brigthest star


12:00 AM






Here I am again..



The last place i wanted to visit..



Lying down..



Opened my phone..



Scanning some pictures..



Remembering the days..



Looking at our pictures together..



Bittersweet smile forming in my lips...



**A picture of us.. 



You were looking at me like you will never love someone other than me..**



"I miss the way you look at me..



I miss your voice..



I miss your eyes ..



I miss the way you laugh..



I miss our late night conversations 



You singing for me over the phone at night



I miss the way kissed me,



In my forehead, nose, cheeks, hair, hands, and ..... Lips..



I miss the way you say my name



Its sound so beautiful..



I miss waking up in the morning 



And you're the first person I see 



Hugging me..



Like you never want to let go..



I miss you ..



I miss yu so much..



Did I ever tell you before you that..



Before you came into my life..



My life is so dark..



So lonely..



I was like in a place that..



Full of darkness.. 



But then you came..



Its just like the sun..






For me you are the SUN in my life..



You gave colors to my



Dark life..



You let me see the beautiful things



That surrounded by darkness before..



But just like the sun..



When the sunrises..



It also needs to sundown..



And just like you..



When you came 



I see the wonderful things



That i never been seen before



The feelings that 



I never felt before..



I feel so happy



I feel loved



I feel i am not alone



Because you are here.



And just like the sun..



You need to leave..”



"The darkness is surrounding 



Me again..



I might find another



Who will shine thru this dark place..



The brightest star..



Who will light my life again.."





I want to see you again..



I want to see you looking at me like i am the most important person to you



I want to hear you laugh again



I want to hear you sing for me again



I want to you sing for me till I fell asleep 



I want to hug you again



I want to hold your hand again. ...



and never let you go..



But i cant..



You know i cant..



Everyone know i cant..



But i want to.



Everyone know i want to be with you again..



But still I cant…



How ironic life could be..



Ha Ha Ha Ha...



I should be  



Visiting you






Not lying here 



In this Hospital bed..



We should be 



Celebrating Our 3rd Anniversary 











Your 1st Death Anniversary..





Wu YiFan



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