The Shining SHINee


Eunjin stole a glance at Lee Taemin who was sitting next to her but she immediately looked away when he turned, her eyes darting towards the window, watching the small droplets of water drip down the glass as if it was the most interesting sight.

It’s still hard to believe that the guy she met that one fateful morning is now a famous member of a group called SHINee. It was even harder to believe that she was in the same car as those famous people. Lee Taemin (who claims to be her boyfriend), Key (the pink haired guy), Onew (the one wearing reading glasses), Minho and Jonghyun (the tall and short guy who came shortly later) were their names as far as she knew. They insisted on taking her home despite her protests. It was one against five so of course she ended up in the car with those five gorgeous people squeezed between Lee Taemin and Choi Minho who was busy playing games on his phone. The others kept asking how they met and Eunjin didn’t know what to say so she just kept quiet while Taemin wasn’t being helpful either. He was giving her amused look as if waiting for her to react or spill the beans. She had no plans of giving him the satisfaction though.

She kept quiet for the rest of the ride. However she was surprised when Taemin suddenly held her hand in his, like it’s the most normal thing in the world. She gave him a look that says, What are you doing? But Taemin just smiled that freaking smile of his which drives her crazy.

The effect of that one single smile was enough for her to forget everything she was about to say. Any complaints were instantly forgotten and then with their hands locked together and their fingers intertwined she realized that somehow, she likes it that way.

Her heart was again beating frantically in her chest and she could swear that she could also feel her cheeks burn. Is this love? Eunjin wonders. That same question had been plaguing her mind for the last three years. She thought it had been long buried but the nagging feeling was back, stronger than ever. Silly, because she knew nothing of the guy besides the fact that he is now a celebrity- the super famous type who could never walk on the streets without crazy sasaeng fans following him around.

So Eunjin decided that this is crazy. Lee Taemin couldn’t be her boyfriend just because of a hasty decision she made three years ago.

A few minutes later the house came into view. By the time they reached the front gate, it was no longer raining. Onew pulled the car to a stop and Taemin helped her out. He then walked her to the door while the others stayed in the car. He was effortlessly carrying the bags of groceries in one hand while holding her hand with the other.

When they arrived at the front door, Taemin gave her back her groceries and said his goodbye. He turned to leave but changed his mind, turned back around and asked, “Why didn’t you come?”

Eunjin expected the question and she suddenly had the urge to tell a lie. She came, a little late (alright maybe a lot late) but she did. And Taemin couldn’t wait long enough to find out.

Her sister was having a fever that night she had to stay until their parents came home from their business trip. When she was certain that her sister is going to be fine, she ran towards the café only to learn from the kind waitress that the cute guy with chocolate brown hair already left.

Taemin certainly didn’t have to know all those things now so she lied and said, “Obviously I changed my mind.”

She regretted the words the moment she noticed the look of disappointment on his face. She wonders if there is any chance of them meeting again after that day. Maybe it would be the last time and Eunjin realized she hated the idea as she watched Taemin walk away.


However Taemin proved to be a persistent guy and Eunjin couldn’t decide if she should be annoyed or glad. She would be lying if she says she didn’t like the attention though. He came a few times after that, sometimes wearing a suit (coming straight from a shooting) and sometimes he would come in normal clothes (a plain t-shirt and jeans). Sometimes he would drive her to the university while other times he would stay until dinner (making her sister ogle over him because it’s not everyday that they have a celebrity joining them for dinner). Her parents were rarely home though so they have no idea that they often have a famous visitor. It was probably a good thing because she didn’t know how to tell her parents about Taemin and why he was always around.

“Eunjin-ah.” She turned and found Taemin waiting for her outside the house looking gorgeous as always. She still wonders how Taemin learned her name when she couldn’t remember telling him that information that day they first met. She was still thinking about it when she suddenly found herself being pulled gently towards the car.

They rode in silence because Eunjin was just too awkward to say anything and Taemin was contented with stealing glances at her every now and then.

When they reached the school, Taemin surprised her again when he asked, “Can I kiss you?”

He didn’t seem to be the gentleman type who would ask for permission so she was once again at a loss for words. And then there was a sudden flash of memory which made her stop for a second.


“Can I kiss you?”

She laughed. "No. we’re not supposed to kiss because it’s wrong. We’re still young. When we grow up you can kiss me."

He pouted. She could tell he was really disappointed.

“But you can hold my hand,” she said.

He brightened up instantly. “Can I really?”

She smiled at him and said, “Yes.” Then they walked side by side while holding each other’s hands.


Heart pounding in her chest, she stared at Taemin blankly as if trying to figure out if the image was real. If it actually happened in the past she couldn’t tell. She couldn’t see the boy’s face clearly but the sound of his voice was so familiar that it gave her a warm feeling almost like longing. Her head seems to be having a hard time sorting out her memories that she could no longer differentiate reality from dreams.

“Eunjin-ah?” Taemin asked with worry in his voice.

“S-sorry… What was it?”

“I said can I kiss you?” he asked again, the smile was back and it made her forget about the boy and the sudden flash of image in her head and instead, she thought about Taemin and how it would feel like to have his lips on hers. A blush painted her cheeks. Lee Taemin is certainly going to be the death of her.

“No.” she said while hoping Taemin wouldn’t hear the pounding of her chest (which she thinks is too loud that Taemin will have no trouble hearing despite the distance between them)

Taemin looked disappointed but he still gave her a smile telling her he understood. “Let me just give you a hug then.” And before she could refuse that too she pulled her in a tight hug that made her feel butterflies in her stomach. She wanted to scold herself because it’s just a freaking hug and she wasn’t supposed to feel those things. She gave up hoping Taemin wouldn’t notice because now that they are too close, Eunjin could swear he could hear (and feel) her heart pounding in her chest which intensified when he wrapped his arms around her.

Taemin let her go moments later. “I’ll see you later ok?”

She nodded while desperately trying to calm her heart which seems to be freaking out from the mere sight of him. He said goodbye before helping her out of the car and the next moment he was gone leaving her frustrated thinking she’s already starting to miss him when it’s not even a minute since he left.

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I know it has been years and im so sorry. But i'll finish this soon. I promise


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goyangiii #1
this is so cute ㅠㅠ
noomin #2
Chapter 14: Update sooon plzzz
Chapter 4: Oh yeah. The push and pull, definitely fun
Chapter 3: Oh, these two are going to be fun to read about
Lutomo #5
Chapter 2: Whoah this has so much potential! Can't wait for the next update :D
Chapter 2: I shall be anxiously awaiting updates. That must be some back story they have. Hope you finally got rid of your flu. I caught a cold shoveling snow at work Monday. I'm almost back to normal, but currently envying anyone who has warm weather.