Birthday Celebrations With Bummie

Romantic Reflections

Jonghyun stood wide-eyed as Kibum turned away from him and walked back towards the cake. “Do you want a big slice?” Kibum asks, spreading the icing across the cake. It took Jonghyun a moment to recover himself. “Um, yeah, sure.” He clears his throat, placing a hand over his chest. He wasn’t expecting Kibum to suddenly be so daring like that. He watched as Kibum dipped his pinky finger into the blue icing and then placed it to his lips. Jonghyun had to catch his breath as Kibums lips parted, taking in his finger and on the icing. And suddenly he felt an antsy throb behind his jeans. “Can’t we reverse the order?” He whines, walking up to Kibum and gripping his hips. The younger shakes his head, pulling out his finger and mumbling. “No.”
“Please, Kibum?” Jonghyun was already pushing himself up against Kibum, sliding his arms around his stomach and pulling him back into his body. Kibum fumbled and Jonghyun grinned. “We can eat cake and open presents later, I’m in the mood for you. Well,” He kisses the side of Kibums neck. “I’m always in the mood for you.” Kibum shivers, tilting his head as Jonghyun placed kisses up and down his neck, pulling at his shirt sleeve to get at his shoulder. He nipped his shoulder blade and Kibum leaned forward against the counter. “Did you wash your hair..?” Jonghyun asks. “Yeah..”

“I can smell your shampoo..” He hums, raising Kibums shirt and drawing circles on the lower part of his stomach. He felt as Kibum shivered against his body and he smiles, sliding his hands up farther and squeezing Kibums s in between his thumb and forefinger. 
Kibums body stuttered forward and a moan fell faintly from his lips as Jonghyun rubbed up against him. He could feel his hard on pressing against his pants. “Jonghyun..” His voice was soft. “Yes?” It took Kibum a moment to form a reply, his body tickled by Jonghyuns hands and lips on his body. “We should my roo--ah--ouch!” Jonghyun bit his neck, leaving a red mark. “What the hell?!”

“I’m marking you.”

“I’m no animal!”

“Of course you aren’t, but there are animals who are after you.” Jonghyun pushes himself harder into Kibum, and the younger stumbled forward, placing his hands on the counter to hold himself up. “Like who?” Kibum asks and Jonghyun unbuckles the youngers red pants. “No one important.” And Woohyun really was no one important. Kibums pants drop to his feet and Jonghyun grins, rubbing the front of his jeans against his . “We should really go to my room.” Kibum pants, his eyes fluttering as Jonghyun rubbed against his body, his tongue flicking out to trace up to his ear. “We’ll go in a moment.” Jonghyun didn’t want to separate his body from Kibum for even a second. Taking the youngers earlobe into his mouth, he and nibbled on it. Kibum shuddered violently, his straining against his blue boxers. “Turn around so I can kiss you.” Jonghyun commands gently. Kibum slowly faces him and Jonghyun felt a heat flush his body and caress his groin. Kibums cheeks were hued red and his brown eyes were deep and hazy and his black bangs lay alluringly in front of his face. “Beautiful.” He murmurs, wasting no time in taking Kibums lips. Plush and soft, he melded against him and pushed him into his . They groaned into each others mouths, their tongues flicking out to trace against each others lips. 

Jonghyun pulled back briefly, the separation making Kibum moan for more. Jonghyun chuckles. “Lets go to your room.” Kibum rolls his eyes, taking Jonghyuns wrist. “Finally.” He drags him down the hallway, pulling him into his room and slamming the door shut. 

They flomped onto the bed and Kibum lay on top of Jonghyun, pulling off his shirt and ing his pants. “Eager much?”

“Shut-up.” Kibum huffs, flinging their shirts to the side and pulling Jonghyuns lips forward into a rough kiss. Jonghyun was taken off guard, but he quickly melted into the kiss with a small grin. He could still faintly taste the flavored icing on Kibums lips and that just made him want to kiss him more. He drove his tongue into his mouth and opened his eyes to watch as Kibum sat ontop of him, he rather Kibum be underneath so he could do what he wanted. “Kibum…” He pants, separating their lips. “You should switch your position..” Kibum an eyebrow and then shakes his head with a smirk. “No, it’s your birthday and so this is the only time when I’ll serve you.”

“Then lay underneath me.” Jonghyun murmurs, trying to ignore the swell of his and the touch of Kibums thighs against the side of his stomach. “And no, I serve without your commands, Jonghyun.” Kibum smiles, sliding off his glasses and placing them underneath his bed. Jonghyun tilts his head curiously. “Why are you putting them there?” He asks. “In case…..we break them…” Kibum mutters, running a hand through his black hair. Jonghyun chuckles. “I didn’t break them, you did.”

“With your help.” Kibum stares down at him, his brown eyes gleaming at Jonghyun, almost beckoning him to do something. “Oh...then do you want me to break your glasses by breaking the bed?” His hands slither around Kibums waist. “Because I don’t think that’ll be a problem with the mood you’re putting me in.” His hands press into Kibums hips and Kibum felt it firmly pressing against his . “Your boxers are in the way…” He huffs and Jonghyun smirks. “Yours too.”

“We should take them off.”

“Mm.” But neither moved, instead Kibum slid himself back and forth against Jonghyuns still clothed , his body shivering as they touched. “I wonder what put you in such a mood…” Jonghyun wonders aloud with a crooked grin. Kibums eyes squeezed shut as he spread his hands across Jonghyuns fit chest. “It’s your birthday…” He pants. “That can’t be just it.” Jonghyun presses up into Kibum, his body wanting to get the bare sensation of the others skin. “Take off your boxers.” He commands softly. Kibum nods, hanging his head and resting on his knees as he slid down his boxers. Jonghyun watched with heated eyes. “There? Happy now?” Kibum asks obnoxiously. Jonghyun bit his bottom lip, running his eyes up Kibums bare body slowly. “Very.” He growls, leaning up and pinching Kibums chin. He crashed their lips together and kissed Kibums open mouth. His hands travelling all across his body.

Although they’ve had multiple times since entering college, Jonghyun still couldn’t quite get use to the way Kibum looked or the sounds he made. He loved the way the youngers head would swing back in ecstasy and the fact that Kibum would call his name and would solely think about him. Even now his enlarged, already wanting to reclaim him. “Not to ruin the moment or whatever plans you have in store…” Jonghyun sits up, Kibum settling down on his lap. Jonghyun bit the inside of his cheek, trying to ignore the soft pressure of Kibums against his . “But Bummie...can I just take you?” He pleads softly, his hands working their way down to Kibums waist, his fingers kneading into his thighs. 

Kibum smirks. "That would ruin everything.”

“No it wouldn’t we would just…” Kibum moves to kiss against his jaw. “It would just make things…” Jonghyun struggled to continue, Kibums lips soft and shiverish against his skin. “It would just make things what Jonghyun…?” His voice was deep and seductive, pulling Jonghyun into him. His eyes fluttered to a close as Kibums lips descended lower to his chest, flicking his tongue out to gently across his left . “It would just…”

“Yes?” Kibum was pushing him down now, resting his knees on either side of the others ankles as he leaned forward in between his legs, pulling at his boxers. “....Kibum we...would just…” His voice fades off into a throaty groan as Kibum took him into his mouth. Jonghyun clenched the sheets, his eyes never wavering from Kibum as the younger closed his eyes, happily taking Jonghyun deeper into his mouth. His fingers wove their way into Kibums black locks and gently he tugged. Kibum wrapped his tongue around the length of Jonghyuns and hard, Jonghyuns hips bucked up and Kibum nearly gagged as precum pinched his cheeks. He swallows the pre-release of Jonghyuns seed, opening his eyes and watching as his boyfriend seethed from the heat of his mouth. He pulls back to murmur. “You’re going to soon?” Jonghyun nods, his chest falling heavily up and down. Kibum smirks, returning to his and him gently, running his tongue along the side of his . 

Jonghyuns abdomen tightened and his eyebrows furrowed, his lips quivered and he tugs Kibums hair harder. “Bummie…” He grunts his name, releasing a sharp groan as he spilled his slowly into his boyfriends mouth. Kibum swallows his seed, leaning back and wiping his lips with a dry cough. “Kibum,” He sits up, caringly brushing Kibums black bangs out of his eyes and behind his ear. Kibum stares at him his eyes glistening with lust and he  shoves Jonghyun back down. “Lay down.” Jonghyun stares at him, his body still flushed with the aftermath of his and Kibums lips against his shaft. “Um, Kibum?” Jonghyun was at a loss, he didn’t expect Kibum to be so open and y like this, nor did he want it to stop. His black hair made him look and feel older, a mature aura falling from his lips as he moaned and Jonghyun realized then the dominance he felt with Kibum suddenly adjusting ontop of him. 

“Bummie...what are you doing?” He asks as Kibum wrapped a hand around his limp , working it back to life. Kibum merely smiles, taking in a deep breath as he spread himself across Jonghyuns , slowly guiding Jonghyun into his hole. Jonghyuns eyes widen in realization. “Are you going to ride me?!” He blurts, his heart doubling over and and running around in his chest. Kibum glares at him. “Shut-up, when you say it aloud it’s embarrassing.” His breath shook as Jonghyun slowly filled the empty space of his hole, his eyes squeezed shut in pain. “Does it hurt?” Jonghyun asks gently. Kibums eyes snap open and he makes a face. “No it doesn’t hurt. I mean, it’s not like I’m sitting on your very hard, very stiff . It doesn’t hurt at all.” Of course he was being sarcastic. Jonghyun laughs, reaching up a hand to Kibums cheek. 

Kibum offered a shaky smile, his breath catching as he finally found a good(almost comfortable)position on Jonghyuns . “There…” He lets out a breath, his hands resting on Jonghyuns chest for support. “Kibum, you don’t--”

“ quiet…” His voice was faint, his chest heaving up and down, Jonghyuns eyes never strayed from him. “I want to do won’t just feel good for you, but for me too.” KIbum groaned, his black bangs falling in front of his eyes as he slowly began to move. 

Jonghyun watched him with wide and clouded eyes. His hands finding their way to Kibums back, helping to hold him up. “Kibum..” The words were on the tip of his tongue, he wanted to say them, but he couldn’t open his mouth. His body and mind were too lost in the touch and look of Kibums body. The younger rode him, his voice hitching as he bounced on top of him. His eyes were fluttering and his lips were parted, soft whimpers coming from him. He was y and obscenely beautiful. Legs spread and back arched. Jonghyun loved it, he adored it. He felt his twitch against Kibums walls and the younger grunts, leaning down and opening his eyes. They stared at each other, their chests heaving simultaneously, their breaths a soft tune of love. 

“Jonghyun...happy...birthday.” His voice hitched over the words and Jonghyun could feel that Kibum was going to soon, his was pressed against the olders stomach, throbbing against his skin. Jonghyun smiles, kissing his lips and murmuring softly. “Thank you, I love you Kibum.” he grips Kibums hips, slamming down into him. The youngers body stuttered and his lips went slack against Jonghyuns jaw. Jonghyun bucked his hips up, hitting Kibum deeper, his body tickling with warmth as Jonghyun hit into him. “There…” He pants. “Jonghyun, right there.” Jonghyun smirks, his body reacting to the breathless and pleading way Kibum was calling him. He groans lowly as a sticky, heat gushed across his stomach. Kibum sighed heavily, spilling the rest of his across Jonghyuns stomach. 

Jonghyun felt his abdomen flip and he rested his lips in Kibums hair as his hips bucked up one last time, filling Kibum with his seed. The younger’s breath caught in his throat, his body shivering as heat invaded him. Kibum slid up and Jonghyun pulled out. They lay on top of each other, sweat and coating their bodies. 

“Kibum...that was--it should be my birthday everyday.” Jonghyun says with a laugh, watching as Kibum sat up and rolled off of him, rising to his feet. “Noway, once in a lifetime thing.”

“What about next year?”

“You’re getting dinner and cake, not me.” Jonghyun pouts, sitting up and wrapping his arms around Kibums still bare waist. “As long as you’re with me…” He closes his eyes, resting his head against Kibums lower back. “I have a hair appointment for 6:30.” He says randomly. “What time is it now?” Kibum shrugs. “How am I supposed to know?” He pulls out of Jonghyuns grip, fumbling for his glasses underneath the bed. “Oh ! Kibum we have to go!”


“Yes! I want you to come with me.” He places his glasses on his eyes and blinks at Jonghyun who was stumbling to get his clothes on. “What time is it now?” Kibum asks. 

“6:15.” Jonghyun says, his eyes double in size and he shoves Jonghyun hard in his chest. “You have to shower first!”

“Right.” He hurries into Kibums bathroom, poking his head out to say. “We should shower together, it’ll be quicker that way.” A smirk slowly spreads across his face. Kibum rolls his eyes, taking Jonghyuns outstretched hand. “This is your appointment not mine so--”

“Yeah, yeah, just get in here.” Kibum stumbled into his arms and Jonghyun held him with a smile. Jonghyuns previous birthdays were never this exciting or sweet or as memorable as this one and the ones that would come with Kibum. This was by far the best and Jonghyun knew, no he felt, that the others would only get better. 





Dubu Speaking

(a y Dubu gif because a y chap)

*starts singing* Lets get it on~

Okay, so yeah, Kibum's the best when it comes to giving Bday . He will NEVER do something like that on  REGULAR/DAILY basis

So keep it in your pants Jonghyun, Nothing much t say about this chaoter except for the little hint that Kibum dropped about being with Jonghyun for another year. "What about next year?"

"You're getting dinner and cake, not me." So you plan to stay with him BumBum?


Thanks for reading and these updates are coming quick because I've been out of school due to weather. 

...I should be studying....

Thanks as always for reading!!

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So the end has come :( thank you all, I'm actually quite happy with this series! Thanks again my dear lenses ;)


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Chapter 18: Awww. Minho. T_T
Val_a95 #2
Chapter 34: The ending was so beautiful and romantic T^T I loved it
Val_a95 #3
Chapter 22: I like the story but why did you had to make Woohyun so mean >< ahh i'm not liking this :s
Chapter 34: Simply amazing!!!
Chapter 34: WOW, this story was amazing, so well written. They story line and plot was incredible!! I love this story sooooo much! <3 (I even cried a little)
EHHHH! I love this sequel to the bow shaped smirk! I cant even count how many times I read this story.... but its so good! Thank you so much for making this akward/awesome/amazing story for us! You are sure going to be a good writer someday! Im really enjoying this fic so much! Ughhh! Jongkey is so cool because they go so good together! <3 Thanks, yet again for the amazing stories that you make! BTW you make amazing videos that I watch everyday! :D
PoisonChan #7
Chapter 33: Oh God, I just need to tell you how amazing is this fanfic! Never before a story makes me feel so much things like this one and I'm so sad to finally get to the last chapter and I'm also so happy because you did a great job writing this beautiful and perfect end. See these two together, all in love and cute it's the hapiness of my life and I'm glad to spend some time to read this... Plase keep writing, keep giving life to ours fantasies, keep giving us the chance to see these dorks together, at least in fiction. Thank you very much, for this and for all the JongKey videos you make!! Sorry but I'm crying right now and it's your fault! <3 (Sorry for my bad english :/)
Chapter 34: Homaiigod my feels I'm enjoying this fic and the first one so much it was soo good and I just can't stop reading it..yeah for sure this is one of the best JongKey fic I've read!! Thumbs up to ur author nim.I love how sucha sweet romantic and smtimes emo pups is Jonghyun here and for Key I love everytime he's the one that being sucha tease or flirt to JongKey is just soo perfect together perfect match..hahaha.And the s in here wowwww its soo bow to say it...I love it and if was hot..I'm done and Btw I love all ur JongKey videos..<3
vanessa_rose94 #9
Chapter 19: MINHO OMG ;-; Poor baby! He's so sweet and he also deserves love and I hope he finds it in the story!! I want nothing but the best for him OTL OTL. -low key wanna cry for Minho because he's such a sweetheart . Putting others before himself. I love the character development of Minho actually, and jjong... They've become more real... 3 dimensional. It's wonderful and I'm getting attached to the characters. BUT DAMN MINHO ;-; okay okay ... Love the story, I can't wait to read the rest ^^
lylwizz #10
Chapter 34: Oh my god...this story is beautiful. u made me cry. Y m i emotional!? god!