Snowy Stroll

Snowed In

"Where are you taking me?" JinAe said as she attempted to break free of the hold that Zico had on her arm?

"We are going to go play in the need to get out of here and have a little fun." Zico smiled as they stopped near the front and he let go of her wrist. JinAe looked concerned.

"But, I didn't bring my coat with me." JinAe wasn't sure whether she wanted to do this or not. 

"No excuse." Zico smiled as he pulled JinAe's coat from a chair near the front door and smiled an evilish grin. "You don't think I'd let you just freeze out there, now do you." Zico smiled as he helped JinAe get her coat on. "Oh ye of little faith. You should trust me, for I am the great Woo JiHo and I would never lead you astray." This statement got JinAe to finally lighten up and bust out in a roarous laugh.

"Oh Mr. Great and Mighty Woo JiHo I am in your hands." JinAe smiled as she held out her hand, waiting for his. "But just know if you don't take care of me, I make no promises for how ticked off EunMi will be and what revenge she make strike in my name." Zico laughed and took JinAe's hand and lead her out of the hotel and into the snowy cold air. 

"Which way?" He asked, looking at JinAe with a sparkle in his eyes. 

"Left." She smiled pulling him with her. Zico and JinAe walked for a block and talked about anything and everything. Neither one of them were aware of how cold it actually was, because both were lost in each other. Their love was unfolding like a romantic movie and both were deliriously happy. As they strolled hand and hand, snow lightly fell and it was perfect. "So when do you go back to Korea?" JinAe suddenly asked, reality hitting her in the face. Zico stopped and turned towards JinAe, not wanting to talk of leaving.

"We shouldn't talk about this here. Let's just enjoy our night together? Huh?" He took his free hand and light touched her cheek. 

"But, I mean, it's the reality of our situation." 

"Maybe so, but I am choosing to for now, forget that and enjoy every moment with you. So please, dearest beautiful fan of mine, can we just enjoy our time?" Zico smiled as he let go of her hand and grabbed her face, kissing her lightly on the forehead. "Right now, all I can think of is being here in New York with you enjoying our time, I want only sweet memories to take home with me. Can you give me that?" 

JinAe smiled at Zico and placed her hands around him, hugging him tightly. "Yes, I can give you that." They stood for a moment in that embrace and then Zico noticed an open convience store.

"Want some coffee to warm up?" He asked JinAe, who had been shivering.

"Mmm, yes, please." They walked into the store together and Zico went about the business of getting coffee as JinAe ran to the restroom to look in the mirror. She smiled at herself as she thought of how lucky she was to be with Zico tonight. Like a romantic movie, they were on cloud 9 together and while there was the reality of them parting, tonight was about them being together and that was what was most important in the here and now. JinAe washed her hands and then headed out to find Zico. He was paying so she waited outside the front door and looked up at the night sky filled with snow. As she did this her favorite song popped in her head and she began to quietly sing it to herself. "On my own, pretending he's beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. Without him I feel his arms around me and when I lose me way I close my eyes and he has found me." Zico walked out and stood behind her, listening as she sang. 

"JinAe." Zico said startling JinAe from her song trance. "I didn't know you could sing." He smiled as he handed JinAe her coffee. "And sing Le Miserables at that." 

"You know it?" JinAe asked shocked.

"Who doesn't? It's a classic! And wow, your voice, it's perfect for that song." Zico grabbed JinAe's free hand and they began to walk again. "You like to sing?" 

"Yah, I do. Especially Broadway and musicals. Les Miserables is my favorite and On My Own, classic unrequited love song." JinAe smiled, as she realized that thing song could easily describe the relationship she was to have with Zico. "I've always wished I could be on Broadway and sing, but I know that's not the case. Though sometimes I wish I wasn't so afraid and could just sing, at the drop of a hat, for someone who'd listen." 

"Then sing it all for me, please?" Zico said, stopping by a park bench. He grabbed her coffee and sat down after clearing snow off the seat. "Let me see you preform On My Own, right now. I'm someone who will listen."

"You've got to be kidding me." JinAe protested with her hands on her hips.

"I'm not. I know it's not Broadway, but hey, baby, you're in New York, you should sing it for all the world to hear." ZIco smiled as he motioned for JinAe to sing. JinAe gave him an evil eye, but decided to do it for him. After all, tonight was about capturing the moment. JinAe stepped back a bit and positioned herself to sing, closing her eyes she took a deep breath and began. 

"On my own, pretending he's beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. Without him, I feel his arms around me. And when I lose my way I close my eyes and he has found me." JinAe opened her eyes to see Zico sitting with his closed, taking in the words. She continued, "In the rain the pavement shines like silver, all the lights are misty in the river. In the darkness the trees are full of starlight and all I see is him and me forever and forever." As this point Zico was lost in the song and JinAe found herself singing to Zico and about him. "And I know its only in my mind, that I am talking to myself and not him. And although I know that he is bling, still I say there's a way for us." JinAe took a deep breath in and sang as loudly and strong as she could. "I love him but when the night is over, he is gone the river's just a river, without him the world around me changes the tree are bare and everywhere the streets are full fo strangers." Zico opened his eyes as JinAe say beside him, grabbing his hand and looking in his eyes. "I love him but every day I'm learning, all my life, I've only been pretending, without me his world will go on turning a world that's full of happiness that I have never known. I love him, I love him. I love him, but only on my own." Zico smiled a warm smile looking JinAe in the eyes. 

"He loves you too." He said wrapping JinAe in his arms.

"What?" JinAe sheepishly said, pulling away. 

"You were singing that too me, right?" Zico asked JinAe as she attempted to play dumb. "I'm a musician, I can see the truth behind your eyes and I am telling you, you don't have to love me on your own." Zico smiled at JinAe and she smiled back, grabbing a pile of snow from the top of the back of the bench and smashing it over Zico's head. 

"Enough seriousness." JinAe stood up and stuck her tongue out at Zico, running away towards the snowy hill behind him. "Can't catch me JiHo!" She said loudly. Zico smiled and ran after JinAe, grabbing some snow and forming it into a snowball, hurling it at her. And thus began a huge snow ball fight between the two, who chased and played like children in the snow. There were times that Zico would catch JinAe and wrap his arms around her, picking her up from behind and swinging her around. After some time throwing snow, catching each other and playing like children JinAe collapsed made a snow angel, Zico doing the same beside her. They laid there laughing and breathing heavy trying to catch their breath, as the did suddenly Zico rolled on to his side and up beside JinAe. 

"You look so cold." He smiled as he grabbed her hand and blew on it with his warm breath.

"A bit, but I'll be ok." She lied. Zico helped her up to sitting and sat beside her, embracing her. He didn't say anything as he sat there holding her tightly, the two keeping each other warm. 

"I meant it earlier JinAe, you aren't on your own." Zico said pulling back from JinAe to look her warmly in her eyes. "You don't have to pretend or feel unrequited love for me, because as crazy as it sounds and even though it's been a short amount of time, I love you." Zico grabbed JinAe's face in his hands and pulled it towards his, lightly kissing her lips. JinAe melted into the kiss and slowly the kiss became a more intense. Zico and JinAe kissed and held each other until suddenly the cold sent a shiver up JinAe's spine, she pulled back and smiled. 

"Can we head back, I am freezing." JinAe stood up and brushed the snow off of herself, Zico stood and did the same and then helped brush the snow out of JinAe's hair. Stopping at one point to simply take her in and smile.

"Come on." Zico held out his hand and JinAe grabbed it, interlocking her fingers with his. Zico and JinAe didn't speak much to each other as the walked back to the hotel. Zico just wanted to enjoy the walk and the moments with JinAe and she, she wanted to work through all the emotions welling up in her heart. She was torn and happy and confused and wished things were easier. Zico, sensed her mood and spoke first, "Let me guess, all your emotions are all over the place?" He smiled down at JinAe who looked up at him and half smiled.

"Sorta, yah. I sort of feel like I am living out this grand fantasy and suddenly reality hits and I realize, The guy I am falling for lives in Korea, how does that work with my life."

"I don't know, but..." Zico stopped and walked in front of JinAe and looked her in the eyes, "I believe we can make this work, I know we can, because we're destined to be together." JinAe smiled and then looked at Zico and did a half laugh.

"You're being a bit Kdrama-y there JiHo." She continued to laugh.

"You want Kdrama? You got kdrama..." and that's when Zico gave JinAe a mischievious look, took his hands and grabbed her face and kissed her intently on the lips. 

And as he did, like a drama, the snow fell around the in love couple. 


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luvvli #1
Chapter 6: Wow. Just.. Wow
Chapter 6: woaah~ I cried! It's a beautiful story. you must continue it :(