Chapter 1

Love of the Star


“Where am i? How did I get here?”, you thought of yourself.. You look around and keep walking..

You were in this unfamiliar city.. Where it feels like you’ve seen it before.. It feels something strange about this city.. Something strange that called as... happiness?

You look at people around.. Seems like everybody is in a good mood today.. There are couples and family spending their times with laughter and chatting.. Somehow, you can’t help but smile.. This is so wonderful.. It would be a better world if all people can be like this every day and everywhere..

But your smile fades away as you wonder of something..

“Where the hell am I actually??”, you said as you realized you arrived at a theme park..

You look for a sign to tell you what is the place that you were now..

Then you saw a big signboard.. Right in front of the entrance gate..

“Lot…te world?”, you feel something familiar about that name.. As you wonder and thinking more, your eyes widen..

“LOTTE WORLD?! HOW THE HELL I GOT HERE?!”, you shouted.. The people around stared at you with an are-you-crazy looks..

You just bowed to them then they all left.. You sat at the nearest bench.. At the Garden Stage..

“How did I got here? “, you keep repeating that word for almost a half an hour.. You just stared at the stage with an expressionless look.. You’re getting tired of the thoughts..

Then suddenly, you saw figures of 6 boys on the stage.. Figures that you know enough.. You brush your eyes to get a clear view.. You zoomed clearly.. Then you got shocked again..

“It’s Teen Top..”, you put your hands on your mouth.. To held on your voice so that no one can hear you.. But unfortunately, Teen Top heard you.. They look at you then bowed and waving.. You stand up and do the same.. You’re shaking but happy.. Since they are your ultimate bias..

You watch them do some rehearsal and preparation.. Then you just realized you’re the only one there..

“Maybe the concert start tonight..”, you look at the watch..

“I should walk around first before it starts.. I have to treasure my times here with a nice memories..”, you stand up and the boys looked at you with a disappointed faces.. You chuckled then give them ‘I’ll be back tonight’ signal.. They smiled widely then bowed..

You ride on the giant loop alone but you’re still happy since Lotte World is one of the place that you really want to go..

You want to continue to play the other games.. But your stomach is growling..

“It’s time to eat!”, you touch your stomach then went to the nearest cake shop.. You picked strawberry cake and a hot cappuccino.. The most suitable meal for a cold weather..

You sat on one of the table.. As you was just about to eat, you feel uncomfortable.. Like someone is watching you from the window beside you.. You quickly look at the window then saw nothing..

“Maybe it’s just my imagination..”, you shook your head then start to eat..

You finish up eating then walk around before playing again at Lotte World.. You walk and walk, then stop in front of a pink accessories shop.. Something catch your eyes.. You quickly go into the shop then looked at that thing.. It’s a star necklace.. It’s so beautiful and sweet..

“Miss, can I take a look at that?”, you pointed your finger on the necklace then the shop’s owner give it to you..

“How much is this?”, you asked the owner..

“40,000 won.. It’s an original white gold..”, the owner replied and smiled..

You check on your sling bag and wallet.. You only have 10,400 won.. You sighed and give the necklace back to the owner.. As you take a last look on the necklace, someone poked your back..

“Do you want that?”, that person asked.. You quickly turn your head to see his face..

“Chunji oppa?!”, you got shocked for a thousand times.. Chunji just smiled widely and pinched your cheeks..

“Miss, I’ll buy that.. Don’t need to wrap it up..”, Chunji took out two 20,000 won note from his wallet then pointed on the necklace.. The owner nodded then handed the necklace to him..

“Let me put this on you..”, he smiled.. You blushed and smiled too.. You turn back after he put on the necklace.. It matches up with your pale yellow knee-level dress..

He hold your shoulders and turn you around to face him.. He smiled widely..

“You look so beautiful..”, he said while brushing up your hair softly with his hand.. You got blushed again.. As you gather up your strength, you reached on his cheeks.. You both stay like that for a few minutes.. Looking at each other’s eyes.. Sending some indescribable words..

“What’s your name?”, he asked..

“It’s _____..”, you replied.. Then you both laughed.. It feels so awkward coz the way you both talked it’s like you have known each other for a long time..

“Hyung! We should go! It’s starting!”, Teen Top showed up.. To tell Chunji to get back to the stage..

Chunji sighed then nodded.. He looked at you..

“Meet me at the backstage later, okay?”, he hold your hands tightly, waiting for your answer.. As you nodded, he sighed in relieved then let go of your hands.. He waved at you then catch up to the boys.. They all waved at you then asked you to come to the concert too.. You nodded again..

The concert went smoothly and great.. All Angels are having fun with the concert.. Many captures sound heard in that mini-stadium.. You can see Chunji’s eyes wondered around.. Looking for you.. You just chuckled then waved at him.. When he saw you, he smiled widely then winked.. All the fans screamed but you remained silent.. Hiding your smile.. It’s good that they didn’t realized the wink was for you..

Then finally, the concert came to an end.. They all bowed then waved to the fans.. The fans screamed and waved at them too..

Before they get to the back stage, Chunji looked at you as a signal.. You nodded and quickly went to the back stage..

As you reached on the back stage, he waited for you already at the door.. Good thing is no one’s there.. Even fans or Teen Top..

“Oppa..”, you smiled and poked his back..

“Oh.. _____”, he hugged you tightly.. And let it go after a while.. You just chuckled.. He looks so childish.. He already miss you even though you didn’t meet him only for 3 hours..

“_____ ah, I can’t get you out of my mind this whole day.. What should I do?”, he pouted then you laughed.. He pouted more and lowered his head.. You put your hands on his cheeks like you did before the performances.. You lift up his head then looked at his eyes.. He soften as you did it.. Your stare is killing him..

After a while, he do the same, put his hands on your cheeks and leaned closer.. As you can feel his breath, you closed your eyes.. Few seconds later, you can feel something warm on your lips.. Something that make you feel like there’s sparking fireworks on your heart.. He kissed you smoothly..

He let go of the kiss then stared at you again.. You both blushed..

“I’m so happy today.. Even though I didn’t know how did I got here..”, you said..

“Me too.. Thanks for coming here today.. If you weren’t here, I won’t know there was the most wonderful person existed in this world..”, he pinched your cheeks then you both laughed..

You keep chatting and joking at each other.. You spend your time almost 2 hours at the back stage.. Without you both even know that everybody’s looking for Chunji..

“Hyung! Here you are! You’re making us worried!”, Ricky shouted as he saw you both..

“Oh mianhae dongsaeng.. I forgot to tell you..”, Chunji bowed then scratching his head..

“Excited enough to meet his lover until forgot to tell us first..”, L.Joe said then the others laughed.. You both blushed..

“Yeah.. But sadly, we have to go now hyung.. Mianhae noona..”, Niel said then the others keep silent..

“Noona, can we hug you?”, Changjo asked.. Then you nodded and smile.. The boys, exclude Chunji, quickly ran to hug you.. Chunji’s eyes widen then shook his head.. He feel jealous but that’s too cute to be mad of..

“Guys, let’s go now.. The plane will depart soon..”, the manager shows up.. You wondered then look at Chunji..

“We have schedule at overseas..”, Chunji sighed.. He walked to get closer to you.. CAP pull the boys and leave.. To give them some privacy..

“I don’t know when will we be able to meet like this.. I’m going crazy..”, he hardly sighed and lowered his head.. Your eyes become hot.. You can feel your tears about to fall.. Seeing him getting hurt like that hurts you too..

“Please take care of yourself.. Don’t forget about me.. Remember, even this is the first time we met, my feelings for you are real.. Nothing is impossible in this world.. It only takes seconds to fall in love as it’s God’s will.. So, I hope you won’t think me in negative way..”, he hug you tightly while explain it.. You just nodded and cried in his embrace..

“Goodbye _____ ah..”, he waved and walked away.. You watched every of his step.. Then suddenly, he stops and turn back.. He ran to you and hug you again.. But now, with tears on his eyes..

“I’m gonna miss you so much.. I hope that I can overcome this feelings..”, his voice shaky.. He held on his tears and trying to smile..

He let go of you and kiss your cheeks.. Before he leave, he leaned on you closer and whispered..

“I love you baby..”, he kissed you and smiled weakly..

He left with the boys then get into the car.. You watched him until he isn’t in your sight anymore..


*Ringing alarm*


“Gosh! What’s that?!”, you get up quickly then reach for your alarm clock..

“Stupid alarm..”, you sighed.. Then your eyes widen.. You slap your face..

“Auch! That hurts!”, you brushes your hand on your cheek..

“Oh that’s just a dream? Why do I feel like it’s true? His touch, his eyes, his lips..”, you wondered as you recall of the dreams.. Then, your eyes becomes teary and you’re smiling..

You reached up your phone then looked at your wallpaper.. It’s Chunji..

“Thanks for everything.. Even though it’s just a dream, I feel so happy and grateful.. At least I know how does it feels to spend time with you.. To be loved by you..”, you smiled weakly.. You lie down on your bed again then look at the ceiling.. Without you even realized, you fall asleep..

“I love you, Lee Chan Hee.. You will always be the brightest star of my life..”, you mumbled in your sleep..




Finish with my first one-shot! Or maybe two-shots.. LOL~ whatever! XD

Do you guys enjoy it?? ^___^ Or boring?? O___O

Comments and subscription are needed! To all beautiful and cool readers also subscribers, I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE THE BEST! :3

And and and.. *drumrolls*.. Should I make a sequel for this?? Kekeke XP

Let me know by comments! :D

That’s all from me! Bbyong! ^^

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SHINeeandSNSDForever #1
Wahhhhhh your really an amazing writer please make a sequel
AWWWW~~ <br />
that was soo beautiful~~<br />
you should definetly make a sequel to this~
-ChunSha- #3
@hcheartjkpop awww~ sorry for making u cried! >__< i'll try to make a sequel in holidays k?? thanks for ur support! look forward for it! ^^
-ChunSha- #4
@sparkfiree thanks a lot dongsaeng! well, yeahh~ totally.. it was my real dreams.. T__T and i'll try to make sequel this holidays! fighting! ^^
SEQUEEEEEEL!~ omg so sad... it was just a dream!!!! :(:(:( fighting!!!
sparkfiree #6
Awwwwwwwwwwwww~~~ I like this story!!! Good job eonni~<br />
AND YES! You should make a sequel for this~ I will surely<br />
read it :D But, it kinda made me sad because it was just a<br />
dream :/ Hahahaha~ Eonni hwaiting! :D
-ChunSha- #7
@aihara07 hahaha~ sorry! thanks for ur praise words! LOL~ i'll try to make a sequel.. if many people wants it.. help me promote it bb.. ily~ :3
-ChunSha- #8
@yuniya18 ahhhh! unnie! mianhae for making u cried! >__<<br />
thanks for those praise words! ilysm unnie~ ^^<br />
i'll try to make a sequel k? :)
SEQUEL for this story, please.. \(´∇ `)/.. i don't want it to end yet.. please, please, please? SEQUEL.. TT.TT i cried again in your story.. TT_TT... \(´o `)/
sobs.. FINISHED READING. ;(<br />
YAH!! bb, you made me cry. Know that? ;__;<br />
Seriously, I really love this one-shot. <br />
It's been a while since I've read a one-shot that made me teary eyed. <br />
I can somehow relate. XD<br />
<br />
I have so many things in mind to say about this, just can't express it.<br />
<br />
Great work!<br />