
An Unexpected Epiphany

The sun breaks through Miroku's curtains and his eyes instantly pop open. He has a strange, eerie feeling that he did something last night that was very important. He decides to ignore it momentarily because Saturdays only come once a week, and he needs to take advantage of them. His eyes slowly close as his sight rests on the image of a girl curled up tightly on his couch. His brain does not process her presence though, and Miroku goes back to sleep.


"Miroku! Wake up! I know you're inside! Come out now or you die!" a voice with a slight french accent shouts.

"You're denying us your rice sweets so there better be a good reason!" a gruff yet feminine voice insists with much more anger than the first voice.

Miroku groans and sits up looking in the direction of the door and- there is a person on his couch. A girl. 'How did she...? Ah, yes,' Miroku thinks, slightly frowning before trudging up to his bedroom door and opening it to see his five best friends.

"Well I told you to wake up earlier so we could reconcile but-"

"Shh Seishiro!" Miroku whispers, "No one can make a sound. Any sound. You need to be really quiet."

"Do you have a hangover while you're still underaged?! Honestly I-"

"No, it's nothing like that Noriko, I promise," Miroku insists hastily, "You just really, really need to shut up. All of you. Please-"

"I refuse! You're just being a coward and you can't admit to the fact that you got drunk and probably puked just now and-"

"Yuri!" Miroku whispers, "I'm serious! I didn't get drunk and I don't have a hangover. I just really, truly need you guys to shut up and, preferably, get out."

"Well we were going to apologise for our behaviour yesterday, but I guess that just isn't enough for you-"

"No, no, I appreciate it Karen, I really do. We all need to just be really, really silent. Please."

"Why?" Granmarie asks, complying to the rule.

"I suppose it can't be avoided," Miroku sighs, "Come in."

Miroku leads them in, slowly and cautiously, afraid of what they will think.

"Woah," Seishiro breathes, "How did this happen?"

"Well," Miroku begins nervously, "I-I found her... o-on the curb. Sh-she was in a really bad shape, she still is, s-so I decided to try and take care of her."

"We'll need to discuss this fully elsewhere," Seishiro concludes.

"N-no! We can't!" Miroku exclaims. He sighs, trying to explain what happened the night before to his friends, "Sh-she had... an e-episode... of sorts... and it was r-really frightening, so I-I don't want to leave her alone, just in case," Miroku silently pleads with his eyes until all other members slump their shoulders in submission.

"Okay... What's her name?" Noriko asks, staring at the new person suddenly wrapped up in their lives, still sound asleep.

"Natano Tsukiko," Miroku responds.

"Such a pretty name..." Karen trails off. Everyone knew what she was thinking, 'It's such a shame it lead such a horrible life.'

"Do you know why she's in such a state?" Seishiro asks, already mentally taking notes.

"I... I have an idea," Miroku answers quietly, "But I don't want to say it. I don't want it to be true."

"You still have to say it," Seishiro reasons calmly.

Miroku does not actually need to voice his opinion, as all Yukan Club members have a strong idea as to what happened to Tsukiko.

"But you can't keep her here forever," Noriko argues, "I'm presuming you want anything but your father finding out your housing her?"

"Well..." Miroku begins warily, "I was thinking she could possibly... attend Saint President with us...?"

"How could that ever work?!" Granmarie argues, "She doesn't have the money, nor the documents. They'll never allow it!"

"Wait!" Karen exclaims, "Isn't there a blind scholarship thing Saint President is doing?"

Karen is right. Saint President is offering a scholarship opportunity for those of a less prestigious background. All a contender has to do is be good in any art or sport. Although, they are not sure how Tsukiko's skill set will compare to these requirements, it is their best opportunity at the moment. As the club are discussing their possible strategy, a squeak is heard coming from Tsukiko, signaling that she is about to wake up. Silently panicking, Miroku ushers the rest of the club out of the door and waves frantically at them as they leave, closing the door just as Tsukiko's eyes flutter open.

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firegirl1212 #1
Please update on this story. I want to know what happens next!
watermaiden08 #2
Yes! I am so happy to come across your story. I have been looking for a good Yukan club story for so long! Thank you! TTT_TTT