A Growing Jealousy

Looking For The Right One (BTS Fanfiction)

(V's POV)

I had woken up the next morning feeling unbelievably sore. My body was fatigued, and I longed for more sleep. I didn't want to keep sleeping, but that's all I felt motivated for. As I continued to awaken, I looked around and I saw Jungkook sleeping next to me, his hair, a mess. That's when I remembered what I had done with him last night, but I didn't have any regrets, just curiosity as to what the members would say if they already knew we had .

Of course I had my suspicions on Suga and Rap Monster. I didn't care that Suga knew, but as for the others, that's another story.

I looked at myself, and continued to see the mess. I sighed knowing Jungkook and I had to clean up, we dirtied the sheets with our love fest. I slowly got up with this aching pain in my back, but I tried my best to ignore it. I walked over to Jungkook's dresser and searched for his mirror. I knew he had one because he's always applying care products to his face. I eventually found it and grabbed it.

I finally had a look at myself. My hair was all over the place, it was disastrous. Then I had these marks all over my neck, I looked over at Jungkook. Such an animal. I was worried as to what the others will say when they see this. But I didn't bother covering it up.

I set the mirror back down and I returned to bed. I snuggled close to Jungkook, under the blanket. I wrapped my body around him the best I could. And was drifting off into another sleep. But before my eyes closed, Jungkook's body stirred around.

Jungkook: Taehyung, I love you...

V: I love you too.

Jungkook: How are you feeling?

V: I'm feeling okay. Very tired and sore actually.

Jungkook: Oh, okay. You'll feel better after some rest. We should sleep a little more, I'm tired...

V: Okay. Love you...

We both fell into another deep sleep.

Yah, wake up you two!



Get up!

Wake up!

We both woke up with the leader standing at the edge of our bed. He seemed somewhat pissed off. What could we have done to set him off?

V: H-Hyung, what is it?

Rap Monster: It's time to wake up! Y'all been sleeping all day! Don't think you can have in this dorm, while we're gone and expect not to do anything! Look at yourselves! Still dirty from what ever happened last night! Go clean up will you!? And the bedsheets need cleaning too!

Jungkook: Hyung! You wake us up for that!? Let us sleep! We will clean up when we've had our rest! How would you like it, if you had , then someone come and wake you up! You obviously gonna be tired, so don't try this with us!

Rap Monster: Yah! Don't think you can talk to your leader that way! Get up you two!

Jungkook: Leave us alone! What did we ever do to you!???? Go away!!!!

Jungkook, at this point and time, was interrupted from his deepest part of sleep, therefore, he wasn't going to comply with the leader, he was very irritable. As for me, I was pretending to fall asleep and not notice anything. I didn't want in on this unnecessary drama. Then we heard Suga walk in and start talking to Rap Monster. Trying to coax him away from us.

Suga: Yah, leave them alone! I bet they're new to this, they ought to be tired! And it's not like we have any interviews or anything else going on! Let them sleep!

Rap Monster: But hyung! They can't just mess around and do nothing! They don't understand it like I do!

Suga: What are you talking about!? You always end up causing trouble with them, just let them be!

Rap Monster: Fine, I'll leave them alone, but it won't end here...

Rap Monster groaned in dissatisfaction. Just as he was about to exit the room, I called out his name. I sat up and I rubbed my eyes. I had to have my say, I couldn't let him come in here and wake up Jungkook, I know I tried to ignore, but...

V: Yah! What's it to you? How did you even know? Did Sunny tell you?

Rap Monster: Ehh? Nope! She wasn't even here when we got back. And I know the smell of all too well. It's nasty. You're going to wish you hadn't done that here.

V: We can do what we want here Namjoon! We're not bothering you! It was love! Why are you always getting on our case!? Always making me screw up ! Just stop! You know what? You must be jealous!

Rap Monster: Me..? Jealous!? You must be an idiot! Your love is nothing to me! Okay, cool, you finally have a stable relationship with the maknae, but I don't care! You'll be sorry in the future! Too sorry to remember!

Rap Monster stormed out of our room in a fury, knocking over any of the other members who just so happened to be listening. Suga sighed as he walked over to us. Suga pulled out a note and gave it to me.

Suga: You know, Sunny was really hoping to get you two closer, and I've always supported the VKook thing you know? I might not say much, but I support. You know Jeongguk.

Dear Taehyung and Jeongguk, I'm sorry about being a disturbance last night, or anytime for that matter. I just found y'all so cute together! I actually left sometime before everyone got back from the concert. I kind of heard y'all, you know, so I left thinking, y'all got each other, I don't need to babysit! But, I hope to talk to you precious things in the future! Byeeeee! ~~~~Love Sunny! ♥

V: I see... Well, that's nice. Umm, you all can come in...

They didn't move from the doorway. I wasn't sure what was going on with everyone anymore. I felt like I was missing parts of the picture.

Suga: You guys, what's wrong?

Jin: Nothing. It's just that, whenever Namjoon gets angry, it has to do with them. Sometimes I think Bangtan is crazy.

Suga: Yeah, that's an odd observation... So, you all don't seem to have a problem with them being together?

Jin: No. When Taehyung had problems awhile back, I found it kind of weird and disgusting, but now I'm just, whatever.

J-Hope: Nope! I saw it coming! Cute!

Jimin: Nah. Just, Namjoon is acting really off.

J-Hope: Yeah! Did anyone see him get sick at the concert last night?

Jin: He was sick?

I was glad that the others didn't think much about us being together, it just seemed like no one cared. They really weren't up to talk about us. Jin seemed to want nothing to do with our situation anymore because of Rap Monster. Suga was supportive, he's always had our back. J-Hope wasn't surprised, he must have known that VKook was a thing to happen. And Jimin didn't have much to say about us, but Rap Monster was the thing he really focused on. He was a strangely sick, angry, and maybe even jealous leader.

I was curious to know about his sickness, what was really going on with our leader? That one time he went to the hospital, he kept lying about it, and the he got mad at Suga when he said something like, is he dying from something?

Jin: How sick are we talking? Because he was really fatigued last night. He kept leaning on me.

J-Hope: He threw up! Blaaah!

Jimin: Sounds like the same sickness he went to the hospital for...

Jin: Is the leader hiding something from us? Because whatever it is, it bothers me.

J-Hope: He must be! This is no food poisoning!

Jimin: Okay, what is wrong with our leader?

Jin: I prefer that we discuss this in the kitchen, I'd like to cook while talking about this.

J-Hope: You and your cooking...

Suga: Well, you two continue resting, if you need anything, you know who to ask...

V: Thank you Yoongi.

Suga bowed and he left with the others. As soon as the door shut, Jungkook started crying. He hid his face is the covers.

Jungkook: Yah, what's wrong with Namjoon? Why can't we ever be happy together? I'm glad the others don't think much of it, but Namjoon!

V: Kookie, it's okay, don't mind the leader, he's sick.

Jungkook: No, no, no! It's not okay Taehyung! I feel like he's targeting you for something! He's going crazy now! He's messed you up! And I bet he's going to do it again!

V: W-Woah... J-Jeongguk, he's not going to do anything, I promise! Please, I had the best night of my life with you last night, I want to keep that high going.

Jungkook: O-Okay... Fine. Whatever you say...

Maybe he was right? Am I really a target for more of Rap Monster's violence? I hope not, the leader has been stressed lately... Ehh, maybe not. I hope he's not going insane from something.

I wiped Jungkook's tears away then I embraced him. We fell asleep holding each other.

(Rap Monster's POV)

A few days have gone by since that talk and the group has avoided me, just because they thought I've gone crazy. I've overheard Jin talking about me and taking wild guesses... Well, actually, they're right. This VKook thing, well, it should be TaeJoon. This so called jealousy, it became real, but I also wanted to destroy something beautiful.

It's strange, I want V now, oh that orphan boy was quite special indeed, I wanted nothing more, but to give him something before I go. I can do everything the maknae can, but better. I will drag him to hell with me before it freezes. I will him up, oh yes, I'll show him my monster, in the worst ways, the plan has already started dammit. He will be part of this long list of partners.

Well, I guess that's it for now journal. The others are getting worried about me. I haven't spoke to them much, and, even Jungkook is worried. But V's concern is just what drives me. Things aren't the same, I'm not the same, nothing is the same...

Get ready, because Taehyung is mine...

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Taekookie2120 #1
Chapter 22: Chapter 22: sooo sad T_T why taekook
why Namjoon....just why

Ps nice story author nim
Chapter 1: She didn't have a ! ....okay sorry I couldn't help it xD this is interesting tho
RapmonsLilMonster #3
Chapter 22: I turned into a waterfall in just an hour and a half.
Thelollipoptaesucks #4
Palris #5
Chapter 23: Damnit!! Read it all at one-go and shed a bucket of tears. So sad for taekook
EXOGeneration129 #6
Chapter 23: Wahhh, this is really sad, I actually cried! Like there was a lot standing in their way: V's amnesia, Namjoon, and now V's illness! Such a sad ending. . . thank you though authornim for this wonderful story, you made me cry; this made me ship VKook even more!!
Caramel_lover369 #7
Chapter 22: They both....they both have it......at least they'll be together....in heaven....special chappie od them reuniting please>_<
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 23: this is really sad!!! a very tragic ending for both of them...they really love each other!!! my heart!!! :'( they love each other unti the end!!!
kulitlang08 #9
Chapter 21: my heart!!!!! this is just!!!! i am so sad!!! damn AIDS...why????!!!!