The Absolutely, 100% Completely True Story of an Exploding Paper Airplane

The Absolutely, 100% Completely True Story of an Exploding Paper Airplane

The vast sky was the perfect color of blue and the perfect backdrop for their summer desert picnic vacation road trip thing. Sehun honestly had no clue what they were doing, but he was having so much fun, and Luhan was too, so it didn't matter if they were smoking pot or signing record deals-this was fun. He was mostly just happy that they were finally doing it-spending a night in the Nevada desert. It had been a dream of theirs since they first met each other. Luhan would tell him stories at night, and one of them was about a fairy who lived in the desert in Nevada. The fairy granted wishes, and anybody who saw her was happy for the rest of their life. Of course, Sehun didn't believe in fairies any more, but he still loved the idea of an overnight picnic in the desert. It brought back memories for the two of them, and Sehun had something planned that would bring back even more memories. 
He had pulled off the highway a while ago and was randomly off roading in their shared red convertible, when Luhan announced he liked this destination and could they please stop. According to the GPS they were somewhere in the middle of Nevada, completely surrounded by back country, the closest road being miles away from where Sehun parked the car for their picnic. Luhan pulled out a polka dotted patterned blanket and spread it across the desert floor, while Sehun went to the trunk and pulled out the picnic basket, a bag with a bunch of random crap in it, and a portable record player. Luhan helped Sehun set everything out and set up the tent in between the car and the blanket. They layed out the food and drinks and filled the tent with all the random crap in that random crap bag, before Luhan took out a Beatles record and started Yellow Submarine on the turn table. They sat in silence for a moment before Sehun lay down, flipping his sunglasses over his eyes and looked up at the cloudless sky.
"Luhan, why did you pick this place? What if we get lost and can't find the interstate? The GPS didn't even have our destination documented, I mean what GPS tells you you are in the middle of nowhere?" He paused as Luhan chuckled."Exactly." It was a few minutes before Luhan lay down next to him on the blanket and turned to look at him.
"I don't know, this place just struck me as beautiful, I guess."
"It is beautiful, ohmygosh Luhan imagine what it will be like tonight! There will be so many stars!" 
"Do you think we'll see a shooting star?"
"I don't know."
"Hey look," Luhan pointed to the horizon."it's a cloud! Let's wish for a shooting star tonight on that cloud." Sehun chuckled. Sometimes he really dislikes Luhan and wonders why he ever agreed to go on a date with the boy, but then he remembers moments like this and he slaps himself for ever second guessing himself. Luhan was special, and beautiful, and smart, and lively. Luhan was almost too love able. 
"Let's wish together-on three. Ready?"
"Three!" Luhan blurted fast before launching into the wish. Sehun barely had time to register that Luhan was still speaking, but he quickly caught up.
"White cloud, fluffy cloud, happy, smiling baby cloud, I wish upon your crystals and rain that you will allow me to see a shooting star in a time span from this evening to tomorrow morn." Sehun's wish was worded much more extravagantly then Luhan's who simply said,"Cloud, please let me see a shooting star tonight."
They both turned to look at each other, their eyes lining up, and each other's hair in their faces.
"And you call me childish." Luhan pouted at his boyfriend.
"Because you are! You're like a little baby-awe little luhaan, Luhannie, I just wanna squish your cheeks! Squishy squishy squishy!" 
"Yah! Stop it~ I am manly! I play way more sports then you do, plus I only eat candy when offered, and I am above the legal drinking age which you-" they had both sat up and Luhan poked Sehun's chest."-aren't. So there...also let go you're pinching me." 
"Just because you can legally drink doesn't mean you act like an adult." 
"Ah! Excuse me you rude little brat! Which one of us does both of our taxes?"
"Hmmm? Come on, answer me!"
"You do."
"Mmhmm. And which one of us owns our apartment?"
"You do."
"Yeah, and which one of us started this relationship?"
"Exactly. Go sit in the corner and watch me eat this delicious piece of pie Bækhyun baked for us." Luhan sat down and started in eating the entire pie. Usually Sehun would stop him and cut it in half, but Luhan was sooo cute when he was annoyed so he just smirked in his little corner of doom. 
After about ten minutes and half a pie, Sehun was permitted to leave his punishment and eat the rest of the pie.
"Mmmmm. Baekhyghs a reaggly goodf cook!"
"What? I don't understand horse."
"I said Baekhyun's a really good cook!"
"I know right! There is a reason I asked for a pie from him. Hopefully Kyungsoo won't find out, but, I mean, he is in Switzerland, so...the chances of that are very slim."
"Even so, I think I prefer Baekhyun's cooking."
"Me too." 
Since he ate the pie, Sehun realized he hadn't eaten since they had stopped at McDonald's almost seven hours ago, and McDonald's is hardly sustaining food. He was starving. Luhan watched as Sehun opened packages, and got out chopsticks and napkins. He started stuffing his face with stuffed steamed buns, ramen, rice cakes, donuts, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, waffles, and more steamed buns. Okay...Luhan wasn't really hungry anyway.(this is not true, he was actually starving, but he let Sehun eat practically everything anyway.)
"Here, want the last one?" Sehun handed him the last steamed bun, and he accepted automatically. There was nothing like Baekhyun's steamed buns. 
Full, Sehun went inside their tent and put on The Monkees since The Beatles album had finished long ago. Of the two of them, Sehun was the one who loved old, good music. He had an entire room dedicated to all his vinyls, and had on average, five copies of every album he owned. The music ranges from Bach to Queen to The Beach Boys. It didn't matter what genre it was from, if Sehun liked a song, he would get it before investigating the artist and determining whether is was just chance that they wrote a good song, or if all their songs were good. 
While he mostly had music from the twentieth century or earlier, he also had plenty of CDs that consisted of the new pop music, or music from around the world. Korea, Japan, Mexico, India, Germany, Russia-most of those languages he didn't know a single word in, yet he listened to the music anyway because it spoke to him in a weird, spiritual way. When they first met, Luhan found Sehun's obsession with music a little odd and off putting, but he quickly switched to seeing it as an adorable, expensive hobby, that was definitely better then a video game obsession, for example. Luhan loved his ultimate music geek. 
"Yesss, I love this song!" Sehun heard from outside the tent. He peeked out to see Luhan holding chopsticks and awkwardly dancing around the blanket. It was one of the most adorable things he had ever seen. Honey colored curls bounced around Luhan's milky white skin and contrasted beautifully with the blue backdrop of the sky. He had rice stuck to his light pink lips, but didn't notice, and just sang along to the song loudly and happily. His clothes bounced around with him, and Sehun realized he had kicked off his shoes and they were strewn across the desert floor nearby. He could've watched Luhan until he died, and he was prepared to until Luhan opened his eyes and beckoned for him to come dance to. Sehun shook his head, smiling. So Luhan set his chopsticks down and pulled him up to dance. 
Together they danced in the desert hopping back and forth from leg to leg, exaggerated waltzing and bows. The album ended and the sun was near setting when they collapsed laughing. 
"You couldn't sing if your life depended on it!" Luhan giggled.
"Oh yeah? Well you can't dance crap!" 
"But you like my not dancing." Winked Luhan. 
Sehun ignored that comment and crawled inside the tent to put away the record player. Instead he got out the CD player and started playing Said the Whale. 
"Go inside, and I'll clean up so we can watch to sunset soon."
"Please, the sunset's not for at least an hour."
"...well...go in the tent anyway. I'm sure you'll find something to do for the few minutes it takes me to put away bowls." 
Luhan shuffled into the tent, pouting and muttering insults under his breath. Soon, however the tent become almost silent, so Sehun started picking up all the utensils and placing them in the basket. The left over food he just ate, and the trash he also put in the basket. When he was done, he sat down on the ground and just smiled into the sky, forever grateful he could call Luhan his. He put his hands in his pockets and almost broke his face smiling. Then he got up and went to join Luhan in the tent. The sunset he knew would be amazing.
When he stepped inside their tent, he found Luhan hunched over some paper and a pile of paper airplanes next to him. 
"You took so longggg. Help me make some." Sehun hesitated.
"I've never made a paper airplane before." The look of absolute shock that Luhan gave him could have and should have won an award. His eyes were huge, his lips slightly parted-it was a look only Luhan could pull off. 
"You have not lived! Get over here Oh Sehun. We're going to learn how to make some paper airplanes." 
With his boyfriend's aid, Sehun managed to make a paper airplane. Luhan was surprisingly patient and helpful, telling him where to fold, and showing him how to crease the creases tightly. Soon Sehun's and Luhan's airplanes looked almost identical...except Luhan signed his name on all of his, because he claimed all great art had signatures, and so his will too.
Arms full of multicolored folded airplanes, the boys went outside to fly them. They dumped them all in the car, then stood next to it, and one by one flew a plane on the wind. Naturally, Sehun had no clue what to do, so standing behind him, Luhan held his arm at the right angle and showed him how to flick his finger just right, so the plane would catch the wind and soar in the sky. Most of the planes didn't go far unfortunately, so Luhan decided to go about fifty feet away from their camp to fly the planes. Finally! A plane flew twenty, thirty, forty, fifty feet, wait it's still going! The plane-
"What?" He turned around and his eyes bugged out in shock.
"THE PAPER PLANE EXPLODED!" What? No. But that can't be! Sehun searched the sky, looking for the small, missing plane.
"No, Luhan! Look! The paper plane is over there!" He ran up to Luhan and pointed near the ground a few hundred feet away. The plane was drifting towards the ground, looking defeated almost. 
"Then, WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!!!!?" Luhan snapped his head up and scanned the explosion in the air. Black clouds billowed away from the sight, and he saw debris start to fall. 
"It must've been a plane."
"A plane?-A PLANE?!? OMO YOU MEAN WE JUST WATCHED A BUNCH OF PEOPLE DIE?!?!" Luhan started getting hysterical, and he fanned his face, in attempt to calm himself down. 
"Lu, Lu, no no no, it's okay, that explosion seemed a little small for a passenger plane, maybe it was a-you know it was probably a droid, it's okay. Nobody just died in the sky, Luhan. Hey, hey. It's alright, calm down. Baby boo, it was a droid. You were not just a witness to any sort of death. It's okay. Shhh, it's okay oppa. Oppa, I'm here." Whenever Luhan got reaaaallly upset, Sehun had discovered that calling his hyung 'oppa' calmed him down a lot, and Luhan was so distraught right now, he was almost delirious. The taller male pulled the shorter one into a hug, and gave him butterfly kisses all over his face and head. He didn't mind the tears and snot that were accumulating on his shirt, because it was Luhan, and Luhan could get away with murder when it comes to his tall, lanky boyfriend.
"But, but, what if that really was a passenger plane? How do we know it's a droid?!" The boy sniffles into the other's shoulder. 
"We'll go look for debris." 
Luhan nodded into Sehun's chest, content with the idea. He was starting to calm down a little, and Sehun was about to release him, so he could get a good look at his face, until Luhan erupted into tears again, so Sehun did the opposite, and pulled him closer and tighter into the hug. He didn't ask what was wrong, deciding Luhan would tell him when he was ready. And, after about ten minutes, he did.
"Are we entering a war? Was that an attack?" He sniffled. Sehun thought for a second, when suddenly he remembered something about the deserts of Nevada, and everything fell into place. 
"We're near a military base."
"Area 51, it's an Air Force instillation-we watched a documentary on it a few weeks ago. It's a pretty mysterious place, so a lot of the public believes they reverse engineer extraterrestrial aircraft there. I'm assuming we're somewhere near it, give or take a few miles, and we just witnessed a failed test flight, and since the explosion itself was really, rather small, I'm now pretty sure they're testing new weapons or something. It's pretty amazing that you managed to pick a spot for our picnic right around Area 51 and I didn't even realize it!"
That was the other thing about Sehun. He absolutely loved airplanes. He had been obsessed with airplanes since he was a little boy, and he had books, and magazines, and airplane models. Sehun had tried to join the United States Air Force as soon as he turned eighteen, and he had passed all the physical and mental requirements...until they found out he had a heart condition that could kill him at any time, and prevented him from being able to do something like fly a plane. It was horrible for him, and Luhan learned a lot about himself while trying to get Sehun through the realization that his dream was demolished by his vital organ. Both Luhan and Sehun preferred not to think about the heart problem, and just live their life happily and to the fullest, just knowing it existed was enough. 
So Sehun was really into military type information, and Luhan, well...that wasn't really Luhan's fort. He preferred things like animals, and animal relationships and animal human relationships. He liked earth sciences, and thrived in nature. Of course, he just worked as a manager at a grocery store, but he was taking classes in order to achieve his goal of being a botany professer.  When they watched that documentary on Area 51 a few weeks back, Sehun must've won a rock, paper, scissors battle so they watched a military type documentary instead of a nature type one. After Sehun explained it though, everything made sense to Luhan, so he managed to calm down and just gaze up at the sky, a little exhausted from his panic attack, but content with how the world was situated at the moment. The sun was setting, and a cool breeze flowed threw the scorching hot desert. Luhan closed his eyes and lifted his face up to the breeze. 
"Luhan." Sehun called him, but not from right behind him as he had expected his voice to be. It was farther away, and in front of him. He opened his eyes, believing he was prepared for anything Sehun would throw at him.
Never in his life did he expect this.
The sun had just set, he guessed it set in the few moments his eyes had been closed. In its place, was Sehun kneeling down on one knee, holding his hand up to Luhan, and in his hand, a little silver and wood ring sat, against a bigger gold and wood ring. Shocked, Luhan looked up at the illuminated face that was Sehun.
"Will you marry me?" 
Luhan just stood there frozen, trying to process what just happened, and Sehun's expression got more and more nervous with each passing second. 
"Oh my god. Oh dear lord, holy wow. Is this real, what the hell, oh my-"
"Luhan?" Sehun interrupted his hyung's muttering, hoping he would snap out of it and give him an answer.
"YES OH MY GODDD!!" It worked. Luhan finally understood what was going on, and he started crying again, only out of happiness. He had wanted to marry Sehun for at least a year now, but was terrified at the prospect of proposing, yet he felt that as the older of the two it was his responsibility. It never occurred to him that Sehun would propose to him! He ran forward and embraced his fiancée in the tightest hug he had ever given him, before leaning down and kissing him passionately. He was the proud receiver of one of the most beautiful proposals on the planet and he couldn't be happier. 
Laughing into the kiss, Sehun stood up, pulling Luhan with him. They kissed for a few more moments before he pulled away and reached for the shorter' left hand. Understanding what the other wanted him to do, Luhan lifted his hand up and watched in fascination and complete bliss as Sehun slipped the ring on his finger. It was a perfect fit. 
"I love you Sehunnie. I really, I really do."
"I love you to, Luhan." 

~10 years later~ 

Said the Whale came on, and within seconds of the first chord, Luhan shut the music off. He couldn't deal with Said the Whale, it was bad enough that he was driving the red convertible, and going to that spot in the desert near Area 51. The spot they had affectionately called Twinkle after the stars you could see standing there. He finally arrived at Twinkle, a few minutes before the scheduled sunset, and stepped out of the car holding a jar half full of ashes. He really did not wish to be here, but Sehun asked for this, and Luhan would do anything and everything for him. Twinkle held so many memories, this was where Sehun proposed so long ago, and where they spent their anniversary every year. The silhouette of the rocky hills on the horizon had become engrained into his memory, and he knew exactly where the car should be parked. He just stood there, waiting for the sun to set, his eyes closed, arms wrapped tightly around the jar of ashes. A cool breeze ruffled his greying curls, and whispered against his aging, wrinkled skin. He knew the sun had set now, and he opened his eyes to find the remains of the sunset etched on the sky. It was just as beautiful as it had been ten years ago. He eyed his ring. The wood was scratched and worn down for all the wear he had put on it, but the little silver band in the middle was just as bright and shiny as the moment he first saw it. He opened the jar, and took the other ring out. The other wooden one, that was almost identical to his own, except it had a golden band in the middle, and it was too big to fit on any of his fingers. He slipped the ring into his pocket. 
He tried to take out a handful of ashes, but as soon as he felt the grey, soft, sandlike matter, he sank to the ground sobbing, and hugged the jar as tightly as he could. His tears fell down the edges of the glass, some even getting into the ashes. He wanted to see Sehun's face, he wanted to hear his voice, to hold his hand. But all that remained of him was this jar of ashes. 
Sehun was dead.
Luhan was all alone in the world now. Left only with a jar of ashes, and a ring. He was a widowed man, who looked older then he actually was, thanks to the death of his husband. Weeping uncontrollably, and unattractively, he smashed his hand into the jar and flung ashes out. They slowly sank to the desert floor before another sprinkling of ashes joined them. An arc of grey formed over the sand and rocks, and the ashes started to get picked up by the breeze. Luhan rocked back and forth on the ground, holding the now empty jar. Why? Why did Sehun have to leave him? And just like that! Luhan fell asleep in his warm arms, remembering the kiss and the 'I love you' Sehun had just given him, and woke up to a cold, stiff, dead body next to him. It was the worst anniversary present of them all, waking up to find your lover dead, glassy eyes open. Open. His mouth had been frozen in a small smile, and his hands were in the shape of a heart. Sehun had died telling Luhan 'good morning', or 'happy anniversary', or 'I love you'. Luhan would never know, because he was asleep. 
He lay there on the desert floor for almost an hour, trying to calm down at least a little bit. He still had to get home. He would've laid there longer if something half buried in the sand, and a few feet away had not caught his eye. It looked suspiciously like something he had seen before. He crawled over to it and picked it up gently, brushing off the sand. He suspicions had been correct. In his hands was a once white, and perfectly folded paper airplane. The one he thought blew up in the air.
"Luhan, here I got it. Let's write something on it. Maybe we can bury in the sand and it can be like a sort of time capsul!" Sehun held the paper airplane over luhan's face, blocking the stars. His eyes widened and he smiled and stood up.
"Yes that's a great idea Sehunnie!" He rushed in the tent to get a pencil, and came back out to where Sehun sat holding the paper airplane. "What should we write?"
"Uhhh....hmmm...oh! I know what I'm gonna write! Give me the pencil." Sehun reached over to get the pencil, but Luhan pulled it back away from him and gave him a pointed look. "Please." Smiling, Luhan gave him the pencil. Sehun hunched over and wrote something on one wing of the airplane, before erasing it and giving Luhan the plane and the pencil. The older cocked his head to side, perplexed by the younger's actions. 
"I don't want you to see what I write." This annoyed Luhan greatly. 
"What? Why? Sehuuunn why can't I read it?"
"Please tell me." He whined, in a completely unmanly manner but Sehun was being too serious to notice.
"No." Sehun gave his fiancé that look. The one that you never argue with, and the one that scares Luhan to his bones.
Huffing, he muttered an 'Okay. Fine.' Under his breath before writing his message. 
'There are only two ways to live your life. One, as though nothing is a miracle. The other as though everything is a miracle. ~Albert Einstein. Sehun, you're my miracle, my everything. I will love you until there are no more stars in the sky-and beyond. Xoxo Luhan.'
He gave the plane to Sehun who read his message and looked up at him cooing.
"That is so beautiful Luhan...oh no. Now I'm crying."
Luhan leaned over and kissed the tears away.
"Don't cry Sehun. It's true that I love you. Please don't cry." Sehun nodded, and then gently pushed Luhan away to write his own message. He sat huddled and writing for at least five minutes, and Luhan wondered how his message even fit on the wing of the plane. 
"Okay!" Sehun said when he finished. "Let's go bury this!" He threw the pencil inside the tent, and they set off to find the best spot for the plane to be buried. After a few minutes of wondering around, Sehun stopped abruptly and pointed down to the ground. 
"Because this is where the stars look prettiest." Luhan couldn't argue with that, so he kneeled down alongside Sehun and they started digging the deepest hole they could. 
"Wait, Sehun, this is a paper airplane. It won't stay too long if we just bury it as it is."
"Oh you're right. right back." 
Luhan kept digging as Sehun rushed back to the tent. Luhan had decided that the hole was plenty deep by the time Sehun came back with plastic Tupperware container.
"I think this will work." He said as he held the box up. 
"Yeah! I think it will." 
They put the plane in the empty box along with the matching bracelets the coincidently(it wasn't a coincidence actually. Sehun got dressed after seeing Luhan's outfit and purposefully put the same bracelet on, but he didn't tell Luhan that.) were wearing that day, and a piece of the droid debris they had found. They put the box in the ground, and shoved all the sand back in the hole, and patted it down, finishing the job. When they were down Luhan laid down to look up at the clear sky and the thousands of twinkling stars. Sehun lay next to him and laced their hands together. 
"How will we remember where the paper plane is?" The smaller asked. 
"We could...enter the location into the GPS."
"But what do we call it?"
"I don't know...what do you want to call it?"
"No idea."
After laying there for a few minutes and just observing the heavens, Sehun had an idea.
"We could name it Star...after the stars."
Luhan hummed in response. 
"How about Twinkle."
"I like that. A lot. That's perfect."
"I think so too." 
Sehun pulled his smaller fiancé into his arms into a loose, comfy embrace. 
"Hey Luhan," he sighed.
"When I die, will you spread my ashes here?"
"Sehun! Don't think that way." 
"But will you?"
Luhan sighed and snuggled deeper into Sehun's chest.
"I guess."
"Pinkie promise?" Sehun held out his left pinkie waiting for Luhan's to intertwine with his. Luhan complied and they twisted their pinkies together and touched their thumbs making a heart in the sky. 
"Pinkie promise."
Luhan could finally read Sehun's message. He vaguely wondered where the box, bracelets and piece of debris were, then he saw the rest of the capsule a few feet away. He picked up the knotted bracelets and the little piece of metal and pocketed them. Then he got out his phone and put on the flashlight in order to read the message that he couldn't read before. When he finished it, he sat on the sand and rocks until sunrise the next day, and when the sun rose he tossed everything in the car and ran towards the sun jumping and laughing, singing 'Mother' by Said the Whale, and dancing on the still cool rocks and skipping over little plants and cacti. If anybody could have saw him, they would've thought he was crazy, but Luhan felt more free, and happy, and content with his life then ever before. All he had to do was think of what was written on that ten year old paper airplane and a new burst of glee would fill his soul. 

"Luhan. Do you want to know something? I love you. I love you and love you and love you. I will never stop loving you. You're the only thing that matters in the world to me, and I'd rather have you be happy then anything else in the universe. Because of my heart problem, I will probably die before you do, and I want you to know, even when I die, I will still be there with you. I will always be with you, loving you and protecting you...I will cling to you like an annoying leech, and you won't be able to rid of me. You've given me so much, and I know you will give me so much more in life. You gave me one of the biggest, most awesome gifts one can give anybody. You gave me the gift of life. How? You ask? When I first saw you, I was on my way to the store to buy rope. Rope to hang from. Rope to help me die. But I saw you, this gorgeous boy, crying on the street, dirty, and alone, begging for money, and suddenly, I didn't want to die anymore, because I saw you, a person more beautiful then what I imagine an angel to be, but you were broken. So I offered you my house, and my parents let you stay. Whenever I was alone, I would get really depressed, Luhan I cut myself almost every day, I walked to that convenience store more times then I care to admit. But every time you showed up, everything bad just disappeared. You illuminated my entire world, and I found I couldn't live without you. Now, I know what it is like to be happy. Now I know how depressed I really was, because I have you with me. I had a reason to live, and that one reason beat all my reasons to die. And then I got diagnosed with my heart condition, and I wanted to die again. I just wanted to get it over with-life was too complicated and too long. But you-you stuck with me. You stayed strong. Around me, you never showed weakness, but when you thought you were alone, you never stopped crying. And I realized just how much you care about me. Then I decided nothing in the world was going to keep you from happiness, I would do anything and everything to keep you happy. You are my most important person. I love you more then love itself, and I could never bare to lose you. I am not strong enough. My strength comes from you, and you alone. Luhan you are stronger then any other person I've met, it amazes me how perfect you are. So, Luhan, when I die, please don't be sad about it. Please don't get depressed, don't roll around crying for weeks on end. I've done that before, and I don't want you to feel it. You deserve so much more. Luhan, let go of me. Let it go. I will always be with you no matter what you do, so please be happy. For me? I love you so much Luhan, please be happy, please let me go. You can do so much in the world. Look what you've done for me, and I am just one person. Go do what you've done to me for everybody else, because if anybody can do it its you. 
I love you, my baby boo, my shining star, my perfect angel. 
I love you Luhan
Xoxo Sehun"

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Onepenny #1
Chapter 1: Jesus sugar bee. That hit hard. Very sweet and very sad. Beautiful as the stars!
Chapter 1: I cried a river on sehun's letter.. This is very touching. Congratulations.