
Sweet as Suga(r)

Your name is Jeon Jungkook. You are a 14-year-old Korean male who goes to a crappy local high school in Seoul. You hate it.

"Yah! Kookie!" Your best friend, Taehyung, calls. He waves enthusiastically at you, a large dopey grin on his face. There’s no doubt in your mind that he’s high. He always is, anyway.

"What?" You walk over to him, annoyed. You’d wanted to get to class early to work on your physics homework, but now it doesn’t look like you’ll be able to. Oh, well. What’s one more late homework assignment?

"Look, idiot," Taehyung says exasperatedly, pointing to the sidewalk. As usual, it’s packed with students chatting and taking up the entire width of the thing. It’s annoying, and you wonder why they can’t just walk on the grass. It’s not that hard to move a meter to the side. It’s just grass, anyway, and in your opinion, grass is stupid.

Taehyung interrupts your internal monologue. And Yoongi interrupts Taehyung. Well, Yoongi walking past does. But it doesn’t matter, because it;sYoongi, and he happens to look particularly attractive today. Granted, he looks attractive every day, but today’s a Monday and that’s the day that comes after two days of no Yoongi. He’s the only one who can make Mondays bearable.

"You should go talk to him," Taehyung suggests. But Taehyung doesn’t know anything.

"No!" You hiss, horrified by the mere prospect of it. For one, Yoongi’s a junior, and Jungkook is only but a freshman. And secondly, Yoongi is Yoongi. He’s at the top of the food chain, a kingka, one of those rare specimens who manage to maintain a GPA of 4.0 the entire year and an actual social life at the same exact time. Compare him to yourself, a straight-C student who fails algebra and even worse in P.E. (Taehyung laughs at you for that, because he’s in the soccer team and wants to try out for track & field, and doesn’t know anything). Whilst Yoongi is out getting drunk and partying, you’re slumped over your textbook at 4 in the morning, still stuck on question 15 of 40 on your homework.

When the bell rings, you and Taehyung being walking towards homeroom together. There’s not much talking, because you’re lost in your Yoongi fantasies and he’s tripping too hard from whatever he smoked that morning.

You actually end up tripping too, but it’s not from pot. The books in your hand land with a thud on the floor, the pages and pages of your art coming loose and scattering all over the shiny tile. Squeaking in shock, you rush to gather them before anyone can see the embarrassing doodles.

But just like in the movies, a pale, slim- hand reaches out and plucks a sketch of a parrot off of the ground before you can.

"Wow. You’re a really good artist."

"T-thanks," you mumble, face turning the approximate shade of a tomato."

"Could you draw me sometime?" Yoongi asks, obviously not aware of the hundreds and hundreds of drawings you’ve already done of him. He beams brightly at you, and your heart all but stops pumping in your chest. Yoongi wants you to draw him. He thinks you’re that talented. Maybe, afterwards, he’ll commission more drawings, and then maybe you’ll start having actual conversations with each other, and then maybe Yoongi will start liking you, and then….

Shut up, Jungkook, you mentally slap yourself, resolving to buy a tinfoil hat later for fear that Yoongi is able to read minds. Sure, you kind of like rom-coms (although you’ll never admit that to anybody, not even Taehyung, because he’s dumb), but real life isn’t a rom-com and it’s highly unlikely that Yoongi will ever like you back. After all, he’s Yoongi, and you’re….you.

"S-sure," you stammer out. His face lights up like a sunbeam.

"Thank you so much!" he exclaims, clapping his hands together childishly. He looks like a little kid let loose in a candy store, and it’s too adorable. Could he be any more perfect? "You’re the best. I’ll see you around!" He turns and bounces away, your parrot sketch still in hand. You’re about to say something about it, but he beats you to it.

"Oh, by the way, can I keep this?"

"Sure," you reply weakly, still in shock, and Yoongi flashes another smile before jogging off down the hallway.

As for you, you shakily get up and gather your things slowly, not caring that you’ll probably be late for class. Your mind is filled with Yoongi’s face, Yoongi’s smile, Yoongi’s voice, and Yoongi’s everything.

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Jaeryeolover #1
Chapter 1: awwww completed already?? ;;
coolskyblue07 #2
Chapter 1: I think I'mgonna love ythis story.. Cause jungkook in lovestruck is.. Unexplainable...
Chapter 1: Need more! <3 i like it :3
It's sooo sweet! *Q*
Chapter 1: love sick puppy jungkook is so cute xD