
Patience is the first step

„Mommy, what is that?“, 5 year old Jinyoung asked his mother, looking at the mark on her wrist with curious eyes. 


While she’s picking him up to let him settle on her lap she replied with a gentle voice: „This is your Daddys name dear.“ 
Jinyoungs eyes got wide and he looked up at her „Unfair! Why do only you have that? I want that too!“ , he puffed his cheeks.
Chuckling she tries to explain it to him: „You will get this too Jinyoungie.“ he looks happily at her „but not now.“ and he’s back to puffing his cheeks.
 „When you get older, you will understand it a bit better, but this here“ she lifts her arm that isn’t currently holding Jinyoung „is something that everybody will have sooner or later. And when it appears you are going to be very happy, but a bit scared too!“ „Scared?“ The woman nods "Do you mean like I’m scared when you turn the lights off?“ She chuckles lightly at his comparison „No, not this kind of scared Jinyoungie. It’s a good kind of scared.“ „But how can be scared good? And what is that now? „ he pouts „Mooommyyyy I don’t understand!“
„Listen carefully.“ at this he straightens himself up "This is the Name of the person that you are destined to spend your life with. When the Name is going to appear, you can be sure that the other person now knows about you too. But here the big problem comes: you don’t know where the person is. The mark isn’t going to magically bring you to your destined other, you have to search for them yourself! Of course you don’t have to, but do you really want to make them unhappy for the rest of their life and leave them alone? But remember: If only one is trying, it’s not going to work! Do you understand Jinyoungie?“ , satisfied with her little speech she looks down at her son to see his reaction, only to face a snoring 5-year old. Laughing lightly she picks him up lightly and softly tucks him into his bed. „We have a lot of time ahead…for now take a good rest“ the young woman whispers before kissing him on his forehead and after leaving the room.
„Oh my god could you please be quieter Jaebum?!“ he pleads his silver-haired friend across the room ,that is currently trying to get the pack of noodles from the bottom shelf. "I have to hand this paper in by tomorrow and I need to write 13 more pages!“ unaffected by the others ranting Jaebum continues his loud search „…and could you please pull your pants up? I know that we are both guys and all bu- WAIT IS THAT MY UNDERWEAR?!“ , with that the 20 year old stands up from his desk and throws himself on his roommate who failed at his attempt of escape. The black haired male is trying to pull the others pants down with all his might, because those are his favorite pair of boxers which OBVIOUSLY means he has all the rights to get them back, even if that means stripping his friend down.
 „C’MOOOON, ALL OF MY STUFF IS DIRTY AND I’M ALREADY WEARING THEM!“, Jaebum cries while trying to get his friend off his back and most importantly, his hands off his zipper. „I DON’T CARE, YOU COULD HAVE BOUGHT SOME CHEAP ONES AT THE CONVIENCE STORE!“
Their loud fight continues for some time until they hear someone laughing. Surprised they both turn to their door „I know that he is hot, but shouldn’t you rather be writing a paper right now than trying to get someone else’s boyfriends pants off?“ the blonde says chuckling.
„Youngjae!“ Jaebum shouts happily and prys his friend quickly off his back which results in Jinyoung landing rather harshly on the ground. He takes him into his arms and spins him around while placing small kisses all over the blondes face „What is my fluffy bunny doing here? Wasn’t I supposed to go over a bit later?“, the underwear thief exclaims happily while a certain someone makes gagging sounds in the background.
„What? Is there someone jealous because their mark STILL hasn’t appeared?“, Jinyoung scoffs in reply „Well at least I’m a free man and don’t have to be joint by the hip to somebody like you!“, he aims a pillow at the other males head.
„At least I am happy while you are just a grumpy sack of nothing and only live to study!“ their amusing bickering continues for a bit until Youngjae has had a good enough laugh and he speaks up again. „Well I’m just here to tell Jinyoung that we were able to reserve half of the little cafe for ,that he likes so much, from 11 am to 2 pm birthday“ he turns to look at his boyfriends roommate and best friend „So you better show up! Jaebum can’t drag you there because he is gonna be sleeping over at my place today. You got that? „ „Yes yes, but can’t you take him with you now?“ Jaebum send him a glare. „Sorry bro but you are currently annoying me more then the naggy old lady from 43B and that means something!“  
Before the obviously offended male can retort because ‚How dare you compare me to a person that has more cats than korea has residents‘ Youngjae sighs „Got it.“ Jaebum looks at him shocked and the blonde starts dragging him towards the door by his wrist  „Come on big guy.“ „B-but!“ „The quicker we are at my place the better - if you know what I mea-„ „PLEASE JUST GET HIM OUT OF HERE AND OKAY THANK YOU BYE“ with that Jinyoung shoves them completely out the door and locks it while he’s at it. He quickly glances at the clock hanging above the tiny refridgerator ‚Already 7 PM huh' Letting out a deep sigh he cracks his knuckles ‚We have a lot of work waiting for us‘ and gets back to working.
„..and that makes 13 additional pages. Yes!“, he triumphantly throws his fist into the air. Right then the males stomach lets him know that he probably should eat something. Taking a glance at the clock he curses under his breath „Oh man, already 2 AM? Well…happy birthday to myself I guess“ and as if on que , his stomach growls again. 
Remembering that Jaebum had taken the last remaining pack of noodles in the cupboard ,he decides to go to the 24/7 convenience store. Sighing he stands up and takes a look at himself in the mirror - slightly greasy hair, grey sweatpants and dark eyebags matched by a black T-shirt and- wait is that a ketchup stain? Anyways. 
Throwing over a random jacket and rolling up his sleeves , he is ready to go after stuffing his wallet and keys into his pockets.
Spicy noodles or the special edition ones? he asks himself , standing in front of the shelf . Well, I still have to sleep so let’s just take the normal ones and just as he is extending his arm to get his after-midnight-snack he sees something out of the corner of his eyes what makes him draw his hand back and gasp quite loudly .
After 22 long years it has finally happened.
 Jinyoung’s destined one’s name has finally appeared.
„HOLY-„ remembering that he probably shouldn’t be this loud at this time of the night he lowers his voice again and brings his wrist closer „….“
Confused he looks around. He may have wanted to say it, but that husky voice for SURE wasn’t his. But his attention fast enough averted back to the name on his wrist. Suddenly not feeling hungry anymore he leaves the store and makes his way back home. 
„Should I write Jaebum? But he’ll probably josh me… I should tell Youngjae! No wait he’s even worse…who then? Yugyeom? Bambam?? Wait no those two are just as bad as the other one“, he mumbles on his way home. But as soon as he enters the apartment again, he lets out a loud yawn. „Well for now I’ll just go and sleep, I can still tell them later~“ and with that he plops onto his tiny bed.
He mumbles contently before drifting off to sleep.
Hearing his annoying alarm ring he reaches out for his phone on the nightstand. Slowly prying his eyes open he squints them at the brightness of his screen.
10.40 AM.
His eyes get wide „ HOW MANY TIMES DID I HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON“, and rushes into the bathroom while swearing under his breath.
After taking a brisk shower and changing into something decent looking with less food-stains he is taking a quick glance at himself before leaving. Even though he made himself ready in less than 15 minutes he is quite happy with his appearance: sleek white shirt, black skinny-jeans paired with a pair of new sneaker and a thin and a grey coat he quickly he swiftly grabs his belongings and rushes out the door.
„ , already 11.10 AM. Youngjae is SO gonna kill me“, he says while hastily running to the cafe. If he can keep up this tempo he is gonna be there in about 5 minutes and more than hoping that his blonde little friend at least has some mercy for him on his birthday. 
Taking another glance at his phone, he quickly regrets it. 
„Ow“, Jinyoung hisses a bit after the harsh contact of his behind and the hard concrete. Judging from the impact the other person must have -„“.
Surprised by the familiarity of the husky voice he lift his head to look at the other person and -  indeed - that may be the prettiest boy he’d have ever seen
"I-I'm so s-sorry“, the other male said stutterin .

"Oh- no, no it’s okay it’s my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going!" he answers the red head. Going back to taking in the others smooth looking bright skin, soft red hair and angelic features and hey- is he blushing? he would have nearly forgotten to stand up if it wasn’t for the other.

„A-are you really okay? Well…I’m kind of in a hurry so…“ , the guy muttered with lowered head, standing up to get going. 

 Realizing what the gorgeous boy said Jinyoung snaps out of his daze, quickly gets up and grabs the others wrist.
 „W-wait !“
„Wha-what?“, the other lad asks, his cheeks gradually looking like they're taking on his hair color.
'I can’t just let him go - I need to at least get his number, who knows when I’ll be able to meet such a cutie again!'
Keeping his head low , Jinyoung says with bright red ears „I-I don’t know about you but I would like it i-if we could exchange numbers or- " he stops talking after his eyes catch the letters on the others wrist. 
 Jinyoung draws the red-heads wrist nearer and his eyes look like they are gonna pop out at every second.
The other lads face slowly turning into it’s original color again, asks „S-soo…you want my number...?“
Looking up from the guys wrist a bright smile spreads across Jinyoungs face.
"Whoa" the other mutters. Shocked by the gorgeous smile his cheeks were redder than a baboons behind.
Not quite able to cope with the situation he started to ramble „Taking from you I guess you didn’t really want my number but you look kind of cute so I’d appreciate it if you at least gave me your name because to be honest you are kind of my type and-"
„Mark Tuan“, Jinyoung interrupts him, now smiling even brighter.
Taken aback by this handsome stranger calling him by his full name, Mark is back to stuttering  „W-what? W-why do you know my name? Have we met before? Or...“ he gasps „…are you possibly a stalker?! Oh my god please let me go, even though I have to admit you are good-looking I really don’t -„
Jinyoung lets out a loud lough „Calm down, I’m not a stalker !“ , he continues laughing harder with crinkles forming around his eyes.
„Let’s just say..." Jinyoung quickly lets go of the others wrist and lifts his own arm after rolling up the sleeve 
„…that I will most probably need your number as we are going to see each other a lot more in the future.“
The black haired male smiles gently at the confused expression on Marks face. „Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Park Jinyoung, and as we we’ll be together for quite some time according to the name on your wrist, we can start today by celebrating the birthday of your future boyfriend.“ he smiles cheekily and looks at Mark as his eyes widen and he stutters on his breath.
„...oh...my...god…I only got this today at 2 am and now like 10 hours later I’ve found you or you’ve found me or better we’ve found each other oh my god I have to thank Jackson for eating all of those crappy noodles and making me go out and buy new ones because now we are here and I'm in front of you and you are in front of me and OH MY GOD HAPPY BIRTHDAY“ he exclaims loudly after mumbling his thoughts away. 
Still grinning from ear to ear Jinyoung grabs his hand, to which the other happily obliges, and starts dragging him to the cafe where his friends are still waiting at.
'Running late isn’t always bad huh' he thinks to himself whilst talking about everything and nothing with his destined love.


A/N: like always the idea was better than the actual outcome because literally what the is this

Edit: I didn't like the way the ending turned out so I wrote it again, I really hope that you like this one better

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Chapter 2: Hahaa omg they are so adorable! Everyone needs a dose of MarkJin in their lives! <333
The story is hella fun and cute! ;)
Mark_Jinyoung26 #2
Chapter 1: Wow! Hahahaha this is a fun and awesome story :)
Sequel pwishhhhhh *pout*
Chapter 1: This is pretty cute ^^ shy Mark is adorable hahaha *cough* sequel would be nice *cough*
Chapter 1: This story is good authornim please make another chapter
clove147 #5
WanWan #6
Chapter 1: The reaction after meeting the love of your life is pretty underwhelming, thought. ^_^U
Chapter 1: Sequel juseyo
Chapter 1: That's it?no more?owh~ i thought it's gonna be a chaptered fic..heheheheeeee~
I love this story..hope you will continue to write Markjinls fic..see you~ (*^ω^*)