Roll with It

Xinling arrives at Narita International Airport... still in Jaejoong's body. She spots herself, or her original body now occupied by Jaejoong, looking every bit the conspicuous character. Is he trying to film a comedic spy movie here?

Wait. Wait a minute... how the hell did she suddenly end up in Japan? Was she not just lounging around in a cult member's house (presumably Jaejoong's)? What the is going on?! The answer is... time skip... caused by a small tear in the delicate fabric of the universe.

Oh, going too fast? Let's back track a little bit. Where were we? Oh, yeah. The phone call.

Are they going to hang up on her again? Yes... yes, they most definitely are. 

Her stomach rumbles. Why does it have to be hungry at this very moment? Grrrr. Just one more thing to upset her. Is this next thing going to upset her, too? Maybe. A lovely text message from her phone number. 


Hi. I'm going to ask you a few questions. Please answer yes or no.


Okay. Good, good. A text. Well, at least they decided to open the lines of communications... after the third hang up. She should be thankful, right? Maybe if she could understand a word of it. The message is all in Korean. How is she supposed to respond to this? Plus, the keyboard options on this phone are: English, Korean, and Japanese. Yeah, sure, she knows some Japanese... but not written Japanese.


Are you a girl stuck in a guy's body?


Are you in South Korea right now?


Are people speaking in Korean? And, possibly... you don't understand the language?


Another text followed by another and another. If only she can understand it.... wait a minute... of course, she can! With the assistance of Mr. Google's translation! Sigh. It is a very good thing this phone model is similar to her own. She can kind of figure out what icon leads to what. After a minute or two of deciphering Mr. Google's translation, she answers the string of text with the word:




In plain old English. Her little response triggers extreme Korean spamming. Like walls of foreign text, extreme.


Okay. Okay. Don't panic and stay calm. I think I know what's going on... although it all sounds impossible from a sane person's perspective. I've had some time to do a lot of thinking and I've come to the conclusion that, somehow or another, we switched bodies. Here are our options. Number one, just sit and wait it out... hopefully it will wear off, go back to normal, or whatever it's supposed to do. Number two, go to sleep. Maybe, after we wake up, we'll return to our bodies? Number three, meet up and try to sort it out. Maybe we did something recently to trigger all this happening now.


Are you still following? Here are the things I've discovered so far. Taking a cold shower does not help. Running into the wall does not help. Running barefoot and screaming in the streets does not help... by the way, I bloodied up your feet a little from that rampage... why do you have such breakable skin? Oh, yanking at flesh does not help, either. I bruised up your arms a little from the yanking experiment... why do you have such tender meat?


Ah, I don't seem to understand a word this girl is saying. I know she must be someone close to you though. Her name is Stacey. She is... how should I put this... well endowed in the mid-drift? Very full, round in the face? Like a fluffy body pillow? However, she seems to understand me perfectly. I asked her to write her name. She looked at me all weird but did what I asked. I can't seem to really tell the difference... but I guess, whatever is coming out of my mouth is in her language... and I can probably safely pressume it is your language.


You know what? Let's go with option three. I already bought you a ticket to Narita Airport from Incheon with my flight card. I'll attach the mobile boarding pass and all the information you'll need like the gate number and how to get there and what to bring.


Seriously. Does she have to sit here and decipher Mr. Google's translation all day long? It is NOT going to happen. She is going to call this person... and they better not hang up on her this time. Is it going to be any better? She disregards the chance that the other person might start spewing Korean. After turning into a Korean man, she still does not know a word of it (with an exception of 'hi'). But in her defense, she has been a Korean man for only half a day. Her mind remains 100% Taiwanese woman.

She flips to recent calls log and presses her number. They better speak up and not hang up... they better.

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Ahahaha! I bet this is going to be crazy. The poster is perfect. ^^