Between Two

[One-Shot] Between Two

Jaerin gave a sigh as she recongnised the figure walking up into her drive-way, it was Jongin from up the road better known as Kai. He was donned in his usual leather jacket, Jaerin sighed softly pulling the curtains back - there was no point trying to hide from him, he knew she was here. Yet another ask for her affection, she had to wonder if he would ever get bored of it. He had been trying to get her on date for months now, all part of his stupid 'I'm so handsome every girl on the street will love me' scheme she was well aware of. Sure he was handsome and could be charming if he wanted to be but he was also an egotistical who was far too full of himself, he did things for his own gain.

With a sigh she pushed her bangs back under a floral alice band which accompanied her long shirt and jeans well. They were two completely different people which was another reason why they would not work, they had nothing in common. She opened the door with a deadpan expression on her face, sometimes she wished she could just ignore his knocks and ringing of the door bell but that Kai just did not know when to give up, last time she tried to ignored him he kept at it until the neighbours got annoyed and rang her just to let him in already.

"What do you want Kai?" She said in a bored tone, she knew what he wanted but it was sort of the rountine by now, she asked him what he wanted, he asked for a date, she said no.

"A date." He stated with that same old dashing smile on his face with a rose in hand before handing it to her. She had said no to the flowers at first but she gave into recieving the flowers in the end, by now she had a whole bouquet of them just from the amount of times the other had asked her out this weekend. 

"Don't you ever get bored of hearing the same answer?" Jaerin sighed, she would have felt sorry for him if he was not such a smug prick or just a dangerous guy to hang out with. She did not want to get caught up in his street racing, recreational drug taking and clubbing mess he had been said to be caught up in. Kai tapped his lips in thought before a teasing smirk appeared on his face.

"You could always say yes so I don't have to." Kai retorted, Jaerin rolled her eyes taking the offered flower. 

"Thank you for the flower but no." She said before closing the door on his puppy dog eyes. Darn him for trying to make her feel guilty. From the next room her aunt who was staying with her whilst her own place got fixed looked at her.

"If you don't want him, I'll have him." Her aunt said shaking her shoulders lightly in mild ancipitation "The things I'd do to him, I'll show pretty boy what a real woman is like." She said with a grin, Jaerin cringed a little at that but that was her aunt for her.

"Gross but you're welcome to him." She murmured trying hard not to allow any of those images into her head as she not that long had lunch. Her aunt gave a huff at that before standing hands on her hips looking at her niece in a sassy manner.

"Why don't you give him a try. Poor lad asked enough times." Her aunt stated giving her a small poke on the shoulder, Jaerin jutted her lower lip lightly she knew the reasons her aunt was really prompting her. Her mother and her aunt alike kept pushing her into some relationships as she had been single for a really long time now and her mother was getting impatient for grandchildren and a son-in-law.

"You know the reasons besides he has a dog, I'm allergic to dogs." Jaerin answered with a groan, how many times did she have to tell them these things but still they did not seem to get it into their big fat heads.

"Reasons... yeah that you're damn stubborn. Sounds to me like you're just making excuses, one date won't hurt."

"Who's side are you on? But fine I'll make you a deal, if he brings me my favourite flower he can have one date, and one date only. Happy now?" Jaerin finished, her aunt nodded with a grin before much to Jaerin's chargin her aunt opened the window and called out to the leaving Kai who was half way down the street telling him about the deal. Jaerin groaned. Oh great. She landed herself in it now.

Jaerin sighed at the knock on her door, she knew who it was. What did he have now a bouquet and hope for the best perhaps maybe a printing of a picture of flowers. She opened the door all the ready to close it again when she was greeted with a sight, the doorway was littered with flowers there was one of each type she could even think of and more she never even heard of. It was not Kai at the door either but a rather embarrassed looking male who looked at her sheepishly.

"Delivery for miss Jaerin from Kai?" He said keeping eye contact before a smile graced his lips, it was a kind smile. Jaerin could just tell that it was.  "Shall I help you take these in?"  Jaerin was amazed and if she was honest to herself she felt all warm and fuzzy inside that he would go to this extent just for a single date with her. Despite herself a smile found itself on her lips and she held a blue flower to her heart, they were just so pretty and delicate looking. Columbines had many thoughts on their meanings and it was a bit confusing at times on what meanings to take, sadly they could mean foolish. But they were beautiful.

She quickly stopped herself in her tracks, no. She was not going to begin liking him even if he did buy half a flower shop for her just to have one innocent little date. No liking, no fuzzy little feelings - she would not allow it! But she was much to her chargin. She helped him carry them in, she was in awe at them all and they took up her entire kitchen table and then some, the florist even had to make another trip to his bicycle basket. It added to the romance the delivery by bicycle rather than van in her opinion.

After the florist's hard work she felt the need to offer him a cup of tea. He accepted thankful for the break, it was there when she found out that his name was Donghae and that he was Kai's regular florist and Kai was his best customer. It strange really thinking of them two interacting as they seemed like global opposites, Donghae was the soft, pastel wearing type who owned his own flower shop and delivered by bicycle whilst Kai drag raced around in modified sports car, donned in leather, shades and being a menace to old ladies. The mere thought of them getting along seemed laughable.

"I felt I learnt alot about you from Kai's visits, you're the prettiest girl in the street he says." Donghae stated with a smile fingers wrapped around the tea cup sipping it gently, "he was wrong though... you're the prettiest girl in the continent at least." Donghae admitted slightly awkwardly, Jaerin choked lightly on her tea as she swallowed too quickly after what the other said. She coughed and her cheeks reddened - whether from the compliment or the coughing she was not sure. 

"Thank you." She murmured embarrassed and shyly. She did not know quite what to say about it. What now was there to say though.

Donghae tensed a little bit as it finally struck him that yes, he did in fact just say that outloud. He smiled sheepishly at her before deciding to distract her from it by ing another bouquet into her face before complimenting it in some kind of way to distract her from what he had said. 

"How many journeys did you even make, not all of these could fit in your bicycle basket..." Jaerin said to help him change the subject feeling slightly sorry for him. Donghae thought before visibly counting on his fingers which was surprisingly endearing to her. 

"Six... seven maybe? It's worth it though for someone's special person." Donghae said before giving a stunning smile that she half tempted to buy sunglasses for, and again she did not know what to say. That was just so sweet, he seemed to be a naturally sweet person. Another knock of the door disrupted them both and Donghae excused himself embarrassedly releasing how much time had passed when he should really be getting back. It was Kai at the door who sent Donghae a smug grin whilst the other gave him a sweet smile in reaction, they were so different Jaerin thought and she still couldn't understand how they seemed to get along so well. It did not make any sense to her head.

"Well, you cannot tell me that not one of these were your favourite flower, I'm not sure I want to give you a cactus." Kai said jokingly, Jaerin deciding that she would allow herself to go on a single date on him after all he had bought her all of these including her favourite. Prudishly she put on some airs as she stood up tall, she did not want him to think she was excited or anything even if a teeny weeny part of her might be. Might be. 

"I shall grant you one date and one date only." Jaerin stated, Kai rolled his eye before kissing her hand and smirking.

"Be ready by tonight, I'll forward to seeing you in a dress for once."

Why was she doing this? She did not like him for goodness sake... well not much. But here she was dressed up to the nines or at least dressing up as she kept changing her looks everytime she looked in the mirror which must have been at very least twenty times, she felt mildly ashamed by the efforts she felt like she was playing to that typical female stereotype which was not much of a good one she had to admit. But this was kind of her first proper date so she may as well do the effort. It was not her first date but it may as well been considering her last lot verged a lot closer to social outings and weren't really romantic to be honest. Also for some strange reason she wanted to look good for Kai, she told herself that it was to show him what he would be missing as he wouldn't get a second date.

In the end she settled for a dress subconsciously thinking of that smug git's remark, the smug git in mention clearly being that Kai. Pulling her hair back she smiled nervously bouncing on her heels impatient for him to just come already so they could get the date over with, he was two minutes late. Not that she was counting or anything, she heard an engine and through the small peer hole in her door she saw him approach the door. Before he could even knock she already opened the door ready for him whilst he just stared at her for a moment open mouthed.

"Well?" She muttered closing the door and locking it before walking forward past his still form before he snapped out of it, she gave a groan at the mode of transport he had. A motorbike really? Not only would she have to hold on for dear life she did her hair and everything but a helmet would completely ruin that. If she had to go into it a dress was not ideal either for motorcycle riding she would have to hitch it right up and what if it rained. And it had started off so well she mused sarcastically.

"Eager much." Kai chuckled getting on the motorbike donned in his typical leather jacket before sending that -eating grin at him before offering a hand to help get on, she ignored the hand and got on the motorbike herself grudgingly she wrapped her arms loosely around him. The grip tightened considerably when the motorbike actually started moving however causing Kai to let out that annoying chortling again at her expense. 

The date was not what she was expecting, to be honest she did not know what he was expecting. In retrospect she could be quite generous in her remarks about the date, the setting was romantic and the food was good, Kai looked nice and he cleaned up well. He also gave her flowers as if he haven't gave her enough already. It would have been good if it was not for the conversation or rather lack of one. It was rather one-sided and Kai mostly talked about how great he thought himself to be and how good his looked in his trousers, when she started to talk she was mostly cut off by him so in the end she just gave up on talking.

At least one good thing came out of it, she finally admitted to herself that yes she had grown to like him to an extent and she had been looking forward to this date. She had wanted it in the end and disappointment struck her with a heavy blow as she realised that he was just like she thought him to be in the first place and this was all probably just because of a bet rather than him actually like her. When they left the restaurant he leant foward to give her kiss but she lifted her hand and stopped him from touching her lips with his and they instead touched her palm.

"Thank you for the meal and all but I'll make my own way home." Kai almost looked crestfallen at that but before it fooled her again she turned away quickly - she was not getting back on his motorcycle. The one issue with that was that she had no idea how she was supposed to get back home now but she figured that she'll come to that step when she comes to it. So she began to walk, she did not have anyone to call or enough money for a taxi and she was so beginning to regret wearing heels, especially considering how they weren't wedges but those annoying ones with the weak little sticks at the heel which she was just waiting for it to break in the end she just took them off dangling them between her fingers with the back straps.It was not the most pleasant walking without shoes, the ground wasn't completely smooth and the concrete was uncomfortable to walk on with no grass or anything to ease it just long streets. Could it get any worse? She then felt the familar drop on her nose. It was going to rain. Maybe she should have went home with Kai rather than being stubborn and prideful, she just didn't want to deal with him as she felt stupidly upset with him - she didn't get why she was so upset in the first place, it was not as if they had something between them. She sped up a little as the rain grew heavier, then the heavens let loose as if someone pulled the string which was holding the rain up. She cursed as now she was a sudden drenched rat, as she looked upwards she felt like crying at the change in events. She opened her purse desperately looking for enough for taxi even though she knew she would regret it later as she wouldn't be able to afford other necessaties then she came across something else.

Donghae's card... when did she get this again... it was not far so she could drop by there. She would be least likely to catch a cold or something besides she sort of wanted to see a friendly face after a let down with Kai. His smile would be comforting as he had such a lovely smile. Normally she would chatise herself over thinking such but it was true rather than an exaggeration, his smile was his crowning feature - it was so warm and comforting like a childhood blanket. It just showed the nice guy he was.

She smelt the flower store before she saw it, it was almost overpowering - in fact it smelt a lot like what her house did at the moment due to the amount of flowers within it and looked a lot like the interior of her living room. She was surprised to see some flowers out and the open sign, she would have thought it would have closed by now considering how late it was... then she was struck by how stupid she was to even go this way in the first place if she thought it was going to be closed, what if it was closed? There was no guarnitee that Donghae would live near or above the store or even being any where near it at all. In fact he may not even be there anyway. What was she thinking...

'Stupid, Stupid.' Jaerin chatised herself lighting tapping her head if that would somehow get the stupid out of her brain. It didn't work.

"Jaerin?" Jaerin bit her lip and turned around sheepishly to smile at Donghae who sending a bemused look her way. Brushing some of her wet dark hair out of the way she sent him another smile, it seemed to be the only thing she could do at the moment - she was never good with awkward situations.

"You're wet." Donghae stated simply amusement creeping into his eyes as he looked her over. 'Don't let my clothes be see-though, don't let them be see-through' was her sudden inward mantra at the sudden burst of self-awareness that his gaze bought - because that would be so typical wouldn't it. She did not want to have both a cold and a sore hand because if he was looking at her s if her top was see-through she would have to whack him one.

"Oh how rude of me," Donghae stated taking off his jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders "You can come in and get dry if you want." He stated almost dismissedly as he took some of the flowers inside, he must have only just been closing up then Jaerin realised pulling his jacket around herself instinctively.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I'm here?" Jaerin questioned stepping inside looking at the other's jacket, it smelt nice. 'Of flowers - obviously, he was a freaking florist.' It was something Jaerin was wondering about, a soaking wet girl appears at his flower shop despite owning probably a great deal of his stock yet he does not question why she was here especially so late.

"Happens surprisingly often... girls just flock to my door whatever the weather." Donghae shrugged with that little grin of his, Jaerin could just tell he had a mischevious side under that gentleman appearance already. Jaerin let out a little laugh sending him an amused look, he seemed so prideful right then like a cat who got the cream over his little joke, so proud over something so little. It was endearing.

"Oh you woman magnet, you." Jaerin stated pulling his jacket at the front and doing a small spin as if to show it off, "Don't tell me, you have boxes full of jackets like this to give away to any girl you see in a dress."

"You outted me." Donghae declared dramatically "Dresses are just so impractical during evenings, besides women dig jackets." Jaerin laughed eyes scrunching up, this was what she needed. A good conversation particularly a funny one like this rather than the monologue that Kai was doing on their date. A date she had to stop thinking about. With a mixture of pulling and dragging she was in the flower shop.

"Now... would you like a towel? You can have your pick: large, white and fluffy; medium, magnolia and rough; small, cream and made of that weird material which just at being a towel if you know what I mean?" Donghae began, he was rambling a bit which was cute. "Shall I make you some tea as you seem cold..." Donghae finished apparently ready to offer something else at a drop of a hat.

"Thank you." Jaerin murmured a bit in a spin at how princely Donghae was being, there was not much other words for her to describe what else he was like, he was giving her so much but asking for nothing in return. Perfect was a word which popped up but she knew Donghae was not that... he was too obviously hopeless to be perfect. He was acting like it though, a perfect gentleman.

"Didn't answer any of my questions, but I'll just take that as a yes. I'll you a towel and put the kettle on." Donghae stated rushing off to serve her every whim or so it seemed and she was left there in the middle of his flower store drenched. She was glad she came here even if at first she doubted her reasoning, it was the perfect remedy to be cheered up rather than going home only to be alone. She groaned lightly, why did her thoughts have to keep drifting back to Kai - yes she was beginning to like him a little bit but to the extent of her thoughts being filled with him? She was not that desperate. That's what she kept telling herself anyway.

Then everything went dark.

"Did you just throw a towel on my head?" Jaerin said slowly lifting said towel, it was large, white and fluffy. Donghae was looking at her sheepishly before scratching the back of his head. "Could you not just pass it to me like a normal person?"

"Yeah... sorry about that?" 

So here she was curled up in large towel with a cup of tea in hand on some guy's settee talking about favourite films and other such stuff. She did not expect this of her evening but she did not mind it at all, it was a pleasant change from being home alone with no comfort aside from her television set and her computer.

"So how come you and Kai are friends?" Jaerin asked the question despite herself, her curiousity won out in the end. "I wouldn't have put you two together..." she admitted, Donghae looked surprised at the question before laughing lightly cupping his own mug.

"I guess we do make an unlikely pair, what would you say if I told you I used to be the favourite for winning in underground drag races and we met there?" Donghae said casually taking a sip of his drink. Jaerin nearly choked on hers at this new knowledge and she stared at him in disbelief and wonder, seeing the look Donghae gave an awkward smile. "I was joking about that, did not think you would take it seriously. Do I really look like I would be though?" He questioned almost proudly.

Jaerin facepalmed a little, this guy was lucky that he was cute otherwise she would have her face buried in her knees by now. Wait... did she just think that he was cute? "So how did you really meet?" 

"I saved his life." Donghae said simply, Jaerin gave him a dubious look believing that he was joking again. "This time I'm telling the truth." Donghae said putting his hands up as if in surrender, "He was choking in my store and I broke several of his ribs but I stopped him choking." Donghae admitted, it sounded decidingly less heroic as he would have liked.

"Now that I can believe." Jaerin laughed a little, Donghae gave a small huff at his moment of glory being made fun of.

"Am I that bad of a hero image?" Donghae sighed dramatically at Jaerin's nod, almost sulkingly he finished, "He bought some flowers from my store and then decided to give them back to me as a thank you gift." Jaerin was laughing at this, her eyes shining in amusement. Donghae just wanted to see her like this forever, she was most beautiful when she was happy and laughing like this - she just shone.

"Don't worry though, even though you aren't the usual hero material, you can be my hero for tonight." Jaerin added with a bright smile, "After all, you did save me from the rain."

"Thank you..." Donghae said touched by the notion.

"Jaerin had not came home all night..." Kai was panicking a little, he shouldn't have let her go home by herself. He should have insisted to take her or at least made sure she got a taxi or some way home rather than leaving her there. What if Jaerin was in some alleyway or by the side of a road somewhere? He was blaming herself, and the police wouldn't help as it had not been twenty-four hours yet since her disappearance so he set up a search party of his own. His gang was on the case - well technically it was not a gang but they were a rather large close-knit group.

So here he was searching the streets for her before deciding almost desperately to check with Donghae at his florists, he was running out of options, he had checked with most if not all nearby bars, hotels or shops for any trace of her and had found nothing. Practically bursting into the flower store he screeched to a halt in the middle of the store eyes set on the owner.

"Donghae!" He yelled to be greeted with two startled elderly women who began talking amongst themselves eying the young man up and in hushed tones gossiped and chortled. Donghae blinked blankly at Kai from behind the counter wondering what had got the other into a frenzy this time, he figured it was about a girl it usually was. Jaerin probably as that was all he had heard about for the last few months.

"Have you seen Jaerin? She has not returned home since last night! I've been searching for hours." Kai practically shouted into the other's face as he took the mildly alarmed male's shoulders, Donghae blinked before smiling lightly realising what this was all about.

"Calm down, I offered her a place to stay last night considering the weather and the long journey home. She's here." Donghae said soothingly, Kai's face changed from panic and worry to relief in seconds after the information seeped in.

"Oh you beautiful man, you." Kai declared pulling the other forward, Donghae's face took on one hilarious look of panic at what the other was going to do. Then he felt a pair of lips on his cheek.

"Gah, don't kiss me you idiot." Donghae stated pushing the other away admittedly going a little flushed in the face. "Idiot." He repeated rubbing the kiss off like a child. He just went redder as the gossiping of the elderly ladies increased. He was just relieved it was not on the lips.

"Do you two kiss often?" Jaerin's voice sounded out amused. She was up then Donghae thought with chargin over the thought that she of all people had to see that - it was embarrassing.

"No!" Donghae said hurriedly hitting the other male's shoulder as he gave a suggestive eye brow wiggle. Oh the other was an idiot. Kai's eyes darted over to her giving her the once over relieved she looked well although that shirt looked familar and it definitely wasn't Jaerin's. His gaze turned to Donghae questionly who merely shrugged showing that he had no idea why she was wearing his shirt either.

"You always cross-dress?" Kai retorted, Jaerin coughed slightly embarrassed. She did not expect that to be picked up on.

"My clothes were still all wet, didn't think he'd mind." She muttered hurriedly, Donghae sent the other a reassuring smile to show that it was alright before at the whispers and gossip he decided they should really move this conversation out of the middle of his store. He had a reputation to uphold as a business owner. 

"Can we take this to the back now, don't want all my customers knowing all about my private life." Donghae said softly trying to make his message clear with his facial expressions. Thankfully they decided to listen to him before he could join them in the back though he felt a pat on his shoulder.

"You go boy." Muttered one of the ladies to him giving him an adknowledging grin. "Two is double the fun, believe me."

"Thank you Mrs. Park." Donghae murmured so not to be rude - but was inwardly mortified as he joined Kai and Jaerin in the back room. He knew this woman but he did not want to know what she had just implied about herself. Jaerin eyed up the two males chewing the inside of her cheek, it was strange. With Donghae, Kai showed a different side of him, a side that she preferred to the egotistical bad guy image. He could be a dork too and it was refreshing to see, he was also more light-hearted around him. They really were good friends and it was endearing. But she was still annoyed at Kai she had to remind herself, stupid jerk face. Stupid jerk face she repeated in her head but it just did not seem to stick there. Argh!

But then again she had overheard that he had been searching for her ever since he realised she had not returned home and it was melting her resolve a little. Because maybe he was a jerk face... but he was not too big of one after all.

[A/N || Had to split it in two as taking so long - it's probably going to surpass 10000 words or so and this way you get something rather than the stupidly long wait you had to have so far. Besides still trying to decide on the ending, had 5 options.]

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i've read it again and cant wait for the next!!!
it such a lovely story :)
Chapter 2: donghae donghae donghae love this plz make more chapters amazing. I feel to make a short film on this if that's okay. such inspiration :D
Chapter 2: oh god! I am really confused who should I pick!
Sorry for make you do the hard work ;)