
Baby, what's your sign?


He was standing there while numbness taking control of his brain.

Today was their son's funeral. Their oldest son. Their oldest one, yet so young. So young to die.

His son. His baby son. His pride. His perfect copy. The one he believed in. The one he loves.

Painfully, he had to correct his words. 

The one he loved.

For his son was no longer able to feel his touch, hear his scoldings, talk back from his nag and wipe his tears away.

He looked to his surroundings. Many people were gathered there, and there was an in appropriate happiness in his heart. He was glad to see how many people mourned the loss, said their last goodbyes, emptying their lachrymal glands and showed their affections towards his son.

Tears drops. Drip. Drip. Drip. And it came pouring like rain.

Everyone was crying when they lowered the casket six feet under.

He looked to his side, where his wife stood there the whole time, beside him.

She didn't weep. She didn't pleading the gods to bring her beloved son back. She didn't wail. 

She just stared at the tomb in front of her, holding his hand.

The ceremony soon was over and he could hear people murmured around him.

"What kind of mother doesn't cry at her son funeral? Tsk."

He frowned.

He approached her late that night, trying to understand her actions.

"Why didn't you cry today? Are you okay?"

"Yes, Kiki, I'm okay."

"Why didn't you cry today? Aren't you sad? Aren't you suffered?"

"Yes, Kiki, of course I am."

"Then why aren't you crying? Why am I the only one that feels like the world is going to end soon?"

"I grief for our loss, Kiki. But I can bear this. I can bear this loss. I still can life happily after this."

"Why? Don't you love our son? He is your little boy. The first one that called you 'Mommy'. The one he run to when he's hurting. Why, Hyo? Why?"

"I love him. Love him so much. Love him so much that it hurts. Love him so much that I'd do anything to turn back the time."

They both were crying now. The pain was suffocating. And he desperately needed a companion.

"But I still have you. As long as you're here, I can bear anything. I can face anything. I can suffer, I can strive, I can survive. As long as we're together, Kiki."

Then he cried. He cried some more. For his son. For his wife that didn't cry enough. He cried.

But he knew deep down inside, he'll be okay soon. For he still have his wife beside him.

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TriX209 #1
Chapter 7: I didn't understand the story in chapter six its kind of confusing
Can someone explain??
and OMG i just realise your story is already finished :(
Chapter 26: sweet. you updated! kisung is so cute. thank you for updatingㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ichiru #4
chingu....so miss u....it have been a very long time didn't get to read any story from you...so glade to see the update...
so...its really complete..? does it mean no more story about kisung from you..????
Chapter 26: they're so cute...urghh..
Chapter 26: wunggg~ So cuteee <3 ><
SourTangerine #7
Omg chingoo...I can't choose only one from the poll...I craved for more kisung of course but I also want a HyosungxDaehyun (nuna dongsaeng....which is uberly utterly cute and awesome) xpp I'm torn between those two T.T I'm not up much for harem though (meh~)....in the end, it's down to what you can come up with most which i had no doubt will be as amazing as always :)) looking forward to it :D
YES! please start over...i've been missing you for so long. ^^
gihyoB2Secret #10
Woooow you back!! You will make this story again? Pleaseeeee I really like your one shot!! :D