001 ;

Mr. Liar


I run to the living room, snatching away the pizza Sarah was holding. I run to the sofa, slamming myself down comfortably before switching on the television. I smiled in satisfaction as I watched the MC introduce BTS. I didn't miss it afterall. I hear Sarah sigh but I was clearly too busy fangirling to deal with her nagging now. I started singing along, smiling as Taehyung sang his line flawlessly. Taehyung has always been my favorite. Well, not really when I first watched 'No More Dream', Jimin and Jungkook caught my eyes at first. At least, Taehyung has been my favourite since 'Boy in Luv' era. 


''When are you ever going to stop fangirling?'' Sarah asks, rolling her eyes as she stepped into the room with a new pizza in hand. ''Never.'' I answer simply, my eyes not leaving the screen. 


''You need to concentrate on your studies first. We didn't come to Korea for BTS!'' She warns, and I swear, I felt her gaze bruning through my skull. ''My grades are perfectly fine.'' I retaliate, my gaze leaving the screen as I meet her eyes. She scoffs, her hand snaking up to the remote controller but I snatch it away just in time.


''You failed Algebra.'' she comments. I rolled my eyes, ''It'd be a surprise if I passed.'' I explain simply, not bothering to continue the conversation with her. She smiles oh-so-innocently at me and I knew what was going down. Whenever she gave me that devious smile, it would always mean something bad. Trust me - it isn't going to be good.


''How about a bet?'' she asks, in a dangerously calm voice. Honestly, it was scary. It was scarier than her usual mean demeanour. I shake my head, avoiding eye contact with her to my best.


''Get a B on your next Algebra test. If not, no Bangtan.'' She explained simply. Wait, when did I even agree to this? This girl was crazy. ''When did I even - '' but before I could continue, she cuts me off. ''Or else I'll make sure we move back to America.'' I remained silent. I know she've confirmed whatever she was going to do.


I can never go back to America. If I were to, I will have to stop and end my fansite. No - this cannot happen. It is literally my life. I stand up, flailing my arms around in outrage. ''What?! You can't do this!'' She simply smirks at me, grabbing my plate from the table before disappearing into the kitchen. What the was that. 




I litrally stormed into the classroom, going to the back, where my usual seat was. Before sitting down, my gaze lingered over the top of the desk. It was dusty, the desk was dusty. I skipped so often to the point that my desk has gone dusty. I sigh, grabbing a damp towel, wiping the desk surface. I heard some murmuring, and I frown. Turning around, I noticed everyone was looking at me. I chuckle nervously, ''Can I help you guys?''


But just then, I hear screaming. I snap my head to the door, slightly alarmed. There stood Nicky Miller. Nicky runs foward, engulfing me in a tight hug, almost suffocating me. ''You're here! You're actually in School!'' I chuckle, pushing her off me. ''What's with the excitement? You just saw me yesterday.'' 


Nicky smiles at me in admiration, which I started to get abit creeped out with. Why don't I have normal friends? I shrug, ''I didn't really have a choice. It's a B or America.'' I answer simply, adding a loud and long sigh at the end. Nicky widens her eyes, ''America? You're going back?'' Her hand slides to mine, before she interwined our fingers together. Yes, Nicky was very open minded about skinship.


I laugh, ''Not if I get a B on that Algebra test!'' I answer immediately. Nicky stares at me, her expression unchanging. A second later, she answers, ''So you're going back.''


Suddenly realising what I said, I nodded, walking away from her. ''I should pack my bags.'' Who am I kidding? Getting a 'B' for Algebra was almost impossible. Cancel that, it is impossible. I need to find a way. I can't leave Korea, not without marrying Taehyung, or any other Bangtan member. I smile bitterly, screw that. I'm going to do well for that test.



''Can you repeat that again?'' I ask, raising my hand up. The rest of the class groans - while the teacher in charge sighs. ''Maybe next time, try attending school more frequent.'' I shrug, tapping my pen against the table, ''Maybe next time, teach something I can actually understand.'' The teacher sighs angrily, before repeating whatever he was saying earlier. I was ernestly taking down notes, I was pretty much determined to do well. The bell rings and we all stand to greet the teacher. Just before he was about to exit, he stops at the doorway.


''Get someone to tutor you, Alice.'' before he stalks away. My mouth drops open, silently cursing at him. Sure, I at Maths. But why is he trying to embarrass me in front of the class? My phone vibrates, and I sneak it out, just as our English teacher entered the class.


I'm getting a break! Want to meet tonight? - Red Bean


I unconciously smile to myself, typing a response before putting my phone away. Ah, English. It was a subject I was confident about. I mean, I lived in America for 15 years of my life. The teacher begins the lesson, and I find myself raising up my hand frequently. Not to ask questions, but to answer them. Through this lesson, I found out that I was the best at this subject within my class, followed by Nicky, who was also American-Korean, but she lived in Korea all her life. 


School finally ended, and I dash home in order to get ready for tonight. I was finally meeting him after a year. A year, that is how long I haven't seen my best friend. It was probably because he was busy with work, no doubt. After showering, I stop in front of my wadrobe. What do I wear? I grab a skater dress from the cabinet, hodling it up against my body. I shake my head, frowning as I shoved it back into the cabinet. Finally, after 30 minutes, I decided on a plain white shirt, with slightly ripped jeans and a parka. My usual style. It was an advice I'd always get from my friends. Dress like yourself when meeting a guy.


''I'm going out!'' I yell, exiting the apartment. I hear Sarah scream after me, but I ignore her. Once I reach the bottom of my apartment, where we had agreed to meet, I scanned the environment. I sigh, he must not be here yet. But, soon, I felt someone long, warm arms envelope my body into a huge bear hug and I smile into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist.




He smiles, patting the top of my head. I hated when he did that though. Okay, I get it, Hongbin is taller than I am by 15cm but there was no need for him to let me know that again. 


''I've missed you.'' I softly whisper. 


''I missed you too.''


hello everyoneee. i'm back! and if you've noticed, i deleted all of the chapters, i'm planning to re write everything, so i hope it will bring many positive feedbacks and results! please don't forget to comment about what you think!




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Army_jiaying #1
Chapter 9: This story is so special ALICE have idols luck omgg... update when you get an idea:3
Chapter 9: aw it's okay authornim ;-;
Chapter 6: I wonder who that guy is- um.
BTW, enjoy your stay in Korea! o u o I hope you meet the boys, like how you wrote. In a good way though, haha.
Chapter 5: OoOOH jimiiin~~~
Chapter 4: update! ^u^
zhenzhen12 #6
Nice story^^
Chapter 3: Update soon pls