
Nice Guy


What she should she repay him with? A lunch? A drink? A set of healthy food? Maybe she should call him first?


The bus took a halt, and there was a slight commotion at the back of the bus when an old woman almost fell. Luckily, a young man managed to catch her, even though he sort of hurt himself. His head bumped into a pole, so the old woman gently pat his head before she got off the bus along with him. Tiffany smiled at the little scene. Watching such occurrence made she feel warm, after all the things that happened to her.


Even then, she was determined to return to her family in the United States by the end of the month.


Tiffany sighed. She should be quick and give Sehun a call.


When Tiffany put the phone in her ear, she felt weird that the ringtone sounded a bit weird. Like it came from behind her-


Tiffany turned around and saw a mobilephone lying on the floor of the bus at the back. One passenger picked it up and accidentally made eye contact with her, a look of understanding dawned on her.


“I think it’s that guy’s from before,” she told her. Tiffany ran to the back of the bus and confirmed it as soon as she saw her name on the phone screen. Tiffany pressed the buzzer and took off immediately. However, she had no idea where or how to find him.




6.00 p.m.


Tiffany set a slice of carrot cake in front of her and then sat on her study chair, both legs propped to her chest. She picked up Sehun’s phone, turning it on after charging it for a while. She stared at the locked screen, thinking to herself what to do with it.


“Should I call his parents?” Tiffany swiped the screen and was surprised that it unlocked without password. She scrolled through his contacts. But then, it’s not like he was in an accident or anything. Unless she was asking his parents to come over and claim the phone for him. Which would be embarrassing for her and for him. Where was his parents at anyway? What if they lived far from Seoul? Tiffany eventually disregard the idea.


How about his best friend? But these are just names, how in the world she could tell which one was his bestfriend. There’s Kai in the list; it could be his best buddy or his archnemesis.


Or not?


A new text message came in, from the said ‘ Kai’.


Wer the hell r u?!  Prof Jin lookin for u!


If he was worried about some kind of academical issue, he must be a good friend. A really good friend whom Sehun could call with ease. Tiffany was about to give this ‘’ a call but she almost jumped out of her chair when the phone suddenly rang.


“Hello?” Tiffany carefully answered the call from ‘ Kai’.


“Yah! What the hell are you thinking? Where are- wait, who is this?” The caller stopped yelling when he realized that it wasn’t Sehun who answered.


“Um, hi, Mr. Kai… This is Tiffany… Um, the owner of the phone left the phone in a bus this morning. Do you have any idea how I can return it?”


“Oh, god…”




Both Kai and Tiffany were standing outside an apartment unit. Tiffany looked at Kai for the second time as the guy furiously smashed the doorbell. The apartment was not far from the bus stop which Sehun got off at this morning.


“Open the door, stone head!” Kai muttered through gritted teeth.


Tiffany held back her laughter behind a small smile. So they were the type to call each other with bad names.


Soon enough, a sleepy Sehun with ruffled hair answered the door. His eyes were bloodshot red. Seemed like he had been sleeping for hours. Tiffany also noticed the red mark on his forehead, which reminded her that his head hit a steel pole inside the bus this morning just so she could save an elderly from falling. She also wondered if his previous head injury several days ago was all better now?


Sehun’s eyes widened a bit to see Tiffany with Kai at his door. He seemed awake now.




“Did you just sleep the whole day?! Are you crazy?!” Kai yelled.


“What? I didn’t sleep at all last night. We both worked on Prof. Jin’s assignment the whole night, remember?” Sehun retorted in annoyance.


“Prof. Jin had everyone to do the presentation today!”


“But he didn’t say the presentation was-”


“You know that crazy head never set dates for anything. He just does whatever he wants. He’s gonna fail your assignment for sure!”


Sehun yawned. “But how come nobody tells me?”


Kai smacked his head. Tiffany pulled out Sehun’s phone from her handbag and waved it in front of him.


Now Sehun definitely woke up. His eyes widened in disbelief, and slowly, his face was lost its color, now painted with deep regret.


“Man… I’m dead!” His head instantly hung low in defeat.


“You’re totally dead, man…” Kai grabbed Sehun’s collar and shook the guy as they both looked utterly defeated. If this was the Prof. Jin whom Tiffany knew, then yes, repeating his class would be hell.


“Um, are you guys probably talking about Professor Jin Hoseok of Kyung Hee University? That quirky old guy?”


Sehun looked up, “you know him?”


“I was his student too. And I know exactly how to fix this.”


The two guys’ eyes lit up with hope.


“Don’t worry about him, you just have to pay attention on dates. He likes things impromptu. And he likes people being honest and humble. Prepare a formal apology letter, an e-mail is fine. Also, send him a video of you doing your presentation along with your presentation slides or report, he’ll definitely soften up and gives you a second chance.”


Sehun and Kai exchanged looks, looking at each other in disbelief.




Tiffany was right. After he emailed the presentation video along with the formal apology letter, the professor gave him another date for his presentation. Sehun did his presentation at the professor’s class in the evening, along with another batch of students who are also doing the same assignment. He even received a positive feedback from the professor. Sehun left the classroom with a wide smile on his face that day.


Kai was waiting outside with an unsatisfied look on his face.


“What?” Sehun simply raised eyebrow.


“You .”




“What did you do to get a pretty girl like her following you around?”


Sehun frowned. What pretty girl? He never had pretty girls following him around. In the beginning of college years, yeah, maybe, but not these days. All the girls thought he was boring.


Kai pointed to behind him. And then Sehun’s eyes widened.


It was Tiffany. She seemed to be talking to an old friend who was a staff at the university. She ended the conversation shortly after. Sehun and Tiffany made eye contact. Tiffany smiled widely at him and waved her hand as she jogged towards him.


Wow, he almost had a heart attack. Since when gorgeous, angelic smiles like that cause heart attack to young men?


Sehun placed his hand at his chest, telling his heart to calm down.


“What happened? Are you hurt?” Tiffany’s million watt smile just now faded as she replaced her expression with her concern.


“Um… Just a little itchy.” Sehun scratched his chest. Kai smacked his own forehead.


Tiffany laughed at his response. There it was again. His heart is having heart attack again.


“So how is it going? You presentation, I mean.” Tiffany asked.


“Good. All’s well ends well. Thanks to you.” Sehun finally smiled.


“I’m glad to hear that. Oh, and this is for you.” Tiffany grabbed his hand, which almost sent a jolt of electricity straight to his heart (good thing he didn’t pass out), and passed him a cake box.


“Cake?” He wasn’t one who was too fond of confectionaries or anything sweet, though.


“Carrot cake, to be exact.  Oh, and it’s not actually for you. It’s for Prof. Jin. You should give it to him. He’ll be ecstatic. His wife loves it.


“You want me to bribe him with carrot cake.” Sehun stated blankly, as if questioning her motifs.


“His wife, to be exact. And tell them it’s from me, they’ll like it even more. Pretty sure he’ll be permanently on your good side from now on.”


“Well, thanks. You did so much for me.” Sehun chuckled.


Tiffany shrugged. “I just happen to have a lot of free time on my hand right now. Plus, I owe you a lot too.”


“Nah. Um, I wish I could repay you, though. You really helped me a lot. Is there anything I can help you with?”


“Ah, now that you mention it, actually, there is. Come on, let’s talk about it over lunch.”


Sehun smiled. “Sure.”



[A/N] : Sorry it's a bit short, but hope you guys enjoy it. I will update soon, I hope!





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Cute story ^^
Angie_7251 #2
Chapter 4: LOVED IT and it was SO CUTE!!!
Chapter 4: Omg. One of the best stories I have ever read. EVER
curioy #4
Screams because I love this story so much-- will you please make another hunfany story ; u ;
bookaholic #5
Chapter 4: This story is just amazing! So fluffy and just asdfghjkl. Your writing style is perfectooo! I'm at a loss for words. Thank you for sharing this story with us and possibly, giving me the inspiration to write an ExoFany fanfic! ^_^
Chapter 4: just read this omg you need to make more exofany stuffs.
karenrb #7
Chapter 4: *blush so much feels like my face burn*
beasdgfhjkl #9
gdtop94 #10
Chapter 4: daeeebakkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!