Chapter 4

I'm in love with you
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Hyukjae woke up breathing heavy, soaked with sweat and tears. Hoping everything was a dream. He got up slowly, could smell breakfast, but it wasn't the same. It wasn't his sisters cooking.

"Good morning Hyukkie" Donghae said softly, Hyukjae just nodded. It wasn't a dream, his noona was gone. Kyuhyuns gang had killed his sister. He fell down to the floor, started crying again. Donghae ran to him, and held him in his arms. They sat like that for a while,

" You got to eat, you haven't eaten for days, please eat, for me"

Donghae pleaded and led him to the table. Hyukjae toke few spoons with soup, still quiet. Donghae hated him so down, so broken, didn't know what to do. 

"Hyukiie i need to show you something" and he led him to the bedroom and sat him on the bed. He handed him his laptop and a video for him.

"I will be outside, call me if u need me" he said and walked out. 

Hyukjae heard his sisters voice.

"My dear Huykjae. I guess, you hearing this , means im gone. I'm sorry for leaving you so soon. I know you already caught on to me being sick. Been fighting it for a while, trying to hold on, long enough for me to know u will be fine and lucky, ur Ajusshi came in time. I'm really sorry for keeping it from you , hated lying for you.  I have saved some money for you, use it well, live well, I will be with you always in spirit. Promise me, you will live on, greatly, happily lovingly , promise me that my dear brother.  I will always love you, you deserve the best, so never settle, always follow your heart. I love you my dear brother"

Hyukjae was crying his heart out, he knew as his sister said, that she was sick, that something wasn't right with her. He just wished they had some more time together. Donghae came back in, and held him in his arms. They lied in bed for few hours until Hyukjae stopped crying and had fallen asleep.

Donghae had to go to town to talk to the police about the accident. They had caught few of the gang but not the leader. That was making him nervous. He also had to get his leg checked too, since he was also hurt from the accident. He made Amber watch over Hyukjae while he was gone.

When Hyukjae woke up, Donghae wasn't back yet, so he got up, just walking around. Thinking bout what his sister said, to be happy. He had his Ajusshi but still felt empty. Amber tried to get his mood up, but nothing worked. So Hyukjae ended up going to his workplace and started working on a sculpture of his sister. He was making it with tears running down. But when he was done, he felt a bit relived. 

Donghae got home, with food, and found Hyukjae in kitchen waiting. He walked towards Hyukjae and asked if he wanted some food, which he said yes to, taking him by surprise. 

They didn't say much while eating, Donghae started to get scared, maybe he was mad at him or hated him, he felt his heart drop thinking bout it.

"Thank you for all your help Ajusshi" Hyukjae said softly. 

"Nothing to say thank you for" he said softly back. 

In the evning, Huykjae walked to Donghaes room and layd down on his bed, Donghae following, 

"mind if i sleep here tonight, "

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961 streak #1
Chapter 5: You have such a good story. But, I also felt that the last chapter was a bit rushed.
This is written from a standpoint of a young writer unlike "Hidden Attractions."
I feel that your writing in "Hidden Attraction" was more matured.
If you care to edit and rewrite this story in the future as a more mature writer, I would gladly read it again.
Thank you so much for the story.
961 streak #2
Chapter 1: That was a great opening chapter ending with a mishap and the meeting of Donghae and Hyukjae. I love it.
MyeolchiHyuk #3
Chapter 5: Siwon is so understanding.. The 3 of them willing to sacrifice for each other... Pity siwon... He did a fake show for both hae and hyuk to prive their love... He did great..
Chapter 5: I already worried that Hyuk can't be with Hae. .. Thank you
Chapter 5: This is simple but so sweet. I'm a little bit pitty with Siwon, but his action is the right
Chapter 5: Siwon is literally so clever and sneaky. Ahhh I'm glad he understood that Hyuk and Hae were in love with each other. I do feel a bit bad for Won though :(
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful I swear. The ending was kinda creepy but cute
milesmilehyuk #8
Chapter 5: não gosto da parte sihyuk , realmente detesto esse navio, mas adorei a fic.Obrigada pela historia.
mukupriya #9
Hey.... Could you please put an epilogue?
Really want to see their life after wedding ?
Chapter 4: this isn't the ending right???? tell me