Crystal Clear [ drabble ]

2Jae Shrine

"distance is

merely a


Sometimes, Jaebum would be happy. Happy to come home to the majestic orchestra that was Youngjae's voice. He'd eagerly open his laptop and Skype, immediately calling the only contact registered, Choi Youngjae. He'd be beaming brightly--blinding, something that couldn't be beat by thousands of Suns--at the younger one, who'd be sporting flushed cheeks that made Jaebum's heart skip beats.

Sometimes, he'd be content. Content with what they have; a long-distance relationship, boundaries and oceans separating the two of them. He'd be content with the up all nights, either it be with video calls or his overheating cellphone. He'd be content with Youngjae's voice tickling his earlobes, working magic and magnificence to Jaebum's body.

Sometimes, he'd be proud. Proud to prove the majority's opinion about their type of relationship. He'd feel proud for what the two of them have, even with all the countries between their hometowns. 

Although he was happy, content and proud with what they have, sometimes, he couldn't help but feel as if it's incomplete. He couldn't help but feel incomplete at nights where Youngjae wasn't able to answer his calls. He couldn't help but feel void, null at nights when he would long for the warmth that would radiate from the other's body.

Sometimes, he'd feel mad. Mad at the digits for being so large, so insignificant yet significant at the same time. Mad at the blank space beside him in his queen-sized bed. Mad at the empty feeling amidst the veins and muscles in his pumping heart. Mad at himself, mad at everyone and mad at everything for cursing him with a misfortune called distance that took Youngjae away from him.

Despite the mixed emotions and unclear thoughts that make his nights sleepless and days unprotective, one thing would stand out and be crystal clear;

He loves Youngjae, sosososo much that he's willing to wait for that time, that moment in the future wherein they'd meet in the airport, wherein Jaebum would swing Youngjae up in the air, wherein they would kiss, with b passion and love and longing, and it'll be so cliché, and at the same time, it'll be so perfect.

longdistanceAUs are the best istg sobs. shout out to all the authors out there, please write more ldr AUs. thank you in advance.

anyways, as i'm so shameless, i'd like to plug the new story i'm writing. it's called GUILTY PLEASURE and it's a jackbam fic. i'm not quite sure yet on how long it'll be, but one thing's for sure; it's chaptered. also, i'm going to struggle. chaptered fics aren't my forte, but let's see.

OKAY so me being the stupid that i am, i forgot the email to my main tumblr EPIKEN so i created a new one cries. it's called YEONGJAIL. follow me, let's be friends, fanboy and fangirl together, send prompts and just be weird in general. 

enjoy life, people.

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Chapter 7: I SHIP 2Jae so bad but it pains me a lot to see my beloved sunshine hurt. No matter who it is I would hate them. NO matter haha thumbs up u mad me hate JB on some chapters which means that the story is effective.... I love them still on real life though.
Chapter 6: This one (chapter 6) breaks my ing heart :(
CalamitousKing #3
Chapter 2: Youngjae making a move
Chapter 7: That's so damn fluffy I'm ;o;
Chapter 7: It was so jaebumishie cheesy and so so cute sjsjjssnnsjsjdjs ah thank you <3
Chapter 7: Beautiful poem for Choi Youngjae! ♡
Chapter 6: Please make a sequel to this storyyy ---> referring to Fate Is Cruel
Katey90 #8
Chapter 6: Whaaaaa i really liked it <33333 It would be awesome if u made a squeal to it with a happy ending xD
Chapter 6: This is so heartbroken </3
Poor Youngjae T_T
But as usual, it's beautifully written and how should I complain with that? It hurts you know! :'D
I know it's impossible, but can you make the sequel with the fluffy and happy ending, please? ;_;
Chapter 6: Oww poor YJ but... JB fall in llove to Jaemi no YJ ._.

I like you one-shots they're so intense !!!