Her Story (Jaye)


Jaye’s POV

Bam and you unnie came in and they sat on the couch

Me: SO... Bam... I see you are back with my sister again... WHAT A SURPRISE! WELCOME TO DA FAMILY!!XD

Xiumin: What family?

Me: Oppa shaddup!

Bam: So.. are you the EXO people?

Luhan: I see this man is smart and has simple knowldege... I like him!


you: Guys..

Me: Ok guys, introduce yourselves....


Me: Now one by one

Tao: Hi im the AB style romantic panda Tao!

Lay: Hi im the healing unicorn lay!

Kris: Im the dragon leader Kris

Luhan: Im the manly deer Luhan!

Xiumin: I am the cute baozi Xiumin! Umin!

Chen: I am the orange trolling Chen!

Chanyeol: Im the giraffe with a happy virus Chanyeol!

Baekhyun: I am the Bacon Baekhyun!

Suho: Im the guardian angel leader Suho!

Sehun: Im the bubble tea maknae Sehun!

Kai: N Im the dancing machine Kai

BamBam: And Im the Got7 member bambam!


you: Now lets try to get along...

Tao: Hey bro! Wanna play FIFA with me and Kris hyung?

BamBam: Damn I love that game! Lets go!

Me: Im surprised how Tao can speak up so fast

Chanyeol: Ok...

Baekhyun: What are we going to do now?

Jaye: Play COD with me

Exo K: Yes!

Exo M: How about us?

you: I can tell you all her secrets...

Me: I heard that!

ExoM: Ok!!!



Wow these guys are so nice and so OP! I cant believe you are so good with these people!


Kris: YEEEEAAAAAH! Well done Bam!

Me: Thx bro!

Tao: You are good at this! Tell me something about you!

Me: I am Thai

Kris: What really?

Me: Yep

Kris: Im chinese canadian

Tao: And Im chinese!

Tao: Tell me about your family

Me: I have a sister..

Kris: How old is she?

BB: 5

Tao: OMO! She must be very cute

BB: Yeah... Shes a troll too

Mellanie: HEY!

Tao: What?!

Mellanie: Where is my unnie?!

Kris: She is in the living room playing COD AGAIN

Mellanie: MA gawd...

BB: Hey Mel!

Mellanie: Whos that?

Kris: Umm.. your sister's boyfriend

Mellanie: What?! Jaye has a boyfriend!

Kris: Not Jaye, but you

Mellanie: You scared the cheese outta me, I betted all my money on her that she will never get a boyfriend until she's 15

Tao: Thats only two years away

 Mellanie: Yeah.. So Im scared that I might loose

BB: Wait... All you rmoney?

Mellanie: Basically its something else more precious than that, I just call it money... HAHAHAHA

She then runs off

BB: Is she high or what?

Tao: Probably thats how she is, she just eats a lot of candy... Maybe sugar rush..

They just shrugged it off and then they heard the EXO M people just yelling excitedly


EXOM’s place…

Kris: So I can ask you questions about Jaye and you will answer the questions?

You: Yep!

Chen: This is going to be exciting!! I get to know her secrets!

You: Yeah yeah, but If you ever tell anyone, and I mean anyone! I will get killed and I will pull all with you with me to hell!

They all gulped but as soon as your expression lightened they all relaxed

You: So… anything you want to know?

Kris: Ummmm…. First crush?

You: I don’t know… Maybe Got7 Jackson?


Tao: When did she start being the way she was? Like… tomboyish…

You: When she was 10

Chen: Why did she change like that?

You: Ohhh, to make long story short… She was depressed… when she was in junior school

Chen: Was it bad? Like really bad?

You: Yeah….

You then remembered the days where she cried in your shoulders


She came home that afternoon covered in scratches and bruises

You: What happened! Tell me now!

Jaye: Nothing, I just went bumped into a poll

You: How?! You have eyes, right?

Jaye: Unnie, I’m fine just leave me be

You: You know I cant Jaye! You are my one and only sister, and I am your one and only family. Just tell me what happen! I promise I will leave it be

Jaye: Rane and Christina bullied me today

You: God those mothaf…

Jaye: Its ok you unnie, Im ok… I will be fine

You: What did they do to you?!

Jaye: They pushed me against the poll, that’s what happened.

You raged with anger but her eyes just told you not to

Jaye: Its ok unnie…


Days and days past and the same things were happening to her, and you cant take it anymore and decided to see her teacher. You made an appointment and went in her classroom to see her teacher Mr Kim

MK: Hello, is this… uh….Jaye’s mother?

You: Im not her mother but her sister

MK: I see, sorry about that. But is there a problem you wanted to discuss with me?

You: Yes sir, you see. Her classmates Rane and Christina were bullying her and everyday she came home with bruises.

MK: OH! IS that so?! Thank you for telling me Ms Park, I will try to talk with their parents

When you went home you saw Jaye clenching her fist with an evil smile on her face

You: Jaye… What did you do?

Jaye: I made them pay…

You: What.DID.YOU.DO Ms Park!

Jaye: I punched them both on the face, and I used my power to hide the bruise but the hurting will remain…

You: Jaye… I already told you not to use your powers ever, especially for bad things.

Jaye: Im sorry, I just wanted them to know how I feel

She suddenly got a shock, and that was when she turned cold to everyone else except for you, and then later on except for Mellanie and other people she trusts…

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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 1: Why is there 'callmedongsaeng' ??
ExoLkpop #2
Chapter 7: Its in chapter 7, if you didnt finish keep reading :D
Chapter 7: omg.!!! who are the werewolves???
ExoLkpop #4
I miss u too! See u soon!
Chapter 12: yayy u updated<3333
miss u XD
ExoLkpop #6
Thank you unnie XD thanks for the tip too! :)
Chapter 1: omg i love you:)) MY NAME IN THE FAN FICTION
hey you can actually tag 'exo' too so more ppl can read this amazing story :D