Third Time's a Charm

Box Smile

“Jungkook-ah, wake up honey.”

Jungkook opened his eyes sleepily, seeing the face of his mom who was bent over him with her hand on his shoulder.

“Did you forget you have your doctor’s appointment today? We have to leave in about twenty minutes or we are going to be late.”

“Mmmphhh. Okay, I’m coming,” Jungkook mumbled into his pillow. “Why did you have to schedule the appointment on the last day I could sleep in on before school starts up again tomorrow?”

“Sorry hon, it was the only time they had available before you were going to be busy in school again,” his mom replied as she left his room. “Please hurry and come downstairs so we can leave on time!”


Jungkook rolled over and looked at his clock, seeing that it read 6:30 AM. He then sat up, blankets pooling around him, as he rubbed his eyes and tried to gather his thoughts. He hadn’t slept very well over his entire break since he had stayed up late every night, so his brain had a bit of trouble trying to function at such an early time of morning.

He eventually climbed out of bed and, after stumbling over a pillow that had fallen onto the floor in the middle of the night, went to his closet to find something to wear.  Not bothering to switch on the light in his room, his hands fumbled around in the closet, grabbing whatever felt softest to the touch. On early mornings like this, Jungkook never cared much what he looked like and always chose to wear something that was more comfortable instead of stylish.

“Five minutes Jungkook!”

“I know! I’ll be down in a sec’!”

Hearing that he needed to leave so soon helped wake up Jungkook, spurring him to quickly pull on some pants and a top, comb his fingers through his hair, and run to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After brushing his teeth furiously, he went back to his room, grabbed his socks from inside the top drawer of his dresser and went downstairs. Since Jungkook had spent so long sitting in bed, there wasn’t any time to have anything for breakfast so he opted for grabbing an energy bar on his way out the door.

Jungkook’s mom had already started the car by the time he went outside, so the car’s interior was nice and warm in contrast to the early morning chill that had bitten at him in the short walk from his house to the driveway. He suddenly wished that he had put on more clothes than just jeans and a thin sweater.

“How long is this appointment supposed to take?” Jungkook asked as he leaned his head against the window, eyes closed.

His mom turned the dial to turn up the heat as she said, “I really don’t think it will take long…the doctor just said it was time for a check up. So I assume that means you won’t have to do much or be there for a long time.”

“Mmkay. Wake me up when we get there?”

His mom hummed in response as Jungkook drifted off to sleep once again.

* * *

“Well young man, everything seems to look A-Okay!”

Jungkook sighed heavily as his exceedingly friendly doctor left the room. He despised going to the doctor; even though he was perfectly healthy, it always made him uncomfortable to have someone he didn’t know poking and prodding him. He shrugged his sweater back on over his shoulders, as his mom was permitted by the receptionist to take him home.

“Did your doctor say anything was wrong?” Jungkook’s mom asked. “It sounded like everything was okay from what I could over hear from outside the door…”

Jungkook nodded. “Yeah, apparently I’m pretty healthy. Although, after the doctor asked what I usually eat on a daily basis, he suggested that I eat more fruits and vegetables rather than so many sweets.”

“See? I told you shouldn’t have eaten all those donuts last week!”

“Mom, I’m not gonna die from eating a donut or two. I think telling a patient they need to eat more healthy foods is just protocol or something.”

“Either way, I wish you would eat more of my cooking rather than eating out with Jimin and Hoseok all the time!” his mother huffed.

“Okay mom,” Jungkook replied, trying to finish and change the conversation. “Can we go home now?”

“Well, that was the plan, but I actually need to get an oil change for the car, so I was thinking I would grocery shop while that went on. Since the oil change and me shopping is going to take a while, I think it might be better for you to just walk home.”

“Whaaaat? Isn’t that like ten miles or something?”

“No hon, the auto body shop is only about a mile away from home. You could stay with me, but you always complain about how much you hate grocery shopping with me…”

“Yeah mom, that’s because you say you only need two things and then three hours later you come out with $300 worth of stuff.”

“Alright then, walk or stay with me?”

“I’ll walk.”

“Okay, let’s go then.”

Jungkook’s mom lead the way out of the doctor’s office waiting room to the parking garage. She drove them both to the auto body shop and dropped off Jungkook as she walked across the street to the store. Just as Jungkook was heading in the opposite direction, his mom called out to him, “Jungkook-ah! I forgot, could you please go to BestBuy again and get me a charger for my phone? The one I have’s wire stripped so it won’t work anymore! I’ll pay you back when I get home!” She then turned and continued walking, without waiting for his reply.

Jungkook groaned as he realized he would have to go to a store, yet again, alone. Reaching into his pocket to grab his phone, a trickle of fear ran down his back; He remembered that that morning, he had accidentally left his phone and ear buds sitting on his bed in his rush to get to his appointment on time.

Dragging his feet, Jungkook headed towards his home and BestBuy, trying to think of a way he could go in and out of the store and make it all the way home without any awkward interactions - an unlikely idea, unfortunately. He passed several people on the sidewalk, making sure to keep his gaze firm on the ground and moving quickly to the far edge to avoid their paths crossing.

After walking for about five minutes, he had made it to the front of BestBuy. How could I have been so stupid? He wondered to himself. I always at least have my phone with me, but how could I have forgotten both my ear buds and my phone?! I better not do anything remotely stupid while I’m at this store or I really don’t think I’ll be able to make it home without dying of embarrassment.

Jungkook felt the familiar and unwanted twist of anxiety in his stomach as he entered the store. He accidentally looked up and made eye contact with one of the people who worked at a cash register, making him quickly avert his eyes back to the floor awkwardly.

I just need to get the charger, buy it, and then I can go home Jungkook chanted in his mind. He was focusing so hard on those words to keep himself calm, that he didn't notice the person who was standing with their back toward him until he had run headlong into the unsuspecting person.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you standing there and I totally didn’t mean to run into you are you okay?” Jungkook said as fast as he could, eyes permanently glued to the floor at this point.

“Haha it’s alright! I do that type of thing all the time! And besides, I was really needing a back massage today and so your face smashing into me was the perfect solution!”

That peculiar last sentence made Jungkook look up at who had spoken, just to check if he hadn’t in fact damaged the person’s brain when he had crashed into them. Recognition flooded through him as he realized it was the same weird guy who had helped him the last time he had gone to BestBuy! He was yet again grinning his giant box of a smile as he was talking to Jungkook.

“A massage?”

“Yeah! Did you like train your face to become a master masseuse?”


“Seriously! I have never had all the knots disappear so quickly after just one whack before!” the strange guy said as he rolled his shoulders and tipped his head back and forth, cracking his neck. “So what did you do to have a face as perfect as yours?”

Jungkook was unable to respond to what Taehyung said, the double meaning of his words ringing through his mind. How the hell am I supposed to respond to that? Did he even mean it that way? Oh god I’m just standing here staring at him like a freak. I should really say something… “Uh…um…well, you see…”

“Dude, I was kidding! Relax, I don’t bite!” Taehyung giggled. “I feel like I’ve met you before – did you come to BestBuy recently or am I just being weird?”

You’re already weird, so answering that question would be pointless. “Uhh, yeah I came about a week or so ago. I think you helped me find something, so that’s probably why you recognize me...”

“Oh that’s right! I remember now! You were that guy who looked super lost and I showed you where to go – you were literally on the opposite end of the store you needed to be on!”

Jungkook flushed a deep red color, embarrassed that Taehyung not only remembered him, but that he remembered the whole situation regarding why he remembered him.  “Yep, that’s me. Well, nice to see you again and sorry I bumped into you, but I had better be going now.” Jungkook was in the process of turning around to walk away, when Taehyung spoke again.

“Do you need my help again?”

Jungkook turned back and looked at Taehyung, whose face had changed from his seemingly perpetual smile to a semi-serious look.

“Because last time you were here, I remember that not only were you lost, you also looked…scared? I could be wrong, but I don’t think I am. It’s probably not even my business to be asking you this, but I hate to see people looking distressed and you certainly looked distressed then and now.”

“You’re right, it’s not your business,” Jungkook replied hotly; he couldn’t believe this guy was asking him in such an upfront way if he was afraid! “I don’t know why you would have that idea, but you’re wrong. I just need to shop and then leave, but you keep interrupting me.” He instantly regretted his words when a hurt expression flashed across Taehyung’s face.

“I didn’t mean to offend you…I was only trying to help,” Taehyung responded quietly. “If I bothered you, I’m really sorry. I’ll leave you alone then.” He began to walk away, but Jungkook, feeling horrible at himself for what he had said, reached out and stopped Taehyung by grabbing the back of his sleeve.

“Wait! Wait…you don’t have to apologize. I don’t know why I said that – you definitely helped me last time I was here and I was just being an ,” Jungkook said, eyes downcast. “I think I do need help again. I’m sorry for being rude.”

Taehyung instantly began to beam with the hugest, boxiest smile that Jungkook had ever seen (in the two times he had met him anyway). “It’s okay! So I can help you then? What can I help you find?” he asked, a businessy voice taking over his usually relaxed one. “I just realized I’ve never asked you your name!” He took a moment to smack himself in the face. “I’m so rude! So, what’s your name?”

“You’re not rude, I just don’t talk much. I’m Jungkook.”

“Well then Jungkook, what can I help you find?”

“An iPhone charger cord.”

“Okay! Right this way,” Taehyung said as he gestured for Jungkook to follow him.

Jungkook, as he followed Taehyung, realized that the boy with the strange smile and overtly friendly personality had once again stopped his anxiety cold in its tracks.

* * *

The new term started with the promise of more homework and sleepless nights for all of the students in Jungkook’s year. Even though it was only the beginning of spring quarter, the final quarter of his time in high school, Jungkook was already ready to be finished, graduate, and move on with his life. Classes that only had to be taken in order to check off a box seemed completely pointless, so spending seven hours at school every day was never appealing to him.

Every day had the same pattern: wake up at an ungodly hour, take a shower while trying not to fall over from falling asleep, quickly get dressed, shove some breakfast into his mouth on his way out the door, take the bus to school, sit in uncomfortable desks waiting for each class’s hour bell to ring for each of his seven classes while avoiding human interaction, get on a bus again to go home, lay around procrastinating homework, eat dinner, procrastinate some more, finally force himself to do homework, then finally go to sleep after the long day.

The only time this schedule was ever different, was on days that Jungkook went to dance with Jimin and Hoseok. He danced with them every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for just one hour each time, but that hour on those three days was the best hour of his week and was what helped him stay motivated to work hard in whatever he did.

It was a cold and slightly rainy Wednesday when Jungkook was on his way to dance practice after a frustrating day of trying to explain to then argue with one of his teachers as to why he needed to turn in his essay a day late, since his mom had broken their computer and couldn’t get it fixed until the day the essay was due. He had won the argument, but only just, which had left him in a sour mood for the rest of the school day. He couldn’t wait to see Jimin and Hoseok in order to loosen up and have some fun, as he knew that was what they were best at.

Upon arriving at the studio, he was greeted by a bear hug from Hoseok and a contagious eye smile from Jimin, all of which almost instantly dissolved all of his negative feelings he had grown through out the day.

Hoseok and Jimin bombarded him with questions like, “Jungkookie! How was your day?”, “I know we just saw you on Monday, but it feels like it’s been ages! Don’t you agree?” and “Did you eat well today?”

“I’m fine guys, now get off,” Jungkook said as he pealed Hoseok from his death grip around his waist. “School was annoying, but it kinda always is so no news there.”

“Awww Kookie, why was it annoying? Did someone actually try to talk to you?” Jimin asked as he pet Jungkook’s hair.

“Hyung, please stop touching me. And no, no one talks to me because I don’t talk to them. It was just an argument I had with a teacher that set me off, but I’m over it now. Are we gonna dance or what?”

Jimin flailed happily at Jungkook’s use of the word ‘hyung’, and began to do a victory dance in the middle of the dance floor.

“Okay, we’ve lost him,” Hoseok said as he grinned at Jimin’s happy dance. “And to answer your question, yes we are going to dance, but only for about fifteen minutes today.”

“What? Why?”

“Jimin and I want to go buy a new game that came out recently and we have to go before 6:00 PM since we both have to be home for dinner. You’re welcome to come with us if you want!”

“Geez, I really wanted to dance today…”

“Sorry kid, you’ll have to wait till Friday to get your solo in,” Hoseok said with a sympathetic look. “Are you just gonna head home then?”

“Nah, I think I’ll just go with you guys. I wouldn’t do anything productive if I went home now anyway.”

“Okay, sounds good!”

The three boys then danced for fifteen minutes and then all piled into Hoseok’s car to head to the store. It was a short drive, since the dance studio and the store they were going to were only about a mile or so apart from each other.

As they were on their way, Jungkook began to wonder where exactly where they were going, as Hoseok hadn’t specifically mentioned it earlier. “Hoseok-hyung, what game store are we going to?”

“Game-Stop. Have you been there before?”

Jungkook nodded. “I have, but I haven’t been in a while since I don’t have much time to game anymore. I mean, I have time but I usually do other things.”

Hoseok grunted in response, keeping his eyes focused on the road as he drove.

After arriving at the game store, they all went inside but quickly found out that the game that Jimin and Hoseok both wanted was sold out. The girl who was working at the cash register suggested that the boys try going to BestBuy, as the game had also been released there and that they might have more luck finding it in a bigger store. The boys thanked her and went back out to the car, deciding to go straight to BestBuy since they still had some time left before needing to be home.

The short ride to BestBuy consisted of Hoseok and Jimin talking excitedly about the new game, and Jungkook nodding along pretending he knew what they were talking about. Since he really didn’t game that much, he wasn’t very interested in his hyung’s conversation – instead, he decided to count cars as they flew past the window he was staring out of.

A few minutes later, they had arrived at BestBuy. Because Jungkook had other people with him this time, thoughts about being anxious about going into the large store didn’t even cross his mind. The three boys once again all got out of the car and headed toward the store.

Hoseok was practically jumping up and down with excitement. “I really hope this place has the game! It would so bad if it didn’t!”

“I know!” said Jimin as he held the door open for the other two boys. “It’s weird that Game-Stop didn’t have it…I mean, it just came out!”

Once the boys made it through the door, they immediately made a beeline for the gaming section, still chattering animatedly. Jungkook trailed a footstep or two behind them, slightly embarrassed at their enthusiasm. Even though he was younger than both Hoseok and Jimin, he often felt like that wasn’t the case because of how rambunctious the other two could be. I wish I could be as uncaring as to what the rest of the world thinks of me as they are, he thought bitterly to himself.

Once they made it to the gaming section, Hoseok and Jimin split up in order to search for the new game, leaving Jungkook standing awkwardly by himself. This kind of thing often happened if they all went shopping together – his hyungs would get a bit too excited and leave Jungkook behind.

He decided that it would be less awkward it he pretended to look at the games rather then to just stand waiting for Jimin and Hoseok to return. He walked up and down the aisles of displays, eyes skimming over all of the bright colors of the packages and the giant words that told people how amazing the games were.

There was only one game that caught Jungkook’s eye long enough for him to actually pick it up and look at it. It was a game that tested one’s knowledge of different eras, styles, and artists of music. As he turned it over in his hand to read the back of the package, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Hyung, why did you guys leave me by myself? You know I hate being alone in-“

“Hi Jungkook!”

Jungkook stopped suddenly when none other than the boy with the box smile, Taehyung, had cut him off.

“Oh, hey Taehyung.”

“Hey, you remembered my name!”

“Well yeah, I’ve met you a few times before so…”

“Yeah that’s true! You know, you seem to come here a lot! Are you stalking me?” Taehyung asked with a playful glint in his eyes.

Jungkook shuffled his feet awkwardly. “Uh, no, I’m here with my two friends this time. They went to go look for a game that just got released so I’m just waiting for them.”

“Uh huh, a likely story!”

“I’m serious though!”

“I know, I’m just joking,” Taehyung said, eyes disappearing from smiling widely. “At least this time you aren’t lost! Also, you’re in my section of this place this time! Do you like games?”

“I like them, but I don’t really play them much anymore. I find other things to do and I don’t really know what games are fun to play anymore.”

“Oh, really? I love them! I could recommend some to you if you want!”

“I’m okay, I’m not that interested…”

At that moment, Hoseok and Jimin returned, both holding bags with happy looks on their faces.

“Yah Kookie, where did you run off to? Jimin and I looked around for you, but you weren’t where we had left you!”

“Hyung, you guys left me, not the other way around.”

Jimin was about to argue with Jungkook when he looked to the left of him and saw Taehyung. “Oh hey! I know you! We’re in the same year at university!”

“Oh yeah, you’re Jimin, right?”

“Yep, that’s me! How do you know our little Jungkookie?”

Taehyung smiled at Jimin, but it was a slightly different smile than the one Jungkook usually saw on the boy’s face. “Oh, I’ve run into him here a few times before – or, rather, he’s run into me,” he said with a smirk. “How do you guys know each other?”

Hoseok slung his arm around Jungkook’s shoulder. “We all dance together!”

“Oh that’s cool! Do you guys dance at that studio right downtown?”

Jungkook shrugged Hoseok’s arm off of himself as he nodded in response. “Yup, it’s pretty fun. Well, since Hoseok-hyung and Jimin-hyung have both got their games now, I guess we should be leaving.”

Taehyung’s face fell a bit. “Oh, okay! It was nice seeing you Jimin, and nice meeting you Hoseok!” He said as the three boys began to leave.

As Jungkook and his hyungs were about to step out the door, he heard Taehyung call out, “Yah! Jungkook!”

Jungkook turned and looked back, embarrassed that he had been called at so loudly in front of other people when they turned and looked at him.  “What?”

Taehyung ran up to him and handed him his phone. “Can you put your number in?”

“Um, why?”

“You just seem like someone I want to know!” Taehyung said with his crooked, boxy grin. “Just put it in and decide later if you want to ignore me.”

“I’ll probably ignore you,” Jungkook muttered under his breath as he took the phone from Taehyung. He put in his number as quickly as he could, as to avoid the stares of the people around him and the snickers from Jimin and Hoseok. “There, it’s in.”

“Thanks! I’ll text you or something later so that you can get my number too!”

“Okay, see you later.”


Jungkook turned back and walked out with his hyungs, ignoring whatever they were laughing about or saying to him. Once they got back to the car, Jungkook decided that he didn’t want a ride back to his home, but that he wanted to walk instead since he knew it wasn’t too far.

“Okay kid, we’ll see you on Friday!” said Hoseok as he climbed into the car with Jimin. “If that Taehyung guy ends up bugging you, tell us and we’ll get rid of him!”

Jungkook laughed to himself as he waved goodbye to them when they drove off. Bug me? He probably won’t even remember I put my number in his phone, much less actually want to talk to me. I guess if he does end up texting me, I wouldn’t be opposed to talking to him, but I really don’t think that’s going to happen.

The walk home took a little longer than normal, about twenty minutes, since Jungkook was listening to music, walking slowly, and thinking to himself simultaneously. As he was climbing the steps to his front porch, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He looked at the screen of his phone, seeing an unknown number and the shortest message he had ever seen. He unlocked the screen, typed out a short reply, and replaced his phone back in his pocket as he felt it buzz again a few seconds later. He went inside his house, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

As he went to sleep that night, all Jungkook could see behind his closed eyes were the short messages he had received earlier and what his response had been.


Unknown: ^___^


JK: I’ve decided I won’t ignore you.


Unknown: I’m glad :3


Jungkook drifted off to sleep, the ghost of a smile still on his face.


Hello everyone! First off, thank you so much to all of those who have subscribed since I uploaded the first couple chapters!! You guys are the best ;^; 

About this chapter: Okay, I'm gonna admit, this chapter was really hard to write for some reason, so I'm really sorry if it and seems boring ;n: I will try even harder next time, pinky promise! 

Please continue to upvote, comment, and subscribe! It's really encouraging to me as I'm sure you all know :3

See you next week ~

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Sorry guys, I had a TON of hw to get done today, and yesterday my friend had boy problems and ended up staying the night ch.7 up tomorrow!


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Chapter 9: Ms flytaethemoon this is so good!! Actually, all your stories are really good, which is why it baffles me why you only got so much up votes and subscribers. You deserve more attention!! Your writing style is pleasing and your creativity is really something. I certainly hope that Until I Call Your Name and Angel Scrolls get the attention they truly deserve. You've earned it. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 1: Jungkook looks like a lost pup. I wonder why.
faeriefruit #3
Chapter 9: やばいフアフアが出て来た(笑)よくできたねアウサー님 너무 좋아하다〜 これからよろしくね〜 次"내 이름이...지민"を楽しみしてる^ ^ 화이팅 언니
Avenger7 #5
Chapter 9:
author nim!!!! could you please watch this and so you could hopefully change your ship?;
Chapter 8: Its too sad that you're not vKook shipper......becoz I love your story and I want to read another vkook story of yours....... At least, I love these whole chapters..... You are a good writer...... Fighting...!!
chxnbaeks #7
Chapter 8: WOW THIS IS SO-



Chapter 8: Wow! I finally read through this whole story and I'm extremely impressed. You are like sooooo talented, girl, you really have a way with words and character development. I found myself falling in love with Jungkook as Taehyung was. I adore the way these two balance each other out. Very cute, well done
OppaPleaseWaitForMe #9
Chapter 8: Omg this is so DAMN cute
Chapter 8: NOOOOOOOO