
Yes or Kiss

That night, something was happened. I felt his plump lips on mine. He suddenly done that without me realized it or stopped it before it happening. I didn’t doing anything, just silent but I didn’t kiss him back. The kiss was a soft, gentle, innocent. He didn’t do anything other than meeting my lips with his. And then he pulled his lips from mine. He stared at me with dilated eyes that was sparkling like he was looking at something he fancies. I know that his eyes was different from the way he looked at me before. I observed him and it was not a lie that he really attractive even he have many bruised in his face. I don’t know why he had it anyway. He took a small step back, in an attempt to create some space in between the both of you because you were obviously not breathing very well with him so close to you. And with surprised and shocked face too.

“I like you. Be my girlfriend”

I could only surprise after heard that from him. It was very sudden. His confession, he done that after waited me in outside my part time job place. To be truthful, girls like guy like him. He was tall and he always smile. He was athletic and he had the body of Greek Gods can create. The way he mumbles and drawls when he speak, the way he flirted without him knowing it. He was undeniably, perfectly, painfully beautiful. He was an artwork, a masterpiece.

The question on my mind was not why he kissed me before he said his confession. But actually I wanted to ask that too. But the important question and the main problem were…

He was my best friend, Soo Jung, boyfriend, Kim Jong In.




In the next morning, I walked to school with feeling full of guilty. I didn’t answered Jong In’s confession yet because I know it was wrong. Even I like Jong In way before Soo Jung met him, but she get him first. I didn’t want become a because I snatched my friend’s boyfriend. I walked in the school’s hallway, went in to my class direction. And suddenly someone called my name.

“Bi Raa!!!!”

“I’m sorry!!!” I abruptly apologized because of the guilty all over my body. I turned my head to see who was calling my name, and it was not Soo Jung. “Eh? Oh, it’s only you, Yu Ri” I said that with a little relief.

“Why?” Yu Ri asked me and I just smiled to her and shook my head

“It’s nothing” I tried to assure Yu Ri.

But then I saw Yu Ri’s lips turned in to smirk and say “Oh, I know. You don’t want to meet with Soo Jung, right?”

I shocked after I heard that. Why Yu Ri know that I didn’t want to meet with Soo Jung today?

“I know your feeling~” Yu Ri sing song

I looked at Yu Ri with still my shocked face “Why you know it?!!”

“Because today Soo Jung is in a bad mood. Yesterday she called me” Yu Ri stopped a while and added “She said she was rejected by a boy, and it was a big stain in her life”




I felt the dark atmosphere in my class. It was from Soo Jung actually. Her face showed that she annoyed by something, and I know why her face was like that. I just silent when I met her, didn’t try to comfort her, but Yu Ri did it anyway.

“Jong In is really stupid to break up with you” Yu Ri said to Soo Jung

“He is stupid!” Replied Soo Jung with furious tone.

I felt scared actually. Yu Ri told me before, that, about one month before, Jong In always talking about break up. But Soo Jung didn’t want it and keep insisted him to still dating with her. But finally the talk was over last night. Jong In said that he liked another girl.

“So, who is that another girl?” Yu Ri asked Soo Jung. “Is she his schoolmate?” Yu Ri added with curious voice.

“I don’t know. He didn’t tell me” Soo Jung answered it with annoyed voice. “But, whoever she is, I’ll destroy her” She added.

I gulped when heard Soo Jung said that.

“Even we already broke up, it didn’t mean I already give up about him. He casually like another girl” Soo Jung said and it really made me more scared of her. Then someone was calling Soo Jung’s name, the teacher need her. So she went to the teacher and left me with Yu Ri.

“She still not satisfied, even she already asked her brother to beat him” Yu Ri said and I quickly looked at her with my surprised face on.


“Jong In is her brother’s junior, right? That’s why she know him” Yu Ri added

I know it can’t be tolerated. It was for my sake and Jong In sake. I shouldn’t meet him again.




I went to my part time job place. I decide not to meet Jong In again. I know it was easy to do because my school and his school was different. And actually I rarely meet him.

I arrived at my workplace and entered it. Then I surprised, because Jong In was there with my manager talked to him.

“Bi Raa si, starting today, he is our new worker. His name is Kim Jong In, one year younger than you” My manager introduce him and I feel God didn’t want my life become in peace.

I changed my school uniform to work uniform. I started tidy up items in one display counter. Oh yeah, I worked in minimarket. I were thinking hard, how should I avoid him in this place.

“Let me help you”

Jong In's voice startled me. I paused mid-wave and whirled around to look at him.

“No, thanks. I can do it by myself” I rejected his offer and continue doing my work.

“Are you still mad?” Jong In asked me.

I turned my head to look at him and surprised because of the sudden question. “Eh?”

“I, myself, feel like a stalker for doing this. But I don’t know what I should done to meet with you” Jong In told me. “But, truthfully, I feel a little guilty because of this” He added.

I sighed and think what I should replied him.

“Why you suddenly like me? We had playing around with others, and I consider you as my friend’s boyfriend. Even you say that you like me…” I said that to Jong In, but he cut my word

“I already break up with Soo Jung” Jong In said to me.

“I know that! But it was not the problem!!” I yelled to him and feel frustrated because of that. Because he already broke up with Soo Jung, so it already didn’t have any relation again? Girl’s world wasn’t easy like that. Why he didn’t understand that?

“I’m sorry” Jong In apologized to me and then he walked away from me. I looked at him. He really looked unenergized and I felt bad because of it. And it was useless if he apologized now.



I was in the subway station, waiting for my train. Then my focus distracted because of a group of a boys that focused staring on one of their friend that playing games on his phone. I saw him again. The boy that caught my attention since one month ago.

“Yeah! I level up again!” He gave his phone to his friend, let them to play it.

“Wow! You really great!”

He smiled and laughed with his friends. And I couldn’t not to smile too. I fished out my phone and wrote my diary on it as usual.

I meet him again today! He was playing game with his friend

I wrote that on my phone and glance on him

He really handsome when he smiled like that…

I added that to my diary and I startled when suddenly one of the boy shouted.

“Aaaaaahhh! The battery runs out!!!!”

“Stupid” The other boys laughed.

I looked at them and tried to calm myself down. I tried not too surprised because of that yell and keep my face straight.

“I am brokenhearted… I finally can finished the level but before I finished it, the battery runs out”

“Don’t talk too loud. The girl beside me is stuttering”

I finally turned my head to see my crush beside me and a little surprised that he know I shocked because of his friend’s suddenly yell.

“Sorry if we were too loud!” He said that to me and it made my heart beating uncontrollable. I feel happy that he talked to me and know my existance.

*end of flashback*


Only in that time we were talking normally. After that, I moved, so my way to school changed and I couldn’t meet him again. And when finally I met him, he already become my friend’s boyfriend. Kim Jong In. After that, I tried to reduce my feeling for him slowly.




“This, I received this from customer. It is okay, right?” Jong In asked me. He was received a bread from one of the customer that like him. I looked outside and still can see her and her friend fangirling over him. He was too popular because of his attractive face and figure. And it made the store’s sales raised up.

“It was only bread. Not a good thing, right?” I said that with uninterested tone.

“I never eat this” Jong In said

I looked at him and wide my eyes “You never eat a minimarket’s bread?!!”  I yelled to him and his expression was really blank.

“I always eat homemade food, never eat in food stall or canteen, or anything that beside my mom’s foods” Jong In told me that and I awe him. He really a diligent student, seems like he never playing around after school, just went straight to his house. I looked at him a while. I saw his lips quirking up in a small smile. My heart beat crazily, sweat started to form at the back of my neck. The butterflies on my stomach made a sound and I blush and I turned my body, showed him my back, to hide my reddenish cheeks.

I continued sweeping the floor and Jong In was staring at me. I tried not to distract because of that.

“Ng… Are you finally interested about me?” Jong In asked me and I turned my head because of the sudden question. I saw Jong In tilted his head when he asked me that. His face really cute when he asked me that. His big eyes showed his passion and when I looked in to it, I felt like I was drowning in his. It made my heart fluttered to see him like that.

After I realized his gaze right on me, I quickly avoided it, didn’t want to be more drowned in him. I continued sweeping the floor and walked away from him.

“No!” I answered his question.

“Ooh…” I heard Jong In’s disappointment on his sigh. I stopped my walk and turned my head to him.

“Is your bruised in your mouth already recovered?” I asked that to him. “You had been hit by Soo Jung’s brother, right?” I added with worried tone on me.

“Eh? Eum… Yes…” Jong In sighed and added “But it was my fault though”

His fault? I wondered about that. “You are a serious person” I said that and chuckled lightly

“Eh?” Jong In surprised when heard my words and thinking a while “I think that is true… Sometimes I don’t connect with my friends jokes or talk, and they were mad because of that” He admit my words before and I laughed at him.

“I know it!” I said that cheerfully as I laughed at him. I saw Jong In’s face and he smiled at me. I stopped laughing because I know it was wrong. I continued sweeping the floor. I know that it was his fault when he broken up with Soo Jung. So I know, I couldn’t to make him like me more. I couldn’t being around him too much.

“Bi Raa” Jong In called me and I startled because of that. I stopped sweeping the floor but I didn’t looked at him. Just showed my back to him.

“Ng… That time, I asked you to be my girlfriend. But, actually I just want to know your feeling to me. Please, tell me about your feeling. I don’t care when you will tell me that. But please tell me. Yes or no” Jong In said that and I just can silent, didn’t give him any response.




I sat on my seat in my class. I tidy up my book with uneasy feeling. Thinking about what Jong In said yesterday.

“Bi Raa!”

I startled when I heard my name being called. I know whose voice was that. It was Soo Jung’s voice. She already in front of my desk and she held her phone on her hand.

“Why? Anything wrong? You looked like your soul left your body” Soo Jung said that to me

“Eh? Is it like that?” I asked her

“Yup!” She nodded and sat on the seat in front of my desk. “Jong In started doing part time job, he always late to reply my message. I become emotional because of that” She said that that with her annoyed tone.

“Oh…” I speechless to reply her, because I was working with Jong In actually. And I couldn’t told her that.

“If I get back with Jong In, let’s play together again! I will asked him to bring his friend to accompany you!” Soo Jung said that cheerfully and I only gave her my fake smile.




I walked toward my part time job place. Today was my day off, but I still went there. I wanted to meet with Jong In. I wanted to clear something up with him.

I arrived at the minimarket and I saw Jong In talking with the customer. After he finished talking, he turned his head and he saw me outside. He quickly left his counter and went outside to meet me.

“Bi Raa?! Why are you here? Today is your day off, right?” Jong In asked me.

“I just want to take my thing that left behind yesterday” I said that to him. I gulped and looked at him. “I want to resign from this job” I added.

I looked at Jong In face. He showed his face that he was really surprised when he heard my words before.


“The salary was too small. So I think it is enough for me to work at here” I made an excuse and smiled at him when I said that. I hope Jong In would believe my words. “I want to resign, because I’m tired and…” I continued talking but suddenly Jong In stopped my talk. He grabbed my wrist and made his face closer to mine. His face only a few inch from mine. My eyes looked straight in to his eyes.

“If you don’t want to meet me, let me to resign, not you. And you can continue to work here” Jong In said that to me. “Said it clearly” He added.

I ducked my head, avoided his eyes. Yes or no. I can’t answered it. My feeling towards Jong In, I didn’t know how I should treat it. My heart beat very fast. I wanted to answer his confession. In know this heart fast beating was because of him. I lift up my chin and looked in to eyes. When I wanted to say something to him, I heard someone called my name.

“Bi Raa?!!”

I and Jong In turned my head and saw Soo Jung there. I was surprised to see her there, Jong In too.

“Why Jong In is with you?” Soo Jung asked with suspicious tone and she come closer to me.

“Soo Jung, I can explain it!” I tried to clear the misunderstanding but she didn’t want to hear it

“Don’t make an excuse! I never heard that you two always meet! Since when?! How long you guys already meet with each other like this?!!” Soo Jung beamed and she looked like she really mad.

Jong In’s hand still in my wrist and he stand in front of me, he tried to block Soo Jung from you.

“Soo Jung…” Jong In said to Soo Jung, tried to calm her down. But she didn’t influenced and still yelled at you.

“Answered it, Bi Raa!!”

I confused. How I should answered her. I wanted to cry actually, but I hold it. I didn’t want looked weak.

“You are wrong” Jong In said to Soo Jung. “It was me that said I like her. And now, seems like she want to reject me” Jong In added with weak voice.

You looked in to Jong In, Soo Jung too. Her face become red, pissed off, full of anger.

“You !” Soo Jung yelled at me and before I realized it, I felt my left cheek stings. Soo Jung slapped my face with her hand.

Jong in shocked when he saw that. Soo Jung realized something that she was over exaggerated. And my mind wandered in to the past


“Hey, Bi Raa. My boyfriend’s friend asked me to introduce him to a girl. You want it, right?”


“Please. You never met with your train prince again, right? My boyfriend will come too!”

“Ng… Alright…”

I went with Soo Jung to meet her boyfriend’s friend. And I saw my train prince there.

“Jong In!” Soo Jung called her boyfriend’s name. And that day I knew that my train prince was my friend’s boyfriend.


I cried when I remembered that. “Sorry Soo Jung, I… I like Jong In”

My feeling that I erased that day…

“I know that he was your boyfriend… I know that it was wrong…”

But actually… I wanted him. I really wanted him. I can’t stop wanting him when I saw him with Soo Jung.

My cheek get slapped again by Soo Jung. It was really hurt. But I kinda feel that I worth to receive it.

“Hey…” Jong In tried to stop Soo Jung and stand in front of me to prevent her to slap me again.

“Don’t touch me” Soo Jung said and turned her body “I don’t care. You guys better die together now” After said that she walked away from you and Jong In.

I palmed my cheek. Tried to reduce the pain with my hand. Jong In looked at with worried face.

“Are you okay?” He asked me

I let off my hand from my face and looked at Jong in. I smiled at him. “Eum. I’m okay” I closed my eyes and intertwined my fingers with each other. I smiled. “Maybe you didn’t know. Long time ago, we always ride the same train. Even it was only once, you talked to me, and I was very happy because of that”

After said that, I expected something from Jong In, but he didn’t said anything. I opened my eyes and saw him closed his mouth with his hands. His eyes become bigger. I saw his cheeks reddening. It was really cute.

“Why?” I asked him

“I think it finished on that day. Because, since that day, I never saw you again” Jong In said that and smiled “Thankfully you have same feeling with me” Jong In chuckled lightly and his smile really trapped me.

I already decide it. My feeling toward Jong In was not a NO.

I come closer to Jong In. I tiptoed and leaned my face closer to him and finally felt his plump lips on mine.

But my feeling was a YES or a…


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Chapter 1: Awww this is sweet . keke but soojung really jong in girlfriend tho. Haha I should read the story last year :))) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is great
gabriella_bella #2
Chapter 1: Woah author jjang! (y)
firarah #3
Chapter 1: By the way,, authornim malindapark,, gomawoyeo,, xiexienie, arigato, danke, gracias, terimakasih, thank you, for this story,, >~<
firarah #4
Chapter 1: Bi raa will have difficult life, she will lose her friend but got new boyfriend, i wish soo jung as soon as possible have new boyfriend and forget about this problem and they can be friend again :)))
firarah #5
Chapter 1: I'm curious about jongin's friend who playing handphone game at station, in my imagination, jongin's friend is chanyeol playing SMtown super star,, haha
firarah #6
Chapter 1: Jong in is bastard,, haha,, easly change his heart,, it will nice if you telling us how can jong in change his heart suddenly,,
firarah #7
Chapter 1: Huaaaa,,,,,,, nice story ♡♡♡