Chapter 1



"Hyemi, wake up." Mrs.Jung said while shaking her daughter to wake up. "5 more minutes......eomma" Hyemi mutters and pull the blanket over her head. Mrs.Jung looks at the pile of books on the table near the bed. " must have been reading the whole entire night. Hyemi its already 7:35." Mrs.Jung said. Hyemi removes the blanket and look at her alarm clock. "Oh no!! I'm late. I'm late. Teacher Kwon is definitely killing me this time." Hyemi yelled and jumped out of her bed. Mrs.Jung can only shake her head. Just then Mrs.Jung noticed a mark on her daughter's arm. "Hyemi, there's something on your right arm." Mrs.Jung said and pointed.Hyemi stopped and look at her right arm. There was a mark of a dark cresent moon. "What is this? Did somebody pranked me?" Hyemi mutters. Hyemi tried to rub it off but it didn't work instead when she did that it hurts her. "Ouch..." Hyemi said out loud which worries her mother. "Its not coming off?" Mrs.Jung asked and examines the mark. "It like its carve onto your body." Mrs.Jung said. "I'll probably tried to wash it off with water." Hyemi said and walked into the bathroom. "Well,hurry." Mrs.Jung said.

10 minutes later

"Eomma,it still won't come off." Hyemi whines as she walks to the dining room. "How about this? After you come back home, we will do something about it?" Mrs.Jung proposed the idea. "Okay."Hyemi agrees and still holding onto her arm, hiding the mark. Hyemi smelled something different in the air. Something delicious. "Mom, I smell something good." Hyemi commented. "I'm surprised Hyemi. I thought you always hated the smell of coffee." Mrs.Jung said while placing a cup of coffee on the table. "I don't mean that." Hyemi said and shook her head. Hyemi noticed a bandage around her mother's finger. "You got cut?" Hyemi asked. "Yeah..."Mrs.Jung answered.

"Now Hyemi,at least eat your breakfast here before going." Mrs.Jung said. "I'm already late." Hyemi said while tying her tie. Somehow Hyemi didn't feel like eating, she was craving for something else. "So, do you have any test to take today?" Mr.Jung asked while reading the newspaper. "Yeah, for Mr.Kwon's class....which is my first period class." Hyemi said and thought about the last time she was late and got punished by Teacher Kwon. Hyemi shiver by the thought of Teacher Kwon. After putting on her shoes, she opens the door. Only to find some stranger standing in front of her.  He was wearing black suit and have sunglasses on. Hyemi walk passed the stranger. "I believe you're Jung Hyemi?" the stranger asked. Hyemi turned around and looked at him with confusion. "Yeah?" she said while pointing to herself. The stranger cleared his voice. "Hello, I'm Mr.Lee the representative from SPS. I came to pick you up." he said with a grin. "That private school! ME! No must be mistaken." Hyemi quickly said thinking he's joking around with her.

"I'm not mistaken. I was told to come here. Anyway to prove it, you have a cresent moon mark on your body, don't you?." he asked. "How did he know?" Hyemi thought. She unconsciously touched her right arm, where the mark is. "So its on the right arm." Mr.Lee thought. "That mark shows that you belong to SPS. And also this is your acceptance letter." Mr.Lee said and handed the letter to Hyemi.

 It wrote:


You are chosen to attend SPS.We sincerely congratulates you Miss Jung Hyemi, for your acceptance to SIPS. A representative will be sent to pick you up. Other information will be given to you when you arrive to school. We are very excited to meet you soon. Once again congratulation to your acceptance to our school.  



"As you see, you are the student I'm picking up." Mr.Lee said.  Hyemi didn't say anything else and ran back into the house, to the living room. "Appa...eomma!" Hyemi calls for her parent, with excitement. Mr.Jung glared at Hyemi.  "YAH! What you doing not going to school yet?" Mr.Jung scolded. Mrs.Jung peeked from the kitchen. "Hyemi...." she said and sigh. Hyemi handed the letter to her father. "I got chosen to attend SPS. This is like my dream come true!!" Hyemi squeals. Mr.Jung quickly read the letter and was utterly surprised. "Honey, is it true?" Mrs.Jung asked and walk toward her husband and daughter. Mr.Jung dropped the letter and hugged Hyemi tightly. "I can't believe this is happening....." he said with joy. Mrs.Jung picked up the letter and read it to herself. Tears filled in her eyes. "I'm soo happy for you,Hyemi." Mrs.Jung said and also hugged Hyemi along with her husband.

Mr.Lee clears his voice again. "Um...excuse me to interrupt. But I must take Hyemi now." Mr.Lee said softly. Hyemi remebered that SPS was a boarding school. She must leave her parent. The once happy mood was gone."Eomma...appa. I--" Hyemi was cut off by her dad. "Go." he said and breaks away from the hug. " This is the best for you." Mr.Jung said. "Don't worry about us." Mrs.Jung said and holds onto Hyemi hands. "Wherever you are, we are always watching over you." Mrs.Jung said and patted Hyemi's back. Tears started to flow out from Hyemi's eyes and her parents hold back from crying.

A few min. later

Hyemi hugged her parent one last time before getting in the car. "Some time later in the day somebody will pick up her stuff." Mr.Lee said and bowed to Mrs.Jung and Mr.Jung. Mr.Lee got in the car and started driving. Hyemi saw her parent crying from the back window. Hyemi hold back from crying again. "Lovely parent, you got there." Mr.Lee said. "Yeah, I know." Hyemi replied and wiped her tears. " Mr.Lee, about this mark... How did it get on me?" Hyemi started to say trying to change the subject. Not wanting to talk about her parent, since it will make her cry again. "You'll find out when you talk to your Counselor. She will explain to you." he said with a shrug. " Oh...really?" Hyemi nodded to herself and look out the window. "Don't worry. The school is great place. If you need anything or want somebody to talk to. You can always stop by my office." he said. "Thank you." Hyemi said and smiled. "Don't mention it." he said and saluted with one finger. I guess everything will be alright...I hope so...


At the front of the  school,her Counselor was already waiting for their arrival. "Hello, I'm Ms.Yoon, your Counselor." she said and shook Hyemi's hand. Hyemi stared at the school in amazement. The school was grand and fancy. "This is the high school branch." Ms.Yoon said with a small laughter. "Jinja?" Hyemi gasp. "Well, it was nice meeting you Hyemi. See ya." Mr.Lee said and drove to somewhere else. "Now let me take you to your dorm." Ms.Yoon said and ushers for Hyemi to follow.

Ms.Yoon opens the door to Hyemi's room. Hyemi looks around the room. There was one bed, some desks,chairs,a mini sofa, books, papers, and a closet. "So I have a room all to myself?" Hyemi asked. "Yes. I know that having a roommate will help you.But you're place here at Black Cresent Moon Dorm. You're the only girl here." Ms.Yoon said. "The only girl....isn't that dangerous." Hyemi thought. Ms.Yoon picks up some papers and hand it to Hyemi. "This is your schedule and your student handbook. Oh also your student ID." Ms.Yoon explained. Hyemi looks at her schedule right away. "Wait I have a class at 8:30 p.m. Something is wrong with my scehdule." Hyemi pointed out. "Things are different here at SPS, Hyemi. I guess I have to explain it to you now." Ms.Yoon said and sits on the bed followed by Hyemi. "Then let me be straightforward. This is a school for vampires." Ms.Yoon said seriously. It was quiet for a few seconds until Hyemi started laughing.

"You're kidding. Come on Ms.Yoon, that not something to joke around." Hyemi said and laughed. "Hyemi, I'm being serious." Ms.Yoon said. Hyemi stopped laughing.  Hyemi face became paled and started to panic. Ms.Yoon touched Hyemi's shoulder to calm her down. "Hyemi, we won't hurt you. You're a part of us. You're also a vampire." Ms.Yoon explained. "'re lying...there's no such thing as vampires..." Hyemi said.














hello~~~Hana14 is here. Did you guys enjoyed the first chapter? It kinda boring isn't what your thoughts? I would love it if you guys subscribe or comment....upvotes  would be loved.

credits - contradictori


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1st chapter is posted!!!!


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Chapter 1: I like it already ^^ please update soon!! >.<