Chapter 9

Why did you leave?

Narrator's POV:

  For the rest of the morning classes, Eunhyuk and his friends avoided Donghae as much as possible. When they met along the corridors, they just walked past him without giving him a glance. Of course, Donghae did not know why they were acting this way and wanted to talk to them so badly. But since Eunhyuk was avoiding him, Donghae could only wait for night to come so that he can talk to Kyuhyun. 

  When lunch time came, Eunhyuk and his friends, found a big table and sat down. When they did, they realized that they had extra chairs. Eunhyuk wanted to just leave the chairs at his table but he saw Donghae and his friends looking for a table and changed his mind. "Hey! Quick! Occupy all these chairs. Put your bags on it or something." Eunhyuk ordered the rest and all of them dumped their bags on the empty chairs. Eunhyuk looked at Donghae again and groaned when he saw them walking towards them. 

  "Hey. Erm, can we sit here?" Donghae asked nervously. 

  "There's not enough space." Eunhyuk said. 

  "There would be if you selfish people don't put your bags on the chairs!" One of Donghae's friends spoke up. Heechul glared at him, his eyes daring him to say more. Donghae's friend didn't dare to say anything else and just kept quiet. 

  "Introduce your friends." Eunhyuk told Donghae without looking at him. Eunhyuk didn't do that for fun, he was genuinely curious. 

  "Erm, this is Kevin and Eli. This is Jessica and Yuri." Donghae said hesitantly. Eunhyuk nodded then said to his friends, "Let's go get our food now." 

  "Eunhyuk..." Donghae said. Eunhyuk, who had already walked away, turned around. "So can we sit here?" Donghae continued. Eunhyuk turned to look at his friends and then nodded. Without another word, they went to buy their food. When they came back, Eunhyuk sat down on the the chair next to Donghae and started eating his lunch. 

  During lunch time, Donghae were just talking to Kevin, Eli, Jessica and Yuri while Eunhyuk was talking to his friends. Whenever Donghae tried to talk to Eunhyuk, Eunhyuk would just ignore him. However, Eunhyuk heard abit of Donghae's conversation with his friends. He found out that Eli and Yuri would be in the dance class also while Kevin and Jessica is going for vocal. 

  'Great. I'm going to be stuck with Donghae and his friends for 2 freaking hours alone.' Eunhyuk thought, suddenly dreading the dance class at the end of the day. 

  At 1pm, the bell rang indicating the end of lunch time. Eunhyuk and his friends immediately grabbed their bags and walked off to their next class leaving Donghae and his friends behind. 

  "What's wrong with them?! Their attitude needs help!" Eli exclaimed. Donghae looked at the empty chairs feeling just as confused. "I don't know. They weren't like this yesterday. I'll try talking to them." They agreed to the plan and went off to their next class as well. 

Eunhyuk's POV:

  I felt like my feet was getting heavier and heavier as I walked towards the dance studio for my dance class. I was dreading it big time. My friends had reassured me that everything would be fine but I was not convinced. How can I be fine when I need to face Donghae and his friends alone? I shook my head to shake the thought out of my head. Suddenly, I felt someone jumped on me. I turned around and saw my junior Taemin. "Oh hey Taemin! You're in this school too?" He nodded then told him, "Almost half of the school applied to this school after that presentation!" I laughed remembering last semester. This school's principal had come to our school to talk about what this school would offer and many students had signed up and auditioned. 

  "Going for dance?" Taemin asked. I nodded. "Me too. I'm quite nervous. Are you, hyung?" Taemin asked. I laughed at his sudden talkativeness. "Yeah, quite. why are you suddenly so talkative?" This time, it was Taemin's turn to laugh. "This school gave me confidence I guess. And you don't have to worry about the dance. You were our school's dancing king remember? I'm sure you'll still be the best in here! Other than me of course!" I grinned at what he said, and replied, winking, "We'll see." 

  'Yeah, I have nothing to worry about. I'm about to do what I love doing the most and what i'm best at. Who cares who's going to be there?' I thought feeling very inspired and much more brave. I love dancing, that's all that matters. Not Donghae or anybody else. I looked at Taemin and said, "Thanks. I'm not nervous anymore. Thanks to you." Taemin shrugged, "It's okay. I owe you remember?" i grinned and said, before entering the dance studio, "Yeah, now we're quits!" Both of us smiled at each other than entered the dance studio. When I stepped inside, I felt confident about my dancing and wondered what I was so scared about. I saw Donghae and his friends at the back and smirked. 'Yeap! There's nothing to be afraid about!' 

  The teacher led us through warm ups first then she started teaching us some steps. Somehow, I found myself next to Donghae while we were going through the steps. The steps the teacher taught were easy and I could perfect it the first time. However, I could see that Donghae and his friends were struggling. I chuckled to myself when I saw Donghae frowning when he missed one step. Focusing on the teacher again, I saw that she was teaching us a step that required us to jump then turn. The teacher repeated the steps a few times then asked us to do it ourselves while she observe. I did it the first time and the second time. But because of some other students that could not get the steps, we had to keep repeating. 

  When we did that step for the 5th time, I saw Donghae trip over his own leg and was going to fall. Quickly, I stepped towards him and caught him just in time. If people didn't know I was catching him from a fall, they would think I was hugging him sideways, my left hand over his shoulders and my right hand on his chest supporting him. We stayed like this for a moment, both of us staring at each other. My heart was pumping so hard and so loudly that i was afraid that people could hear. 

  Realizing what I was doing, I quickly made sure that he was okay then stepped away from him. I looked at the mirror in front of me to see if I was blushing or anything and luckily, I wasn't. I also realized that not many people noticed the fall which was a good thing. Donghae's friends of course noticed it since they were standing right beside him. 

  "Are you okay?" I heard Eli ask him. From the corner of my eye, I saw Donghae nod. I turned to look at him and almost choked on my saliva when I saw that Donghae was still looking at me. 

  "Is everything okay at the back?" The teacher suddenly asked. Donghae quickly answered, "Yeah. I almost fell. Luckily Eunhyuk caught me." I glared at him for mentioning me. Donghae looked back at me innocently and I rolled my eyes. Then, Taemin spoke up, "Hey Eunhyuk. Isn't Donghae your-" Before he could say anything else, I shot him a glare and mouthed the words, 'Shut up'. And luckily, Taemin got the message and kept quiet. 

  "Teacher, You can continue. We're fine now." I told the teacher and the teacher continued. I moved further away from Donghae and concentrated on the dance steps. I didn't have to worry about not being able to concentrate because when I dance, I always never cared about what goes on around me, when i danced, I only cared about my dance.

  For the rest of the lesson, I forgot about Donghae, I forgot about the fall, i forgot about the fact that Taemin almost said Donghae was my boyfriend out loud. But when the class was over, all these came flooding back and there was nothing I could do about it. All i could do was ignore Donghae and wait for some kind of explanation to why Donghae don't know who I am. 

Hello! I know I have not updated this fic for quite a long time but here it is! I hope I don't get killed for saying that I would not be updating for the next one week because I would be overseas and would be unable to update. So please be patient and wait for me okay?? Hope you liked this chapter though.

A question for you: Did Donghae feel something when Eunhyuk caught him? It seems like he did right? ^^ Anyway, please leave lots of comments so that i'll be flooded with them when i come back okay? HAHAHA <3 SARANGHAEYO to all my readers! (: 

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Chapter 29: Cute.
proudinspirit #2
this is so cute!!
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 29: Good story I just wish we could have read about Hyuk re meeting Hae's mom and his out look on America.
As for that Eli dude I hated his guts and his character. He picked a fight as much as he could, he even hit Hyuk knowing he couldn't fight back, which was a move, he really needed someone to teach him a lesson, like Siwon for a instance. So yeah I did not and still do not like him.
I'm happy everything ended happily for everyone.

Thanks for sharing!
257471 #4
Chapter 28: they are so cute, shy jess kekkeke
looking forward
Chapter 28: My eyes popped out of my face when i see the update , I dont know if you have updated earlier this year or so , but I only notice it this time .
Anyway , i really did forget about this fic and I need to reread it to keep up , thanks for updating tho.
hyukhaes #6
Chapter 27: Awwww what a sweet date... But why it feels like a little awkward?
hyukhaes #7
Chapter 24: This eli guy is annoying af
hyukhaes #8
Chapter 19: Huhuhuhu finally they are getting back together ❤
hyukhaes #9
Chapter 15: Omg hyukjae pls be ok ;;;
hyukhaes #10
Chapter 12: Finally... Lights at the end of tunnel~~ huhuhu;;;