No Explanation

Professor Oh and I

Luhan POV: 

"Oh my g- for s sake, WHAT?!" 
"Hi." Kris hovered over me on the bed like a child, the sun blaring into my eyes. 
"What the hell?" 
"I'm bored."
"Then go bother someone else, I'm sleeping." 
"But it's noon and I'm hungry." I blinked a few times and pushed Kris away from me, causing him to fall onto the floor with a loud thud, 
"Well, 11:47, but it's close. Professor Oh isn't here either! I need to do something with my life." It was unusual for Profess- Sehun to leave without telling me that morning or letting me know the night before. Now that I thought about it, he was acting strange last night, too. It wasn't just because he was pissed at me during school, it was something other than that. His mind seemed to be somewhere else yesterday, not just on me- not to sound coincided, but he rarely took his eyes off me. He probably thought I'd get into trouble, being clumsy and all. Kris walked out of the room to wherever, as I struggled to get up. It surprised me I slept for so long, usually I was awake even before Sehun. 
It sounded so strange, I was wondering if I actually preferred Professor Oh. Honestly, I only liked that I could call him Sehun- at home at least. It made me feel special to him, and I guess that made me happy.. 
"LUHAN HELP ME!" I rolled my eyes as I finally got out of bed to help the mindless friend I had. 
"What are you doing n- Kris?" Two men dressed in all black stood in the kitchen, Kris was no where to be seen. 
"W-who are you?"
"Lu Han?"
"Y-yes?" The two men advanced towards me making my heart beat faster and faster. 
"Where is Kris? How did you get in?" When they didn't answer me and kept walking towards me, my first instinct was to scream, but my throat had suddenly gone dry. As if my body was running solely on adrenaline, I turned and ran to Sehun's room, slamming the door. With no time for me to be afraid, I picked up my phone and dialed Sehun. But just as he picked up, the door opened. 
I didn't lock it! 
'Hello?' I dropped my phone. 
Sehun, I'm being kidnapped! 
Sehun POV: 
"Why did you call me here?" 
"Well, that's not a very nice way to greet your mother."
"I said, why did you call me here?" I stood up, preparing to leave the place I hated the most in the world. 
"I wouldn't leave," my mother took a sip of wine and set it on the desk in her office.
"We're having a special party to celebrate your father's birthday. A lot of the guests will want to see you, especially your brother." 
"Half brother. We don't even like each other, I'm no longer apart of this family- if you want to call it that." This was my mother. She was rich, manipulative, arrogant and extremely powerful, able to get anything by pointing her finger. I left home right after high school, promising to never ask for help or come back to this place. Maybe I was being naive when I thought that my step father wouldn't try to get me to join his business multiple times, using people he knew as leverage. With money he was able to fire me from many jobs, just so I'd come crawling home. But I wasn't weak, I made sure he understood that. 
"You have no right to ask me to come to that man's fancy get together. I hate this place, and you already know why." 
"What your father did was for your own good-"
"Is that what you think?" 
"Your father-"
"He is not my father, and this is not my home." My mother pursed her lips and crossed her arms, 
"Just come to the party. Maybe it'll help you two get along better." 
"Why does this matter? I haven't gone to a party in years, it shouldn't matter now." 
"You're very aware his health is deteriorating."
"Good riddance." Her red painted nails flashed across my face.
"Hah," I began laughing although my face stung from her hand,  
"Just like the old man." 
"You are coming to the party!" 
"We both know the reason you want me to come is because people have begun to talk about why I left this place, abuse becoming a growing possibility. It's not very good for the business, so I need to make an appearance tonight looking healthy, like I was raised well. But you know what? I can't stand it here." 
"Your friends seem to be enjoying it." 
"My friends?" My mother a monitor, Luhan and Kris appearing. They were pacing around a room aimlessly, in a room that had become a storage room. 
'Where are we?' Luhan picked up a vase and examined it. 
'I don't know, but this is like one of those mystery movies. You move in with a super rich guy and then-' 
'OH MY GOSH! He has one of these?!' 
'Every rich family has a nice vase.' 
'Kris, this is ing crystal. It's expensive.' My mother was unamused. 
How stupid was I to think she wouldn't know about Luhan? 
"So, will you join us for the party?" Implying if I didn't go, the consequences would have something to do with Luhan, I caved. 
"First tell me why the hell they are here." It never occurred to me before that my mother would use Luhan to blackmail me into doing what she pleased. It was always that way- no one was safe with me. 
"I thought they'd like a nice party."
"No, don't lie to me, you knew I'd come if you got ahold of them."
"Either way, common people like them don't get to go to nice parties often, it'll be a nice experience. Plus, it's not like they'll be around you very long." 
"What are you saying?" My blood began to boil. Each time we met only turned our relationship more sour. 
"You know what I'm saying, no one can stay for very long with you," She began walking towards me, clicking her heels,
"He'll leave you soon enough." 
"I'll have you to thank for that," I was practically growling at her like a dog, a hungry, angry dog. 
"If he doesn't leave you after today, he'll leave you just because you're you. You push people away when they get too close, Sehun. You can only hurt people, and he's a boy, a child. Even if he says he loves you now, he will leave you." 
"We don't have that kind of relationship. I'm his teacher, and his guardian, I only protect him." 
"The only thing you need to protect him from is yourself, right?" 
She was right. 
"Where are they? Tell me, now." 
"If you promise you'll come, I'll let them out." Of course I had no choice but to promise. I could break down the door, but then my mother would most likely file a report and find a way to get me into jail- she had power because she had money. 
"I promise." My mother threw a pair of keys to me, 
"They're in your room." It wasn't my room, but I didn't want to fight with her anymore. Steam was surely coming out of my ears as I bounded up the all too familiar stairs. My feet hadn't stepped foot in this house since I was 18 years old, not that it was the only house I'd ever lived in. I did live in America until I was shot, then my mother uprooted and moved me to Korea, against my will. It was here that she met that man, who she insists I call father. My real father died when I was only a kid, but I'll never forget it.
My mother never grieved. 
Turning the key in the lock, the door clicked open. 
"Oh my gosh, these are all so sad.." I spotted Luhan and Kris sitting on the floor against my old bed, reading my possessions. 
My sadness as a teen was poured into countless notebooks. I'd sit alone and write everything I felt, every sadness. I didn't want anyone to ever get inside my head, then all of a sudden, the one I cared most about was reading them. My feet moved on their own, and my hands grabbed the books without me telling them too. I didn't want him reading about my pain and leaving me, like my mother said. 
"Where did you get these?" I sounded a little too angry, but I didn't want Luhan to run away from me. The things I wrote about back then would surely make him distance himself.
"Th-they were just in a box, and s-"
"Don't you ever go through my things without my permission." 
"I didn't know they were yours at first s-" 
"Ever!" It was the first time I really scolded Luhan and he looked like he was about to burst into tears. Of course I didn't want him to cry, but this was important. 
"I'm getting rid of these." I ran out of the room and checked to see if the fireplace was lit, then dashed back upstairs, grabbing the whole box of small notebooks, including the one in Luhan's grasp. Luhan and Kris both followed closely behind me as I prepared to burn the useless writings. 
"No!" Luhan's hand grabbed mind before I could dump everything in, 
"You can't throw them away." 
"You shouldn't have been reading them." His grasp loosened, knowing I was right. I watched them burn, smelling the pungent singed smell and watching small embers fly around. 
"Let's go." I grabbed Luhan by his wrist, yanking him with me to my car. Kris was following behind, obviously having to come with. 
"Ow! Sehun it hurts, let me go!" He was weak it was no use fighting me. 
"Let go! Let.. me.. go!" 
"Hey let him go." I whipped around to glare at Kris in the eyes, our faces inches apart.  
"Do not tell me what to do." Continuing to pull Luhan with me, his struggle continued. Maybe it would have been easier if I just let him go and had him walk to the car, but I was afraid he would run away with Kris and leave me. 
"Sehun, I said let go! It hurts! It.. Professor Oh!" Practically throwing Luhan in my car and getting myself in, I shoved the key into the ignition and turned it. 
Luhan POV: 
"Do you want to tell me why the hell I was kidnapped today?" 
"And me!" 
"Shut up, Kris... Sorry, I love you, but zip it." Sehun sped off with no explanation. 
"Professor Oh, tell me." 
"I don't know, I thought it was kinda fun. I mean, they didn't hurt us, they even gave us some juice-" 
"Zhùkǒu! (Shut up!)" Chinese just came out when I snapped at Kris. 
"Professor Oh?" 
"It's my mother and step father's home." 
"But why was I kidnapped?" 
"And me!" 
"KRIS, zip it!" 
"We're going to my step father's birthday party tonight. As you can tell from your research," implying the notebooks, "my family and I don't get along. They took you to have something to hold against me, to make me go, and you also have to come." So I was kidnapped, locked in a room for a whole hour and now I was being forced to go to a party, hosted by the people who kidnapped me?! 
"Why would I be used as leverage?" 
"They know my weakness."  
"I'm your weakness?" Sehun didn't answer me as we continued home.  The ride was tense and the atmosphere was chilly. I hadn't ever seen him that angry before, and I knew I did something wrong. The paper in my back pocket seemed to be burning through my pants. Before he left, I quickly tore it out of a notebook. I knew it wasn't right of me to keep it or to have read it, but it was so sad, I wanted to keep it and remember it. Everything he wrote made me think Sehun went through serious depression, it made me question if I could even say I knew him at all. 
"The party is at 6:00, I'll have to buy you suits. You can do whatever you want here, but I forbid either of you from going outside if I am not there." It was like we were on lockdown. The whole situation still completely confused me, it all happened so fast. 
"Luhan, I want to talk to you, alone." I followed Sehun into his room, but the door was off its hinges. 
"I can see what they did." Unlike last time, Sehun gently took my hand and pulled me into the bathroom, closing the door that was still in its hinges. Everything was still once we were alone. I hadn't realized it before, but everything had whirled around, and now that we were alone, it was still. Without warning, Sehun wrapped his strong arms around me and squeezed me tightly. It was at times like these when I would be reminded how strong my teacher was. His embrace was strange, like he hadn't hugged anyone before.
"I'm sorry for hurting you." 
"You didn't hurt me." Sehun pulled away from the embrace and carefully held up my hand, bringing it to his mouth and letting his warm lips touch it. It wasn't as if he was kissing it, just resting it there. 
My heart raced. 
"I did hurt you." 
"Ah... That?" I began to blush from the sudden contact he had with my hand, "No.. It didn't hurt that much, it's um, its fine! Really, so-"  
"You're scared of me, I can see it." I tried to search for a familiar emotion in his eyes, but I couldn't. He looked sad, but also scared and maybe a little bit desperate for something, I didn't understand him. 
"What happened today?" Taking a step back, his expression hardened, 
"My parents are powerful people. They know everything about me, and by now, probably everything about you and Kris." The way he spoke was with a soft voice, but his deep tone ruined the gentleness he was trying to convey. 
"My step father's health is bad, and my mother wanted me to go to his birthday celebration tonight. She knew is refuse, so the only way I would agree is if she black mailed me into it, so she used you." 
"I don't get it, why use me? I have no meaning to them." 
"To me you do." 
"One day, I'll explain it to you, but I don't have courage to do it now." Sehun reached out and ruffled my hair with his long slender fingers. I had no clue what he meant by that, but chose not to ask any questions. 
"W-wait! Um.. About the notebooks.. I'm sorry. It wasn't my business, and I read them. I'm really sorry." Bowing to him, I hoped he would forgive me. It made me feel sick inside that I had read so much into his life. 
"You have to understand that there is a lot you do not know about me, and it's better if it stays that way."
"I understand." I didn't understand. 
"We have to go buy you both suits, we should go now." Sehun and I left the bathroom, leaving our heart to heart conversation behind- I said heart to heart because it was one of the first times he opened up to me. Kris and I sat on the couch while Sehun gave us a quick lecture. He was becoming too protective, then again, I had no clue as to what we were up against. 
"Don't leave my sight, keep your phone in your hand and you will walk in front of me."
"Why do we have to do this?" 
"Unless you want to be kidnapped by my mother again, I suggest you don't ask any questions and do as I tell you." All this for a suit? 
What had we gotten ourselves into?!
Okay, I'm hoping that all made sense. If it did, skip reading this, if it didn't, please continue. 
For further explanation
Sehun's mother ordered some guys that work for her to bring Luhan and Sehun to her home. Sehun acted strange the night before because his mother had contacted him, telling him she wanted to see him. 
The next day, Sehun left early to go to his parents house and met with his mother (as Luhan and Kris were being taken.) 
Sehun's parent's business is a very large corporation, and people around them are starting to wonder where the eldest son has gone- since he hadn't shown up for a party in many years. It was bringing their business down, so his mother had to force him to go to the party. She knew he'd refuse, which is why she had Luhan and Kris. (Luhan was the important person, Kris just came along.)  
Then Luhan and Kris find Sehun's old writings, which contained the emotions he stuffed inside during adolescence. 
This angered Sehun because he didn't want Luhan running away from him, as he is hiding something that I won't say (hehe.) 
So he burned them. 
Then the rest is self explanatory, they go to get suits and then.. Party! 
(Some of you have been wondering about the mpreg, I don't want to spoil anything, but it will not be a huge mpreg. That's all I can say! Just wait a few more chapters guys!!!) 
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Dianajusanin #1
Chapter 24: You know i'm reread this story.. How much i really miss this kind of hunhan fic. I hope you will make another beautiful stories....
Chapter 46: Its really a great story! Love it soooo much !!! How i wish luhan never leave exo.. but as long as hes happy its okay.. one of the sweetest hunhan fanfic ive ever read! Good job authornim!
Chapter 34: I got a little confused in this chapter since Sehun's brother is named Kim Suho but there is a guy in Luhan's class which is also named Kim Suho hahah I know you can have the name and stuff but I just got confused for a moment XD
bubblesehunluhandeer #4
Chapter 45: Great & perfect! It's praiseworthy & amazing to create the plots, authornim. All colourful emotions are erupted. ☆
Shesnotepa #5
Chapter 45: " For life "

it's 2017 now and exo christmas cb tittle last year is For Life bye im crying
fafawinterlover #6
Chapter 46: Authornim, the link cant even click, its not blue..
noemimart #7
Chapter 45: Hi.
I really enjoy the story. You made me feel the pain, the insecurities, the fear, the happiness, the silliness of the characters. I lover the way you presented the story with everyone's POV, it was different and easy to follow. I like the way you explain the details of the story, very reader friendly. It was awesome. I look forward to your writing style in future stories.
First hunhan fanfic I read and I love it!
This story is just gold and precious.
Thank you for writing this authornim :D
Haleysiazzz #9
Chapter 12: I wish you could publish this as a hard copy though as this story is just perfect