second I still didnt feel the floor yet.

"Umm, are you okay? can you get off?" a low male voice ask. 

I realize that i felt a hand on my back. I'm SO embarrassed i quickly get on my foot and walk away. I could feel many eyes on me as i walk away. Sarah come up and ask if i was okay i said yes and walk to my class. "How can i be any more embarrassed, that stupid girl have to hit me in the face. It hurts" i rub my face, i hears high heels walking behind me. I turn to see my homeroom teacher, so i walk faster to get to class before her so she won't mark me late.  

"You come here"

I pretend that i didnt hear and keep walking

" You stop right there or you will get detention" 

darn it " are you talking to me?" 

"yes, you go to the office and get me the new kids' files, i forgot it"


I walk extra slow, i found the files on her desk. How can she forgot it it right on her desk. This lazy teacher maybe she doesnt want to carry it that why she said she forgot. I walk in empty hall way, everyone is on class right now. i look down at the basketball courts all empty, i wish that it would be this quiet everyday

i open the door of my classroom, and walk over to the teacher

"thank you you can have a seat...if you can find your seat"

"what do you mean?" 

I turn around and find the whole classroom was a mess. The number of people seem to increase, and the people seem try to sit REALLY close to each other. All the desk are pulled really close to each other in the middle and leave all other desks with no one sitting outside of the circle. The boys in the middle seem to be squished by the girls who all pulled their desk as close as possible to them. some of the girl even sit on the same chair as them. The boys wore normal clothes instead of uniforms.

I look back at the teacher "Since it the first day get to know each other tomorrow get back to your seats" 

I wait for her to say something more, but she just walk away. of course she would would rather talk to her boyfriend than teach us. I want to walk out of the classroom like her too, but i cant since im a student, i walk to one of the empty desk that is close to the window and sit. I look outside students in P.E classes are playing kickball, tennis, basketball, volleyball, and badminton. I put my head down and take a nap. 


Suddenly i was hiding behind a door "Just leave her" my sister whisper to my mom in the kitchen

 my sister raise her voice "she never done anything for us anyways" 

"she doesnt have a heart, she didnt even care about anybody, but herself" I cover my ears i dont want to hear anymore



" hey hey hey are you okay?" 

I sit up my arms are wet with tears, i get my backpack and walk to the door 

" Hey a thank you would be nice...for this and in the morning too" 

i look at him over my shoulder he look familiar, but i know I never see him before. i turn back and walk out of the door. 

Next day


                                     I hope today would be better day. The sky is clear today, i see an airplane is flying i wish i can be on it. Planes can take me to where i want to go. 


"You should look at the floor when you walk, you might trip over something"

I look at the voice owner and it was the same guy from yesterday, i just ignore him and again look at the plane

"Do you know how to speak?"


"Hey, why is it so hard to talk to you?"


"hey seriously..." 

"HOYA OPAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

a bunch of girls came running so i move aside. His name is Hoya that's a pretty name, i smile. Hoya means flower i would call him flower if i get a chance to talk to him. I came to school early so i was the only one in class. The homeroom teacher came and told me to go with her to carry some stuff again. This is the laziest teacher ever, seriously. She made me do all the works she just sit there and watch.

" Okay thank you we are done, but would you mind to carry those boxes to our room we gonna need it today"

I stack it all up and carry it because i dont want to carry it back and forth. About half way to the classroom i bumped into someone

"Watch where you're going.....that seem heavy do you need help?" it was Hoya

i keep on walking to give that person a hint that i dont need help

" okay just be-careful other students are playing tags" 

I can feel my muscle hurting, but i can do this the classroom is not far away 

" watch out!!!!!!!!"  *crash*

Everything is in slow motion, i see people coming toward me, but i cant hear what they are saying. All i know is that im hungry i haven't eat for two days lunch because my parents haven't send me the money. Everyone mouth are moving at the same time i try to figure out what they're saying. Did something happen? why are there so many people. My head is killing me why does it hurt so much? i see Hoya it look like he's screaming at me then my vision get smaller and smaller and then i cant see anyone anymore.







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are you going to continue this?
First comment!!! Wow interesting!!! Update soon :D