VI. If I Never Knew You

Neverwhere: A Tale of A Lock and Key

(Song: "If I never knew you" from Pocahontas




“If I never knew you,

If i never felt this love.

I would have no inkling of,

How precious life can be.


And if I never held you,

I would never have a clue.,

How at last I'd find in you,

The missing part of me.”




“Chill and take a seat, little damsel. I am getting dizzy and you must be tired.” Franco lights his cigarette and Ian just sits there sipping on his tea, with his creepy smile on. 



“I’m just….. ” Joohyun halts and looks at all the men in the room, including her own father. “A little anxious.”



“Over what?” Her father laughs watching TV just like the other two men do. “Shouldn’t you be happy? Oh, tv programs are fun.”




Seulgi appears and hands a cup of hot tea to Joohyun,  “It’s not your fault anyways.” 



Joy joins in, “And she certainly loves you more, unnie.”




“Look,” Franco puffs and pats the head of black cat on his lap. “I have been here to look after Ian’s girls and I’m sure that Wendy is the type who knows what she’s doing. I might not know you well but you seems to be a good match for her.”



Seeing the frown on Joohyun’s face hasn’t faded still, Ian finally speaks, “She would never leave you alone. I believe, so do you. You know our kind.”



Joohyun of course know what Ian is trying to say. Holding the now-complete pendant in her hands, she awaits.












“Have a seat first.”



“Thank you.”




Wendy sits down and looks around. It is the same little cafe they used to hang out, few blocks from their school, so that no one would see them together. It hasn’t changed for a bit.



Seolhyun takes her time to look at the girl in front of her, whom has been missing for days. As she knows, she has been absent in classes but it seems that Collins is fully aware of that. She was getting worried and suddenly Wendy sent her a text. It seems Wendy has made up her mind finally. And she hasn’t changed for a bit. At least for her appearance.




“You seems you’re doing fine.” She instantly regrets as those words escape from her lips. Now, she sounds like a jealous woman.



Wendy, however, lifts a smile, “A lot of things happened actually. A lot of things have changed.”




Seolhyun is trying not to ask the question but she is dying to know. She sees it coming but it still hurts a little. “Like what?”



“Like,” Wendy smiles again. “I am braver now.”




“I’m so sorry. For everything.” She suddenly loses the courage to look at her in the eyes. 



“You don’t have to. You didn’t put a gun on my head when you asked me out.”



“I don’t know if I still love you or not, to be honest. And what if we have never met?”



Wendy wants to make sure she will hear her, so she stresses on every word she is going to say. “Maybe it was love.”




Seolhyun thinks she is somehow relieved but feels like crying at the same time. “I wish you would be happy.” 



She swallows the rest of her sentence. She got an instinct. She wishes Wendy would be happy, with Joohyun.




“Me too. You don’t have to hide anymore.” Wendy has been smiling the whole time. She is not a heartless person. And she actually feels happy for both of them. She knows this is the best for both of them. They are both meant for someone else.




“I thought it would be hard but it isn’t. ” 



“We are stronger than we thought.”




“And, ” Seolhyun looks at Wendy, for the last time. “I don’t know you are doing, but please be safe.”



“I would. You too, take care.”












Joy has been holding the bear’s warm paw since they have passed that village. She has been a big girl so it certainly makes the bear worried.




“Are you alright, Sooyoung-ah?” 



“I….. am a little scared.”




Ian chuckles loudly, “Don’t worry, my babe. Seulgi will protect you. We all will.”



Franco remains his nonchalant creepy face,  “We have backups too. The king has his men ready. Right, little damsel?”




“Yes.” Joohyun nods obediently. Her father has already retuned to his kingdom. “We should be safe. Our plan would work.”



Wendy nudges the princess playfully, “And you will protect me, right?”




“Of course I will!” said the princess.



“Yes, I will.” said the bear to a blushing giant.




They travel and travel, night and day, marching towards the infamous Dragon’s Dungeon, allegedly the lair of the witches. In fact, it must be some of the most dangerous witches since they have slain a dragon and made its den their own.



And they have kept a low profile, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention from any parties. Franco’s black cat has turned back to its original form too - a black pegasus, hovering and protecting them from afar.



“We should rest for the night. This land could be dangerous when it’s dark.” Ian stands in the higher ground observing their surroundings. “Then we should arrive tomorrow.”











“What?” Franco sneers and puts his crossbow down after double-checking the huge cave. It is empty. Nothing is there, no treasure, not even a single skeleton. “Where did those - I mean witches go?”



Ian is in deep thought. Seulgi lowers her sword with a confused face and Joy is one step behind her. They are now in the Dragon’s Dungeon. And it seems like they are wrong.




“Take it out, Joohyun. It may guide us.” Wendy is quick on her feet and takes Joohyun’s bow.



The princess gladly obeys and holds the pendant like a torch. Nothing happened still.




Joy is slightly annoyed, “Are we pranked?”



“No,” Ian lights up the cave with his magic. Wendy is fascinated by those sparkling hands still. And her father’s are red. “They should be here.” 



Franco is immediately alarmed by his brother’s words and loads his crossbow. “Be ready, girls. Wendy, you hold the pendant. We might need an extra pair of hands from the damsel.” 




Joohyun and Wendy then exchange the items in their hands. 




“Look out!” Franco has sharp eyes. Out of nowhere, he starts aiming and shooting.



Wendy ducks down and dodges,  “What the ?” She seldom curses but she is super scared now.




“Witch.” Ian slightly pushes Wendy to Joohyun’s side. “Princess, protect her.”



“Dad, be careful!” Joy shouts as Seulgi stands in front of her in guarding stance.




“It has been a while. Old man, can you still do this?” Franco smiles lightly and asks his brother standing back to back with him. 



Ian crackles his knuckles and red flames start flaring from his hands, leaving everyone in awe. “I have been waiting for this moment for a long long time, brother.”




“Your father has mastered the fiercest magic. Only a few can. I bet he did it only for your mother.” Joohyun explains to the terrified Wendy and Joy, and Seulgi nods in agreement.



“Too bad we only have those little sparkles.” Still, the royal cousin cutely adds.




“I have been waiting.” A shadow stops on a broken chandelier and calls out in a hoarse voice. “Hmmm. I can smell it. It is here.”



“So it is only you?” Franco asks while advancing towards the shadow. “Or there is a whole lot more of your kind?”



“Make a guess?”



“No time for games.” 




Franco quickly pulls the trigger and the arrow barely misses the hand of the witch. 







“Hm, a prince.” The witch reveals her face landing in front of them. “Two princes, to be exact. Although not as handsome as before. How cruel time is.”



“Shut the up.” Franco shoots again and this time his arrow is caught by the witch. “Screw this.”




Ian stops his brother, “Now you know. There should be her only. She is strong.” 



The witch laughs, “Oh, a smart one. Dragon meat is a big help you know. You cannot stop me. So just give me that pendant.”



“Not in your dreams,” Ian replies firmly. “Over my dead body, .”



He shoots from his own hands and it hits her right in the chest.




Stumbling backward, she only laughs more hysterically. “It hurts a little.”



“It seems we’re in big trouble.” Joy mumbles in despair. 



“She is too strong.” Wendy’s palms are clutched onto the pendant so tightly that it hurts.




“I know her.” Joohyun finally says something. “She is the one who attacked me in the woods.”



“What?” Seulgi didn’t know. 



The princess’s hands begin to turn pink, “We must stop her.”



Franco looks at the girls and whistles. His black pegasus flies into the cave and picks him up.  “We are stopping her, right now.”




“Bring it on, boys.” The witch ascends in mid-air. 



“Let’s see how you slay a dragon.” Ian’s fists are now blazing. 




Franco starts by launching his air attack and forces the witch back on her feet. Then Ian lands a solid punch on her, yet she also lands a kick on him, as his artificial leg indeed is his weakness by hindering his actions.




“Dad!” The two girls scream seeing their father falling on the ground. 



Franco wastes no time and continues shooting. The witch catches one. But there is a second. Another one pierces through her shoulder. It is Franco’s feat - two arrows at one time but different directions. 




“You boys are indeed smart.” She pulls out the bloody arrow and her wound instantly heals while stepping closer to Ian. “But you are too w-”




She is interrupted as the third arrow punctures through , paralyzing her right on the spot. 




Joohyun lowers her bow and sighs, “Did you guys even read? Throats are witches’ Achilles’ heel. It might stall her a little.”



Seulgi runs to Ian’s side and eases his pain by her yellow sparkling hands.




“Damsel,” Franco adjusts his position on his pegasus. “You should try to aim while fighting her at full speed.” 



“I’m okay. Thanks, girls.” Ian coughs a little holding his chest. “Franco, now take them away from here.”




“No!” Wendy points at the frozen witch. “We are ending this together. I can’t leave you, dad. Not again.”



“We just found you, dad.” Joy hugs him.



“We have no time.” Ian insists and Franco hesitates to reach out his hand.



“We can take her.” Joohyun tries to convince the old man. She knows better that he would definitely die if it is only him and the witch. 



“We should stick together.” Seulgi of courses supports the girls.




“Aw. What a heartwarming scene.” The witch is now slowly moving again.



Wendy walks to the front and glares at her in fierce eyes. Joy thinks it looks kind of like their father’s fists. “Don’t you touch my father again.” 



“So you got daughters. And one is the holder.” The witch eyes her up. “Interesting.”



“Wendy, be careful,” Joohyun warns her holding her bow up. “Step back.”




“Great.” The witch claps. “A reunion. Oh, princess, I bet you missed me too? Thank you for bringing the pendant to me. You are too pretty that it might be a great pity for me to end your life here.”



“What do you know about the pendant? Where is the box?” Wendy questions the witch harshly and doesn’t budge a little. She can feel a gust of rage running in her body. She is feeling strange.




“It seems you two are still confused.” The witch smiles. “So just give it to me, ladies. You don’t know how it works and what it can do.”



“Wendy.” Joohyun stands beside her muttering. “We should back down.”




“Tell me! You !” Wendy screams at the witch’s face. She has never been like this, this intimidating, this furious, this dangerous.



Joohyun is stunned speechless. She has seen somethings like this before. A wizard who had tried black magic and went nuts in the end. She has no idea why Wendy is behaving as he did. 



Franco has his crossbows loaded, aimed. Seulgi and Joy stand behind him. Only Ian knows what’s happening. He can’t and doesn’t plan to stop it.




“Hey, little one.” The witch is intrigued. Wendy should be a mixed race between their kind and the mortal but harmless towards her nonetheless because she doesn’t know how to practice magic at all. “Hand me the pendant and I’ll leave you be, all of you. Sweetheart, deal ?”



“It is not yours, .” Wendy balls her fists. She feels like losing control of herself as if she has been taken control.




“A tough little one, ain’t you?” 



“I’m going to smash your face.”



“You look like a cute hamster to me, sweetie.”



“Shut the up!”




No one is prepared for what has just happened. Wendy punched the witch in the face. The witch fought back and Wendy was somehow too strong. Every blow she made hit her to her bones. And Wendy’s hands were blue.



All of a sudden, they just disappeared in a puff of smoke. 



The pendant is dropped on the floor with a clink, and its body is missing again.




“Can someone tell me what happened?” Franco looks at Ian waiting for a proper explanation from his wise brother. 



“It trigged something in Wendy and the witch used her dirty magic. She must have taken her away. But Wendy is clever, left us half of this.”



“Go find her!” Joy is pulling out her hair. Now her sister is gone.




“If I was right, it was the pendant triggered the inner ability that Ian gave her.” Joohyun picks up the said object carefully. “So now, she must be weak. She is in danger.”



“Now what should we do? No box, no book, no Wendy ?” Seulgi voices out their concern while comforting Joy.



Ian stands up with Franco’s help, “We should take the pendant back to Joohyun’s father’s, and ensure its safety first. And Franco, you go and get Wendy back.”











Wendy wakes up and her whole body aches. Her energy is drained. She is lying in an open field. No sign of the witch. She is alone.




She struggles to stand up and looks at her hands. They are normal now.



It is like a dream. She stumbles and falters and walks, towards where the Sun is sinking. West. She knows her way.




She reaches a lake. She looks at her reflection and jumps in.












The king and the queen join the crew at the hall. Everyone got the same look at their faces - worried. 




“The witch is out there, spreading rumors. Enemies may come. So do the book really exist ?” The queen speaks first. “And where can we find Wendy?”



“My brother Franco is on her trail.” Ian answers. His injury is healed now. “And the book, I can’t be so sure.”




The king takes a short glance at his wife, “Do you want Wendy to be found in the first place?”



“What are you suggesting?” 



“Quit it, mother.” Joohyun rolls her eyes. “You’d rather she and the box would never be found. So our life would be back to what it used to be.”



“How can you speak to your mother like this?”




“Stop.” The king sternly calls. “I want both of them to be found and I want Wendy to marry my daughter when she is back. End of the story.”



“What nonsense? She should be married with a-”



“Lady,” Ian’s voice echoes in the whole hall. “I was a prince too. Brother of King Damien. What’s wrong with my daughters?”




Seulgi pats Joy’s hand under the table speaking up,  “And you know, nothing can change it.”



The king looks at his wife again, “They love each other.” 












Wendy got changed and went to Collins’ place. She had to make sense of something before making any move.



Collins could not give her the answers she is looking for, but he gave her help. The next day, she traveled back.




At the foot of a hill, she bumps into a man on a flying horse.




“Wendy, is that you?”



“Uncle Franco?”  



“Why are you covering your face?”



“Long story. And you should follow me first.”




When they are back at the lakeside, Wendy takes off her mask. Even she herself doesn’t want to look at her own reflection on the calm water.




Franco recognizes that scar. It is a kind of magic. He has seen it on one of his friends, who dared to cheat a witch. “Did that do that to you?”



“Yes, who else?”




“You have to kill her to break the spell .”



Wendy closes her eyes, “Or I can just stay forever in the Below.”








And she dives in again.












“Look,” Wendy looks at the mirror and sighs. “My face is normal again.”



“You have to go back, this is what the witch wants.” Uncle Franco puts down a huge bowl of vegetable for his “cat”.



“In this shape?” 



“Listen to me, they are all looking for you. They need you back.”




Wendy runs her fingers through her hair. “I can’t. Don’t you understand by now?”



“Understand what?” He then pours a glass of wine for himself.




“I can’t go back again. I just wanted to prove something and bumped into you. Remember the prophecy? They lay within the flashes of thee. Now, look at my right eye. It is ing blue now. See? Understand now?”




Franco nearly drops his glass, “So it ing means it. You are the box? The book?” 




“Half.” Wendy takes his glass and drinks it in one go. “The key, the lock, the book, is all split into two. It is always carried by the same ones, by the blood, by fate. One up there, one down here. It is how it meant to be. The pendant carries the book. And there is no physical book. I wasn’t that clever to separate the pendant. My half has merged into me. I am half of the book now.” 




“I understand now.”




“No. It isn’t over.” Wendy looks at the “cat”, who has been staring at her too. “I still don’t know why and how. If I meet Joohyun again, we will make one complete book. But we don't even have a single idea of how to read it! What if the witch found us again? She would certainly kill us. We can’t fight her. You know that well. It is too risky.”




“You could be stupid too, Seungwan. Do you know she would still be in danger if you don’t go back? People now know about whatever rumors the witch told them and are ready to hunt her down. They will soon be at war. You have to stop it.”




“How? I have no idea!” Wendy turns her back at Franco and covers her face in her palms. Helplessly.




“Does it matter? Things happen! Sometimes we just act without reasons.” Franco softens his tone. “Everybody needs you. She needs you. You can’t leave her alone while you are the only one she would ever love in her life.”












“Our kind,” Joohyun looks at the night sky through the window on her bed. “Is so stupid. We would only love one person in our whole life. Sooyoung-ah, I wasn’t saying Ian doesn’t love your mother at all. But he might just-” 



And pain abruptly cuts her off. 



“Are you okay?” Seulgi gently presses a towel onto the princess’s head. The princess has been feeling unwell since today.




“Unnie would come back. I know it.” Joy worriedly holds Joohyun’s hand. 



“I would be alright. I might have just caught a cold.” Joohyun nods weakly. “I just want to say, Sooyoung-ah, please don’t leave Seulgi alone, ever.”




“Don’t worry about me, while you are the one who is sick.” Seulgi, who has a soft heart, chuckles with small tears in her eyes. “Wendy is coming back. Just hold on.”



Joohyun sighs as she turns to the sky again, “I’m so sorry to her. It’s all because of me. If I didn’t meet her at the lake….. ”




“I thought our love would be so beautiful,

Somehow we'd make the whole world bright.

I never knew that fear and hate could be so strong,

all they'd leave us were these whispers in the night,

But still, my heart is saying we were right.”




“You have never listened to your mother anyhow.” Seulgi breaks a small smile. “You love her and she loves you. It is what happened.”




And Joy whispers to herself, “Unnie, where are you?”












In the midnight, the worlds are quiet, the worlds are asleep. The stars ain’t that bright tonight. 



A figure stands beside the princess’s bed, its shadow elongates to her under the dim cold moonlight. It just stands there.




The princess is soundly asleep. It seems her sickness has gone.



The figure, therefore, steps closer and closer, trying to take a look at the princess’s face.




“In this world so full of fear,

Full of rage and lies,

I can see the truth so clear,

In your eyes.

So dry your eyes.


And I'm so grateful to you,

I'd have lived my whole life through.

Lost forever,

If I never knew you.”




Wendy takes off her hood and her face is still half-masked. Thanks to her Uncle Franco’s pegasus, she can sneak into her room without anyone knowing.



So Joohyun is safe for now. She heaves a soft sigh.




At least she is okay, her face is okay, she seems okay.



Her eyelids slowly flutter and her eyes are now open. She is ready to scream her lungs out.




“Shh, It’s me.”



“Wendy? Why-”




Wendy remains a distance from Joohyun, who is sitting up on her bed excitedly, “You don’t want to see that. It is a spell, will be gone whenever I go back.”



“And your eye…..” 



“You should also see yours.” Wendy calmly hands her a mirror and Joohyun got one eye turned too. The same color of her little sparkles. “And your pendant should be gone too.”



“Wha-” Joohyun quickly checks and her words are true.




So Wendy tells her a theory. 




“So we are the book, now. Like right now?” Joohyun points at Wendy then herself.



“Yes. But I don’t know rituals we should do, in order to read the book.” Wendy shrugs.



“So it must be triggered by something, then we would officially become the book?”



“Perhaps the witch?” Wendy recalls and it seems to be the only reasonable reason.




Joohyun, however, objects, “Then why it didn’t do so when I first encountered her years ago?”



Wendy scratches her head, “Because you need the half of mine? So it takes a completed pendant to do something with the witch, and we become the book, and what? Argh, I don’t know anymore.”




“Maybe it is love.” 



“What? It isn’t fairytale.” Wendy frowns. “I have kissed you. Nothing happened.”




“A love which can be put through tests?” Joohyun works her brain and suggests. “You protected us, including your father. It is love.”



“So we should go to find the witch and say, hey come and test our love?” Wendy sits down frustratedly. “Or kill her if we can. That .”




“Seungwan, come here.” 



“What? Why?”



“I want to see you, you are too far away from me.”



“You wouldn’t want to see me.”




Joohyun reaches out her hand still, “Come on. Look at me.”



There is a soft long sigh and Wendy removes her mask very slowly. And it is still too dark to see her face. More light is shone on her face with each step she makes.




“You are still the same for me.” Joohyun just smiles and takes her hand.



Wendy uses her other hand to cover her face however, “No, I am not.”




“Seungwan. Do you know, those things about us?”



“The one life, one love thing?” Wendy finally chuckles a little because it sounds like a commercial slogan.



Joohyun giggles seeing Wendy’s smile, “Seems like you have known.”



“My uncle told me. That’s why I came back.”




“Then why are you so scared? I would still love you.” Joohyun cups her cheeks. “Even after you are dead, Seungwan-ah.”



“Then I would never leave you. I promise.” Wendy throws herself into Joohyun’s arms hugging her tightly. "Joohyun-ah, I'm glad I've met you. I'm glad it's you."


























I'm sorry if I've taken too long.

Hope you still enjoy this long update.


Isn't this so Disney? lol

Hail wenrene and joygi!!!



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