
My Friend, My Idol

"Kook! Here!" Taehyung called out for the younger from a far with his hands waving wildly wanting some attention from his childhood friend, Jungkook.

"Oh, I don't even noticed you were there, i have been wondering nowhere i could know" said Jungkook smiling widely as he found the idol, greeting him as always and all the twisted handshake they've been doing from a long elementary-time ago. They have been going out together, but the usual time is they could not meet each other much after Taehyung's debut stage.

"As always, huh?" Jungkook present his forced smile. Taehyung not knowing Jungkook's feeling from the start, which is Jungkook really admire him and really love him more than a friend-realtionship. Yet, Jungkook still could not believe that his friend was really popular back then even though he worked with the idol.

'Hmm? Yeah.. Getting annoyed with this kind of outfit everyday, everytime if i'm going out" Taehyung only sighed and looking down to his out-lated outfit, he wore a pair of jeans and a black hoodie, with a cap covring his idol-handsome face. Taehyung is a singer, actor and all kind of things that idol could do to receive the attention, popularity and money.

"Why we're just standing here, did we planned to go out for the celebration?" Jungkook realize the situation getting tight and tried to brought the normal atmosphere back. 

"Oh, yeah, But i invited someone to come" Taehyung turned his head and looking for a fragile figure around the park. He sweared he invited her and told her about the time. 

"Where is that, weirdo, though!" His anger getting boiled. He really an impatient one. Until he saw the figure he was searching for dear life. 

"OMG! I'm freaking late, bull! I have been searching for y-.. Umm.. Who is that, Tae?' The girl with so much annoying mouth, Yoon Bomi. She's Taehyung's makeup artist and styling all the fashions Taehyung have to wear on stage. Futhermore, they were really close and never seperated when they working together. They have shared all the bitter and sweet moment together. Many people mistaken them as a couple. 

"Oh, sorry. Bomehrong, this is Jungk-" Taehyung's introduce session cutted on.

"What?? Hey, I'm Yoon Bomi, okay! i'm not Bomehrong or Weirdo or Butthead Or any bulls nickname you have been calling me lately, Taepoop!" Bomi argued. Taehyung smirked and don't take it seriously. He staretd to argue back.

"What? i could not hear you~ Bo-meh-rong~" Bomi gritted her teeth.

"Watch your mouth, Taejerk" 

"Woah~ I'm a jerky? but that's true, i have my own nickname too, but people called me King of Alien, that suits better with me, right?"

"Huh, yeah, you weirder than me, Alien!"

"But you weirdo than me"

"Wha- wanna have some fight here, huh, King Of Alien?"

The rest conversation started to grow longer, and the times also grow late. The longer the coversation goes, the longer Jungkook been forgotten there. Jungkook waits, wait and wait. Until time.

"Would you guys freaking stop, before i'm swearing even worser, i will put you guys in my armpit and never let go" Jungkook threaten the duo.

"That's really... COOL!" Bomi praised Jungkook. "The armpit smells better that this Alien's body scent, smells like a bloody hell" Bomi covering her nose, and point at Taehyung.

"You smells like a cheasy-cheese, Bomehrong. You wear the perfume like you're going to the dustbin paradise though.Worser than my smelly body." Taehyung smirk.

Bomi smacked Taehyung's chest sweetly. Taehyung and Bomi laughed together leaving the younger alone.

"Okay, Okay. So?" Jungkook tried to catch the introduce session back.

"Oh, sorry, again. Bomi, this is Jungkook. And Jungkook, this is Bomi or Bomehrong" Taehyung nicely introduced them each other.

"Hello, nice to meet you, Jungkook or would i rather called you Kookie?" 

"Theres no necessary, Bomi noona" Jungkook reject. "Oh okay then, hope we can be friends, Kookie" Bomi smiled sweetly and brought her hands to have a nice first met handshake. Jungkook accepts it, but deep in his heart, he just wants to throw the woman away from his TaeTae. They seem really closer than him and Taehyung's realationship. He's indeed jealous. He wished, just wished could seperates that woman and his fake lover in some 'other' way.

"Okay, the session finally ended though, let's celebrate the Taehyung's birthday party, Woo~" taehyung cheered up. The trio walked together to the restaurant they have booked. "I say, Taehyung. Why did you greet us to your party, but not your parents though?" Bomi asked curiously. "It was because Kookie's my childhood friends and you're my new friends, Bomi. Even though, you always asking me about my parents. but they always apart from me when i need them. so i could not get any chance to have a great memory like this with them until i graduated." Taehyung confess wholehearted. He always worked hard to acheive something he wants, even after he got them. He could not feel any success in it, because his parents never there to see and appreciate his acheivements, until time he felt the acheivement was useless to him. After he found his career, he gave in and start a new life. He changed outside but never in the inside.

"I-I never know your parents was divorced, I'm sorry. Tae" Bomi felt sorry as she wiping the tears away, while Jungkook is having a good time with his food paradise around him.

"It's not that my parents divorced or living seperately, it's just me, i don't know them really much, i live with my grandparents all the time, but they gone now. Say, understand and listen carefully, do not put that freaking earphones plugged in your ears!" Taehyung pulled out the earphones and throw that thing away. "Oh heheh, sorry" Bomi playfully apologizes. They just talking and talking,  never realizes that Jungkook took a glanced at them without sharing one words with him. He really going to explode soon, really soon. He slammed his already-finished bowl on the table and have all the people's in the restaurant attention.

"Freaking i understand a words what you guys said, but what i know is.. You guys never shared what you guys really talking about, I'm out, Okay?!" Jungkook slammed the table once more time and make the customer frighten a bit. He's out and never forget to leave a 'don't find me later' notes to the duo.

As the younger got out from the restaurant. The duo looked at each other weirdly, even their food never have been touched, while the bowl infront of them already a dozen have been finished off. They really at a guilty now. They have to search for the younger fast before the time getting darked or else.




Okay guys, as the information given in forewords, i stated that i would updated this story really late, but now it's extra late. Because it has been year a half i've not online this website. Too busy to describes it as one. I know, i'm not the only one. Please give me a spare room. This is some update. I will continue soon. Hope you like it. 


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UPDATE SOON PLEAAAASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *le sobs ugly-ly and bows 90 degrees*
Ooo, this sounds interesting. Please update soon author-nim!