Roll with It

Jaejoong and Xinling find themselves physically face to face again. Well... not really face to face. Both idols are sporting big shades to... you know, hide their unfortunate black eye.

"You finally decided to keep my face hidden this time." He casually informs her of the obvious in a low whisper.

"Yes." Xinling adjusts the shades, making sure the bruise is fully concealed. After she is completely satisfied, she turns the conversation back onto him. "I know why I'm wearing these sunglasses, but... why the hell are you wearing them?"

It does not take Jaejoong long to come up with an excuse. Actually, he has been planning this excuse for quite some time now (while hiding out in one of the restroom stalls). "Eyes suddenly feel extra sensitive to light. Must be one of the body switching side effects."

"Is that so... how come my eyes are fine? Except for being a little blurry without contacts or glasses."

"The side effects are probably different. Your side effect must be blurry eyes."

"That doesn't sound quite right. You have prescription contacts and glasses. I see just fine with them on. Wait... did... did something happen? Did you-"

"No, I did not get you a black eye..." Oh, fuck... it just came out. He did not prepare for this . Is she a professional interrogator? Is she... angry now? About the black eye? Nope. Actually, she looks relieved... like after taking a huge dump. That feeling is nice... real nice. The image, though... is less nice.

"I find it really odd... don't you find it odd?"

"What? The black eye?" Oh, ... he just did it again.

"Yes... the black eye... and other things, too. Like... our passcode. Did you know our passcode is the same? For both home and phone?"

Hmm... now that she mentions it, he remembers. He did have to swipe in the code a few times to unlock her phone. But... it just came naturally to him and, well... why did it not worry him that they share the same passcode? Oh, right. He was too busy worrying about a load of other stuff.

Wait... the same? Like... the same? Then... does that mean... Jaejoong yanks her shades down to confirm his suspicion. His handsome face has an ugly bruising under the right eye. His sudden swift movement startles her and she shoots up to meet a shelf. Bam. The pain of hitting her head hard numbs everything else.

"What happened to my eye?" He does not even bother asking if she is okay... even after that loud bang and that shocking yelp. Does he not care about the bump that will form on his head?

"Why are we even in this damn closet? Why did you pull me into a closet? You are always doing these things... things that will probably give us more trouble... like grabbing me at the airport."

"I panicked when someone walked pass the dressing room. But what the hell happened to my eye?"

"I slipped and slammed into the sink." Short and simple.

And then, it comes rushing back to him. At the time of the switch, he was finishing off his morning shower... so that means... that means... she saw... everything. Like... everything. It never occurred to him that she could have seen everything way before this... like when she had to change clothes or use the restroom in his body. Never occurred... and now he realizes it. Damn... it is so embarrassing to think about this kind of stuff. He needs to kick those embarrassing thoughts out of of his head. And, what is the best way to do that? Replace the thoughts with dancing dolls. Yeah. It works every time. It is his ultimate zen image.

"We can't keep doing this. You are so bad at sneaking around and hiding. We will get caught sneaking around and hiding and it will look bad... for both of us. Especially for me... because I have a boyfriend."

"Hey... what makes you think you're the only one with a boyfriend? What if I have a boyfriend? I mean, a girlfriend?"

She looks down at him... while still massaging her poor head. "I've been in your body long enough to know that you don't currently have one."

, , , ... is it that noticable?

"Just count yourself lucky that my boyfriend is out of the picture... for at least a week because he knows when I have my cycle."

"What cycle?"

Oh, the poor thing. She must take pity on him. He has never experienced the girl thing before... yeah, the girl thing.

Jaejoong is... fortunately... not completely ignorant. He knows that women go through a phase once a month... but still... to actually have to go through it himself? Holy ! He is not ready.

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Ahahaha! I bet this is going to be crazy. The poster is perfect. ^^