First of All

No Air

“Baekhyun~” I open his door and sing his name dramatically (means that I sound so bad) to wake him up. He’s still there, lying peacefully with his mouth slightly ajar that makes him look like a kid.

“Byun Baekkie, waky waky you lazy donkey. Or else I’ll call Oppa.” I nudge him while touching his nose. Then I hear him groans a little.


“Five more minutes!” He growls in protest then turns around to give me his back.

Baekhyun isn't a sleep-fan actually. It started when Baekhyun got a job as a cafe singer, then he started to come home late and being a heavy sleeper. He was the one who always pick me up before. But yeah, time changed the routine and I even have to wake him up not just "pick him up".

No, we don't ride any fancy car. We use bus.

"Fine, go sleep then." I stand up and hit his head lightly. "I don't date lazy boys."

Baekhyun get up abruptly then he pulls my wrist. And he starts to tickling me mercilessly.

"God, Baekhyun, stop!!" I yell out loud. Baekhyun is so extreme when he comes to tickling people like really.

He slowly stops when he hears my unsteady breath. He smirks and winks at me. "Calandra can never beat this handsome guy called Baekhyun."

I scoff and shoot him a glare. "I know you're pretty, Baekkie."

"Yah! Again with that??" He shouts with his annoyed face. "Say it again and I swear I'll tickle you until you can't even talk."

"OKAY, I'M OFF THIS!" I yell back and start to walk away. I hear him laugh out loud. If he says that, he does mean that. He already did it twice and yes of course, he nearly got me fainted back then, twice.

"Hey." I feel a pair of arms around my waist from behind. "I was just kidding."

"It's not funny." I snap back at him.

Baekhyun turns me around to face him. He grins with that square mouth. "Then forgive me. I'm sooo sorry." He then pouts like a kid.

"But I almost think that you love to see me suffer, you know." I say and pinch his left cheek.

"Uh-uh, someone's gonna receive a trail of my precious kisses because the other someone loves her too much!" Baekhyun holds my face with both his hands and starts to shower my face with his kisses.

I laugh and try to back off but he then holds my waist with his left hand. Just... how can I stay mad at him?

"Baekkie, stop. Come on, just wash up." I push him away. "I already made us breakfast. And Oppa said you have to come quickly. He said the council will gather around, discussing about the school's math competition."

"Your Oppa loves me as I'm his dongsaeng, too~"

I smirk. "So, you won the vice president's election last week because Oppa loves you? Not because you have talents?"

"YAH!" He shouts and puckers his lips.

"Kidding," I laugh out loud and slowly he laughs along with me.

Baekhyun and I are already dating for a year now. I even still hard to believe that we can make it through this day. People may know him as a handsome guy with talents, humble boy with smart brain, or others. But no one knows he asked me to be his girlfriend via text a.k.a short message service. It was only 'Calandra, would you be my girlfriend?'. No sweets, no flower, no chocolate, or whatsoever romantic things I had always imagine. It was just it. I even barely knew him back then. We already knew each other but we had never talked before. Well my brother already knew him first and close enough with him but I barely saw him with Oppa. I just sometimes heard Oppa, Seungyoon, or Myungsoo mentioned his name.


He "announced" our relationship a week after I said yes (it was a day after he texted me). We went out for a date two months after the revelation. I received his hug and kiss on my birthday—for the first time—three months after we hung out together. He introduced me to his parents on the 7th month of our relationship. Well, even though he's so loud and humble and whatever people call him, he's a super coward shy boy afterall. And he has his different own ways to express his love to me.

People think Baekhyun dates me because my Oppa wanted him to date me. Little do people know that my brother is strict towards everyone without mercy, especially everyone when it comes to "someone who'll date me". He had never allowed boys to get too close to me (it's okay as long as they wouldn't court me). Baekhyun said he knew, but Oppa's always 'soft' towards him, because Baekhyun's always so obedient. When Baekhyun said to my brother that he likes me, my brother let him do whatever, but he sweared he'll kill Baekhyun if something wrong ever happens. Knowing my brother, when he's serious, he's so freaking erious and hella scary eventhough with that baby face of his.

We arrive in our lockers when Baekhyun's phone starts to vibrate.

"Yes, Your Majesty. We bot have arrived in safe and sound." He says and winks in several times, signalling to me that it's my brother who's on the phone.

"Really?!" His eyes suddenly lit up and he grins. "Yeah, I'll go there later. Tell Jinyoung not to eat it first. Alright. Got it, Sir!"

"Your Oppa's always worrying about you. I wonder why he always comes too early and what the hell is he doing so early in school." He put his bag in his locker and take a lollipop I gave him this morning.

"Maybe Luhan Oppa is dating," I spill out of nowhere. Oppa has never told me about his heart-feelings. He always said it's too embarassing for him to share it with me.

"Smart! Well, I'll try to ask him later." He closes his locker and standing beside me. We both then walk to the class and arrive as the bell rings.

Jaehyun gives us smiles. "You both are almost late."

"Say that again to this koala." I say, glaring at the grinning Baekhyun.

"You're going?" I ask while placing my books on my table, realize that he's not sitting right away.

He nods and smiles. "No. Well, actually, I want to attend the class. But Boyoung unnie made us her lovely bibimbap! And Jinyoung is already there. He's a bibimbap monster, so I can't let him cleans the bowl by himself. So please, tell Sato Sensei, okay?" I nod then he runs away out of class.

Some of the guys start to laugh as soon as Baekhyun disappeard.

"He surely still loves bibimbap as well." Jaehyun shakes his head in disbelief. Jaehyun is Baekhyun's middle school friend though.

Jaebum stops laughing and says, "You know, Cal? Back then whenever we did our homeworks when we were in middle school, especially in my house, he always asked bibimbap for his meal." Jaebum owns a quite famous Korean food restaurant afterall.


"Yes. and there was a time when we couldn't just finish it in a day. So we did that in five days, and Baekhyun ate bibimbap in those five days. We were almost throwing up because of him and the smell of bibimbap itself."

We all laugh until I feel my stomach hurts a little because I laugh too much. Just how can I not love this weird called Baekhyun?

Is it just me or this chapter is so boring? Please do comment, guys! I promise I'll make it better in the next chapter. See you soon!

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