Liar, Okay

I Won't Let You Let Me Go


"W-What are you doing?!", Dongwoo's voice was trembling and it only made Hoya more determined to do what he had in mind then ever before. "You talk too much, hyung.", Hoya smiled before crashing his lips onto Dongwoo's, silencing him. At the contact, the male with the light blonde hair didn't move. It was hard to believe what was going on.

His best friend, the one he'd been yearning after for years, was kissing him. He'd always dream of this moment, but never actually thought it'd happen, not in this lifetime anyway. What could he do though? This was his deepest desire so automatically, after sorting out some of his thoughts while other parts were still hazy, his pink plump lips moved against the other's.

Hoya grinned against his lips when he felt Dongwoo kiss him back. It felt....right. He wasn't sure what he wanted their relationship to be, but this he knew for sure. When his lips were on the other's, everything felt right, like everything in the world was at balance. "Your lips are really soft.", the compliment made the elder's pale cheek turn to a new shade of pink.

"You are such a liar, hyung.", Hoya pulled away, smiling at the pink shade on Dongwoo's cheeks that he made caused. "W-What?", Dongwoo was still in a daze after receiving such a kiss from the younger. "You are a liar.", Hoya repeated. "You said you were finally moving on, yet one simple kiss from me and look at you now, panting and blushing.".

It was like mission impossible to him not to stutter anymore "I-I-I am moving on.". Even he knew he was lying through his teeth. A scoff left Hoya "I doubt it. I said that I won't let you let me go. So you are not going anywhere. I will make sure that those feelings you have for me won't run away so quickly.". "How?", Dongwoo just had to question him and the other gave a quick reply by crashing his lips onto Dongwoo's again.

This time, Dongwoo didn't give in, he just stayed still, not moving an inch. "Hyung, you should cooperate.", Hoya said, planting kisses all over the elder's face. It took all his self-control for Dongwoo not to react when the younger started decorated his collarbones with peppered kisses. "Really not going to do anything?", the younger mumbled between his kisses "I'm hurt, and I thought you loved me.".

Seeing as how the other refused even react in some way made Hoya get a bit irritated. Shouldn't Dongwoo know that if the person he has feelings for kisses him that he should kiss back? Guess not since he's just lying there like a rock. Getting angered even more when Hoya saw Dongwoo's hand formed into a fist, obviously trying to hold back, Hoya began to on the elder's neck. "Ugh! H-Hoy-".

"This proves you're mine.", the younger's tongue flicked over the mark he just made. "It's so pretty, don't you think?", Hoya smiled. "Are you going to keep ignoring me now?" Dongwoo could his shirt being lifted up. Soon fingers were grazing over his skin, going up til they reached his s. Hoya gave the buds a little pinch "They are so cute.", Hoya commented as he played with them. "Can you stop? Please?", that's all Dongwoo could muster up the courage to say. "You really want to stop?", the one of top didn't want to stop though. He wanted to watch Dongwoo's chest heave up and down every time his skin came in contact with the other's body. "I don't think you do.", the younger's hand slid down the front of the elder's jeans. "This just further proves that you're a liar.", obviously he could feel the bulge growing through the fabric.

He didn't want his though. It was true that Dongwoo loves Hoya, but he didn't want the younger to do this if he doesn't have any feelings for him. "I'm not. You don't love me so don't do this.". "But I like seeing your reactions. They are so entertaining to me.", Hoya palmed the front of Dongwoo's jeans "Ahh!". That's why Hoya was doing this? Because it was fun to see him act like this? With all his strength, Dongwoo pushed the latter off the bed and jumped off  to thfe other side himself. "Is it that amusing to you? Seeing me like this?! It's that fun watching me hurt to you?!", a pillow hit Hoya's face as he stood up from the floor.

Tears that had formed in Dongwoo's eyes threatened to spill and Hoya's hard gaze softened, for only a moment. "Be honest. It's not like you didn't enjoy it. You didn't oppose.", Hoya shrugged "You even kissed me back.". "I m inlove with you. I couldn't help but to kiss back, but I didn't want to. Not when you're doing this just because you don't want me to run off. Not when you don't even have the slightest feelings for me. Why is it so fun for you? Why do you want to hurt me?!", his tears fell, he couldn't hold them back any longer.

Hoya didn't want to hurt Dongwoo. He didn't mean for that. He  just, he didn't want Dongwoo to leave him. That doesn't mean that he loves Dongwoo in anyway, Hoya was sure he didn't love Dongwoo. Hoya doesn't even know what love is. Just having the elder close to him and in his hold was what he wanted. In no way does he want to see the elder in someone else's grasp. Dongwoo loves him. Hoya could tell that despite Dongwoo claiming he was moving on, he wasn't. If the younger would keep staying close to Dongwoo, the elder wouldn't have a chance of getting rid of his feelings.

"I don't want to hurt you. I just don't want you loving some other person.".

"Why? Are you j-jelous?".

He was jelous? He couldn't be jelous. Hoya doesn't get jelous. "I don't love you so why would I be jelous?". There, he said it. Dongwoo knew, but hearing it out loud from the other still felt like Hoya got an dagger and stabbed his heart with it "Then why do you care if I move on or not?". "I said it before, you are like a pet to me. I don't want my pet to run away, let alone to another owner.", walking around the bed, Hoya was infront of Dongwoo again. "I said I'm not your pet. I'm a thing you can play with. I'm a human.", Dongwoo said "I'm your best friend. What happened to that?".

"We're still best friends. Just now with benefits. What do you think?", the younger thought this was a fantastic idea. "You get to be with the person you love and I'm perfectly fine letting you use my body as you please. Doesn't it sound that a good plan?". There was a positive thing for him too. With the two of them so close, Dongwoo couldn't possibly look at another human being. "But I don't want to do this when you don't have any feelings for me.", sniffles from the elder was heard. "You never know, I could possibly grow to love you.", Hoya knew he gave false hope, but maybe it'll get Dongwoo to agree.

Dongwoo thought about it and even the chances were slim, there was still a chance. "Okay.", atleast he'll be close with Hoya in some sort of way.





Broken Smile

 Wishing Rocks



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Asumi123 #1
Chapter 4: A~ it wasn't that bad as you said it would be. Really, when you said to keep our expectations very low, I thought the would let me like "'wtf is dis?'", but this was pretty good :)
Chapter 4: GOSH THIS IS TOO SWEEEEETTTTTTT the & fluff fits so well im---;;;;;w;;;;; really excited with what will happen next! Thanks for updating<33
howoniesweety #3
Chapter 3: Usually it's hojong between yadong pair. But you make the story with dongjong kekeke it's interesting tho. Oh and I prefer Hoya Top! ●0●9
rose22 #4
Chapter 3: Hoya tops!!!! Please do not make the about dongwoo and sungjong.
Chapter 1: Woahh.. it' s so awesone xD
rose22 #6
really excited for this!!!! so far looks very promising! cannot wait to read more :) i love the yadong couple so much and wish there was more fanfics about them.
burdenheart #7
Chapter 1: already know* ugh typos lol
burdenheart #8
Chapter 1: this sounds like a solid beginning for a fic! i wonder how this will continue when now they both already now about other's feelings. at least almost. i'm not sure if hoya is complitely honest yet. anyways keep up the good work!