II. Pair of Wings

Neverwhere: A Tale of A Lock and Key

(Song : Justin Timberlake - "Pair of Wings" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P70IHhCcGYg)




“And if I had a pair of wings,

I'd pick you up and fly you far away from here.

And we'd fly so high up in the sky,

Where the stars are so clear.


And then I could save you,

From the troubles of the world.

And all you'd have to pack is your heart to bring.


And there we are, you and me,

Flying on a big old pair of wings.”




“So you jumped into the wishing well and told your cousin to deliver the message?” Collins removes his glasses and leans back on his armchair. 



Joohyun immediately nods repeatedly, “Of courses, I can’t just go missing for days without anyone knowing and Seulgi is the perfect one to tell them that Neverwhere is found!”




“I am just thinking whether your parents would be happy.” His frown is still visible.



“I just know people here won’t be that happy about that.” Wendy sighs sitting beside the princess. “We should conceal her identity as possible. They would take her away.”




“Who?” Joohyun turns her head to her mortal friend looking unamused. 



Like who is treating a princess like a criminal?




“People ruling the Below.” The mortal shakes her head dejectedly. “We don’t have magical powers and we are fearful towards everything about your world. There aren’t many people like professor and me.”



“Look, Joohyun. I am happy that you, the one and only princess of the Above, are so friendly towards us. And I am willing to anything to help with the search of the book.” Collins scrutinizes the two girls’ faces before continuing. “But it’s too dangerous here. And I highly suspect that there should be more clues in the Above. So please, take Wendy with you when you are ready to go back.”




“For real?”  One widens her eyes.



“Yeah! They will love you, Wendy!” One punches a fist to the air.




“Chill,” He smiles. “I am going to gather all the researches I have done and I’ll share it to our princess here. Vice versa, Joohyun, please share us the information you know too. Let’s meet at my house tomorrow.”




“No problem.” Joohyun flashes a perfect toothy grin.



“Then, ” Wendy timidly raises her hand. “What should we do with our princess for the time being?”




“She’s your friend, isn’t she?” Collins laughs. “Have some fun, show her around, teach her things, go shopping and such!”



“Roger that. Wendy out.” The mortal girl makes a salute gesture before bringing the all-time-hyped-up princess with her.












Joohyun notices that Wendy doesn’t seem happy.



She doesn’t like to see people being unhappy.




Although everyone in this world seems pretty solemn most of the time.



Why? She wonders, it’s a wonderful place too. At least they don’t have dragons and centaurs to worry about.




She has been tailing her through her school for a while and the latter hasn’t spoken at all.



Wendy is indeed a nice person, Joohyun thought. She puts up with her every need even though she is no princess to her here. She even lent her clothes and shoes to her, not to mention they unbelievably fit.




But Joohyun daren’t to speak neither. 



She doesn’t want to bother the girl anymore.




“Wendy, are you free today? We’re going for karaoke after school.” A boy, apparently Wendy’s friend or classmate, appears from nowhere and blocks her way.



“I’m busy.” Wendy shoots him a glare trying to go around him.




“For that stupid fairyland, again?” He snickers a little. “Come on, it’s only Disney. You’re a grown up, come with us and have some real fun tonight.”



Joohyun is about to teach him some lesson but Wendy speaks again. “Yes, I am stupid. So would you mind sparing a way for a stupid person to pass?”




He folds his muscular arms, “Why are you backing down so easily this time? Where’s your smart tongue today? There’s no fun, Wendy.”



He then finally takes a glimpse of Joohyun and whistles, “Oh look. Hey hottie, care for some company tonight? When does your class end? Imma pick you up-”




“Leave my friend alone. Would you?” Wendy abruptly cuts him off tapping his shoulder.



He looks down on this petite girl, “Sharp tongue, I ain’t talking to you.”




Joohyun remembers how Wendy told her not to use any magic and not to get into any trouble. So she waits while other students starting to surround them and gossip.



“But I’m talking to you. Can you please use your time on someone or somewhere else, instead of trying to get into my pants by harassing me every single day?” The short mortal grinds her teeth.




Some girls gasp in disguise. And some guys are ready to help Wendy with their clutched fists.



The princess doesn’t understand a certain part but she guesses it’s not any nice thing he is trying to do to her friend.




He gives her a push making her stumble a few steps backwards, “Now it’s not about you anymore.”



“Touch me one more time. I will make you scream like a girl.”




“Now you’re funny, Wendy.” He reaches out again. “I’d like to see how you’ll make me scream.”



The vulnerable-looking mortal swiftly dodges the incoming hand, and shoves it back to its owner’s mouth, deep. Hearing the painful coughing sound, she twists his other hand to his back.




He is now kneeling down because of the nausea from his clogged throat, and the pain from his hands. Wendy makes sure he has learned his lesson and loosens her grip slowly. He lets out a screech once his hands are free.



She sighs and walks back to Joohyun, whose expression is unreadable.




“Look out!”




Wendy turns back and sees Joohyun standing in front of him, but he is holding his crotch painfully rolling on the floor again. This time he lets out a sharper shriek.



She throws her a meaningful look while Joohyun is looking down on her Black Converse innocently. “Forget it, let’s grab some food.”



Irene flashes a charming smile to Wendy’s schoolmates while she clings onto the latter’s arm walking to the cafeteria.












“You didn’t use any magic kicking that guy, right?” Wendy mutters and pushes a tray of mortal food to the fairy princess.



“No!” Joohyun juts her lips slightly to show her discontentment. “Father said a girl should know how to protect themselves. And I am proud to say I am no damsel in distress and I don’t need no knight in shining armor.”




“Woah,” Wendy lets out a chuckle sipping on her drink. “You’ve got a very open-minded king there.”



“So how did you get your skills? I incline you don’t have a master for that, right?” Joohyun tries to mimic Wendy’s way of talking. At least she tries.




“I told you my father went missing when I was small, didn’t I?” Wendy puts down her burger. “Then I didn’t only have to take care of myself, but also a sister from a different mother, whom is Joy. I fought street kids with my self-taught skills and got formal training from a kung-fu instructor when I was in middle school. It was tough but I made it. I am still in one piece.”



Joohyun’s eyebrows inch closer to each other hearing her mortal friend’s story while munching her salad, “People here are not very nice.”




“If I had a pair of wings,

I'd scoop you up we'd fly away and disappear.

Then you could put your worries upon my shoulders, my dear.


And I know I can't save you,

From the troubles of the world,

I know this sounds like such a silly thing.


But if I could I'd fly you away,

On a big old pair of wings .…”




The mortal lifts a weak smile, “That’s why I told you to be careful here. And thanks for that kick back there.”



“You’re my friend! I’ll do the same even you aren’t.”




“Okay… Chill, princess-” Wendy chuckles seeing those dramatic reactions while someone breaks into their little moment again.







Seolhyun stands beside their table looking down on the duo.



Joohyun immediately turns to Wendy, whose jaw is still hanging in the air.  




“W-we’re just….. talking about her latest drama act.” The shortest among three regains her senses and shows a stiff smile, so stiff that her smile looks unprecedentedly creepy. “Princess Katherine in Henry V? Shakespeare, Kim Seolhyun?”



She then internally hails for her high school English Literature teacher and her own nimbleness.



“Well,” The tallest frowns and eyes the princess up once again. “Just making sure you’re not flirting with other girls and calling them princesses.” 




Joohyun only gets more curious as she listens.



Wendy is frozen on her spot and her creepy smile fades. 




“I….  Hmm… Didn’t I say she’s m-my c-c-childhood friend?” 



“Why you hadn't mentioned you got such a close childhood friend before today?”



“I’m sorry?”



“You’d better not hide anything else from me, Son Seungwan.”




Wendy steals a glance of the two cold faces and mutters, “Can we talk about that later? I’ll call.”



Seolhyun’s expression softens a little, “Okay then. I’ll go check on Mina and Hyejeong. My practice ends at 6.”




“Okay. Bye.”



“Nice to meet you again, Joohyun.”




Joohyun doesn’t know if she should reply but judging from the pace of Seolhyun and the mood of Wendy, she thinks she should express her concern for her friend first. 



“Wendy? Are you alright?”




The said girl slowly turns her head, “She is my girlfriend. I didn’t tell you earlier because it’s supposed to be a secret. I hope you won’t mind I am dating a girl.”



The princess unknowingly frowns a little harder.




Wendy doesn’t fail to notice it and buries her face in her palms, “I’m sorry. I should have told you yesterday, when we shared the bed. I understand why people feel disgusted. I’m so sorry, I-” 



“It’s okay.” Joohyun pats her shoulder and flashes her mortal friend a warm smile. “I just don’t know why you have to keep it as a secret. Love is love. As long as you love each other, it’s love, it’s great.”




“You… are fine with that?”



“Just don’t lie to me again.”  




Wendy cracks a smile seeing the princess’s dramatic pout.



“Thanks. Now let me show you around.”












Joohyun is a happy kid sniffing around town while Wendy is busy explaining these brand new things to this fairy princess.



The mortal occasionally looks at the delightful delicate face and wonders if the Above is really that magical and perfect, no worries, no sadness.




Oh how she wants to go there as soon as possible.



But not until she and dear Princess Irene have some clues first.




She’s more than glad that the princess is so open-minded.



Or else, things would be awkward and her search for the book would be back to square one.




Joohyun sits down at the park with a scoop of ice-cream in her hands. 



She enjoys everything here, even little things such as the food.




“So, now it’s my turn to share my secret.”



Wendy looks up from her phone looking like a startled hamster, “Oh…. You don’t have to.”




“No, I know yours. So I have to let you know mine too. So to make things fair.”



“Alrighty. Go on, princess.”




“There is a reason why I am so persistent in finding the book, and getting the two worlds back together. I met a witch when I got lost in the woods years ago. She tried to snatch my pendant away. She tried to kill me. She told me I was the key to find the book. She said she was going to rule the worlds when she got the book.”




Joohyun pauses recalling the unpleasant attack. 



Wendy is on all ears hearing how Disney is indeed true that a witch is always trying to kill a princess, and her eyes are glued to her pendant.




“But it emitted some kind of light and stuck her. I took the chance and ran away. It’s the only time it glowed. I daren’t to tell anyone. If I was really the key and they found out, they would try to destroy it so that the book would never be found. Not my parents, but the others. They might even kill me. Now as a princess, everyday my people would tell me to marry a prince or a king, instead of running in the wild and studying the myths like a silly girl.”




“I’m sorry to hear that.” It’s Wendy’s turn to comfort. Or perhaps the fairies are much complicated than she expected. And she can’t imagine how burdensome and stressful being a princess indeed.



“So we must find the book. Before anyone else. I don’t know what if other kings would do with it. I can’t just marry one of them and take the risk.”




“So you have someone you like?” Wendy chooses to switch topic and ignores the thing about their pendants. She makes a mental note that she should go through her father’s stuff once more when she gets home later.



The princess’s eyes widen, “No. Never. I guess it’s because I always hang around with my cousins and servants, and of course my parents.” And she ends with a half-forced chuckle.




“I don’t know what love is either.” The mortal chuckles along.







“You’ll understand that later.”



Joohyun only nods and continues eating her ice-cream.




“We keep getting older, the world keeps getting colder,

Tell me when did we lose our way?

It's so hard not to lose your mind in such crazy days.


And if I had one wish I know what I'd wish for,

There's only one thing that'll do,

I'd fly away on this pair of wings with you.”




Wendy stands next to the exit of the field, expressionlessly.



She could hear the cheerleading orders being shouted yards away, she could see them doing flips and tumbling, she could feel the soreness of their muscles. She is just there, looking like she doesn’t want to.




“Is that Wendy back there?” Hyejeong hands Seolhyun her water bottle as they head to the changing room.



“Yeah.” The girl softly smiles loosening her ponytail.




“She hasn’t been here for ages.” Yura butts in. “Why did she go? Is she seeing someone else?”



Kaeun smacks her into the head, “Keep your voice down.”




“She is a already postgraduate and is working with Professor Collins, remember?” Seolhyun shoves the clothes into her bag. “Of course, she is busy.”



Hayoung nudges her, “Hey, she is super nice, talented, and kinda hot. So don’t let her go.”




The other girls nod in unison, making Seolhyun nod as well.



“Fine. Stop sticking your noses into my relationship.”




“We’re just trying to help!”  Yura shouts as the girl exits the room.



And she earns another smack from their leader Hyejeong.












Seolhyun was walking fast, but her pace gets slower as she is approaching the petite figure with her usual big backpack.







“Hey, you’re fast.”



“I can’t keep you waiting.” 



“Let’s go then.”




They walk in silent, and they make sure there is distance between them.



Wendy only has her eyes on her shoes and the road.




“I’m sorry for today.” Seolhyun stops since they are near the car park where it’s quiet.



“You don’t need to apologize.” Wendy walks up to her car and fishes out her keys.




“I was mean to your friend. And….  I was jealous. ‘Cause you have been so busy and you was with another girl when I finally saw you again.”



“It’s okay. I understand. Joohyun’s cool. And just to let you know, she’s staying in my house for a few days.”




“What?” Seolhyun gets emotional again. “She has nowhere else to stay?”



“She’s from…. Daegu. I can’t just leave her in the hotel.” Wendy is prepared this time. It doesn’t feel good lying to her girlfriend but it’s all she could do.







“Joy is there too, remember? She will keep a close eyes for you. And Joohyun'll have her own room.” 




Silence falls between them again while the car is still traveling fast. 




Wendy knows it isn’t a good sign but there’s nothing she could do. She is so overwhelmed by everything and all she wants is peace or someone to talk to.



She could be tired too.



It isn’t that Seolhyun doesn’t understand, it’s just she doesn’t know how much it means to Wendy - it could be something to do with her parents too. All those days, she doesn’t have a single clue why she is left by her parents, and left with a half-sister. While everyone else have a family, have a home, have a life.



She spends all her time taking care of herself and Joy, and for the book.




Now she finds Neverwhere, and so will the book.



Still, she doesn’t know why things are going against her. Maybe she has done something wrong too. Maybe she shouldn’t have said yes.




“I’ll have more time soon.” Wendy makes a turn to the left. “I mean…. Yeah, I am getting them done so-”



Seolhyun fidgets on her seat and turns her body to the driver, “I had thought of breaking up, Wendy. I really did. We can’t see each other often, I can’t see you often. I know we are-”




The car is skidded to a halt, in the middle of a road. 



Luckily it’s near a residential area or else it would cause a serious car crash.




“Then break up.” Wendy tilts her head, coldly and kind of scary with the way the dim streetlights highlight the contours of her face.



“No, I was….. ” Seolhyun recovers from the little impact. “I was trying to say this is both our first and it’s inevitable for us to feel helpless. And now it’s you who want to break up, Son Seungwan? So it’s really because of her?”




“You don’t want to hide and you are tired not having me around. So I am letting you!” Wendy raises her voice higher than the other girl. “It’s not about Joohyun. It’s about me and you. It’s only us tonight and I thought we can make things right a bit. If you are scared of how people see us, you shouldn’t have asked me out in the first place, 'cause you know I like you too and I can’t say no.”



She thought she would cry but she doesn’t. It is something else she is feeling right now.




“You've always like that fairytale more than me, Wendy.” But it isn't the same for Seolhyun. “All you care is that stupid book and whatever place there is. All I ask from you is to be there for me.”



“How am I supposed to be there for you while you don’t wanna be seen?” Wendy looks up, hesitating whether to wipe those tears. “And don’t call it stupid. It means a lot to me.”




“I- They......You know what people'll say about us. You know that.” 



“I know. Joy told me it’s gonna be hard and she is damn right. I am that busy for my research and nothing is gonna change that. So you can either wait, or …… or find someone else who can be there for you and can hold your hand anytime anywhere.” 




Wendy starts the engine again as if nothing happened, since there’s no answer coming from the other side.



She watches Seolhyun getting off and looking back one last time when she is at the gate.












“Unnie, they told me everything so you don’t need to pretend you're really from Daegu.” Joy calmly sits beside Joohyun on the couch after dinner.



“Oh.” Joohyun just blankly looks at the floor hugging her knees.




“Are you missing home?”



“No..... Not really. It's just been a day. I’m tougher than you think.”




“Then what’s it?”



“What is what’s it?”




“You look troubled.” 



“I am just a little tired.”




Joy raises an eyebrow and scoots closer, “You are thinking about something.”



Joohyun blinks, “No.”




“Yes, you are.”



“No, I am not.”




“Did Wendy-unnie bully you at school? Or did she leave you by yourself for…. ” Joy abruptly halts her tongue.



Joohyun shoots her a glare, “I know. Seolhyun. No, she didn’t. But they didn’t seem happy after that.”




“It’s natural.” 














“Did Seolhyun-unnie know who you are? For real?”



“Wendy lied.”




“People know. They eventually know if someone they love is lying.”



“But she did it to protect me, right?”




“Bingo. She lied for you.”



“I don’t understand.”




Joy is about to bring enlightenment to the princess but the sound of key turning and door opening cut her off.




“I’m home.” Wendy kicks her shoes off looking rather exhausted. 



Joohyun can see there’s no stars or oceans or any untold stories in her eyes as they always do.




“Unnie, did you have dinner yet?” Joy rushes to her unnie’s side and tries to brighten the mood. “I was trying to ask Joohyun-unnie to show me magic.”




“Oh really?” Wendy takes a brief look at the two and ruffles Joy’s hair. “I’m not hungry. I wanna sleep. Can you share your bed with Joohyun tonight? She can show you magic and tell you real fairytales then.”




“Okay…. ” Joy puffs her cheeks. “Take care unnie. Tell me if you want food or anything.”



Wendy waves her hand as she heads straightly to her room where her father’s stuff are also stored.




Joohyun finally speaks when the bedroom door is slammed shut, “She’s not happy. And you lied too.”



“Of course she isn’t.” Joy sighs returning to the couch. “They must have had a fight.”




“They? fight?”



“Wendy-unnie and Seolhyun-unnie.” 







Joy sighs again seeing Joohyun’s confused face, “It’s complicated. They always fight.”



And she lies again because she knows they must have fought partly because of the one and only princess walking on this earth.




“So why do they fight if they love each other?”  



The younger girl shrugs, “I wish I know. Then I could help unnie. It’s been about a year and all I know is unnie isn’t always happy in this year. She deserves pure happiness.”




Joy looks at the princess with her slightly teary eyes and continues, “She only gives the best for me ever since I was with her. And she hasn’t never complained in front of me. But I ain’t dumb, I know how many hardships she have gone through. She is the nicest person in this world, she needs someone to rely on too. I am still young, I can’t share the burdens from her yet. It hurts me to see her acting strong for me.”



“Jo-Sooyoung-ah,” Joohyun reaches out for the younger girl’s hand and pats it gently. “I know things have been tough for you two. I promise you I'll look after your unnie for you. You just have to focus on your study and make her proud, okay?”



The younger girl nods while weeping in the princess’s embrace. It is warm and she wonders if her sister needs such warmth too.




It is a long night and nobody could sleep.






















Hi~ It's been a long time and don't worry I am still breathing :)

But I am quite occupied by assisgnment and group projects and essay and..... T^T

I will squeeze time to update, I promise.



Love y'all.


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