
Why are you so rude !!!!
After all the fun. We have to go home and rest . My appa was sitting and watching tv while my umma was cooking 

changjo:"noona I want to get to know you " he pouted. Me:"okay but let's first go to my room"

changjo:"I race you !!!!!!" We both ran like kids to my room. I ran faster changjo was too slow . I ran up to my room and said:"I win!!!!" Changjo pouted . We both talked and talked .he told me about his group he had called TEEN TOP 

He also told me that he was a kingka with his group. I was happy for him . Later I fell asleep dreaming about rainbows and sunshine . Ahhhhhh relax and sleep . Changjo was sleeping too dreaming about our family . 

Later appa and umma came and watched us sleep . It was creepy but funny cause changjo fell off the bed but still slept peacefully . Heheheheh. 

I have the best family 😊

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