
She will be loved.



For years now, all Sehun did was watch her hurt herself by dating a bunch of unnecessary guys who just broke her heart every time. He was always the one who tended to her broken heart. He was always there besides her to care for her. It’s his shirt that were always drenched in tears; his words that pulled her out of her little and short depressions; his hands that were wrapped around her when she felt unsafe.

Yet, she always ran off right away when someone else appeared. And the whole process would undergo. He used to asked himself repeatedly,

Is she worth it?


And every time, the answer was yes and he doesn’t even know why. Every time she ran off, he wanted to give up on her. But he just couldn't; it seemed impossible.

She was the reason why he still hung around, the reason why he always had hope.

And maybe…maybe someday, she’ll learn his value like he learned hers. Who knows? Might be today, tomorrow, or even in ten years time. But he didn’t care; he didn’t care because the wait would be worth it even though she always belonged to someone else.

He figured by now she’d know his obvious feelings for her. But of course, all she did was cry on his shoulder when she needed a shoulder and when someone confessed to her, she’d easily give in. But again, he didn’t mind. He noted to be patient towards her. To give her time to realize.

He’s been her best friend for a long while now. Ever since her first ever break up, till now... he was the only person she trusted. And ever since, he promised that she should never face something like this again. He tried to help her but she couldn’t hear him in her own messed up, loud life of hers. And time told...he fell for her. He couldn’t simply ‘undo’ what had been done. He plainly thought that it was a simple infatuation that would fade away soon. He was wrong; it became more than just an infatuation. It came close to love. Who knows? Maybe he was already in love…but the feeling being mutual? No…

She had other things in mind.

Sehun was bored after a long day alone at home. He was about to go out for a walk when he was startled to find her at his front door, again, with those puffy eyes.


“I had nowhere to go.” She sniffed. He shook his head like he couldn’t take it anymore.


She knew, that this wasn’t the first time he came close to losing it. This was his every reaction but somehow, she din’t know…he always seemed to welcome her into her arms; comforting her with those warm hugs of his. And she knew what he felt but she was not there yet. At least, she thought she wasn’t.

It was difficult for her to think upon the fact that if she really stopped her ‘whatever’ this was and went to Sehun for good, he might take advantage of her. Yeah, it sounded stupid because he was always the only one who sat beside her but she couldn’t help but think what if? What if this was all just one stupid act? To get her into loving him…but then again, why did she keep going back to him?


“Come here.” He gestures her for a hug. She doesn’t object. Given the situation she was in, she needed someone’s care. Apparently, she was using his entire care up.


“That’s the second time this month.” He announced as though she didn’t know.


She sighed as she continued to burry her face in his chest, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“No one wants to. But it helps.” He replied, still holding her in his hug.


“Sehun?” She called. “Yes?”


“Can’t you just let me cry?” She asked. He sighed and pulled me away from him but his hands still on my shoulder.


“No. No, I cannot. You know why? Because you do nothing but cry…so this time, you speak.” Sehun ordered.

She was a bit taken aback by this sudden attack but lightly nod . Not wanting to cause any extra drama.


He ushered her into his home and she cozily sit on the couch. He places himself next to her, “Start when you’re ready.”


She took in a deep breath. “He told me he really loved me.” He just stared back at her like he knew that already.


“And that if I ever left him, he would be devastated. And so I trusted him. Damn it…I’m so stupid. I trusted that idiotic person, Sehun.” She said as she buried her head in his hands, “I know you probably think I’m disgusting but every single break up is like the first one all over again.” she continued to sob.


“So, you mean to say, all along you feel like Jonghae is breaking up with you?” He asked, getting a little mad now because she wasn’t supposed to be thinking about that guy anymore. “I don’t know what to do anymore.” She cried.


Sehun pulled her in closer to his embrace, “You need to be strong.” And that was all he could really say. After all, what much could he possibly say to someone who obviously hadn’t gotten over her first boyfriend? “I don’t think I would be.” She slightly whispers.

It was frustrating for Sehun to see that she was struggling this much. It really hurt him to see how much she was going through and yet, he couldn’t help her. In any case she would one day have to move on. He wished silently under his breath she would.


That evening, he made her dinner and she thanked him before she left.


It wasn’t all that easy for him too you know. How does it feel to love someone who probably won’t ever love you back? How does it even feel to be loved back by someone you really love? He would never know.

He couldn’t get his eyes to sleep that night though…it was all too painful. She still dwelled in the past and that; he can’t do anything about it. It was her who only had the ability to pull herself out.

He was always waiting…waiting outside the lines. The walls; the big fat concert she built. How come she let those guys come in but him? Why not Sehun?

He, himself pondered on that…ever since she started her daily routine. Honestly, it was tiring; but the thought that maybe one day, she would turn around and see him standing there all along. That was all that kept him going. Someday…is it so far away?

He twitched at the sound of his phone buzzing.

Turns out…it was a message from her.


‘Thank you. You are and always will be the best friend I will ever have. You are the best.’


Sehun stares at his phone screen like, are you kidding me?


Then, that was when realization hit him. She was never, ever, going to fall for him. It had been clearly drawn from the very beginning but he was just too busy concentrating only on the possibilities of her and him, he did not notice the drawing. The drawing of only her and some other guy…

He was totally out of the picture. It was getting clearer each time he went deeper. He sat up from his bed; he starts to heave in heavy breaths. It was almost panic, but anger at the same time. He couldn’t believe himself. He ruffled his hair and let out an annoyed groan.

He blinks several times but fails to dismiss his tears that were now, streaming down his redden cheeks.

He cried in silence to the knowledge that she was never going to appreciate his love and care for her; his feelings for her.

Here he was, finally officially heartbroken by her. And the actual funny part was she was supposedly supposed to be tending to him. All this time, she was the one breaking his heart over and over and over again. He scoffed as he wipes away his tears.


Men do not cry. Especially, during these events…


He tried to convince his mind but heck, who could ever? He started to hate himself; for not realizing such an out there situation. It but he finally felt the feeling of ‘that’ other guy in the dramas…when they get chosen over good-looking, rich guys.

 He did not sleep the whole night last night. And barely got enough sleep throughout that following week.

He isolated himself. It was better that way.  One week of hiatus turned into two in three in a month that turned into two.

He never really cared as to whether to call her or not. And neither did she. Instantly, he knew she found someone new.

At one random day, he receives yet another message from you. In the back of his mind, he knows someone had broken her. And she needed her ‘best friend’ to be there for her.

Much to his surprise, it said nothing but this…


‘Sehunnie. We need to meet up. This is good important, okay? Usual place…Be there. ^_^’


He stares and debates whether or not to meet up with her. But after a few good minutes, he decides to check it out. I mean, at this point…things couldn’t get any worse, could it?

He made his way with his cold expression to the café. He finds her sitting there. 

He walks up to her.


She greets him with a genuine smile. He sits down opposite to her.


“What is it?”


“I ran into JongHae the last week.” She excitedly explode. “And so?” His monotonous voice, echoed.


“So, we got into talking…”


All Sehun did was keep quiet. He knew exactly where this was leading and he did not like it. But what did he care now? You basically ultra ‘friend zoned’ him. He felt stabbed.


“And…we talked about a lot of stuff. Serious stuff, relationships and all…you know?” She beamed.


He knows? Where was this girl taking this conversation?


“And we realized that we really broke off for no apparent reason. So, I, we decided to give it another chance. See where it all goes.” She ended.


Sehun finds himself standing up with anger. She jolt with the sudden movement.




“I’m sorry. I’m really happy for you. I really am. Congratulations.” He muttered and walked out of the building.


He was wrong. The day could get worse. The person; the only person he fell in love with was going back to square one.


=S E H U N=


This time, when he breaks your heart,

I’m not sure I’ll be strong enough to be your rock.

But don’t worry…please don’t…I’ll always be cheering from afar.

Hoping one day…you’ll really meet the right one. As for me…don’t concern yourself over me…I’m going to be fine once I try my hardest to move on from you.


She will be loved. Just, not by me.

No, not by Oh Sehun.


A/N: Here is the one shot. ^_^ Hope you guys like it? please make sure to subscribe and leave a comment.

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Lujain96 #1
Chapter 1: you make me sad :( at the middle of the one shot i think she will look at Sehun but i was wrong just like what happened to Sehun when he meet her at the café. at the least i wanna translate this story so bad, can i ?
C3cilia #2
Chapter 2: UGH!!! I cant choose who. This is a really hard decision. But i cant wait to read your new fic!!!
Chapter 1: i kinda hate this girl -_-
Chapter 2: Update soon author-nim :D i can't wait for the next chapter >.<
C3cilia #5
Chapter 1: Poor Sehun~ sequel!! But i hope sehun finds the right girl for him
alyssa01 #6
Chapter 1: Omg this is such a sad story /cries/
I was really hoping that they end up together at the end!
Pls make a sequel if you can but if you can't it okay! But I hope you do though~~!!!!