
Exchanged Souls

                “Youngjae! Youngjae, wake up, you lazy !!”

                Youngjae was not happy the noise that woke him up was someone yelling, most likely Daehyun because of the insulting. In spite, Youngjae rubbed his head into the pillow and pretended to still be asleep. ‘It’s too early… no matter what time it is, it is too early!’

                “Hyung, why are you calling Daehyun by your name?”

                The angry voice groaned, “Because I AM Daehyun.  Youngjae is inside my body.”

                ‘Wait… that… that’s… whose voice is that??’

“Oh, I guess that makes sense… so does that mean the two of you are switching voice parts?” The person Youngjae now recognized as Jongup said.

                “I can’t—I don’t—“ The unknown person groaned, “Youngjae, wake the HELL UP!!”

                Annoyed with the yelling and wondering who was actually waking him up, ready to experience his wrath; Youngjae threw off his blanket and sat up, already glaring. Once he set his eyes on the person in front of him, his jaw dropped and eyes widened, anger forgotten because of the mystery in front of him.

                “That… you… that’s mine voice?!” Youngjae clapped a hand over his mouth after hearing the voice come out of his throat, “This is what you think you sound like?!”

                Daehyun, in Youngjae’s body, crossed his arms and for once, Youngjae was on the receiving end of one of his famous glares, although it seemed awkward since Daehyun wasn’t used to using his face.

                “Of all the things you could be concerned with right now, you pick what we sound like?!”

                Youngjae glared and lowered his hands as the situation before him fully registered.

                “Wow,” Jongup leaned towards Youngjae, inspected Daehyun’s face, “I’ve never seen Daehyun glare like this before…  he actually looks scary.”

                “What?! I’ve looked scary before!”

                Jongup chuckled, “Only when you look at food after a long day of dance practice.”

                Youngjae sighed as he got out of bed, “Daehyun, stop looking so foolish in my body, you will give me a horrible reputation of being an idiot.”

                “How can you not be freaked out by this?!” Daehyun shouted, making Youngjae’s voice hit a higher octave.

                “Getting worked up about this won’t fix anything,” Youngjae sighed. “We need to think about this calmly, only then—“

                Daehyun huffed, “Fine, I’ll just go calm down… while showering.”

                Youngjae could feel the color drain from his face, “Daehyun…”

                Daehyun walked away and shrugged, “It isn’t like I haven’t seen most of you before.”

                “Daehyun!” Youngjae ran out into the hall, chasing Daehyun who was dashing towards the bathroom.

                “Daehyun, why are you yelling so early in the morning!” Himchan shouted as he opened his bedroom door, stopping Youngjae.

                “Himchan, move so I can catch that bastard,” Youngjae tried pushing past Himchan only for the older to show surprising strength for the morning time and keep Youngjae in his place.

                “I don’t care what he did—“

                “He’s going to look at my body and touch it—you ert!!” Youngjae yelled down the hall.

                “Daehyun… are you drunk?” Himchan looked Youngjae up and down.

                “We switched bodies,” the reality sunk into Youngjae, “we switched bodies somehow Himchan. I’m not sure how, but I’m actually Youngjae.”

                Himchan sighed, “Daehyun, I’m not an idiot.”

                “Himchan,” Youngjae just about growled out. He leaned to the older man’s ear and began to whisper. Himchan’s grip tightened as his face paled. Youngjae pulled away with a smile, knowing he had won over Himchan who was standing there with his mouth ajar and face practically blending in with the wall.

                “Youngjae promised not to tell anyone that story…”

                “I didn’t.”

                “Damn, how did this happen…” Himchan let go on Youngjae.

                “I’m not sure,” Youngjae sighed and scratched his head.

                “Oh, Youngjae, did you catch Daehyun?” Jongup asked peeping out of Daehyun’s room.

                “My body!” Youngjae screeched. He pushed past Himchan and raced the rest of the way to the bathroom to find it empty. Panting he looked around and found Daehyun sitting on the arm of the couch, which was quite surreal because it isn’t every day a person can say they were searching for their body.

                “Glad to see you are as freaked about this as I am,” Daehyun said, trying to speak with an even tone, even though there were tints of laughter.

                Youngjae glared as he walked into the room, “I was going to kill you.”

                “You mean yourself?”

                Youngjae glowered more, for once without a comeback.

                “Okay, I called Yongguk,” Himchan said as he shuffled into the room with Jongup on his heels. “Zelo and he will be back from lunch soon.”

                “Lunch?” Youngjae asked.

                Himchan shrugged, “It is after 1pm.”

                Youngjae nodded, but still wondered how the other two were awake and outside when the other four of them were still in their pajamas. Slowly, Youngjae sat down at the dining room table, staring down Daehyun. It felt awkward watching himself, or rather, watching the person he had feelings, that he wouldn’t acknowledge, for in his own body. If they ended up staying like this forever, would his ‘heart’ problem go away?

                “This isn’t my fault!” Daehyun shouted, thinking that was why Youngjae was thinking.

                Youngjae scoffed, playing off his thoughts.


                “Well, I didn’t do anything weird. And you were the one who was awake first.”

                “I’m always awake before you,” Daehyun defended, exasperatedly. “Why would I switch bodies with you?”

                “I don’t know, you tell me… body-switcher.”


                “Alright, let’s not argue. Here,” Himchan put down a plate of toast on the table followed by Jongup who had eggs and bacon.

                Youngjae blinked at the quickly assembled food, “Himchan, how did you cook this so fast?”

                Himchan tapped the back of Youngjae’s head as he took a seat, “You better be careful Youngjae, it seems like you are trading brains with Daehyun too.”


                “I made it,” Jongup smiled as he sat down, followed by Daehyun.

                “Right, thanks…” Youngjae smiled. He tentative placed food on his plate, finally aware of his growling stomach. He put some jam onto his toast before taking a bite, but when he finally did take that bite, he became ravenous. Suddenly, he was tossing food into his mouth like there was an oncoming apocalypse.

                “You okay there, Youngjae?” Himchan asked.

                “I can’t stop eating.”

                 “I told you,” Daehyun smirked, “I’m always that hungry.”

                Youngjae groaned as he took another bite of bacon. “Eating like this is so glorious.”

                “You should try it more often,” Daehyun answered.

                Youngjae’s eyes widened and he looked over at Daehyun who was eating an enormous amount. “Daehyun! You can’t eat that much in my body!!”


                Youngjae reached over and stole the other’s plate, “How much did you eat?!”

                “I—Youngjae! I can eat what I want!”

                “Not in my body! I’ll gain weight,” Youngjae groaned as he looked at the table noticing most of the food was gone. “I’m going to need to work out so much this week.”

“That’s so unfair…” Daehyun grumbled as he looked at Youngjae’s plates with envy.

           “That is if you get your body back,” Jongup interjected.

            Youngjae slumped into his chair and slowly continued to eat. He did feel guilty taking Daehyun’s food and it made his heart hurt to know Daehyun was sad, but he couldn’t let the glutton eat like that in his body.

            Daehyun huffed and crossed his arms, “I’m still hungry.”

“No you aren’t. You just think you are because of how much you normally eat,” Youngjae answered gloomily, barely understandable since his mouth was full of bread.

“Okay,” Himchan clapped his hands together, “Enough negativity. We don’t know how bad things really are. This might have a really simple solution.”

The front door opened and almost immediately, Yongguk and Zelo ran in, faced flushed from running, “Himchan called and said there was an emergency.”

“Are Youngjae and Daehyun really going to be stuck in each other’s bodies forever?” Zelo asked.

Youngjae glared at Himchan, “Not that bad?”

Himchan sheepishly smiled before busying himself with cleaning the table with Jongup’s help.

Once the table was cleared everyone sat at the table, looking at Yongguk for guidance. He sat at the head of the table, chin resting on his propped up hands as he looked back and forth between the body switched boys. Zelo occasionally would poke Youngjae or Daehyun, making certain that they indeed still felt the same.

“This shouldn’t be possible,” Yongguk finally broke the silence, “And I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact this is actually not a dream.”

“Tell me about it,” Daehyun groaned.

“What do we do Yongguk?” Himchan said, allowing his panic to show more since he wasn’t he oldest in the room.

“We could try hitting them over the head at the same time.” Jongup suggested. “Or leave that one for last.” Jongup added as the affected boys drilled holes in his head with their eyes.

“Perhaps there was a magic frog,” Zelo mumbled under his breath. His breath hitched, “Perhaps, it was my long lost frog.”

“Let it go, Zelo,” All the boys said, making the youngest go quiet.

“To begin, I think we should try to find any differences in your day yesterday,” Yongguk announced.

Daehyun shrugged, “Nothing really. We had dance practice, vocal practice…”

“The fan meet in the afternoon,” Zelo piped in.

“Right,” Youngjae scratched his head, “And then we all went out to that sushi restaurant we all like last night.”

“Nothing new?” Yongguk asked.

“No?” Daehyun sad slowly and then turned to Youngjae to check.

Youngjae closed his eyes as he thought, trying to find some difference that might have caused this.

“Youngjae, didn’t you tell me a fan gave you a weird looking gift yesterday?” Jongup asked.

“Well—yeah, but I don’t think a gift could do this.”

“What did it look like?” Yongguk asked hurriedly, hoping this was answer.

“It was just a stuffed… well… figure. It looked like a human shape but it has no clothes and x’s for eyes.” Youngjae bit his lip. “I’ll bring it out.”

“You brought it back to the dorm?” Himchan raised his eyebrows.

Youngjae sheepishly smiled, “It is interesting.”

Youngjae quickly went to his room and grabbed the doll which he had placed on his nightstand.

Daehyun pointed at the doll as soon as it came into view, “I got the same one!”

“Really?” Zelo asked.

Daehyun rushed to his room and appeared quickly holding the same doll. 

“Well, this is a good start,” Yongguk stood up and held out his hands for the two dolls. The two vocalists handed over the dolls, and soon the whole band was examining these gifts, looking for clues.

It didn’t take long for Yongguk to find the answer. Youngjae was only seconds behind in understanding, groaning out loud as Yongguk announced he knew what the problem was.

“It shouldn’t be possible,” Yongguk started and carefully placed the canvas dolls on the table, “but it looks like magic.”

“Magic?” Himchan’s eyes widened as the two youngest made eye contact, snickered, and did the chorus dance moves to Secret’s song.

“That can’t be possible,” Daehyun shook his head.

“it is the only option,” Youngjae tilted the dolls so their bottoms could be seen and when the dolls were put side-by-side, a message could be seen.

Himchan sighed, “It isn’t even poetic and it just explains what happened.”

“Would you prefer something dramatic and hard to understand?” Youngjae’s eye twitched in irritation.

“Yes,” Himchan ran his hand through his hair while yawning. “I’m going to take a shower; you both better be fixed when I get out.”

“So, all we have to do is close our eyes and think of a person while the doll stares at us?” Daehyun asked as he looked at his doll, suspiciously.

“Supposedly it should work if the same person is thinking about you with the other doll,” Yongguk said.

“Time to find out,” Youngjae grabbed his doll and sat down at the table. “Hurry up, Daehyun.”

“Fine, fine,” Youngjae watched his body slide into the chair across from him and couldn’t wait to be back in his own skin.

They looked at each other, the moment slowed as Youngjae looked into his eyes and once the weirdness of it passed, he saw Daehyun, his best friend Daehyun. Eyes are the windows to the soul, was something Youngjae heard often, but only then did he believe it. Something within him welled up, the feeling he had been trying to push down for so long, and so the moment passed as Youngjae slammed his eyes shut. He pretended not to hear Daehyun’s quiet sigh and instead focused on changing back, which meant he had to think constantly about Daehyun.

“How long are they supposed to do this?” Zelo asked after a few seconds.

“I’m not sure… until it works?”

Daehyun groaned, “I feel so stupid doing this. Maybe it has to be at night. Want to wait until then, Youngjae?”

Youngjae’s eyes shot open at Daehyun voice, “Daehyun! We switched!”

Youngjae smiled, seeing Daehyun’s body across from him. He looked down at himself, touching and feeling everything to make sure everything was in place, and he sat there in bliss.

Daehyun laughed loudly, “Oh thank God.”

Yongguk smiled, “Well… I think I should talk to our manager about this and… somehow… try to explain magic exists…”

Yongguk walked out, eyebrows knitted together as he thought of how not to sound crazy.

Youngjae stood up and stretched, “I’m going back to sleep.”

“What?” Daehyun walked after Youngjae, “Seriously?”

Youngjae shrugged, “Why not?”

“Shouldn’t we talk?”


“About,” Daehyun hesitated, “Well… we both must have thought of each other last night…”

Youngjae’s heart jumped, but he pushed it down, “It could have been in a dream, or just a random passing thought as we got ready to sleep. We shouldn’t think much of it.”

“Oh, right,” Youngjae left a downhearted Daehyun in the hallway as he entered his own room and closed the door. He slid to the ground against his door, face red since he knew Daehyun was trying to say he liked him, but Youngjae knew, he knew that them being a couple would not be good for the group morale.

He buried his face into his arms and allowed himself to wallow in sadness, if only for a moment, before he would have to put back on his smiley face and pretend his feelings for  Daehyun only centered around friendship.

“I wish this had never happened,” Youngjae said with a trembling voice. “That stupid girl… I never wanted to know Daehyun’s feelings for me. I wanted pretend—I just wanted to pretend my emotions would change.”

“Youngjae, we need to talk,” Daehyun’s voice cut through the door, shocking Youngjae who didn’t realize Daehyun could hear him from the other side of the door.

“Please? Please open the door to your heart for me,” Daehyun’s voice softened.



“It really works,” Zelo looked at the dolls with wide eyes.

Jongup poked the one in front of him, “Junhong, do you… maybe…”

Zelo smiled, “Jongup, want to see what it is like being the tallest?”

“Hell yeah,” Jongup almost knocked over his chair with how fast he tried to sit down. Zelo chuckled, and followed suit, getting ready to experience what it would be like in Jongup’s body.

“Only for a little while, so we don’t get into trouble.”

“Of course!”

Zelo shut his eyes and thought of Jongup.

“What are you two doing?!” Himchan’s shout had both of them opening their eyes.

Seeing their body sitting across from them, they smiled and ignored Himchan’s lecturing as they began to see how life was being the other person. 


A/N: sorry I've been gone so long!! School and having no computer are really getting in my way T_T

as always, let me know what you think and how I can improve!! Hope you liked it <3

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Chapter 1: Daejae: dramatic and heartfelt
Jonglo: wanna see a neat trick
kaykaygirl #2
Chapter 1: I would seriously love knowing Jongups perspective of Zelo's height.
I really like this! Its fun to imagine them changing bodies!!!!:)
Chapter 1: Bwahaha the maknaeline are just so freaking adorable!! Sequel please!!! Maknaeline and BangHim xD it doesn't have to be romantic haha just to see how himchan handles being the leader nyahaha
alialio #4
Chapter 1: The last part tho. Please make a sequal! I really want to know how jongup feel to get to breathe the air that junhong always got. Anyway this is so cute ><
Chapter 1: The maknaes, plz. And awww daejae QuQ
Chapter 1: The maknaes always rock! XD love this hoho!
Chapter 1: awwwww =] but too funny with JongLo lol
Chapter 1: haha omg jonglo at the end! daejae<3
Chapter 1: Lmao...I think it's creepy if someone give u that dolls.. (the way i describe it with x eyes) @v@
omg youngjae,why would u place it on ur nightstand XD
its unfortunate they didn't try anything with eachother bodies even for a sec~~