Roll with It

Jaejoong and Xinling part ways. Everything is fine and dandy. Neither one mentions the wacky event to anyone. Because, really... who the from here to Saturn would believe their unlikely story? True that.

"Xinling baby, you've been acting rather... odd lately... as if you've been possessed. Do you want me to call up Madam Hong and have her write you a talisman of protection?"

Hmm... being possessed. Xinling would have waved it off, laughed, and manager endlessly for being so gullible... if she did not experience such a thing first handed or... something similar... it is all the same! Anything seems to be possible now. Anything. She should really get that shaman woman to come and ward off the evil. Just in case there is something still lingering around to plague her. She makes a sharp turn around.

Nope. No ghost lurking.

Yeah. Better be safe than sorry. She should tell him to do the same... just in case. Xinling takes out her phone with the intentions of ringing up the Korean man... but then, she realizes something. That she will come off as a clingy, paranoid, Taiwanese woman? No... she realizes that even if she called the man up, she would not be able to tell him what she wanted to tell him. Unless... he learned Mandarin overnight.

Did he learn Mandarin overnight?

Nah, but it is totally possible... because... anything is possible, remember? Eh, whatever.

"Xinling, the car is ready. They are expecting your arrival by six for the costume fitting. It appears you'll be needing to wear tights and a tutu after all."

Great... but what is there to fit? Tights are tights. It is one size fits all, plus... they should know her size by now. She has been conditioning her body for the pass six months... just for this one role. It is not even a full length movie. Just a short film. But, she does not believe in half-assing her opportunities. Her legs are so damn strong now, it can break two billiard stick in half... simultaneously. They are so damn flexible, too. It is too bad her stamina has shown little to no improvement. That Korean man must have had it tough being in her body.

Xinling gathers her belongings and says good bye to her baby, Pluto. Just look at his damn puppy eyes when she leaves, damn.

Once she manages to drag herself away from those damn puppy eyes, she heads on out to the awaiting car. Short drive. At her arrival on set, Xinling finds a cute little breakfast box addressed to her from the staff. Aww, they are such sweetie pies.

"To: the beauty of the century, Wang Xinling."

Cute. Homemade chicken pasta. But for breakfast?

"Xinling. The costumes just came in. We'd like to see which one fits your image best. You'll have three different performances throughout the movie, so... we'll be choosing three from the collection. Oh, plus some comfortable warm up attire."

She heads into the room designated for the fitting task and in the middle of fitting, guess what happens?

Yeah... the switch! Whoohoo! Jaejoong ends up in her little body again. He finds this little Chinese lady probing his waist and it ing tickles... like hell. He raises his hands up into the air and stares... Yeah... he is definitely inside her body again.

How does he know for sure that it is her body and not the body of some other girl? Well... it may sound a little weird, but... he has familiarized himself with this body... in that long, crazy- day. Plus... there's a full length mirror right in front of him. So... yeah. Really, things cannot go wrong.

After a few more pokes, he ends up in a little struggle with the little Chinese lady... earning himself a nice black eye in the process. Nice going, Jaejoong. It is not even your body, man. You just damaged someone else's property. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

But, it is okay... because Xinling gives him a black eye, too... back in his own body. How? Let us just say... Jaejoong was in the middle of an early morning shower when the switch happened. And Xinling... she has a little battle with the bathroom faucet after a shocking slip... and you know... she lost. Horribly.

Dammit. She should have contacted that shaman woman sooner... yeah.

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Ahahaha! I bet this is going to be crazy. The poster is perfect. ^^