Minwoo, Come to Baba!

Please Subscribe to read further chapters


Follow the Wu family, or better known as Ju Liang and Kris, as they raise their one and only son, Minwoo. From bathtime and feeding, to babysitters and dates. They knew it was going to be a wild ride but they could have never prepared for this. Either way, Ju wouldn't trade for her family for the world and Kris just wants his son to say baba already. 


Ju Liang 

Mother and Wife 


Kris Wu 

Father and Husband 



Hey guys! I have decided to take all the drabbles that I made with the Wu family, and compose it into one big fic containing drabbles with them. I'll be taking requests and ideas if you guys have any but other than that, I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to read, comment and subscribe! Love you guys!

Credit to: Galaxy Oppa for the awesome poster, it's beautiful!

Do you guys even read this thing? lol Well if you do sorry if i'm keeping you waiting but I have a few scenarios planned out so it won't be much longer ^^


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Chapter 9: I didn't know this was completed until now! I just checked back to see if you left any notes or if you updated without me knowing and I saw the "completed" mark and I was like 0_0

This was a super cute story! I love seeing sweet Kris :D
swoonnie #2
Chapter 9: aww.... this is cute xD even when he was a teenager, kris already fell that deep for her x)
KissMeFanny #3
Chapter 8: Ohmagah that was awesooooooome thank You soooo much Author-nim ^3^ (especially 4 writing My 1st request EVER!!)
swoonnie #4
Chapter 8: Muahahahahaha i cant believe this!!! Kris pleaseeeeee.... ahahahaha i like this author-nim xD
Chapter 8: oh my god I think this chapter is my favorite so far. I laughed at the many times mirae tried to seduce kris but failed to do so. and is Kris really clueless or what hahha. can't wait for the next update!
KissMeFanny #6
Chapter 7: Ooooook then can i request a scenario when Ju Liang take a nanny 4 Little Minwoo but then she find out that the girl is so much younger than she thought so she gets jealous of her and Minwoo doesen't really like her because His mommy is angry because of her (oh and Kris is really naïve so he doesen't relize How the nanny is trowing herself at him ) thank you❤❤
Chapter 7: ohmigod for a while i was really scared...but thank god he is okay!
Chapter 6: Aww that was really cute :D I love Kris being a dad
Shenae #9
Awwww~ so cute! <3
KissMeFanny #10
Chapter 5: Aigooooo so cute!!. Author-nim if i want to request a scenario where should i ask?