Not A Kitty?

Special Kitty

This can’t be happening, Byungjoo thought to himself, as he stood in the entranceway to his apartment and stared in disbelief at the very young man who claimed to be his cat.  Nope, I must be dreaming—all that sleep loss from when Hansol was missing must be catching up to me.

Just to make sure, Byungjoo pinched his arm, scrunching his nose a little when it hurt.  So maybe it wasn’t a dream.  He rubbed at his eyes, half-hoping that when he opened them again, the boy would be gone and his sweet little Hansol would be there, purring and greeting him happily.  Nope, the boy was still there, he discovered, and he was looking very put out with Byungjoo’s reaction to his presence.  The stranger’s bottom lip was starting to pooch out (adorably) and his (pretty) blue eyes were looking kind of watery.  Byungjoo decided that he needed to say something before things got even more awkward or out of hand.

“Um,” a very good start, yes—good job, Byungjoo, “Why… Why aren’t you wearing any clothes?”

The stranger seemed confused, “Clothes?” he questioned, tilting his head to the side.  After a moment, he appeared to realize what Byungjoo meant, “Oh, those!”  He looked down at himself, causing Byungjoo to follow his gaze for a moment before blushing like mad and returning his eyes to the stranger’s face.  The stranger blinked curiously at Byungjoo’s beet red face, reaching out a hand to touch it.

“Yah!” Byungjoo yelped, swatting the hand away and glaring at the other boy, causing him to pout again.

Huffing and crossing his arms, the stranger half-turned so he wasn’t directly facing Byungjoo anymore, “I don’t know.  I’ve never worn them before—should I be?”

This just kept getting weirder and weirder by the minute.  Byungjoo rubbed at his face, willing his blush to go away and trying to think of a plan.  Okay, so there was a stranger in his apartment who was claiming to be his cat Hansol.  Easiest way to dispute that was to find the actual Hansol.  With that in mind, Byungjoo tiptoed past the still-pouting boy and into the apartment, looking around for his affectionate cat.  Usually Hansol met him at the door, but maybe the cat had been sleeping?  He wasn’t on the couch, nor was he in Byungjoo’s bedroom.  Scratching his head and starting to feel a little worried, Byungjoo turned and bumped into the stranger.  In his hunt for Hansol, Byungjoo had almost forgotten about him.

“What are you looking for, Master?” the stranger asked, automatically reaching out to cling to the hem of Byungjoo’s shirt.  Byungjoo swatted his hands away irritably.

“My cat!  Have you done something with him?  I can’t find him anywhere!” Byungjoo narrowed his eyes at the other boy, “You better not have let him out!”
The boy seemed shocked that Byungjoo was yelling at him, shrinking in on himself as if the other’s words had upset him, “Master said to never go outside again,” he mumbled, lip beginning to pooch out again, “Hansolie didn’t mean to make Master upset…”

“Ugh, stop calling yourself that!  There’s no possible way you could be—“ Byungjoo started to rant, but was cut off by a scream from next door.  Startled, he looked towards the wall that connected him to Jiho’s appartment, “Jiho…?”

Suddenly worried for Jiho’s safety, Byungjoo pushed past the still- boy and rushed out of his apartment, grabbing his keys on the way.  He and Jiho both had spare keys to the other’s apartment, in case of emergencies (such as being out of drinks or snacks, or wanting to play a prank on the other).  Byungjoo used his key to get in, looking around to see what the problem was.  He finally found Jiho in the apartment’s tiny bathroom, along with another man who appeared to be trying to scrub the walls of the shower.  The man in the shower, who Byungjoo had never seen before, also happened to be stark .  There must have been some sort of new trend going around that Byungjoo hadn’t heard about yet, or something.

“Jiho-yah, what’s wrong?!  Who is this?!” Byungjoo asked, still somewhat breathless from his mad dash out of his apartment.

Apparently in shock, Jiho seemed unable to form coherent words.  He instead decided to grab ahold of Byungjoo and shake him.  Byungjoo swatted at him, trying to make him stop.  After a moment, Jiho remembered how to speak.

“He says he’s Jenny—well, actually Jenissi, or something like that—but wasn’t Jenny a girl?!  I thought Jenny was a girl!” Jiho babbled, mind still reeling from what he had discovered when he entered his apartment a few moments ago.  The man in the shower cast them a glance before continuing his cleaning.  He didn’t seem too worried about Jiho’s meltdown or Byungjoo’s confusion.

Byungjoo blinked at Jiho for a moment, unable to comprehend exactly what was going on, “Uhh… Jiho, there’s a stranger in your shower, and you’re worried about whether or not Jenny is a girl?  Speaking of which, why is he cleaning your shower?”

Jiho flipped his hand dismissively, “Jenny always cleans.  I dunno, it might be nice now that she—“ here he was interrupted by the man in the shower, who cleared his throat and cast a withering glance at Jiho, who quickly corrected himself, “I mean, uh, he—actually has opposable thumbs.  So much easier to clean, right, Jenny?”

The man in the shower blinked dark hazel eyes at Jiho for a moment before giving him a small smile and nodding, continuing his scrubbing for a moment before deciding that the shower was clean enough.  He delicately stepped out of the shower, putting away his cleaning supplies before tipping his head to the side and watching curiously as Byungjoo groaned and rubbed his temples.  He felt a headache coming on.

“You should probably put on some clothes, though, Jenny,” Jiho said, glancing down at the other man before coughing in embarrassment and looking away, “I might have something that will fit you…”  He wandered across the hall to his bedroom and started riffling through his drawers for some spare clothes.  The strange man shuffled along behind him, watching curiously from the doorway but not going any closer.

Byungjoo had started to follow Jiho and hopefully talk some sense into him—because how in the world could he think that this strange man was his cat?—but got distracted as he heard distraught wailing from outside the apartment.

“Maaaaasterrrrr…” a voice called pitifully, “Master, where did you gooooo?”

Oh, right, that weirdo claiming to be Byungjoo’s cat was still in his apartment.  Leaving Jiho to fend for himself, Byungjoo jogged back to his apartment, only to see the door open and the stranger standing just inside the apartment, still very much , with the door wide open for anyone to see.  Letting out a garbled curse, Byungjoo quickly pushed the man further into the apartment so that he could shut the door.

“What the heck are you doing?!” he shouted, slamming the door behind him.  The stranger flinched, seemingly startled by Byungjoo’s outburst.

“You left,” the white haired boy mumbled, pouting again, “You just got back from wherever you go during the day—you can’t leave again yet… We haven’t even gotten to cuddle on the couch!”  As he pouted, the boy kept clenching and unclenching his hands, making little grasping motions at Byungjoo as if he wanted to grab his shirt again.  The boy certainly was clingy, almost like… No, Byungjoo wasn’t even going to think about that as a possibility.  He wasn’t crazy like Jiho.

Byungjoo definitely had a headache now.  Grumbling incoherently to himself, he made his way past the clingy stranger and slumped down on the couch.  The weirdo followed, of course, which Byungjoo was expecting.  What he wasn’t expecting, though, was for the stranger to clamber right into his lap and immediately snuggle into his shoulder.  Byungjoo reacted in the only way he could—by trying to shove the crazy stranger off.  This action failed almost instantly, thanks to the weird stranger clinging to him.  When Byungjoo tried to shove the stranger off his lap, the stranger flailed and grasped onto Byungjoo’s shoulders and brought him down too.  They ended up in a pile on the floor, with Byungjoo on top of the groaning stranger.

“Owwwww, Master, why did you do that?” the boy groaned, reaching up to rub the back of his head where it had bumped the floor.  He blinked wounded blue eyes up at Byungjoo, that pouty lip sticking out again.  Byungjoo felt his face heat up again, so he quickly scrambled off the other.

“Nope!” he said loudly, his hands in his hair before turning and walking quickly towards his room, “Nope, nope, nope!  You’re gonna wear clothes!”

Behind him, Byungjoo heard the boy clamber to his feet and follow after, “Do I get to wear Master’s clothes?” he asked curiously, latching onto the back of Byungjoo’s shirt.

“Would you please stop calling me that?” Byungjoo groaned, before rubbing at his temples again.  He decided it would probably be best to pick his battles, “Yes, you can wear some of my clothes till I figure out what to do with you.”

The other boy perked up at first, excited about wearing Byungjoo’s clothes for some reason that Byungjoo didn’t even want to think about at the moment, but then he seemed to deflate.  Byungjoo squinted at the boy in confusion as he released Byungjoo’s shirt and shuffled away, towards the bed.  Byungjoo watched as the boy sat on the bed and pulled his knees up to his chest, looking at Byungjoo with incredibly sad eyes.  Byungjoo felt his heart clench just seeing that look, it was so pitiful.

“…What’s wrong?” Byungjoo asked, confused.  Deciding that he really didn’t want to keep looking at the boy on his bed, he turned and started shuffling through his clothes, trying to find something for the other to wear.  Since it was a little cool in the apartment, he pulled out a long sleeved shirt and some sweat pants.  Should he let the other boy wear some of his boxers?  He dragged a clean pair of those out as well before turning back to the boy sitting forlornly on his bed.

“Here,” he said, trying to sound calmer than he was feeling, “Wear these.”

Before reaching out to take the clothes, the boy stared up at Byungjoo, searching for something in his face, “Do you not want Hansolie anymore?” he asked sadly, but the expression on his face was almost resigned, “Is Master going to take Hansolie back to the shelter?”

Byungjoo blinked, shocked.  How did this stranger know that he’d gotten his cat at the animal shelter?  Byungjoo felt like he might be loosing his mind, because he was starting to believe that this boy might actually be his cat.  It was crazy, but the way the boy was acting around him reminded Byungjoo way too much of how Hansol clung to him.  And how often did you see someone with white hair and blue eyes?  It was incredibly disconcerting for Byungjoo to look at, namely because it reminded him of his cuddly little kitty, who may or may not have turned into a human somehow.  

He swallowed heavily and bit his lip, trying hard not to lose it, “I… I would never take Hansol back to the shelter,” he said after a while, watching hope spark in those pretty blue eyes that looked so much like Hansol’s.  He looked away, shoving the clothes into the boy’s arms, “Put these on, okay?  Then we’ll figure something out… I hope.”

He didn’t see the boy's face light up with a smile, but he did feel the arms that wrapped around his neck.  Byungjoo yelped as the other boy clung to him like… well, Hansol, and rubbed their faces together.  He tried to ignore the purring noise the boy was making as he forcibly held the boy at arm’s length.

“Thank you so much, Master!” the boy chirped, finally taking the clothes and attempting to pull them over his head.  He somehow managed to get his head stuck in one leg of the sweatpants and started panicking.

“Master!  I’m stuck!” he yelped, clawing at the stretchy fabric.  Byungjoo sighed and pulled the pants off his head, but he couldn’t help but crack a small smile when Hansol—uh, the boy—sent a narrow-eyed glare at the pile of clothes.

He pouted at Byungjoo before holding the clothes out to him, “Clothes are hard.  Will Master help Hansolie?”

Byungjoo sighed again and rubbed at his face for what felt like the millionth time that evening.  This was gonna be a long night.



A/N:  Happy Valentine's Day!  Have a chapter (finally)! Shhhh it's still Valentine's Day somewhere okay just roll with it!  First off, I am so so so sorry for the chapter being so late! ;A; I struggled very hard with this chapter for some reason? I'm sorry it sounds like crap, but I wanted to go ahead and get it done so you guys didn't have to wait any longer!  Hopefully the next update won't take as long OTL  Also, this chapter is unbeta'd because my beta reader went to bed while I was working on it and I wanted to go ahead and get it uploaded! 8'D (beta'd as of 2/23/15! thank u bb <3)  Enjoy Hansol and Jenissi?  ;D

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5/6/15 Computer's fixed! Gonna write tonight :D


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Otaku4lyfe #1
PLEASE please update this fic!!!!!!! This is one of the only good Hanjoo/Xenissi fics on AFF, and I've been WAITING for 40 YEARS
Kaelynnmiller223 #2
Chapter 6: Please finish I really want to see Yano turn into a human
Omg!! I seriously like this fic!! Author nim?? Are you still going to finish it??TT.TT
This is so cute!!!
I. CAN'T. Even. LIFE.
Chapter 6: just why do all hanjoo/xenissi story that have the best plot always have cliffhanger
ex-vodka #6
Chapter 6: gahhhhHhh this is so cutee! i need more >.< so sorry youve been sick. i hope you do get better x.x <3
SeventeenCarrot #8
Chapter 6: It'd be cool if the other cats turned into humans too because I absolutely love Yano ouo I love your writing style a lot and thanks for writing such a good story so far
sakuwifey #9
Chapter 1: Waa I love this pls updateee ♡