My Secret Admirer (FINAL)

My Panda Bear Valentine

Jungkook's POV

I mentally sighed and sat down at my cold desk in the back room. It was that day again where couples were being all being lovey dovey with eachother. It's also that day where everybody gets surprise gifts from their significant other. I looked around the room and saw that every single person in the room had gotten something for Valentines Day.
That is except for me.
But alas I'm use to this by now.
I looked around and saw everyone rambling to others about what they got and showing off how much that other person loves them. 
I rolled my eyes.
I swear there is so much red and hearts in this room I could cry. I looked over across from me and noticed that my favorite hyung or in other words my....crush wasn't here today.
That's weird he never misses....I hope he's alright. My poor Taehyungie...
ARHH! Stop thinking like that Jungkook! You have no right to! He does not like you like that. He only likes you as a best friend. I looked down and started fantasizing about what if Taehyung spoiled me on Valentine's Day.... If only....
I jumped away from my thoughts and everyone else got quiet as well. 
I swear I will never get use to that damn intercom. 
"Hi, I need Jeon Jungkook to report to the principals office as soon as possible." 
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I haven't done anything wrong I think. But of course that didn't stop from everyone in the room to stare at me and go "OOOOOOOOOO!" I swear that I'm more mature than all these es!! I got up from my desk an silently made my way out of the class room. 
When I get to the principals office I nervously opened the door and walked in. What I saw in front of me made me more confused than I already was. 
There was a giant stuffed panda bear sitting right there in front of me. "AWW it's so cute!" I squealed. The principal walked out and caught my attention. "Ahh I'm glad you like it Jungkook, it's a gift for you." 
I swear my eyes widened as big as saucers. 
"Uhh...what why HUH?" 
The principal chuckled. "Well I called you in here to tell you this because it's so big so you'll need someone to take you home today." 
I hadn't even noticed the size of it. Lord it was huge. It was about 4ft tall and 2ft wide. 
"Uh may I ask....who's it from?" I gulped. 
"Hmm the person wanted me to tell you that it's your secret admirer." The principal grinned. 
My heart skipped a beat.
'S-Secret admirer?!?' 
Hah me? Someone has a crush on me? Since when? 
Besides if it isn't Taehyung I don't care. That's a bit harsh but it's true....that thought left me a bit sad. I bit my lip and grabbed the bear. 
"Thank you sir, I'll call my mom to come get me." I bowed and attempted to pick it up. Good lord!!! This feels like I'm picking up 
bricks. I decided to just push it for now. I heard the principal chuckling in the background. 
"Let me help you." He spoke and picked up the bear with ease.
I blushed from embarrassment. I hope who ever this person is knows that they have a crush on an awkward weakling. 
When my mom and I got home that day. She couldn't stop cooing at how cute that bear is and omg my little boy has a secret admirer! 
I sighed. Once my mom helped me put the panda bear into my bedroom and onto my bed she told me she had to leave. Also that she won't be back till tomorrow evening. I nodded at her. Once she left I laid down on to my bed with the panda bear. I looked at it and started rubbing it. Omg it's so soft! I looked at it and chuckled. 
Whoever got me this is so sweet. How can someone even want to spend this much money on me? Whoever it was...I'm grateful. I smiled and I was too tired to even change out of my clothes. I snuggled closer to the bear and wrapped my arms around it digging my face into its neck. That's the last think I remembered before drifting off to sleep.
I woke up that morning still cuddling the panda bear. But strange got warmer. An it smelled so much sweeter. I tightened my embrace around it and inhaled it's sweet scent. "Mmmm your so soft panda bear." I spoke to it lowly. 
"So are you kookie." I froze.  My heart racing. Omg I'm so screwed. Since when do stuffed animals talk?!?
"Uh....who are you?" I said and tried to release my grip on them but they were not letting me. 
"Your secret admirer Kookie-Ah." 
I gulped and the lights flicked on. Once I saw who it was my eyes went gigantic. 
"TAEHYUNG HYUNG?" I screamed. He chuckled and this time he pulled me into an embrace. My face turned a dark shade of red. "What...why...HUH?" I squeaked while in his strong arms. My head on his chest. My heart beat pounding against my rib cage. 
He chuckled and leaned down and rested his  chin on my head. "Ah..Kookie-ah.....I'm the one who got you the panda bear."
"But why.....?"
"Your so slow Kookie, but that's why I love you. I really love you Kookie-ah, an I thought now would be the best time to do it and that it would be an interesting way too." He smiled. "I am worried though....that you don't feel the same way. I have felt this way for you awhile I just didn't want to freak you-"
I cut him off. I don't remember how how I got so bold. I turned around and pulled him into a kiss. Once our lips met my heart exploded with feels. My stomach was doing somersaults. Damn I love this feeling. 
When I pulled away I saw his cheeks were pink and he had a shocked expression that soon turned to a smirk. 
"So I guess that means you feel the same way too." I smiled at him an went back on for another kiss. It was innocent and sweet. 
I laid on him and sighed happily. "May I ask why a giant panda though?" 
"Because it was fluffy and you like fluffy things, plus it reminded me of you."
I playfully hit his chest. "Yah! I'm glad I remind you of a giant panda.!" I giggled. 
He giggled as well and pulled me tighter into his embrace. "I love you Kookie-ah." 
"I love you too hyung....Happy Valentines Day."
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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Fluff is always appreciated!
irmayama #2
Chapter 1: OMG those two... why so fluffyyyyyyy..
So cute so sweet
envy ^_^
AkaReikou #3
Chapter 1: cute!!! ughh <3
Chapter 1: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Jae_Beol_96 #5
Chapter 1: That's just so freaking cute. >.<
Omg, taekook! !!