
Daes with Yoo

I have to kill you. I have to kill everything that reminds me of you. I have to kill us. No evidence of us being together can ever be found. I’m sorry, but it’s for the best.






I held the first photograph of us in my hands. We were twelve when this photograph was taken at the beach. I remember us meeting for the first time that day in Busan and instantly becoming best friends. Do you still remember that day?


The waves crashed along the sandy shore as my feet were planted at the edge of the water. A loud laugh broke through the silence and I turned around to see a darker skinned boy running towards me laughing.

I held my hands up in defense before the boy plowed right into me and sent us both tumbling down onto the ground. A groan escaped my lips as I tried to roll away from this creepy boy.

“Get off of me. You’re crushing my ribs.” I wheezed out as the boy above me chuckled and quickly got off of me before extending his hand towards me.

I grabbed the boy’s hand as he helped me up and glared at him in disbelief.

“What?” The boy asked with a shrug in his thick Busan accent.

“Do you always go around knocking strangers over?” I grumbled as I brushed the sand off of me.

“No. I thought you wanted to have some fun. You looked pretty lonely over here just standing in the water.” The Busan boy replied with a slight smile.

“I think there’s something wrong with you.” I mumbled.

“Nope. I just know how to have fun.”

“By knocking people to the ground? That’s your idea of fun?” I questioned as my mouth hung open.

“Yeah. Sometimes. My name’s Jung Daehyun by the way.” The Busan boy stated as he smiled brightly at me.

“I’m Yoo Youngjae.” I replied as I extended my hand.

Daehyun grabbed my hand and starting dragging me off towards where it looked like his family was. I bit my lip in nervousness as I stood in front of his family.

“These are my parents and my older brother.” Daehyun explained to me as he pointed them out.

His parents just smiled at me while his brother just shook his head. I looked around to find my parents walking over towards all of us and a small groan escaped my lips.

“These are my parents and my brother is around here somewhere.” I said shyly as our parents made proper introductions.

“Oh I’m so glad our son made a new friend. It’s a shame we’ll be going back to Seoul in two days though. We should take a picture of you two together.” My mother stated as she pulled out her camera from her large bag.

It felt awkward standing next to someone I barely knew. I didn’t know it at the time but Daehyun would eventually become the most important person in my life.


I continued to stare at this photograph for a few moments more before I tossed it into the blazing fire in front of me. The flames swallowed up the photo in mere seconds as if it were waiting for it.

My hand reached into my pocket and pulled out the second photograph of us together. In this photograph we were both fifteen and had attended a senior party that you had been invited to. By this point in time we were inseparable best friends and where one of us went, we both went.


“Are you coming, Youngjae?” Daehyun asked me as he flashed his signature smile that was full of metal.

“Yeah. Are you sure about this? What if she isn’t here though?” I wondered out loud as I played with the hem of my shirt.

“Then we can leave if I don’t see her. Come on Youngjae. It’s a senior party. You’re only here for a few days and you should experience all that Busan has to offer.” Daehyun stated as he grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd of people.

I didn’t want to say it but holding his hand for that brief moment felt right. Holding Daehyun’s hand just felt right.

We continued walking through the crowd of people until Daehyun stopped us just at the bottom of the staircase. I looked at the top of the stairs to see what had caught his attention before I recognized her standing there looking beautiful.

This girl had managed to capture Daehyun’s attention since the first day of school and he was trying everything he could think of to woo her. Yang Jiwon descended the staircase in her long-sleeved black dress with black pumps as her hand glided gracefully along the railing.

Daehyun and Jiwon’s interaction played out like a scene from a teen movie. The pair smiled at each other and he took her hand and led her to somewhere more private.

The flash of a camera going off caught our attention as one of Daehyun’s friends took a photo of us before giving him a high five. Daehyun looked back at me, and I just shrugged and nodded my head.

I didn’t see Daehyun again for the rest of the night. That was the first of many times that Daehyun would leave my side to go be with Jiwon.


I frowned at this photograph before I carelessly tossed it into the fire like the first one.

The next photograph in my hands was taken when we were both just nineteen years old and I told you some news that would change our lives forever. I still remember the look on your face that day when I told you.


I stood in front of Daehyun biting my lip in nervousness as I avoided making eye contact with him.

“Well aren’t you going to tell me? You called me over here for something, right? Jiwon would have come with me but she’s busy making dinner. So what is it, Jae?” Daehyun questioned as he stared at me with curious eyes.

“I’ve decided to join the C.I.A. because this is something that would be good for me. I’ve been thinking about joining for quite some time now.” I replied as I glanced down at the ground.

“So what does this mean exactly? What’s going to happen to you, to us? What about your family?” Daehyun questioned as he rubbed his temples in mild frustration.

“Well if I do join it will be very hard to keep in contact with any of you, and I won’t be able to give you much information for safety and security reasons.” I sighed as I bit my lip again.

“So basically what you’re saying is that we’ll never hear from you or see you ever again? You’re going to leave all of us behind just like that?” Daehyun hissed as he balled up his fists in anger.

“It’s not like that Daehyun. You think this is easy for me? You have someone to call your own and I have nobody. I’m alone Daehyun. I have nobody.” I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek.

“That’s not true. You have me. I’m your best friend, and I’ll never leave you.” Daehyun whispered back as he pulled me into a tight hug.

A camera flashed behind us but we continued to remain where we were standing as my mom mumbled something before walking away.

I pulled away first as I looked at Daehyun. I knew the risks and what might happen but I still wanted to be selfish just this once before I left.

“Can I ask you for something before I leave?” I whispered as I looked straight into Daehyun’s eyes.

“Sure. You can ask me for anything.” Daehyun chuckled.

“Can you close your eyes for me and not open them until I say so?” I asked.

Daehyun gave me a strange look before he slowly closed his eyes. I bit my lip in nervousness as I looked at Daehyun’s calm face before I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to his.

I was scared because I thought Daehyun would instantly pull away but he didn’t. Instead, Daehyun pulled me even closer to him and took the lead as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I loosely wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips continued to move in sync. This was my first kiss and I never wanted it to end.

Daehyun was the first one to pull away as we both stayed wrapped up in each other’s arms staring into each other’s eyes.

“Why didn’t you ever say anything to me? Why didn’t you tell me how you felt?” Daehyun whispered to me.

“Because I was scared it would affect our friendship. Plus, you’re with Jiwon and I don’t want to ruin that.” I mumbled.

“I should probably go now. There are some things I need to think about now. I’ll call you tonight or something. Be safe, Youngjae.” Daehyun whispered to me as his thumb brushed across my cheek gently.

Daehyun backed away from me slowly with a shy smile on his face before he turned around and walked out of the door.

That was the last time I would see or hear from Daehyun for two years. Time can be very cruel.


My thumb brushed along our bodies in the photograph as I tossed it into the fiery inferno. This was the last photograph that had been taken of us together.

I glanced around this bare white room with a heavy heart. I knew this was for the best but why did I feel so guilty?

“Agent Yoo, are you ready to begin the procedure?” A female voice asked me over the intercom.

No. I wasn’t ready. I would never be ready. Giving up all the memories of the one I had loved through the years wasn’t worth it. It would never be worth it.

Save me Daehyun because I’m not ready to give you up just yet.

“Yes. I’m ready.” I replied numbly.

I felt light-headed as I lay down on the operating table. My nerves were shot as I watched a long needle insert itself directly into my arm causing me to yell out.

This was it. This is the moment where all of my memories of Daehyun would be erased forever from my memory.

I closed my eyes and let out a long breath I had been holding.

Goodbye Daehyun, I’ll always love you.






My eyes slowly opened to reveal a tall slightly dark skinned male with jet black hair dressed in a tuxedo with a smile on his face staring down at me.

“Youngjae.” The man spoke in a voice that sounded so familiar.

“Daehyun.” I whispered as I smiled up at him.

Daehyun just chuckled at me as he extended his hand and helped me off of the table.

“What took you so long?” I questioned as I fought back a yawn.

“Traffic was terrible. Plus I had a hard time picking out my attire. Can’t stage a rescue mission in sweatpants.” Daehyun teased as he wrapped his arm around my torso.

“So we’re both fugitives now from the C.I.A?” I asked him curiously.

“Looks that way. You ready to be constantly on the move with me, Jae?”

“Always. Where you go, I go.”

Daehyun didn’t say another word as he pulled me closer towards him and let our lips brush against each other.

I don’t mind being on the run as long as Daehyun is always there beside me.


A/N: My apologies for being away for far too long. Life keeps getting in the way, but in a good way. I'm still taking requests either in the comments below, my messages, or on my tumblr page. Thanks for reading and for sticking around while I've been MIA. I appreciate it. Thank you all. ^_^

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Another scenario is coming up very soon. I hope everyone is ready!!


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Chapter 4: hey I thought this is an angst one!! you make me nearly cried!! of course my tears are priceless but nice drabbles!! keep on updating!!!!
Chapter 4: I don't know what happen in the last, why Daehyun is there, and how could Youngjae with him in that place.. but i like the words... i love this fic..
Thank you for write this here..
And i always love to read more..
Chapter 4: Oh gawd I've been waiting for these drabble sets to return and now it's here!!!! Thank you so much for this!! Really makes my day
Chapter 4: My heart broke when i read the second to the last paragraph but then baaaaaam they still end up happy together ٩(●˙▿˙●)۶
Rachmi94 #5
Chapter 3: Kekekkekeke XD your author's note sounds like you want to end this fic (please don't end it now TT)
Btw, that's a great idea, new addiction is in the form yoo youngjae, yoo youngjae can doing anything right??^^
Chapter 3: I'm totally loving these!!!! Keep 'em comin'!!! XD <3
Black_x_Rabbit #7
Chapter 2: omg the last line...pure gold!!!
Rachmi94 #8
Chapter 2: Ahahahaha XD I just can't!!
Dae always love foods but jae is number one for dae XD
Chapter 2: XDDDD Daehyun u troll ~~~~
Thanks for writing this story!!!
Chapter 2: Omg! I laughed so hard xD I loved this so much, I definitely needed this pick me up~